Not losing any weight despite what MFP says?



  • jessicataylor2
    Just because my weight may be "healthy" doesn't mean that I should be happy with it. I do not look fit, I have the "skinny fat" look so I would like to lose that bit of fat. Yes I do lift weights, not only cardio. But even with eating high protein (around 100 g), my body has a very hard time putting on muscle.

    Thank you to those who have been truly helpful instead of criticizing me :smile:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Sounds like you are on the right track. Just work on making at least 1,200 NET calories. You need that for the amount you are burning with the lifting.
  • Rinkermann
    Rinkermann Posts: 108 Member
    your weight goal is up to you.

    i tend to eat 50% of my workout calories. your body does need fuel to do those workouts, so there is a chance that your body feels the need to hog your fat stores.

    i can only suggest you calculate how much you're burning in workouts (machines can be way out with their calorie estimates, so be careful), and then eat back at least some of the calories.

    EDIT: it's also worth knowing your bodyfat percentage and waist/arm/thigh measurements. your weight might be staying the same, but maybe your bodyfat percentage may have gone down, you've gained a little muscle and your body could be smaller.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    You're 5'8" and 115LBS?
    I think your body is trying to tell you something.
  • Anastacia1119
    Anastacia1119 Posts: 157 Member
    Just because my weight may be "healthy" doesn't mean that I should be happy with it. I do not look fit, I have the "skinny fat" look so I would like to lose that bit of fat. Yes I do lift weights, not only cardio. But even with eating high protein (around 100 g), my body has a very hard time putting on muscle.

    Thank you to those who have been truly helpful instead of criticizing me :smile:

    I don't think it's weight you need to lose.You need to build muscle. If that is what you are looking for, losing the weight is not going to make you look better. Losing those 5 pounds will not make you look firmer. Keep at it at the gym, keep lifting. It takes a long time to build muscle. Don't give up! :smile:
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I do not look fit, I have the "skinny fat" look so I would like to lose that bit of fat. Yes I do lift weights, not only cardio. But even with eating high protein (around 100 g), my body has a very hard time putting on muscle.

    If you're totally serious about this being a new lifestyle and want to look amazing you might be at the point where you need to start cycling between adding muscle and cutting fat. It's going to be cooler soon which means no swimsuits, shorts, and lots of clothing layers. If you have the nerve and patience switch things up a bit. Totally drop all your cardio, eat a modest surplus of calories (w/plenty of protein) and do some really heavy (for you) strength training. Don't sweat it if you gain a few pounds. I'm not advocating that you go from 115 to 130 but gaining 5-10 pounds gradually over several months isn't too big of a deal. You need this surplus calorie intake to add muscle mass.

    After a few months of this switch to cutting, calorie deficit, add cardio back in, continue strength training and eating good. You'll lose a bit of the muscle but you'll lose more fat than anything. After a few cycles of this you can be at 115 pounds and probably have an even smaller waist size than you do now. I'm totally serious. Question is are you? Getting a lean looking body doesn't happen simply by eating less. You need to work on your muscle groups. Start with something like New Rules of Lifting for Women.

    I could be wrong but I think this is what you're really after. Lean, slightly defined abs, nothing that jiggles. People just need to read between the lines. I don't get that you're trying to starve yourself. To me it seems you just want to be more fit so don't focus too much on a specific weight goal.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I just checked my goals and my projected weight loss says .8 lbs/week with my net at 1,400 cals. But I never eat back my exercise calories because I always felt that kind of defeats the purpose of working out? So my net usually is around 800

    Eating so few net calories is not going to fix a "screwed up" metabolism.
    ^^ THIS^^
    Best of luck figuring things out sooner rather than later.
  • victorious27
    victorious27 Posts: 250 Member
    Just because my weight may be "healthy" doesn't mean that I should be happy with it. I do not look fit, I have the "skinny fat" look so I would like to lose that bit of fat. Yes I do lift weights, not only cardio. But even with eating high protein (around 100 g), my body has a very hard time putting on muscle.

