


  • nicolemariemclovin
    oh here, let me help you remove that stick from your @ss.
    you're welcome :)
  • nicolemariemclovin
    ^^oops, that was intended for savageman. i'm awful at this forum thing.
  • savageman69
    savageman69 Posts: 339 Member
    ^^oops, that was intended for savageman. i'm awful at this forum thing.
    ah thanks...maybe that will help me lose some more weight seeing the diet cheating is killing me
  • savageman69
    savageman69 Posts: 339 Member
    I think some people forget that not everyone has reached there goal yet... For someone who is just starting out maybe they don't want the extra fat and calories. Maybe they can't stop at just one. Maybe they are actually trying to change their eating habits and cutting out sweets is part of that. You don't know everyone's story so before you go cutting them down for not wanting to eat a brownie, why can't you just be supportive of their decision and offer a suggestion, or move on.. You don't have to comment. We're supposed to be helping each other along this journey.. Not judging someone because they don't want to cheat on their diet.

    Personally I love the "soda cake" thing. I use my cake mix and turn it into a sort of cobbler. I use the spice cake and add mixed fruit and then the sprite! But chocolate cake and blueberries sounds like it would be really good! Maybe I'll try that next time! :)
    Maybe some of us dont want to diet...ever think of that, you know what the problem is with your idea? Its simple really your method will work and youill lose your weight but when you stop your diet and stop avoiding so called cheat foods youill gain it all back from binging. Avoiding foods will cause you to develope a bad relationship with food, give you possibly an eating dissorder and doesnt usually equal life time weight loss or maintance.

    Im not being rude im just tired of people making it out like a brownie made you fat, if you cant control yourself and resist eating the entire box then get help thats called an eating dissorder, or you need to grow a back bone and get some self control.
  • HypnoticHaylee
    Why does eating "healthy" foods have to even be called a "diet"? You do know there are people who choose to not eat the so called cheat foods, practically ever..right? The original post was clearly asking for alternatives to brownies, not asking for people to tell her to just eat a brownie. Avoiding foods in my OPINION , that in the persons mind is not the best choice for them definitely will not cause them to develop a bad relationship with food..if anything it will cause a GOOD relationship with eating better quality food . It helps them become more educated on food choices, and often even find out new healthy foods that are just as satisfying. Again this is all my opinion.

    It seems to me like you are just strongly against people avoiding junk food, but others sometimes just need to, or choose to for any given amount of time. Everyone is different and can choose what they eat, and why.
  • HypnoticHaylee
    Also, about the whole gaining it back/binging comment..that might happen to some, but certainly not all. I lost 120 pounds with still more to go..for the bulk of that I completely avoided junk/cheat type foods almost always, and sometimes I would be out and tempted, and end up eating way more than I should..but I never gained back. Now I choose to avoid certain foods to the best of my ability for the simple reason that eating it literally makes me feel like crap. Sluggish, tired, sick, and it almost always is not worth it. I won't beat myself up over it, if I really want something I will eat it..but for the reasons of feeling like crap I try to avoid it on most days. I think everyone reacts to certain foods differently, and thats another reason why they avoid certain foods.
  • MaddiTaylah17

  • HypnoticHaylee


    Thank you!!!!! I love her blog, completely forgot about it, nice to visit it again!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I like to cook, so I experiment with recipes to make them healthier. Remember that healthier doesn't necessarily mean they have fewer calories. But, I like to throw in a little whole wheat fiber or oatmeal to give a little more fiber. And, I like using almond milk instead of cow just for a little more flavor. I also generally decrease the sugar a bit, but just a little and only because I don't necessarily like things as sweet as called for. I'll also substitute half the butter or oil with applesauce - but no more than half.
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    Lately I've been addicted to plain nonfat greek yogurt. I've been mixing PB2 chocolate in it. I'll add butterscotch flavoring to it, truvia, and 1/2 serving of Reeses chips and 1/2 serving of chocolate chips and thats my "butterfinger".
    Or its just as good w/o the butterscotch.
    I also do the greek yogurt with canned pumpkin, cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, truvia, graham crackers crumbs, and maybe the chocolate chips.
    Or greek yogurt with apple pie spice, cinnamon, truvia... and today was also unsweetened apple sauce and chopped apples.
    I did mention I've been addicted to the greek yogurt right??

    I've also gotten crafty with protein shakes.. I've made pumpkin ones, chocolate mint.
    Even made a vegan ice cream. 2 frozen, chopped up bananas with a tbs of peanut butter in a food processor.
    Tonight was a pumpkin protein pancake with a tbs of mascarpone, strawberries and 1/2 serving of chocolate chips.

    Yeah, I've had a real sweet tooth lately.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I made brownies two days ago: 1 box brownie mix + 1 can black beans rinsed really well + water to brownie consistency.

    Absolutely delicious. Next time I'm going to make from scratch so I can make it healthier than the box mix. Likely some varient of
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Make your own brownies, take one and give the rest to a friend/family member as a present!
    Protein powder, dark chocolate, flour, etc :)
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    Oh and if you're looking for specifically brownies.
    Ever hear of the "no pudge brownies"? They sell them at Trader Joes, health food stores.
    You just use nonfat plain yogurt w/ the mix. And you can make a single serving too
    Here's a link to the product on Amazon
  • MaddiTaylah17
    You're welcome :)
  • Tiffikat

    Not on a high horse, just saying what a pet peeve of mine is, as well as why some people just simply do not want to eat that stuff for one reason or another..hence topics asking for alternatives, not " can you tell me to eat a brownie even though I am asking for alternatives

    This is the main point that some are missing. The original poster is clearly asking for alternative snack ideas. It isn't a debate about healthy vs. not healthy or macro is a macro. It is a request for alternative options. What works for one person will not work for everyone. If you can happily eat your brownie and add extra exercise and move on good for you. Someone else may have to limit carbs or sugar or whatever for reasons not mentioned. If someone asks for an alternative option, why not just give it to them or ignore the post if you disagree with the desire to have alternative options?
    I think some people forget that not everyone has reached there goal yet... For someone who is just starting out maybe they don't want the extra fat and calories. Maybe they can't stop at just one. Maybe they are actually trying to change their eating habits and cutting out sweets is part of that. You don't know everyone's story so before you go cutting them down for not wanting to eat a brownie, why can't you just be supportive of their decision and offer a suggestion, or move on.. You don't have to comment. We're supposed to be helping each other along this journey.

    Also. THIS. Perhaps it's the preschool teacher in me, but I simply do not get berating someone for wanting to eat a lower-calorie alternative, especially when those alternatives can be just as tasty as the higher calorie treat she used to enjoy. ETA for many that is part of the LIFESTYLE change, not a temporary diet. It isn't deprivation if you are still allowing yourself treats and simply looking for lower calories treats that you will also love.

    I like the black bean brownies. I also like to use banana puree instead of oil/butter for a lower calorie baked good that is delicious, fluffy, and soft.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    how about you eat a brownie.....I really dont get why people avoid foods

    ^^ This. I exercise for dessert! Living should never be about deprivation!!!!!!!!!

    Moderation, good.
    Deprivation, bad.

    ^^ you have a calorie allowance every day. fit in a brownie every now and then. If you feel too deprived, you will hate your diet and become to resent it, no longer want to follow it and ruin all of your hard work.

    I suggest buying a really good brownie instead of buying some at the store and having a whole batch in your house.
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    I agree Savageman, anything in moderation!
  • shaleasymphony
    shaleasymphony Posts: 172 Member
    a whole dark chocolate hershey bar is 190 calories. if you can't spare 190 cals or exercise the 190 off then just eat a section (suck, don't chew so it lasts) and freeze the rest for the next few days to come
  • jojo98mu
    jojo98mu Posts: 20 Member
  • savageman69
    savageman69 Posts: 339 Member
    I agree Savageman, anything in moderation!

    Thank you lol seems everyones against me lol.

    If you want low cal stuff try fiber one brownies or whip up homemade stuff.....i make protein cheesecakes all the time allowing me to get a treat and fill my protein and fat levels. Im not saying you cant eat low cal im simply saying enjoy life and dont kill yourself avoiding stuff thats all.

    If it comes off as douchy then sorry just a strong supporter of IIFYM