SAHM 2/8/10 - 2/8/14



  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Kim- I have felt like that too before when I have drank too much wter before I exercised!

    trish- I bet when you get overthe sinus thing, the nausea will go away! That would make sense that it is bothering your inner ear.

    Tomorrow I get to run! YAY!!!

    Edit: Have a great night ladies!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Dinner, we had chicken tacos using ground chicken breast, pretty yummy!!

    Trish ~ I hate being dizzy, hopefully you can find out what's wrong soon! and I love nutella banana toast..mmmm

    Nicole ~ Have fun on your run today! Today is my normal running day, but I got one in yesterday, so I will do something else...

    Down 2lbs this morning!! Wohoo!! I love love love this site! I didn't think anything was easier than WW, and this totally is :) I changed my percentages to 50/25/25. We'll see how that works...I just love carbs too much to go any lower ;)
  • blessdmomof4
    I had baked scrod and coleslaw for dinner last night. So yummy! I did have success w/ my whole wheat sourdough. It took all day to do the 3 rises required and it was still a rather small loaf but it is soooo delicious! I made my starter from wild yeasts in the air so it probably isn't as strong as it would be if I had added yeast. That would explain the slow rises. I'll keep tweaking it. I didn't add the optional vital wheat gluten, maybe I'll try that next time... I'm just glad it didn't turn out like a brick!

    Hopey where are you going for your missions trip? That sounds exciting!

    Kim & Trish - I experienced nasuea and was light headed during my workout this morning too, could be the beginning of sinus issues that I just said I hadn't had all winter...go figure :ohwell: I hope it passes quickly for all of us whatever it is.

    Goals for today
    lots and lots of water again
    eat healthy snacks in between meals to curb overeating at meals
    save 600 cal or more cal for special dinner tonight w/ a friend

    Have a blessed day everyone!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I think it's passing. Last night, my ears were popping like fireworks, and I had some sinus drainage. Also have turkey trots this morning (sorry if that's TMI), but I see it as a good thing. I am going to have some breakfast and see how that goes.
    Doing Wii BL workout when Grace goes down for nap.

    Hamburger Helper for dinner tonight.
  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    Now I have some sinus issues going on, never got to my elliptical yesterday by the time I got done grocery shopping and putting it away, (food for 7 people) takes a while I was exhausted, after my oldest got home, I took a bath then slept on the couch for 45 min., cooked dinner, put the kids to bed at 8:30 then I went to bed around 9ish. Maybe I will do some yoga on the Wii today, just to feel like I'm doing something, I am so bored, I really want to work out but I know my body won't let me. I love winter time, for all the things to do, sledding, skiing, snowboarding, but I can't wait for spring to get here, for no more sickness.

    So while I'm down, I'm going to try and find some new wheels for my jogging stroller, instead of buying a new one, they blew out on his in the fall, hopefully I can find some decent one's, then I'll start walking my daughter to school next week, weather has changed to unseasonably warm during the day here. Maybe the ground hog was wrong! Early spring may be coming our way.
  • steph1499
    oh Im glad I found a group of stay at home moms. lol Im Stephanie and I have a 19 month old, 7 year old and a 11 year old. Its hard to get out to exercise because for us schedule is everything. So I bought the wii, wii fit plus, biggest loser, jillian 2010, and ur shape plus i got the 30 day shred plus two more of jillians dvds. Im excited to start this journey again. Like alot of people I have gone on the rollercoaster of diet and exercise. Before the youngest I had lost 30 pounds and then boom got pregnant after three years of trying. they good thing is after having her and even the last almost 2 years and still about the same weight before i got pregnant. I start at 315 and now am 288. Im so glad i found this thread though.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Welcom Steph! This is a great group of ladies!

    I think all of you are sick passed it to my family through the key board!!:laugh: My daughter just has it right now. Hopefully the rest of us won't!

    Ok, I am frustrated again, with the weight thing too...My body just doesn't want to give it up I guess. I keep fluctuatiing 2 lbs up, 2 lbs down...up...down... right now I am up. But...I measured myself this morning, and that was totally encouraging. I lost 2 inches since Jan 12th and I have lost a total of 11 1/2 inches so far! YAY!!!:drinker: :drinker:
  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    Welcome Steph, I just joined within the last couple of weeks and love this group.

    Nicole, I have fluctuated the same 2 lbs. since the kids went back to school, I cannot figure it out. I have learned its fairly easy to maintain though, so that is encouraging for when I meet my goal weight, but I am frustrated that I seem to have plateaued. About 2 wks before I got sick, I decided to change my routine a bit, got a kickboxing video, which I really like and was planning on starting a jogging program, maybe couch to 5k, to see if I could break this plateau, but I will have to wait a bit to start that until my cold is gone. Other than that, I'm not sure how to break out of this plateau, a lot of my problem I think is from just not being as active since school started and winter has set in, in the spring, summer, fall, I'm rarely in the house, we are outdoorsy people, and love to be outside, so being stuck in the house is hard. I do snowboard, but that is even hard to do, it is a 45 min. drive, and with being gone all day, need a babysitter for the kids who are too young to go. I'm trying to be positive, that it will happen, just sticking to my lifestyle change, keeping good eating habits and trying to stay active as much as possible. Everyone was right, the first half is so easy to lose, the last half, wow, it takes a lot of work.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Welcome, Steph! We have the best group of gals here!

    Nicole, remind me what your MFP base calories are set at again? Just trying to help a little :)

    For maintenance you should probably be eating close to 1700 cals, and 500 less than that for weight loss.

    I've been going over the crazy equation in my head all weekend (nothing better to do to keep my mind off of not working out & feeling queasy) I think I figured out where I went wrong.

    Let's try this:

    Take your weight & multiply it by 13 (mine is 218 x 13 = 2834)
    Note your MFP daily calorie allowance (I have mine set at 1400)
    For me, this is a deficit of 1,434 calories, daily.
    Multiply your daily deficit by 7 (1434 x 7 = 10038)
    Add the exercise calories you did NOT eat back for the week (last week my total was 2073)
    Add that number to your weekly deficit (2073 + 10038 = 12111)
    Divide the above number by 3500 (12111/3500 = 3.4)
    3.4 is the pounds I should have lost in the last week.

    I was 222 a week ago, and I am 218 today. The solution of 3.4 is just about on the nosey. Try it for yourself and see if it matches your weight loss for the last week. Let me know if I'm crazy.
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    GM everyone. Was excited to see the scale moving in the right direction this morning! Lost 3 lbs this week, unfortunately its part of the 4lbs I gained while visiting with family. On the bright side though I have had a lot of sodium lately and not enough water so I think if I get on my water hard this next week i will see an official loss so my ticker can start moving again. I'm hopeful and staying w/ in calories even though I can't workout.
    So I am suprising the kids tonight with a special "mommy time" going out to dinner. I've been trying to get creative with my dh gone and I thought this could be fun. I've never actually taken both of the kids out to dinner I have always made it special for just one but applebees has a $.99 kids night so I can feed all 3 of us there for around $12. I'm hoping they will be good today after I pick ds up from school, told them they had a suprise but not what it was. BUT if they fight or bicker it's a no go. Hopefully we can go because I don't want to cook LOL Anyway, what I was getting at telling you guys was if you had any favorites from there that are descent in calories? I was thinking of the Weight Watcher section of the menu but any suggestions or favorites I could give a try?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Shera, I'm a sucker for the chicken fajita roll up, replace fries with steamed veggies, no salt. I don't know how many calories it is, buuuut... YUM!

    I also understand they just came out with an under 500 cal section, but remember... low cal does not always equal low sodium.
  • curliegirl
    Shera--ate one of the 500 cal things a couple of weeks ago. Shrimp skewered w/ ?something. It was great--I couldn't finish it all though--too much for me.

    Have a great dinner! If they are rotten--go by & get something for yourself anyway & feed them pbj. :) I am such a mean mom.

  • cvtga
    cvtga Posts: 118
    GM everyone! Trying to get up and out of the house early today. I have to run up to base which is about 35 minutes away and do my big grocery shopping at the commissary. Thankfully the boys like going, but I try to race home before Ryan falls asleep in the car, so he can come home and nap and I can get my workout in.

    Welcome Steph! I'm sure you'll find all the ladies on here to be very supportive.

    Shera426, great job on the 3 lbs! Sounds like your bouncing right back.

    Well ladies this morning I officially hit my 1/2 way point. 18 down and 18 to go:happy: I'm excited but hoping I can keep the same level of energy and determination.

    Check you all this afternoon. Have a good day!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Shera- That's great about applebees. I have the marinated chicken breast when I went there before.

    Dolphin- I am a really outdoorsy person too, that's why you don't see me here much on the weekends.

    Trish- we go...I did what you did you go Sun thru sat? or mon thru sun? I did mon thru sun and I go that I was supposed to have lost 2.41 lbs....I gained 2.....hmmmm.
    EDIT: I had my base at 1200, I changed it to 1350, and now back to 1200. Feel free to look at my diary
  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    Time for a nap!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole, I calculated Wednesday through Tuesday for you (the last 7 day period). I think your daily calorie intake is too low to begin with (if it's set at 1200). JMO
    Try 1300 or 1400 daily, so that your deficit is not bringing you below 1200 when you exercise. Just to experiment. Keep it there for a week or two and see if it makes a difference.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Ok Trish- I will try it now. I will try to keep it there for 2 weeks and see what happens.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Just for kicks. Set it at 1300 or 1400 and don't eat back any exercise calories. Let's see what happens. I hope I'm not sabotaging. I was just reading a post earlier today that if you're doing everything you're supposed to (exercise, watching cals, etc), and gaining weight, then it's probably because you're on too few calories. Worse comes to worse, you're putting on muscle, and the scales will start moving again soon!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    so don't eat back any exercise cals? I am still confused after how many months with the exercise cals! EDIT: I didn't eat my exercise cals when I first started in Sept. Then some people on MFP told me to definitely eat back some of I did, and that's when I started to lose.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I would eat them back at 1200, but at 1400 I personally don't eat them back. You just have to find that "sweet spot" where your body just goes into burn mode. Try not to exceed a total of 1700 cals (cuz that's what looks like your maintenance cals should be). Like I said, it's just an experiment for a week or two. I'm not a doctor (despite my screen name). I will be happy to return the guinea pig favor when you're done :)