Men's advice please....



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Women do not chase, darlin. You do nothing.

    And for future reference, hold off on that text until the following day or say in person at the end of the date that you had a nice time. Then, put out.
  • Colonel_Brandon
    Colonel_Brandon Posts: 256 Member
    I'm in the "Do Nothing" camp.

    Guys are hunters. That's what we do. If we want to go get you, we will. If we don't, then why waste your time?
  • NoMoreFlubbering
    NoMoreFlubbering Posts: 95 Member
    To be bluntly honest, he's just not that into you. He has your number if he's interested he would chase you. Go out on other dates, have a good time.... he may or may not resurface. If he doesn't no loss!

    This. He has the ability to contact you, should he wish. If he doesn't, keep on keeping on. So many other awesome fish in that sea.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    I am also in the "do nothing" camp.
    To many texts make you look needy.
    Also, there is the very real possibility that he is just really busy.
    I know I get that way sometimes.

    But, there is also the possibility that he simply doesnt want a second date.
    It happens. Even Babe Ruth struck out sometimes.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    oh the age old question. just let it be. seriously. you will never know what hes thinking, and no one here will be able to either. he could be busy with work, had a family emergency, or just dosnt think you guys are a good fit. either way, its not a bad thing. let life take its course. let things worry about themselves. and stop worrying about it. :]
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Why is it always the man's responsiblity to reach out? He may be thinking the same thing about you. You could call/text him asking if he's free sometime this weekend and if he doesn't respond, let it go.
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    i say send him a very short text. short and to the point. like "Want to meet up again?
    " don't follow up after that,
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    I am not a dude but I have been there done this... He is what we call a poofer. He is not interested. Most men would have text by now. If not called. Sorry :( but remember there are so many men out there dont settle
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    i would say reach out to him, a quick hi, how was your weekend and leave it alone. He should have sent a text by now, if he was a gentleman.

    Why should she reach out to him?

    Here are some possible scenarios:

    He is not into her—she shouldn’t reach out
    He is playing games—grown *kitten* men should not play childish games—she shouldn’t reach out
    He is into her, but is kinda shy—who wants an insecure man—she shouldn’t reach out

    Can you come up with another reason why he hasn’t contacted her in a week?

    Shy is not insecure but I agree for the most part.
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    Send him some hair and nail clippings or just show up in his kitchen boiling some rabbits. Men love that.
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    You could always break into his house and boil one of his pets in a pot on the cooker....or pour acid on his car.....or...or.....

    I watch way too many movies. Seriously, do nothing :wink:
  • As stated before, just wait. Who knows what's going on in his life. As a guy, I wouldn't want a woman texting me a bunch of times after a date. Especially if I was going through some family/life problems. Just sit tight and don't get too worked up about it. Best of luck!
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I guess it depends a bit on who sent the last text, but generally I would say sack it off.

    If he contacts you then do as you please, but no good can come from contacting him if you were the last one to text.

    To be honest, I never liked an overly keen girl and texting straight after the date would have put me off.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    I am not a man, but here's my opinion...

    Do nothing !!

    If he is interested, he has your number..If he is playing THe game, he has your number..Dont sit there waiting for him, go on other dates, go out with friends. If he really wants to, he will contact you.

    Typical woman response.
    If you like the guy, pursue him. IF he responds, WIN. If not, move on.
  • And thus the request for Mens advice. Although Women believe they know Men, they do not. There is no "cut out" one guy is just like another, regardless of what some people believe.

    I will say that a lot is dependent on his age, thus his maturity, and since you are not a teenager then he is probably not either. As we age, Men that is, we get set in our patterns and sometimes simply do not remember to do "new" things. Perhaps he is not usually a dating kind of guy and does not want to come off as being pushy? Perhaps he wants to give a bit of time to make the heart grow fonder? Perhaps he is trying to find the right opportunity, event, to take you out to? Perhaps he doesn't know how to recall your number on his cellphone, my father can't do it? The real answer is, only he knows why he has not called you yet. So, if you like him and would like to see him again then pick up your phone and give him a call and invite him to a Starbucks, or some other non-romantic, brightly lit, general meeting area and see what he says. If he says anything other then "Yes" (or words to that effect) and he is not telling you that he is hospitalized or under medical care, then unfortunately he does not wish to pursue this opportunity. If he says "Yes", then he is interested in you because no man will go to a second date with a woman they did not like on the first.

    Hope that helps, and regardless of how he feels..enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and have a great day.
  • This happens to guys too. Just say, "Next!"
  • i would say reach out to him, a quick hi, how was your weekend and leave it alone. He should have sent a text by now, if he was a gentleman.

    Why should she reach out to him?

    Here are some possible scenarios:

    He is not into her—she shouldn’t reach out
    He is playing games—grown *kitten* men should not play childish games—she shouldn’t reach out
    He is into her, but is kinda shy—who wants an insecure man—she shouldn’t reach out

    Can you come up with another reason why he hasn’t contacted her in a week?

    Spot on. You sent the last text, if he was really interested enough for another date then he will make the next move. Don't take it personally if things didn't work. Sometimes no matter the chemistry, you may just not be his type. Go on other dates and if he's interested, he'll find a way to contact you.

    Also, glad that you didn't 'put out'. Anyone who needs that for a second date most likely won't have the depth you need to get you past the 'lust' phase of a new relationship. That depth will help you when the 3 month mark hits and you're now getting to know someone on a deeper level.
  • Don't call. Leave it be. He knows how to get a hold of you if he wants to.
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    i would say reach out to him, a quick hi, how was your weekend and leave it alone. He should have sent a text by now, if he was a gentleman.

    Why should she reach out to him?

    Here are some possible scenarios:

    He is not into her—she shouldn’t reach out
    He is playing games—grown *kitten* men should not play childish games—she shouldn’t reach out
    He is into her, but is kinda shy—who wants an insecure man—she shouldn’t reach out

    Can you come up with another reason why he hasn’t contacted her in a week?

    Shy is not insecure but I agree for the most part.

    I have never met a shy secure man ( well, I meant shy when it comes to dating stuff)
  • Sarge516
    Sarge516 Posts: 256 Member
    I am not a man, but here's my opinion...

    Do nothing !!

    If he is interested, he has your number..If he is playing THe game, he has your number..Dont sit there waiting for him, go on other dates, go out with friends. If he really wants to, he will contact you.
    ^^ What she said.