Drinking soda to Help diet!



  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Personally, I am not of a fan of diet soda. Aside from the awful aftertaste, I'm not a fan of ingesting artificial sweeteners. I gave sodas years ago.

    That being said, I recently stumbled upon LeCroix. It's carbonated like soda, but has no sweeteners AT ALL and come in various fruit flavors. 0 calories. My favorites are grapefruit and lime. Other than that, I drink water with lemon. Sometimes I use sparkling water.
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    Why would you want to put those chemicals into your body? Why not drink water or even club soda with a little bit of juice in it?
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    I don't think you're going to get the benefits you're looking for by adding diet soda. I'm certianly not against diet soda, but if you don't currently drink it, why add it? Sometimes I'll have a cup of tea at night (I add sugar substitue because I like it on the sweeter side). The tea helps me kill sugar cravings and keeps my mouth and tummy busy for a while.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I budget my calories so I have about 150 left at the end of the day for a glass of lowfat chocolate milk. Filling, tasty and it has some nutritional benefits.

    I'm not opposed to diet soda in the least, even though I drink mostly water, but soda in the evening doesn't sound so great. It makes you burpy and gassy, and if it's caffeinated, it could disrupt your sleep.
  • shining_light
    shining_light Posts: 384 Member
    Pertaining to sweeteners, apparently Stevia has lowered blood sugar levels in diabetics in studies thus far. I don't like jumping on the bandwagon for things like that, however, because I always feel like in a few months these new miracle discoveries are always found to have some effect on my body that could be potentially dangerous. Lol. I'm a bit paranoid, I suppose.

    I love tea. Peppermint has been known for a very long time to curb appetite(and all hot liquids seem to have this effect on me somewhat). I do drink diet pop, but as a rule I'm usually drinking it with vodka. I stuff my face when I'm drinking, though, because my body doesn't handle the sugar spike from the alcohol well. :\

    Anyway, I think I should try seltzer water too. Sounds like a great idea to me.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I have cut back on soda but I do however tend to drink more of them on the weekends and yes because they are 0 calories. I don't see any harm in doing that if it helps you get through the snack hurdle. I however eat my main meal at noon and the rest of my calories are for snacking in the evening, maybe you could do that instead but if not I see no harm in it.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    have you tried warm herbal tea? Something warm , anything warm, typically fills you up faster. Also, if you allow for some calories later at that time of the day, there are several low fat snack you can do. I suggest hot, high protein with a bit of carbs.
    think 2 scrambled eggs with cheese, and a slice of toast.
    **approx 300 cals
  • For me its water all the way. But if you want to have Diet soda before bed I would have Caffeine free. So I could get to sleep.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Drinking something super sweet w/ zero calories (i.e. diet soda) might seem to help initially, but in the long run it will probably make your cravings for snacking worse. Epidemiology links diet soda very strongly to obesity. That doesn't prove causation of course, but it certainly makes diet soda a strange choice if your goal is to lose weight.

    Instead of drinking something that is probably bad for you (and at the very best is just neutral), why not drink something that we know is good for you? There are tons of caffeine free types of tea available! Drink that instead to get all the health benefits and curb your cravings. Also, going to bed hungry is a great way to lose weight! If you're hungry when you go to bed, that means you probably succeeded on your diet that day, congrats!
  • I do drink diet soda sometimes to keep me full and it must work becasue i'm almost to weight goal.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    Don't do it. The artificial sugars are bad for you and diet is loaded with it.
  • wildcelticrose
    wildcelticrose Posts: 40 Member
    I don't touch the stuff, especially that chemical laden diet crap.

    What I DO use for hydration/to fill me up/for a treat is plain sparkling water (not club soda which has sodium)

    I enjoy the bubbles.

    When I want a treat, I put a about two ounces of pomegranate juice in with it.
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Why not try something that might actually have some kind of helath benefit, like a protein shake? Also, there's nothing wrong with an evening snack like almonds or craisns or just a piece of fruit.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    You can always try healthy homemade shakes with protein or whey powder. I'm currently drinking shakeology and man I'm definitely not hungry after drinking one of those.
  • obeserat
    obeserat Posts: 218 Member
    The only thing I would caution you about with that is that soda has a lot of sodium in it and might make you retain water weight.

    Can you reserve some calories from your day for a late-night smoothie? I use almond milk and some frozen fruit (Jamba brand smoothie mixes are nice, too...they're really just frozen fruit, but the strawberry-peach-mango is SO GOOD).

    You could also try 100-calorie popcorn bags or veggies such as carrot sticks, celery, etc.

    Whatever you decide...good luck! :)

    My diet soda has trace amounts of sodium ie too small to measure. I drink soda when I'm hungry but don't want extra calories , I have lost 40lb since April, I find I go over my calories if I don't drink diet drinks or sparkling spring water
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    Also, going to bed hungry is a great way to lose weight! If you're hungry when you go to bed, that means you probably succeeded on your diet that day, congrats!
    THAT is definitely the dumbest thing I've heard all day!
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    i drink it sometimes to curb cravings, but 5 cal jello does the job as well
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    No. I cut out soda, diet or otherwise a long time ago. I know people that cut all soda out, diet included, and lost weight.

    I'd try tea, not a diet soda. It's full of crap. There are quite a lot of tea options that could help curb your sweet tooth & you'd be getting some water in too.

    This, too...there are some really delicious tea flavors out there. One of my favorites is vanilla caramel...yummy! In the winter I love Celestial Seasonings' Candy Cane Lane. Just find a decaf version and use a tiny amount of sugar, honey, or Splenda. You can drink it hot or cold, too, so you can change it up depending on the weather or your mood. Certain types of tea have health benefits, too, which soda definitely doesn't have.
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    Id go for fizzy water instead. Diet sodas have a lot of sweeteners/caffeine/colours in them which while not deadly might disrupt your digestion. I find they make a sweet tooth REALLY bad as well.

    Edited to agree with tea! Indian Chai is my absolute favourite, full of flavour :smile:
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    I very rarely drink regular soda. I've had the same 12-pack case in my house for 3 months.

    Get a SodaStream or an iSi system if you need fizzy water -- I do. You don't need to put in any of the artificial or sugary flavorings and just enjoy the fizzy essence or use their natural flavorings. I need and want to drink more water and drinking carbonated water helps me.