Coffee.. good or bad?



  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    coffee is very harmful to the body. even decaf isn't great for you. Coffee is highly acidic. Highly acidic foods (not to be confused with the acid in citrus foods) produce fat cells in order to keep the acid away from your body organs. Also, keep in mind that we import coffee beans from other countries where they use harmful insecticides (such as DD7) that even WE don't allow in the US.

    Maybe you could try herbal organic tea to start your day instead? :)

    I wish MFP gave out awards for stupid posts
  • mindidily
    mindidily Posts: 196 Member
    I love coffee. I've been able to cut out putting lots of cream and sugar in it, too. I really like it with a bit of skim milk or a splash of half and half with just a little honey (if I feel like adding sweetness to it; sometimes I don't).
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    Coffee rules. I don't care for the creamers, sugars or syrups that people ruin it with though
  • I will give up potato chips, I will give up ice cream, but I will cut a b*tch who tries to take away my coffee...

    HAHA Good one, I just spit out my water on that one!
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I :heart: coffee and am fairly sure I'd die without it. If not me, certainly SOMEONE would die if I had no coffee. :laugh:

    Granted, I drink mine black with no sweetener of any kind, so it doesn't really effect my calories but even with cream and sugar, just log it and it should be fine. :smile:
  • I love my cup of coffee but now drink it black and with one sugar not too makes a difference in total calories if having a fes cups throughout the day.... However have a sneaky feeling my coffee cake recipe will be not coming out for a ehile lol
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    Coffee does NOT dehydrate. I really wish that myth would go away. It's full of antioxidants, and it's damn good for you.

    Coffee itself doesnt dehyrate you but the caffeine in the coffee can. Caffeine is a diuretic .....its one reason that it is used in most weightloss pills.

    Coffee is a great weapon to add to your nutrition plan but dont do what i do when drinking it- add a cup of creamer, lol.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    I'm tinkering with the idea of drinking coffee and I'm seeing mixed reviews on whether it's good if it's bad especially with the lifestyle change. I can't drink black coffee because it's just nasty so I'd more than likely have to add some creamer to it. Any suggestions? Pros? Cons?

    IMO, if you like it, drink it. If you don't like it, don't drink it. I really don't think there is any big swing nutrionally one way or the other for it to be something you figure out how to work in to your diet.

    For me, love it. Have my two cups in the morning and it makes me a very happy camper.
  • heretic911
    heretic911 Posts: 66 Member
    Coffee with caffeine is okay for adults without heart or stomach problems from what I have read, 1 to 3 cups a day can even reduce risk of altzheimers according to some studies. Each person should gauge how they feel and check research in my opinion. :bigsmile:
  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    It's delicious, who cares? haha
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    i absolutly cannot live in this life without coffee! while i use about 5teaspoons of sugar for one was really setting me back and i didnt know what to do about it. Then one moring i splurged on a mcds skim milk latte with 5 splenda...and it was DELICIOUS! so now theres no telling which i might have. and i found that if i take skim milk and add instant coffee at home it taste the same!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've never liked the stuff, but in general I'd say it's more good than bad. But, let's ask the expert.

    4. Is there any research that suggests coffee may have some beneficial health effects?

    Yes, research over the past few years suggests that coffee consumption may protect against type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, liver cancer, and liver cirrhosis. And our latest study on coffee and mortality found that people who regularly drank coffee actually had a somewhat lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease than those who rarely drank coffee; this result needs to be confirmed in further studies, however. This is a pretty active area of research right now, and it's not at the stage where we would say, "Start drinking coffee to increase your health even if you don't like it." But I think the evidence is good that for people in general—outside of a few populations, such as pregnant women, or people who have trouble controlling their blood pressure or blood sugar—coffee is one of the good, healthy beverage choices.
  • paygep
    paygep Posts: 401 Member
    I work next door to dunkin donuts. I have major GUILT when I have a latte. I've stopped allowing myself one a day, cutting back to just the days I know I'll be working more than 12 hours. I feel like they make my face break out. Also, they dehydrate me first thing in the morning and I feel like I'm playing 'catch up' on water all day afterward. But, boy do I LOVE that zoomin' feeling.
  • Coffee GOOD!

    It's like 2 calories per 8oz. cup, I can burn that off doing a jumping jack! Just measure and sugar or milk/cream you put in it don't eye ball it measure it out!
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    coffee is very harmful to the body. even decaf isn't great for you. Coffee is highly acidic. Highly acidic foods (not to be confused with the acid in citrus foods) produce fat cells in order to keep the acid away from your body organs. Also, keep in mind that we import coffee beans from other countries where they use harmful insecticides (such as DD7) that even WE don't allow in the US.

    Maybe you could try herbal organic tea to start your day instead? :)

    Exactly the opposite of what my dietitian said when I asked her. Actually a few cups of black coffee is good for you, but like everything else in the world, moderation is the key.
  • coffee is very harmful to the body. even decaf isn't great for you. Coffee is highly acidic. Highly acidic foods (not to be confused with the acid in citrus foods) produce fat cells in order to keep the acid away from your body organs. Also, keep in mind that we import coffee beans from other countries where they use harmful insecticides (such as DD7) that even WE don't allow in the US.

    Maybe you could try herbal organic tea to start your day instead? :)

    I'm sorry but you're full of it.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    coffee is very harmful to the body. even decaf isn't great for you. Coffee is highly acidic. Highly acidic foods (not to be confused with the acid in citrus foods) produce fat cells in order to keep the acid away from your body organs. Also, keep in mind that we import coffee beans from other countries where they use harmful insecticides (such as DD7) that even WE don't allow in the US.

    Maybe you could try herbal organic tea to start your day instead? :)

    I rarely just call an opinion out a BS, but this.....utter bunk.

    Just MY opinion :huh:
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    I guess I never got my adult taste buds, but coffee is GROSS. The only way I can drink it is with lots of chocolate. Plus it stains teeth! :-o

    No offense to u coffee drinkers...drink on!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    My vote, if it counts, is for COFFEE.
    I do recommend drinking it with some fat in it for the sake of your teeth, to prevent staining. Even 2% milk is enough to cut the acid and prevent staining. But coffee stain is nowhere near as hard to get off teeth as cigarettes. Coffee is in the same stain catagory as red wine, dark berries, tea.........
    Love coffee