You must eat breakfast if you want to lose weight



  • uclown2002
    uclown2002 Posts: 79 Member
    i do agree that we must eat breakfast! I have 1/2 a cup of oatmeal usually with a sliced fruit either banana or apple and it keeps me full until lunchtime. Breakfast is an importan meal :wink:

    Signed Mrs Kelloggs
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    This is still going?

    Everyone breaks their fast else they cease to live. Some people eat at different times, just like people have different work schedules, etc.

    /end thread
  • I disagree in a way, after joining a program called naturally slim, they suggested eating breakfast only if you are hungry. They stated to get up and drink water and only if you were hungry to eat food because if you eat just because you are suppose to eat breakfast you are adding calories that you dont have to have. I think it depends on the person, if you know that skipping breakfast will make you eat more junk, then I would suggest eating something, but everybody is not the same. I found that I lose weight if I only eat when I am hungry which is usually 2 to 3 times a day with atlease 1 snack. You have to figure out what works for you.
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    This is still going?

    Everyone breaks their fast else they cease to live. Some people eat at different times, just like people have different work schedules, etc.

    /end thread

    I try my best to end these threads with nonsense but it never pans out. Some people just wont lay down their weapons....
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    This is still going?

    Everyone breaks their fast else they cease to live. Some people eat at different times, just like people have different work schedules, etc.

    /end thread

    I try my best to end these threads with nonsense but it never pans out. Some people just wont lay down their weapons....

    But it's awesome because of the GIFs. So I say CARRY ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Timing does matter in terms of body composition. Your body is more insulin sensitive at certain times of the day. Cortisol levels vary. GH levels vary...........................hormones have an effect on what your body does with food...that's their sole purpose. to overlook that is kidn of silly.

    take a look at intermittent fasting and tell me why it works so well if the insulin response is the same and timing doesn't matter?
    I backload my carbs, eating much more than I was a few weeks ago, but I'm losing fat...............

    Dead on my man. A+.
  • Timing does matter in terms of body composition. Your body is more insulin sensitive at certain times of the day. Cortisol levels vary. GH levels vary...........................hormones have an effect on what your body does with food...that's their sole purpose. to overlook that is kidn of silly.

    take a look at intermittent fasting and tell me why it works so well if the insulin response is the same and timing doesn't matter?
    I backload my carbs, eating much more than I was a few weeks ago, but I'm losing fat...............

    Dead on my man. A+.
  • bostongeek
    bostongeek Posts: 80 Member
    I have enjoyed reading every single one of the fourteen pages of this thread. Thank you, all.
  • timmymon
    timmymon Posts: 304 Member
    Skipping breakfast is important to weight loss! The less meals you have a day the more weight you will lose. DUH! Once you get good at this dieting thing you will most likely be skipping lunch as well :glasses:
  • jllove871
    jllove871 Posts: 84 Member
    Well despite the nay sayers here I feel that breakfast is important, My Doctor recommends it, I see many articles that recommend it (boosting metabolism) and other benefits. I personally find that in past I did not eat breakfast I was sluggish during day and when I did I had more energy. In the end I think we really need to listen to our bodies, seek out information and find what works best for each of us individually without correcting one another. We are all different, every body functions differently, some have medical concerns and we all have personal preferences. The key is to be armed with knowledge and then decipher that individually, no one idea will work for everyone, and because it doesn't work for you doesnt mean its wrong, seriously we are not robots all designed specifically the same with exact specs and care standards!. Thats why we have so many diet dillemas, cookie cutter thinking based on just a small sampling, if you devour anything devour many ideas and then take the tastiest morsels FOR YOU and put it to work. Never shut down an idea, just don't choose it to be right for you. There is no Must or Must Nots, there just the individual.
  • jllove871
    jllove871 Posts: 84 Member
    He's not wrong. If you don't eat breakfast you will die. Didn't say what time ROFL some of you need to go suck on a lemon.

    so what you're saying is you have to eat bacon and eggs at some point during the day or you'll die?

    I can agree here.

    Yeah and on the subject of bacon and eggs. There is a direct link between how much you eat and how much weight you lose. But, the trick is that there is a cap. 1 strip of bacon equals 1 lbs. and 1 egg equals 1.5 lbs. So if you eat 4 strips of bacon and 2 eggs once a week you will lose 1 lb a day for the rest of your life!!!!!!!

    Sucking on the required lemon here ... so can't respond :bigsmile:

    Breakfast doesn't have to be bacon and eggs, think outside the box! Lemons aren't for sucking either, they are for eating. You guys are turning a supposed to be supportive community with a shared goal into a pissing match. How miserable for everyone here!
  • Gwen_B
    Gwen_B Posts: 1,018 Member
    First of all, I never eat breakfast, but that does not make it right! I don't have a weight issue, but I never have either. As, far as the responses that disagree with you :

    Many studies, in both adults and children, have shown that breakfast eaters tend to weigh less than breakfast skippers.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I have enjoyed reading every single one of the fourteen pages of this thread. Thank you, all.

    If you were truly appreciative, you'd read it all again.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Breakfast doesn't have to be bacon and eggs...

    I'm sorry, but I don't speak your crazy moon language!
  • bostongeek
    bostongeek Posts: 80 Member
    I have enjoyed reading every single one of the fourteen pages of this thread. Thank you, all.

    If you were truly appreciative, you'd read it all again.

    I am going to try reading them backwards this time to see if it enhances the experience.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    You must eat breakfast if you want to lose weight, and make sure it includes lean protein. Eating lean protein at breakfast is one of the most important things you can do to fell less hungry.

    I personally am a big fan of breakfast but am stunned that someone would think that weight loss is one size fits all. The amount of variety among successful weight loss and fitness achievers is staggering.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Simply not true. Meal timing has nothing to do with weight loss, including eating breakfast, at least in the sense of eating a meal right upon waking up. I virtually never eat breakfast, and lose weight just fine. If I person likes breakfast, by all means eat it. If they binge later if they don't eat right after waking up, by all means eat. However, to say I person must eat breakfast is to confuse the situation. What a person must do is maintain a reasonable calorie deficit. Whatever means helps a person do that be it eating upon waking, or only eating later in the day, or whatever else, that is what they should do.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    It depends if you have sugary dessert like cereals for breakfast or a lot of calories that you normally wouldn't eat then you would be better off not eating it. I prefer waiting until about 11 am for my first meal of the day
  • You must eat breakfast if you want to lose weight, and make sure it includes lean protein. Eating lean protein at breakfast is one of the most important things you can do to fell less hungry.

    Even if you don’t feel hungry in the morning, eat breakfast anyway. It may be a challenge, but this is something you can do. Breakfast will help you prevent hunger later on. It will reduce your appetite and cravings and help you stick with your eating plan all day long.

    I start my day off with good breakfast. For me it means non-starchy vegetable, fresh low-sugar fruit, lean protein, whole grain bread, and healthy fats (I take Omega 3 supplement).

    This is my average day, but I generally eat the same things from day to day:

    blueberries, blackberries, or apple,
    1 slice of dry, 100% whole-grain toasted bread with
    1 slice of 99% fat free turkey breast,
    1 fresh tomato hot tea (no milk, no sugar).

    As you can see it is not a typical "breakfast foods". The protein consumption, when eaten as part of the daily first meal reduces my appetite throughout the day. I also believe that it jump-starts my metabolism and sets my body in the optimal fat-burning state.

    Eating like this was initially a little challenging, but I got used to it. It has become a part of my eating strategy that caused me to lose 91 pounds without feeling hungry.

    I eat breakfast every day

    I don't eat breakfast.
    My credentials - have lost 184 lbs
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Although I agree that you don't HAVE to eat breakfast I LOVE my breakfast and I am not getting fat because of it. :laugh: In fact one of the biggest reasons is because I cannot wait to consume protein asap first thing in the morning to continue to saturate my sore muscles after the previous days work out and after a night of a long fast the body expelled a lot of my protein while I zzz. In fact my stats seem to always improve 230+lbs 11% bf here and still getting bigger,stronger and leaner. So ya I am pro breakfast. :drinker: