I want to give up!



  • Lovingmyboys89
    Lovingmyboys89 Posts: 27 Member
    Do not give up! You have started this journey and you have to finish strong. Now just take this time to start fresh. Reevaluate your cals. Make sure you are eating enough calories because you are exercing alot. Also take your measurememts because muscle ways more than fat. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water. Cut down on sodium. Make sure your measurememts are precise. Its hard and it takes time, but it will all be worth it!
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    I would say rather than give up, let go of your "all or nothing" mentality. You don't HAVE to workout every single day or starve to lose weight. Even a small caloric deficit will add up over time. Work out on the days you feel up to it. Log every single thing you eat even if you go over. Start small and gradually make changes you can live with. Also, you are going to be pretty hungry if you use your calories on cake and chips, etc. Try to avoid these for just a week and get in 5-6 servings of fruits and veggies and plenty of lean protein and then see how you feel. You can do *anything* for a week!
  • GA_Gyrl
    GA_Gyrl Posts: 25 Member
    Do NOT give up!!!! You can do this! Give your body time to adjust to the changes you are making! Also what is your food intake like!? Try to eliminate as MANY processed foods as you can! That will help alot!

    Good luck!!!!

    Love and hugs
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    First thought that came to mind is that your exercise calories could be severely inflated unless you are using an HRM. So I would take a look at whether you are really burning what you are logging.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    Don't give up.

    This is what your body wants - don't give in to it or be foiled by it. It doesn't want to use up those cherished reserves it has been painstakingly putting aside "just in case" - you simply have to persist until it gets the idea that the rainy day it has been saving for is NOW!

    I haven't looked at your diary - I was stuck for a month after losing 10 kilos in 10 days but have started downwards again.
    It is frustrating - but what is the alternative?
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    Oh, have I been there! When this happened to me, I started journalling my thoughts and feelings and writing down inspriational quotes that empowered me. This reduced my stress and changed my focus. I feel strong and accomplished after I work out, that's why I do it. I have to do it in the morning though, it makes me feel strong for the day and motivates me to eat well so I don't blow the calorie loss. I do weigh myself every day, I need to hold myself accountable. I eat well as much as possible, because there are enough times where it is hard (someone else is cooking, parties etc) so the rest of the time I need to be on. Food doesn't control me, I control it. I drink 72-96 ounces of water a day, I exercise for 1 hour every morning (5:30) and set a 10-10:30 lights out curfew - no exceptions.... the kitchen flooor is just fine the way it is! I am starting to realize why I eat through the journalling and its liberating to know its not just willpower, there are deep seeded reasons why we have given up or don't hold ourselves to a higher standard. The brain is the most important weight loss muscle! I also make my breakfast, lunches and snacks for the day the night before so there is no guess work and when you do it after dinner when you are full, you are less likely to put junk in it.

    Just wanted to say thanks, I found this response very helpful.
  • chmiddleton
    chmiddleton Posts: 30 Member
    Yes, I use a HRM. I don't work out without it.
  • wilsonm24
    First, and sorry if this sounds harsh it isn't intended to be, you start out saying you are serious and then want to give up in 2 weeks. If you are truly serious then this should be a lifestyle change that you need to commit to it long term. Take this as a challenge to your body that you will defeat this extra weight, take control back.

    Second, you are eating a lot of processed foods that will be very high in sodium. I would recommend tracking your sodium as well and doing what you can to remain below that mark. Sodium will cause you to retain water which will make it more difficult to lose the weight.

    Third, there are many posts on here going into the science behind this, but when you first start a new workout routine your body will store water in the muscles to aid in repairing them from the shock you have just put them through. This water storage can last up to 4 weeks, which could easily account for your added weight.