    Thank you to those who have been truly helpful instead of criticizing me

    I was not criticizing, merely not understanding and curious. You said you wanted to lose weight, not tone up...and there is a difference. You shouldn't be aiming for a weight goal, just a fitness goal. Keep doing your strength training, and probably adding more weights as you go. Cardio won't help you tone up as much as strength training. Best of luck.

    Edit: Also, you're not giving the entire story and then you get frustrated because people are showing concern and saying they disagree with you needing to lose weight. If you want a helpful answer to your question, you should probably specify a little more onto your problem.
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    Eat more! 5'8" at 115 is a BMI of 17.5 and if you are aiming for 110 your BMI would be 16.7 both are underweight and no doctor will tell you that you need to lose any weight.

    If you do not like your skinny fat look, losing more weight will only make you a smaller skinny fat.

    You need to build muscle not lose weight. You can not build muscle on a deficit. Read "The New Rules of Lifting for Woman" It has an outstanding section on the nutrition needed to build muscle.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Your body changes quite a lot even as you have passed puberty. And that could just be it.

    You'd probably do better eating your exercise calories back AND only trying to lose a pound a week.

    And don't be frustrated if you don't lose it at all. As you may not. If you're body has gone through any changes, this may be your new low normal.

    ^ This. Puberty in middle school is kind of a myth--it doesn't just end a year after your period. Most women aren't fully finished "developing" until their early 20s (the ideal time for childbirth generally). You are 18. You're saying you gained from "messing up" your metabolism... but your body seems to be wanting to hold on to that weight even though you stopped your bad eating habits (if they were truly bad, since you're netting 800, which isn't healthy).

    When was the last time you went to a doctor? I'm telling you--115 at 5'8" when you're a adolescent isn't quite the same thing once you're an adult.
  • jessicataylor2
    When was the last time you went to a doctor? I'm telling you--115 at 5'8" when you're a adolescent isn't quite the same thing once you're an adult.

    I go to the doctor quite often actually. I am anemic, have low blood sugar, low blood pressure, get severely dehydrated even while drinking quite a bit of water, and am constantly sick. They have never said anything about my weight being unhealthy, but they did like to point out when I gained about 10 lbs and told me to watch it. Which probably wasn't the best thing to do for someone recovering from what I call "disordered eating." And when I came back at a lower weight nothing was said about unhealthiness. But because of all of these health issues I have, I am eating every 2-3 hours, even if I'm not hungry. So I really am eating quite a bit. I just keep things mostly protein and low cal.
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    When was the last time you went to a doctor? I'm telling you--115 at 5'8" when you're a adolescent isn't quite the same thing once you're an adult.

    I go to the doctor quite often actually. I am anemic, have low blood sugar, low blood pressure, get severely dehydrated even while drinking quite a bit of water, and am constantly sick. They have never said anything about my weight being unhealthy, but they did like to point out when I gained about 10 lbs and told me to watch it. Which probably wasn't the best thing to do for someone recovering from what I call "disordered eating." And when I came back at a lower weight nothing was said about unhealthiness. But because of all of these health issues I have, I am eating every 2-3 hours, even if I'm not hungry. So I really am eating quite a bit. I just keep things mostly protein and low cal.

    I think you need a new doctor. At your age a 10 lb gain is nothing. I gained 15 lbs in a year when I started graduate school and my doctor didn't say a word. You are sick all the time because you are not eating enough calories to fuel your body. I have said this to many people, my mil ate under 1000 calories a day for over a year and her kidneys started to fail. Your body has to have enough calories to live on. I am not criticizing you, this advice comes from true concern.

    Look at this At 5'8" a healthy weight for a small frame is 126lbs. If you have fat on your body then you need to eat more and start strength training.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    Just because my weight may be "healthy" doesn't mean that I should be happy with it. I do not look fit, I have the "skinny fat" look so I would like to lose that bit of fat. Yes I do lift weights, not only cardio. But even with eating high protein (around 100 g), my body has a very hard time putting on muscle.

    Thank you to those who have been truly helpful instead of criticizing me :smile:

    If you're doing cardio & strength training but only netting 800 calories, your body is "holding". It basically afraid to let go & do its thing. Once I started eating a bit more - biggest was went to higher protein & veggies, limited fruits & carbs, my muscle started growing & I lost the thin-fat look. I look better now than I did in my 20's (firmer & healthier looking skin).

    You're still very young, our bodies change every 5 years or so, you may have to try a different tactic than what you've done in the past. Give yourself 30 days on a new routine: try upping your cal allowance - keep it around 1200-1400 NET, especially if you're working out on a regular basis. Depending on your current strength training, try going for "heavy" and "light" days. Some days I go "beast" at the gym, up my weights & do 3 sets, 8 reps at a heavier range, then other days I do light weights, higher sets/reps sometimes to muscle failure and the next day I use as a "recovery day" where I just do cardio on the arc trainer/elliptical and some core work.
    If you workout at home, check out the FIRM DVD's, there are 3 that I love using in the AM at home before getting ready for work and I've seen HUGE changes in my body (at my age, I actually have assets & most think I'm still in my mid-20's!).

    Good luck - we are constantly changing: it's what keeps us diverse & "you"-nique,
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    When was the last time you went to a doctor? I'm telling you--115 at 5'8" when you're a adolescent isn't quite the same thing once you're an adult.

    I go to the doctor quite often actually. I am anemic, have low blood sugar, low blood pressure, get severely dehydrated even while drinking quite a bit of water, and am constantly sick. They have never said anything about my weight being unhealthy, but they did like to point out when I gained about 10 lbs and told me to watch it. Which probably wasn't the best thing to do for someone recovering from what I call "disordered eating." And when I came back at a lower weight nothing was said about unhealthiness. But because of all of these health issues I have, I am eating every 2-3 hours, even if I'm not hungry. So I really am eating quite a bit. I just keep things mostly protein and low cal.
    Every post you make worries me more. This one the most.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I agree with most of these people - I don't think you belong on sites like this. You're healthy & at a good weight. Not trying to be mean.

    Why would being healthy and at a good weight mean you shuoldn't be on MFP? It's My Fitness Pal, not my weight loss pal.
  • jessicataylor2
    The constantly being sick isn't from not eating enough. I've been like this since I was little. I get the flu on average 3-4 times a year and constantly get migraines, colds, sore throats, etc. I used to be at the doctors all the time when I was little because they could never figure out why I was always sick or getting headaches. They still never really figured it out. Haha I'm kind of just broken. To add on to that, I have very bad scoliosis, one leg is shorter than the other, I have bad ankles, a bad hip flexor, and my knee caps don't always like to sit in place right. I can only imagine how I'll be when I'm older.
  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    As a dad who has an eighteen year old daughter who is 5'9 and about 116, I'd guess you are about at ideal weight.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    As a dad who has an eighteen year old daughter who is 5'9 and about 116, I'd guess you are about at ideal weight.

    That seems a very irresponsible thing to say. Since when does the fact your daughter is underweight for her height, mean that someone else is at an ideal weight being underweight? 116Ibs at 5'9 is pretty darn underweight. In fact, many of that height and weight stop their periods because it is such a low weight.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Ya know when i was your age i weighed a 110 too its called growing older your body is getting ready for kiddos dont lose anymore hun your fine
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    one thing is you look great to me, but you dont want to hear that im sure so with being so active you should try to up your daily calories and since your only 5 pounds off your goal. you should lose .5 to 1 pound a week and that will take 5-10 weeks to lose. losing weight is a maration not a sprint. you want to make sure your healthy. hope this helps