green tea!



  • sacorner
    sacorner Posts: 45 Member
    My nutritional counselor asked me to drink a glass with every meal. I love tea anyways and could drink it all day long. Just on my first week of my tea drinking schedule but I'll keep you posted if I observe any noticeable benefits to it :)
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,440 Member
    I've been drinking green tea for over 3 years. Has it helped with weight loss? only in that, I no longer drink sugar-laden sodas and coffee with cream and sugar but instead opt for unsweetened green tea thereby saving me calories.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I love green tea! I drink about 2-4 large cups of tea per day (12 oz mug). I am partial to the Twinings Green Tea for the Keurig and Celestial Seasonings Green Tea (Plain) for at work. I don't add any sweeteners or cream/milk. I am not a fan of green tea that has a perfume-y taste.

    I find it helps suppress my appetite and keeps me from snacking (and it's mostly water though I don't count it in my water intake).
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    Green tea - in a TEABAG <shudder> This is surely the very end of civilisation
  • Donzey1
    I've been drinking green tea for the past ten years or so, yes I was hooked in with the weight loss claims initially but stuck with it anyway because I grew to enjoy it and like the taste. Sorry to say no though - it isn't a miracle cure or else I wouldn't be on here trying to lose weight lol!

    Same here! ive been drinking it for 10+ years and although its great for cleansing the body i didnt find i lost weight with it, i still drink it now though as i prefer it to normal tea and coffee :)
  • Lazygal53
    Lazygal53 Posts: 294 Member
    now the question is! anyone tried lipton green tea? is it better than others? or what is the best that helped u?

    Bigelow Green Tea w/Lemon
    Bigelow brand has a lot of Green Teas with flavor in them.
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    green tea has helped a lot with my metabolism. i try to have some every day and if i dont have time, i take a green tea pill (just 1 cause that's all i need to wake myself up!)
  • sacorner
    sacorner Posts: 45 Member
    Green tea - in a TEABAG <shudder> This is surely the very end of civilisation

    LOL! Have to agree with this one 100%! :)
  • finchase
    I drink several cups of green tea each day. Actually, I drink a lot of tea, period, as I don't drink coffee (can't stand it) and I've gradually weaned myself off diet sodas, except as an occasional treat.

    I was always more of a black tea girl and I still love it, but I've been making a concerted effort to drink more green tea, and I've really grown to enjoy it. There are some lovely teas. I drink them unsweetened and only brewed from loose leaf. Lung Ching is probably my favorite, but I've been drinking a lot of hoji-cha recently.

    I don't know if it has helped my weight loss but my body often feels tingly after drinking green tea. It's not just the caffeine because black tea is higher in caffeine and doesn't give me that feeling. Green tea is also very high in antioxidents which is good for you. Don't expect a miracle in either weight loss or health, however.

    And take the time to learn to prepare green tea properly! It's lovely if prepared correctly but absolutely horrible if brewed like black tea.
  • jstcallmecoco
    i like to have first thing in the morning and right before bed. Most of the time I have a cup or two at work as well. It just soothes my tummy and just makes me feel better overall! I love green tea (Tazo brand or Wegman's store brand). I use a little honey for taste sometimes but mostly I just drink as is. I just made it a part of my daily routine so I will drink as much as I desire, on average I have 3 cups a day! I also buy goldpeak or pure leaf but only when I want something sweet instead of having juice or soda :)
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    Question based on this thread: What are the caffeine levels for green tea as I get really shaky and have trouble sleeping with even trace amounts of caffeine? Anyone know?

    A cup of green tea can contain anywhere from 15mg of caffeine to 75 mg of caffeine depending on the brand and brew of the tea.

    However you can reduce more than 90% of the caffeine content of ANY tea brew by steeping the tea leaves for about 30-45 seconds, discarding that hot liquid, then using the pre-steeped tea leaves or tea bag to brew your tea. Most of the caffeine content of the tea is absorbed into the water in the first 15-20 seconds.

    Now, that I did not know. :D that is great to know!!
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    I'm just learning to drink green tea and add Matcha (green tea powder) to smoothies. I recommend adding peppermint tea to green tea for a flavour change. Peppermint tea also helps with digestion and upset stomach.

    I use Matcha in my smoothies as well. I drink unsweetened green tea (iced or hot) frequently throughout the day and it has aided in increasing my metabolism and digestion.

    Matcha is the most healthiest of green teas but at the same time the most expensive but I am sure it is well worth it! I've been wanting to buy them.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Green tea - in a TEABAG <shudder> This is surely the very end of civilisation

    I would like to apologize personally for what the United States has done to proper tea.

    (Perhaps we could commit to addressing this grievous problem if in exchange you would agree to stop using the letter 's' where a 'z' should be, and stop adding an unnecessary 'u' to so many words. Can we build on this as a basis for an agreement?)
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    I drink 32 oz a day. It does seem to help in my weight loss, plus I am not as hungry during the day. I also, drink without sugar or any type of sweetner.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    i really don't understand oz's hun :D how many cups a day?

  • wymanic
    wymanic Posts: 62 Member
    Question based on this thread: What are the caffeine levels for green tea as I get really shaky and have trouble sleeping with even trace amounts of caffeine? Anyone know?

    Green Tea contains a little less than a can of cola viz. 3.1 mg/ fl oz - an American cup measure (8 fl.oz) would be about 25mg. A half US pint of coffee would be just over 100mg. - a half-UK-(Imperial) pint would be about 30mg.*
    For comparison, a half-US-pint cup of coffee would be just over 100mg
    Far, far worse would be the affect of staining your teeth as the tannin would not be precipitated by milk.

    * AN Imperial pint measure is 20 fl.oz. cf. a US pint is, I believe, 16 fl.oz.
    Very informative--thanks! Guess I'll take it easy on this one and maybe drink it more watered down!
  • wymanic
    wymanic Posts: 62 Member
    Question based on this thread: What are the caffeine levels for green tea as I get really shaky and have trouble sleeping with even trace amounts of caffeine? Anyone know?

    A cup of green tea can contain anywhere from 15mg of caffeine to 75 mg of caffeine depending on the brand and brew of the tea.

    However you can reduce more than 90% of the caffeine content of ANY tea brew by steeping the tea leaves for about 30-45 seconds, discarding that hot liquid, then using the pre-steeped tea leaves or tea bag to brew your tea. Most of the caffeine content of the tea is absorbed into the water in the first 15-20 seconds.
    Wow! That is really helpful, thanks! Will definitely try this. I wonder though, if it is the caffeine that is important to the weight loss benefits as it is the boosting bit, but worth a try anyway!
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    Green tea - in a TEABAG <shudder> This is surely the very end of civilisation

    I would like to apologize personally for what the United States has done to proper tea.

    (Perhaps we could commit to addressing this grievous problem if in exchange you would agree to stop using the letter 's' where a 'z' should be, and stop adding an unnecessary 'u' to so many words. Can we build on this as a basis for an agreement?)

    I believe the word we are groping towards here could be, "No!" - AND anyway, the idea of making it with salt water never really caught on, did it (not even in Boston).

    However, Sid Meir did much for rehabilitating the idea of "Civilization" - a certain favourite among computer-gamers of a certain flavour of gaming-genre. You must realise that we had it first and that Mr Webster's dictionary is a revolutionary document designed to avoid any accusation of using the language of the oppressive Imperialists so recently overthrown - apart from that , it's all fine - especially as you lot didn't accept the idea of adopting German as the official language of the new republic. [a close run thing, huh?]
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    I love Green Tea! I have it usually during an afternoon break/snack and then again in the evening. Even though I drink it just because I like it, it has been proven to be a appetite supressent. So if your feeling hungry, try having a green tea, but don't use it as a Meal Replacement. I drink the Decaffinated kind.
  • wymanic
    wymanic Posts: 62 Member
    As an American outside of London. can't we just embrace the continental divide, rather than using it as a thread killer?? :)