What's the most polite insult you've recieved?



  • tjham1
    tjham1 Posts: 45 Member
    I lost weight down to goal after having two kids.
    My mom said "Quick, let me take a picture of you while you're still skinny!" Sadly, she was right and I did get fat again.

    Lately, I have been on MFP and lost a lot of weight. At a family reunion, everyone was oohing and ahhing over how great I looked. Most were actual compliments and not back handed. I still was embarrassed. Later, one overweight person, who I get along with fine so I don't think she meant to be hurtful, said 'Wow, I can really tell the difference in your neck!" She meant my double chin. Ouch.
  • Oh, and this happened in middle school, so these days I kind of shrug it off as everyone just being an insecure little dbag about everyone and everything around them, but it did kind of get to me at the time...

    I was at a dance and this kid who I could never quite read went up to my date, patted him on the back, and said, "She's hotter on the inside."

    I mean, like I said, this was middle school so I'm not going to really dwell on something that happened when everyone was super awkward and insecure but I don't like social events as it is because I hate how I look, way to make it 1000x worse, kid.
  • You are very pretty to be a black/dark girl. ( I have also had black men say this to me)

    WOW that's a lot of internalized racism to even think that.
  • sairbear8
    sairbear8 Posts: 19 Member
    "You'd look great with some makeup."

    Gee. Thanks.

    Also, "You've lost weight. Somebody's in love."

    Because apparently the only reason I'd want to be healthy and happy is for someone else. Um, no.

    It's okay, though. I take the complements and shrug off the rest. ^_^
  • trunkfish
    trunkfish Posts: 81 Member
    'You used to have such a beautiful body' - said by a well-meaing person who's the size of a truck.
  • ShellysRoad
    ShellysRoad Posts: 95 Member
    "You are so small on top, that's what makes your *kitten* look huge."
  • 1. Weight must be distributed well because you dont look the HEAVY.
    2. Dont worry about being big as long as your healthy (WHAT!)
    3. Even though your bigger you still look good to me!

    So many crappy remarks I cant remember them all
  • The other week a guy added me on facebook, having some mutual friends I accepted. Within a matter of minutes he was telling me I was pretty but I should really lose weight as I was chubby. He also told me I should go to the gym because I didn't have a nice body.

    Like seriously? Why even add someone and then say something like that it's beyond me! I told him I had already lost 46 lbs and promptly deleted him.
  • OMG someone actually said that--they should really stop and think before they speak or just shut up
  • You can get away with it as you're tall...

    It doesn't show so much on you...

    Big Fella....

  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Most of the people on my father's side of the family are pretty chunky, and the men all suffer from male pattern baldness. My cousin once said to me (after I had gained some weight) "You're starting to look like a {insert our surname}. I just responded with "Oh no! You mean I'm going bald?"
  • SamanthaH10
    SamanthaH10 Posts: 72 Member
    When I was 255 - "You don't look like you weigh that much!"

    At 155 - "Eat a cookie or something. You're too skinny."

  • veggievixen79
    veggievixen79 Posts: 109 Member
    Lately, I've been getting this one a lot

    "You look great for your age"


    Me too! I guess being 33 and looking after yourself is pretty much unheard of....
  • " I am usually attracted to skinny girls but your face gets the tick of approval so I'm interested in you "

    Please note : this was a a pick up line a guy used on me two weeks back ! I was enjoying a peaceful drink alone .. No desire to get picked up ! I was like WTF.. Does this face looks like it cares what you are GENERALLY attracted to ... ( I weigh 140 lbs)
  • Mnecka
    Mnecka Posts: 119 Member
    You have such a cute face with those chubby cheeks.
  • When I was 255 - "You don't look like you weigh that much!"

    At 155 - "Eat a cookie or something. You're too skinny."


    Ugh. So much judgment no matter your size! D:
  • You have such a cute face with those chubby cheeks.

    Ugh, yeah, I've gotten that too. My ex called them chipmunk cheeks. Uhh... thanks?
  • It was a couple of years ago, when I had rainbow hair and multiple piercings, "You belong in -insert name of place where "freaks" hangout in NY" (I can't remember what it's called)

    Rather, it was a compliment to me. But to most, it would've been insulting. She'd been staring at me for a while..we were checking out in a TJ Max.
  • facingfortyfierce
    facingfortyfierce Posts: 5,156 Member
    "You are in great shape for someone your age."

    Not too sure how I feel about this one...it is a first for me...lol!
  • You look beautiful pregnant! .............. I wasn't pregnant.. - ___ -

    OMG I have gotten this a few times, I wasn't pregnant either. I told the last guy who said it to me that unless he sees a woman basically crowning I would never even suggest using the word pregnant.