whats pi**ed you off today?



  • kel665
    kel665 Posts: 401 Member
    My daughters father ringing her while I am trying to get her ready for school! I asked him on the weekend no to ring her until I sms him and tell him she is ready for school, I did that yesterday, today he rings! FFS! I end up having to yell at her to do stuff because she is now running late, she goes to school crying, he doesn't care, he has had his dose of making himself feel good by talking to her, made his morning, but ruined everyone elses!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    The guy in the forums that is complaining that he's not losing weight and yet he's got pure junk on his diary. Dude stop eating out every freaking day and get some fruits and veggies in. Uggggg
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    went to penney's and kohls to fine a pair of black jeans. Nope, none in my size. Cant find a F**cking pair of jeans in this rinky dink sh*thole of a cow town. And Why the *kitten* do they have to have a big and tall section? Why cant they just put all the mens clothes in the same place? The skinny people cant get down the isle while us fat Fu*cks are looking at clothes? We have to be separated from the rest of the populace because were fat? Cull the cows from the heard? I say *kitten* kohls and penneys!
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    waiting on my pay check when i need it now
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    finding out my new tenants have the power and gas being charged to my account (probably British Gases F&CKUP) AND receiving a HUGE tax bill because my thankfully Ex employer failed to calculate my tax correctly.rrrhhh.
  • Ashlee2421
    Ashlee2421 Posts: 58 Member
    Roommates!!! Good Lord!

    They both sit home all day long and do NOTHING, Heaven forbid they take out the trash, get the mail, clean up after themselves, or help around the house, yet they always happen to jump in the shower as soon as I mention having to shower myself and bathe my child.

  • curvygirl77
    curvygirl77 Posts: 769 Member
    So far nothing; but everyone around me is pissed and I'm trying not to pick up the bad energy.
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    having 8 hours of homework for a 1 credit class, WTF teacher?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  • The fact I studied for 2 weeks for a test I took today and all the points I focused on were not on the test. I could have set fire to ice I was so mad.
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    The fact I studied for 2 weeks for a test I took today and all the points I focused on were not on the test. I could have set fire to ice I was so mad.

    Oh yeah, I hear you on this one. F**k tests!!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    My daughters father ringing her while I am trying to get her ready for school! I asked him on the weekend no to ring her until I sms him and tell him she is ready for school, I did that yesterday, today he rings! FFS! I end up having to yell at her to do stuff because she is now running late, she goes to school crying, he doesn't care, he has had his dose of making himself feel good by talking to her, made his morning, but ruined everyone elses!

    then don't let her answer the phone until she's ready for school and if your the one answering the phone don't do it till she's ready for school, just ignore him, that's and easy fix. He's just doing it to say he can call when he chooses to. But you have the power to shut him down.
  • rexzmumu
    rexzmumu Posts: 95 Member
    my bf - EVERYDAY!!!!
  • curt0230
    curt0230 Posts: 1 Member
    Seriously there is no better way to have phrased the question - my dog pi**sed on the carpet while I was at work. :explode:
  • KrazyInLove
    KrazyInLove Posts: 36 Member
    Omg I have a new manager at work. He is probably the nicest and sweetest person I have ever met. However he is the LAZIEST person I have every met. He sat at the computer all day while I got stomped in orders from the fax machine, call ins, and walk ins. I was like really.....I almost walked out twice today.
  • jus_in_bello
    jus_in_bello Posts: 326 Member
    Name one thing that has made your blood boil today? Mine was trying to fold a fitted sheet neatly! Seriously - I nearly lost it!

