500 Days of MFP! And still going......(and pics of course!)

LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
500 Days of Fitness!

Yes, it’s been 500 days since I started my journey to a better, healthier, leaner life! I think 500 days makes it a habit, right? I can answer that – yes, it does indeed. It’s been pretty cool. I’ve had a lot of first’s this year, most notably my first 5k, and I’ve improved the overall quality of my life more than I ever thought possible! I’ve learned that sodium is bad, protein is good, and naturally fatty foods are ok if you do your research. I’ve learned to crave a workout and I’ve learned that the pain of a tough workout beats the pain of stiff joints and not working out every single time! I’ve learned that not everyone that offers fitness advice knows what they’re talking about and I’ve learned that I still have a lot to learn….about a lot of things.

After 500 days, I thought some type of update was appropriate marking the occasion. Instead of rehashing how I got here, what I eat and how much I work out, I thought it might be fun to list some of the positive ways that my life has changed as a direct result of the lifestyle changes that I’ve made. I bring to you:

Beef’s Top 5 Awesome NSV List!!!! NSV = Non Scale Victory! Here we go….

Number 5!
Riding any and ALL amusement rides with my daughter!

If you’re fat, you know the anxiety that going to an amusement park can bring. Who wants t wait in line for a rollercoaster for 20 minutes only to find out you’re too fat to get on. I couldn’t wait to go on vacation this year knowing I’d be able to ride anything my daughter wanted.

Number 4!
Running the first race and first 5k of my life with my Dad!

This was truly an awesome experience, my Dad is lifelong runner, a health and fitness nut, and the hardest worker I know. He is really my hero in many ways and crossing that finish line was an emotional (don’t tell anyone) and amazing experience. Thanks Dad!

Number 3!
Coaching my daughter’s t-ball team!

This one may not sound like a big deal, I mean lots of little league coaches are fat but before I started on the road to better health there’s no way I could have actively chased around a bunch of 5 and 6 year olds. Really, the best moment that happened while coaching that would have never happened before was when my daughter had a mini meltdown going around the bases (someone pushed her, she tripped – who knows). I picked her up and said “come on, I’ll race you to homeplate”. We ran around the bases together, she giggled the whole time and slid into homeplate. I mean, really, that was awesome!

Number 2!
Look at me!

Oh, I also did a Mud Run!

Seriously, folks just look at me. I have a long ways to go but yes, I’ve come a long way and I have to say I’m looking pretty good – just sayin’.

Number 1!
Look at her!


Yes, look at her! That’s my little girl, Megan, getting her work out on. This makes me more proud than anything that I’ve accomplished. Not that she’s working out, I don’t have her down in the basement working her out, watching her calories. This just happened to be one night I was working out and she begged me to give her a workout to do. She’s following my example, like all kids, she wants to be like her Daddy. What makes me proud is that she is aware of what is healthy or not and wants to make the right choices. This is a direct result of the choices I make. Can it get any better than that???

I know this a long post but 500 days is a long time. I still have a lot of work to do but I'm going to keep on doing it! If I can do it, you can do it so DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooo it!!!!! :bigsmile:




  • cbaac03
    cbaac03 Posts: 152
    Congratulations! What an amazing difference you've made in your life and whats more rewarding than knowing you've set a positive example for your children. Your doing incredible, keep it going!
  • 120111
    120111 Posts: 22 Member
    Great job...keep up the good work...You look good. :smile:
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Beef, you are one fantastic inspirational dude. Congratulations!!! So proud and happy for you!
  • newCourtney
    newCourtney Posts: 168 Member
    That is truly amazing. You are having some great experiences as a result of all of your hard work, AND you are helping your daughter develop habits that will give her a healthier life. You are a great dad! Congrats on all of your success!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Excellent job!
  • joytron
    joytron Posts: 104 Member
    Oh, well done! :D And those two pics of your daughter working out near the end are AMAZING; you must be so proud.
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    WTG! Your 'Top 5 (pics)' definitely deserve a High 5!
  • kqcathcart
    Outstanding you are an inspiration!:smile::smile:
  • NWCyclingBeast
    NWCyclingBeast Posts: 157 Member
    You are an inspiration, brother! Keep on truckin'!
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    What a wonderful story! You have accomplished a lot in 500 days! What a great role model you are to your daughter! CONGRATS!!!!
  • mibrewer413
    mibrewer413 Posts: 78 Member
    Love your post and your pictures! Very inspirational!
  • treebyriver
    treebyriver Posts: 9 Member
    This is really a big part of fathering-- being there to protect and provide and guide your family! Thank you for loving them enough to do this, day after day. :)
  • EyeFit15
    EyeFit15 Posts: 8 Member
    NICE!!!!! That's what you get the moment you decide to live healthier....the benefits are more than just a toned body....you have been given experiences that you couldn't even imagined!!!!....Continued success...
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    You look amazing!!! Kudos to you!
  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 272 Member
    Congratulations, amazing transformation.
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    Thanks everyone - I really appreciate it!

    Adding/editing pics on here makes me crazy!! Ugh...lol. Why so hard MFP???

    Anyway, the support here is awesome, thank you all!
  • pt85
    pt85 Posts: 28 Member

    I reviewed the pictures.... Your numbers have really come down 2607 to 545 lol

    Way to go!

    Your Father is proud of that!

  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 498 Member
    Amazing transformation....physically, emotionally and personally! I applaud you!!!
  • kittybear86
    kittybear86 Posts: 341 Member
    Congratulations on your hard work,it really paid off for you.You are an inspiration,great job :happy:
  • Royceboy69
    Royceboy69 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey that is awesome and truly inspiring. This is inspiring to really get more serious! Thanks for the post and GOD BLESS you and your family!
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