What's the most polite insult you've recieved?



  • silentnemesis
    silentnemesis Posts: 45 Member
    "you're too skinny, you can see your ribs."

    except for me, it wasn't a compliment at all ~_~
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    other than my one rude grandmom, she compli-insults me all the time.

    Exactly how my mean old hagg is! LMAO I call my gma the old meany because unless she knows I'm working out she always says bad stuff about me. The most polite insult has to be "to be a girl of your size your cute" o.o -.- gee thanks.... Then when they give you nicknames... Gah my aunty calls me "Chunky" my chunky... Or when your mom tells you your just a built person that's not fat thats muscle or your just very "hippy"
  • bethygirlie
    bethygirlie Posts: 311 Member
    "Wow, you look good....maybe now you'll be able to get a man."

    Said to me by an aunt, I hadn't seen her in a long time and she didn't know I had a boyfriend. She has never been married and is pretty thin, so I held it in but wanted to say "What's your excuse then?"
  • AliDarling
    other than my one rude grandmom, she compli-insults me all the time.

    Exactly how my mean old hagg is! LMAO I call my gma the old meany because unless she knows I'm working out she always says bad stuff about me. The most polite insult has to be "to be a girl of your size your cute" o.o -.- gee thanks.... Then when they give you nicknames... Gah my aunty calls me "Chunky" my chunky... Or when your mom tells you your just a built person that's not fat thats muscle or your just very "hippy"

    I've gotten the "hippy" bit before. "Don't worry, a lot of guys like girls with hips."

    ummm okay....
  • rmf626
    My dad had Alzheimer's. For some reason, he had an obsession with noticing people who were not at their goal weight. One day we were out at a crowded restaurant...me, dad, my husband, mother-in-law and my 2 kids. In the middle of dinner dad looked over at the table right next to us and said, "Wow, look at her, she's FAT!" in this really loud voice and then went back to his dinner. OMG, we were so mortified. He would never, ever have said anything like that before his decline. I had no idea what to do. I may have made it worse, but before we left I stopped over and apologized and told the woman that my father had Alzheimer's. She nodded and looked away. I STILL feel bad about this and think about her sometimes...I send apologies to her wherever she is.


    Different story. My son had a MRI when he was 8 yrs old and he was given a mile tranquilizer to help him relax so he'd be still during the procedure. As he was coming around afterward, my mother-in-law was holding him on her lap. He pushed her away and reached for me saying, "Mommy hold me you're softer." I melted and didn't mind a bit.
  • amp187
    amp187 Posts: 374
    That **** was pretty dark
  • jesekelynne
    I have a couple of beauties from my MIL..."I don't know why you are so fat you barely eat." and my favorite "You shouldn't get pregnant until you lose weight, your too fat to get pregnant" I was pregnant with twins!
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    After our oldest daughter was born my husband and I both lost about 20 lbs. (We are both pretty short so thats a lot for us) Everywhere we went people would say "Phil! You look so great! Have you lost weight? Oh hi Joy" Grrrrr.....drove me insane.
  • marstanley
    marstanley Posts: 9 Member
    I was pregrant and some gal I barely knew wanted to know what was wrong that I was gaining weight.
  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    I play with a dog downtown quite a bit and have chatted with the owner a lot of times. He recently introduced me to his two kids as they waited in a car, as 'his friend who is a man'. I am in my profile photo, wearing the pink tights, and I am not transgendered, have an average female-sounding voice, wear long skirts every day, so I have no idea what he meant or why they believed it. *shrug* I don't even know if it's an insult or just odd--
  • juliezum
    juliezum Posts: 92 Member
    This actually is one of my fondest memories. My son, who's now 16, was about 6 at the time, and we were lying on my bed chit chatting. He said, "Lacey is skinny." (Lacey is his cousin, around the same age, and very tiny) To which I replied, "yes she is." He continued..."you're not skinny." I responded, "no, mommy's not skinny." He added, "But I won't say you are fat, because that wouldn't be nice." I thanked him and agreed that that wouldn't be nice. So innocent and sweet. This is the one and only polite insult that I will forgive and well, cherish!
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    You look really skinny/pretty in your pictures, you're so photogenic!

    Uh... Thanks?

    If you lost weight you'd totally be 10.
    You're the prettiest big girl I have ever seen.
    You're big but you hold a lot in your boobs so it's okay.

    and of course the...
    You hold your weight really well...
    I'm not usually too offended by that one though.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I was thinking about this thread this morning and came up with a dozy.

    My maternal grandmother always called me Peggy (one of my cousins and her favorite grandchild). It's not like she didn't see me often enough to not remember my name, either. She didn't have any mental illness or forgetful; it was her way of putting down my mom and me.
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    To all the moms who take "you look great for having x many kids" as an insult, i think its not all about weight at all. There are some women who just stop wearing makeup, combing their hair, and wearing real clothes after they have kids. I think when they see an obviously busy mom take care of herself they are impressed. At least thats how I look at it:)
  • bridgetpesce
    You look amazing for having two kids. Umm, and if I didn't???
  • BaristaX
    BaristaX Posts: 151 Member
    "hey, have you lost weight??, you aren't sick are you?"

    I have had a good amount of people ask me that, the first 2 or 4 times, it was funny, but after the 6-7th time, it gets pretty annoying.
    I just wanted to yell out "yes! you can lose weight and not be sickly!"
  • curvygirl77
    curvygirl77 Posts: 769 Member
    You are very pretty to be a black/dark girl. ( I have also had black men say this to me)

    Wow! you have very pretty hair, is it all yours?

    Are you "all black"?
  • rmf626
    That **** was pretty dark

  • Girl_Bomb
    You definetly didn't look 200lbs

    Like, you weren't that big befor, well you were big but not like fat, FAT

    And just recently,

    You look different, you look pretty
  • reynoldsaram
    I heard this gem a couple weeks ago: "I would ask you out if you wasn't knocked up".

    I'm not pregnant, and at any rate, no thank you.