    :noway: You folded it?! I usually give up and ball it up! :laugh:

    It's what pillow cases are for, shove all the stuff in the pillow case and pretend it means you're "organized"

    I had another allergic reaction to plums, I had one a year ago, was fine eating them all summer after 2 allergy tests (blood and skin) that said I had zero food allergies, and now I can't eat them again, apparently I can't eat stone fruits in the fall.
  • xcmtnracer
    xcmtnracer Posts: 426 Member
    Wow, where to begin. Woke up tired as crap, work sucked, everyone came to me with their problems, no solutions, I had to see that over 300 students arrived for flu shots, got my flu shot, worked two hours too long, resisted a nap, went mountain biking, dodged a father and son on the trail while I was killing my ride, bike hopped off a rock the wrong way, I crashed, sliced my armed, 4 inch cut, bruised my knee, now limping, scrapped my shoulder, sprained my thumb, put fresh dents in my helmet( thank you helmet), and it's my 44th birthday.
  • Ashlee2421
    Ashlee2421 Posts: 58 Member
    Posting again because it just happened.

    People feeding JUNK FOOD to my 1 YEAR OLD.

    GAH. Drives me BONKERS. What makes someone think it's ok to feed a 1 year old this garbage then yell at ME for being too strict? I'm sorry, i know what it's like to be born fat, raised fat, picked on, left out, no confidence, I'm 22 and still feel disgusting in my own body. I must be crazy for not wanting my son to go through that. He's already a chunky kid, trust me, strangers feel the need to make smart *kitten* comments to me on the daily. What makes a random stranger think it's perfectly fine and dandy to walk up to someone and say "Oh, your momma sure aint starvin you huh?" Oh, I wasn't aware that we live in a day and age where it's ok to walk up to someone and comment on their childs WEIGHT. UGH.

    I'm not "dieting" I'm living a new LIFESTYLE of HEALTH for me and my CHILD. I do not want a child that eats fast food and becomes another statistic.
  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    someone parked in the cycle lane!!!
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Someone busted out the window in my van and stole my husband's hiking/fossil hunting gear! Now I have to get the window replaced!
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    Been sick today. Got mad thinking about all the stuff I'll miss in classes and I have to drag myself up and go make prints.

    Not sure if I'm physically sick or just mentally, work was terrible this weekend, tired of female coworkers always being dramatic and passive aggressive about things. Hey, if your life is all about work, that's fine. Just because I don't like my job and have hopes for better doesn't mean I'm personally insulting you by existing.

    Also, many attitudes unbecoming of 50+ year old women. You'd think by then people could just say 'I really disagree with you and what you said upsets me because I am passionate about retail and this company.' instead of yelling and sniping.

    Fyi all I did was tell a customer that Copps had an organic produce section more extensive than our store because my boss always pretends to get mad when we joke about other stores. The coworker overheard and became angry.

    And two days later I did a small experiment to see if she was still being passive aggressive about it. She'll tell everyone else bananas need to be topped but very rarely does them herself. She told a male coworker earlier that he could do them. (though they didn't absolutely have to that very moment, since we were very busy filling) He was busy and didn't want to at the moment, and another male coworker was going to be in and he liked doing them. So I told him that.

    Then she mentioned he could do them again when I was in the room and I said that the other coworker would be in in a half hour and would love doing them.

    I figured what would happen is she would get him to the back room, tell him I wasn't his boss and he could decide for himself how to prioritize work, and wheedle him into doing it. And he told me that's exactly what happened when he came back with some bananas a half an hour later!

    She stuck to him like glue all day that day, like he was her new favourite thing and basically bossed him around. I found it hilarious because she always acts like she's the boss of us and she's wheedled me into topping bananas before when the sales floor was half empty, we already had bananas, and I KNEW they could wait until later, and she wasn't prioritizing. But she'd keep at me until I gave in. And if she ever said she'd help, she'd appear at the last moment, do one box, and take away the cardboard which is the best part of doing it because you get to spend a few minutes off of the sales floor. So I wasn't even mad that day, just amused. at how predictable people can be.

    And no matter which upper boss you tell about her 'catching up with old friends' on the sales floor for half her shift, no one does anything about it. But if the three younger associates and I are in back working and talking for five minutes (literally five, I've started keeping times), we get dirty looks and 'Really, guys?' from our immediate boss.

    Tired of double standards and discrimination against younger employees. Sorry for ranting, if I could go to my bosses about things like this, I wouldn't feel the need to...

    Wow ... Sounds like she's got a little bit of a "banana" obsession. :tongue: