My husband is doing a juice fast. Help Needed!



  • If he's really worried about the bowel movements, he could try a salt water flush. Two tablespoons of sea salt in about a quart of water. Gulp it down ... and there you go. People call it an "oral enema".
  • Good Day!
    I understand what is happening in the case of junk to juicing. That is why it is advisable to ease your body into a new transition to begin the flushing process. His bowels are blocked and need to be unplugged immediately!! First I will say that I am an advocate juicer and believe in its life-giving qualities. Have been juicing regularly for over 15 years and continue on the journey of giving my body the nutrients it requires on a cellular level. Let me say that all the good juice that is trying to be absorbed thru the colon is not able to get thru even though the enzymes in live juice help break down cooked food substance.
    So take heed to the fact that toxins are in desperate need to be released!
    What I do is always take a good fiber source while juicing because the body has a time digesting and breaking down even raw vegetables when on a detox plan. What works for me is a carrot pulp salad mixed with olive oil and lemon (add carrot juice if too dry) Eat every day while on the detox and drink at least half of your body weight in onces of water to flush thoroughly! Since he is in serious lock down now, consider a colonic to get things moving! (maybe even a series of irrigation's) I have a stubborn bowel system and have taken enzymes and grapeseed (muscadine) to help keep my colon moving. I strongly believe this journey will teach you so much about your bodies digestive system if you take your time and listen to the signals of upset tummy and blocked bowels. So Keep up the good fight and don't stop until the swollen colon is free and clear!
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    If you don't agree and are worried for his well being, why are you enabling it by doing the work for him? This confuses me.
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    If you don't agree and are worried for his well being, why are you enabling it by doing the work for him? This confuses me.

    Because if I don't help him with it, he will still do it and I won't know for sure that he is getting in the required variety of juices.
  • Hi Lauren, I'm not an expert on juicing, but I have seen a fantastic documentary on a man named Joe from Australia that did a 60 day fast and juiced then entire time. The best part was, that he filmed this documentary while he did it traveling across America. It was a great film. Anyway, he did help someone he ran into that also did a 60 day fast and lost about half his weight which was about 400lbs. My point is, is that he has a website that has loads of information. Go to I do want to add, that he should be monitered by a doctor so they can keep an eye on any important blood work. In the meantime, good luck to your husband. An added note, I haven't done this, but I do juice in addition to watching what I eat, so that I can get all the great micronutients that vegetables and fruits have to offer.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    My question is, if he isn't having a bowl movement how is losing weight then? I know if I haven't had a bowl movement in days my scale goes up until I do.

    He is losing weight because he is burning any fat he has stored.

    It is fat burned that determines weight loss not bowel movements.
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I appreciate the helpful replies :)
  • emtrem
    emtrem Posts: 22 Member
    He could try 'Fybogel' sachets from Boots. They are a powder that you mix into a cup of water and drink really quickly because it thickens as you stir it. They are orange flavour, and not unpleasant, I took one a day when I did the atkins diet, which really constipates you, and they really did the trick. I hope it helps, and I hope he can maintain his weight loss when he stops the fast, when he starts eating normally again, the weight may come back, which would be a shame after all his hard work. At least he has a medical coming up, this will put both your minds at rest. Good luck to you both. Emma x
  • celerieaz
    celerieaz Posts: 26 Member
    Juice fasting can be done healthily with regular bowel movements. However, when you juice the fruit you don't get the fiber one would typically get from eating the whole fruit. Regular enemas are recommended with juice fasts in order to have regular bowel movements.

    It concerns me that your husband wasn't aware that he would have to take extra measures to produce bowel movements before starting his juice fast. I recommend that he fully researches all aspects of juice fasting before continuing on with his journey. The recommendation for enemas would be one of the first things he discovered if he had done the proper research. Good luck to him; if he doesn't start producing bowel movements he is going to get very uncomfortable very quickly.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Hmmm juice fast. No protein, no fat, basically it's a starvation diet. All the vitamins and minerals in the world are useless without the necessary dietary fat and protein to be able to absorb and use them.

    Just another useless, unhealthy, fad "diet."

    He may be losing weight, but it's all muscle and water, since he's not getting any protein to keep up with muscle repair and maintenance, and if you aren't eating any fat, your body will not burn fat, since body fat is part of the endocrine system, and if it isn't being regularly eaten, the body will instinctively hang on to what it has out of survival instinct.

    Horrible idea all around, really. Drinking juice for health benefits is fine, but drinking only juice is honestly pretty stupid.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    It is just my opinion that you might want to think twice, or even 3X, about giving a person on a severely imbalanced diet an enema or "cleanse".
  • Have him track body fat percent.

    best answer
    because he will notice for the next time that the best way to go is not starving.
    Plus that it isn't about "toxins" it's about fat loss, and muscle mass building.
    Sometimes they have to learn this the hard way. That there is no jump start. Just a start that keeps going.

    For my husband anything I said didn't matter. He started tracking it himself, and now notices what is good and bad. He's not a middle of the road kind of guy, and he is all or nothing. So the numbers and food values on MFP actually made sense, and he's eating nutritionally for the first time. He's in control, he has charts and reports to track and fiddle with, so he's self driven on MFP. The numbers and goals make sense to him instead of "....Muwah wha wha ..." that he hears when I say it (like Charlie Brown listening to the teacher), or a parent telling him to eat broccoli. Instead he now looks for his "fiber" goal number and eats his broccoli. It would be great if you could get him on here and make him track it himself. That would mean you have to help him along at first with recipe database and serving size, or whatever, until he can do it all himself.
    Thanks to this thread I just watched the documentary online very inspiring I am going to start fasting again
  • RightNowWellness
    RightNowWellness Posts: 12 Member
    I juice for 3-5 days a month. If you add psyllium husk in a glass of water you will get the fiber you need. Every few days you can eat an egg or two for protein. It's a great way to get rid of the toxins your husband has built up. I wouldn't recommend it long term by itself. I drink juice every day in between my meals to get the nutritional value. Short term is completely healthy and needed to start getting a cleaner colon. Make sure he isn't doing a lot of extreme cardio during this process. Flushing toxins and low amounts of protein can exhaust him and make him feel light-headed.
    Tell him congratulations on taking care of his health. Just be mindful. Good luck.
  • If you don't agree and are worried for his well being, why are you enabling it by doing the work for him? This confuses me.

    Because if I don't help him with it, he will still do it and I won't know for sure that he is getting in the required variety of juices.

    Good answer!
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Hey everyone :) Just wanted to let those of you who gave me helpful replies know that my husband is doing great! He didn't wind up needing an enema or anything (thankfully) And is now "going" as he should lol Also he's down 15lbs and his joint pain has lessened, he's able to go for a 2 mile walk without pain, and his energy has increased. The only thing we are doing differently now is blending more whole fruits with the veggie juice :) Seems to have done the trick. Thankyou again for your helpful suggestions!

  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I juice for 3-5 days a month. If you add psyllium husk in a glass of water you will get the fiber you need. Every few days you can eat an egg or two for protein. It's a great way to get rid of the toxins your husband has built up. I wouldn't recommend it long term by itself. I drink juice every day in between my meals to get the nutritional value. Short term is completely healthy and needed to start getting a cleaner colon. Make sure he isn't doing a lot of extreme cardio during this process. Flushing toxins and low amounts of protein can exhaust him and make him feel light-headed.
    Tell him congratulations on taking care of his health. Just be mindful. Good luck.
    People throw around the word "toxins" when it comes to cleanses and fasts. Please, because I'd really, really love to know, exactly what are these mysterious toxins that you think are mysteriously hiding in the body that only these weird, useless fasts can get rid of?
  • RightNowWellness
    RightNowWellness Posts: 12 Member
    Sorry I didn't see your post from the other day. These mysterious toxins start with actual **** that sits in your colon. While filling your colon with heavy fats, carbs, and some things that aren't even made for human consumption (Sucralose and others). So giving your colon a break- while filling it with nutrients so you don't starve- helps get rid of the sludge that causes many diseases.

    In the fasting state, the body will scour for dead cells, damaged tissues, fatty deposits, tumors, abscesses, all of which are burned for fuel or expelled as waste. Those are all toxins in the body.*** Not so mysterious.
    The elimination of these obstructions restores the immune system functionality and metabolic process to an optimum state. Fasting restores good digestion and the elimination action is quickened. Fasting allows a deep, physiological rest of the digestive organs, and the energy saved goes into self-healing and self-repairing. By eliminating obstructions, by cleansing, detoxification, and purifying the intestines, the blood, and the cells, we can overcome many of our physical ills or handicaps as well as getting a boost in energy. Fasting not only removes obstructions and helps the body to heal itself, it is also rejuvenating and life-extending. These resulting benefits can have lasting affects in your mental and emotional health.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • So what you're saying is, the enema does the cleaning, and then by not eating you let your digestive system rest? Your body still digests the juice though, it just doesn't have as much passing through.

    I can understand the theory but I have yet to find any real evidence of this truly working. All said - if it gives someone the courage to get into a healthy lifestyle I am all for it.

    Also, you don't have to fast to get the body to scour for these things, you need to exercise and require the body to use more than you're putting in.

    Interesting points but I have yet to find anything online outside of experts on message boards purporting toxin cleanses that believe a fast is healthy or beneficial to your long term health longer than 5 days.
  • Convincing him is futile? Augh! Try your hardest every day! The only real way to lose weight and keep it off is to watch what you eat and exercise, none of those diets or fasts end in healthy nor lasting results.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Sorry I didn't see your post from the other day. These mysterious toxins start with actual **** that sits in your colon. While filling your colon with heavy fats, carbs, and some things that aren't even made for human consumption (Sucralose and others). So giving your colon a break- while filling it with nutrients so you don't starve- helps get rid of the sludge that causes many diseases.

    In the fasting state, the body will scour for dead cells, damaged tissues, fatty deposits, tumors, abscesses, all of which are burned for fuel or expelled as waste. Those are all toxins in the body.*** Not so mysterious.
    The elimination of these obstructions restores the immune system functionality and metabolic process to an optimum state. Fasting restores good digestion and the elimination action is quickened. Fasting allows a deep, physiological rest of the digestive organs, and the energy saved goes into self-healing and self-repairing. By eliminating obstructions, by cleansing, detoxification, and purifying the intestines, the blood, and the cells, we can overcome many of our physical ills or handicaps as well as getting a boost in energy. Fasting not only removes obstructions and helps the body to heal itself, it is also rejuvenating and life-extending. These resulting benefits can have lasting affects in your mental and emotional health.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
    Um, no. There is absolutely nothing true in any of that.