    Lastly, don't give up! You obviously weren't happy with where your were/are in your life. Giving up is only going to take you further down that path. Reassess your diet. The goal shouldn't just be lower calories, but healthier better food. Ultimately, you will probably lose the weight working with everything you are currently doing, you are meeting your calorie deficit goals and are working out. However, you will feel better and everything will probably go better if you started eating in a healthier way (I know you are probably really busy with life and that makes doing a whole food diet much more difficult but it is worth it if you can fit it in).
  • DebraLynnBirner
    I don't know your weight -- but perhaps you are already where you are supposed to be.
    Is it possible that you are at a healthy weight and should just rejoice where you are and just maintain that weight.
  • GlitterMamma11
    GlitterMamma11 Posts: 143 Member
    On September 10, I started really getting serious with my weight loss goal. I have gotten up at 5am every week day and have worked out. I work out later in the day on Saturday, and Sunday is my rest day. Some days I work out twice, and also get one or two 15 minute walks in durring the work day. I have logged in on MFP, and stayed pretty close to my calorie goal. I gained 2 pounds in the first week. I dropped those 2 mystery pounds, but now exactly where I started 14 days ago. I have no progress. No pounds down, no inches lost. I am not a morning person at all. It is HUGE that I get up at 5am to do these work outs (Hip Hop Abs). I want to quit! I feel like I'm doing all this hard work for nothing.

    Don't give up! You just started! What you are doing might not be right for you. You need to find something you actually like and can honestly see yourself doing for the rest of your life.
    I have been trying to lose weight for YEARS. I've tried everything and I busted my A** doing things I hated and ate foods I didn't like. I gave up things I loved and wasn't seeing much to any changes. And the things that did work were temporary. The second I took a break I would gain weight back.
    I ended up going to the Dr. a couple months ago thinking there was something wrong with me because I was trying so hard and nothing was happening. The Dr. told me to stop trying to lose weight and just focus on getting healthy. That has been my philosophy since I joined MFP and it's working!
    My Husband and I got bikes and started going on bike rides with our kids as a family. We recently got a dog and walk her one to two times a day. We live close enough we can walk our kids to school and do that twice a day. I don't stress about what I eat anymore either. I find I'm making smarter choices now but if we want to have a family pizza night we order pizza and I eat it. I'm just not eating as much. And would you believe it, I'm losing weight now! It's been super slooooow but it's been steady!

    So don't give up! You just need to try different things and find the one or two things that will work for YOU!
  • tamarama72
    tamarama72 Posts: 13 Member
    I was just reading this on Jillian Michael's page, "take a minute to think about what the scale is NOT telling you — like what a strong and healthy individual you're becoming. Do you have more endurance? Have you lost inches from your waist? Do you look better in your clothes? Don't be a slave to the scale." Hope it helps!!

    oh my goodness - I love this!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I looked at your diary.

    3 things I would tweak are

    1. Start tracking your salt and sugar.

    2. Your diet has allot of good stuff in there! But cut out some of that processed stuff. Make your own pizza. Ditch the candy and chocolate milk, use rice milk instead. Switch up your snacks to be nuts, fruits, etc instead of processed sugar (empty calories).

    3. Eat back fewer exercise calories, and see how you feel in a week.

    ^ This comment. OP, seriously, you can't do this eating processed foods and NOT also track your sodium and sugar = water retention. Also, try adding strength training. Remember, cardio burns calories, but muscles eat them for you.
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    I would say cut down a bit on your calories. When I go back and look at your food diary and notice you are consistently going over on your calories, not by much, but it matters.
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    Find something you enjoy doing for exercise. If you enjoy doing it, you will not feel like it is a chore to get up and do it... You'll WANT to. That is how I find I am with biking, it's a way to unwind.

    Try out new things, and once you find something new that you love- stick with it!
  • aligatorwww
    aligatorwww Posts: 48 Member
    Try to eat more fruit & veggies. Fruits with skin that you eat, they have more fiber. Add veggies to every meal. I don't even see one salad in your diary. Ditch the white rice altogether, get some brown rice.
  • tnewcomb4
    tnewcomb4 Posts: 3 Member
    So, how are you feeling today?