guys... and their opinions on southern accents

kmarie0614 Posts: 102 Member
So, out of nowhere I get told that I sound uneducated and stupid just by the tone of my voice and incredibly thick southern accent. This rude comment was interrupted by a guy who said he thought accents were incredibly sweet and sexy. Then this turned into a debate of about 30 men all with very different opinions. So I have to hear it from my MFP people since you all seem to be brutally honest.... Yes or no to a girl with a southern accent. And you have to tell me why. I am beyond curious!


  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Well I'm not a guy, but I don't mind thick southern accents, as long as it's genuine.
    SOmetimes you can hear people "turning it on" and they sound rather uneducated. Where a genuine accent doesn't sound that way.

    I guess it depends. But I have heard plenty of smart southerners. And plenty of dumb semi southerners trying to sound dumber.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Love 'em!
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Yes! I'm bias though since I'm from Mississippi and my wife has a great southern accent.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I'm from Asia and I find southern accent very VERY hot. I used to date a girl who was from Alabama. Oh. My. God. I didn't even wanted her to talk dirty to me. I liked her THAT much. She did it for me WITHOUT talking nasty!
  • teepeetim
    teepeetim Posts: 99 Member
    S E X Y !
  • BigDaddy0825
    i'm born and raised in south carolina ... and there is NOTHING better than a sweet southern belle with a sassy southern accent!! rock your accent girl!!
  • beernpizza
    beernpizza Posts: 431 Member
    I have a southern accent. Can't hide it. Don't worry about what they said and don't hide yours.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I have a love/hate relationship with southern accents. Some guys sound really good, but others...not so much. I prefer the east coast accent!
  • FeatherBoBeather
    FeatherBoBeather Posts: 255 Member
    Not a guy.. but I honestly think it's all about what you say- not what your accent happens to be.
    If a person talks about stupid things and has a stupid mindset... even the sexiest accent in the world can't fix the rest. lol
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    I'm not a man, but...

    I think there's a huge difference between a southern accent and a southern drawl. Whenever I hear someone with a drawl, I can't help but think they're uneducated and trashy...Honey Boo Boo-esque...but a more genteel southern accent can be quite attractive!

    I find this to be true of most accents, regardless of the region of origin.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Not a guy, but southern accents irritate me so I'm not really a fan.

    Edit: and I'm from North Carolina.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Not a guy.. but I honestly think it's all about what you say- not what your accent happens to be.
    If a person talks about stupid things and has a stupid mindset... even the sexiest accent in the world can't fix the rest. lol
  • Logansmom2011
    Logansmom2011 Posts: 81 Member
    I have a southern accent,which surprises people being that I don't look like the type,but living in the south for 22yrs in my life,it kind of comes with the territory.I love country/southern accents .It does not make you uneducated ,or sound uneducated at all.The words you use and the way you phrase your words are what would make you uneducated,not an accent.I LOVE LOVE LOVE a Louisiana accent!
  • RipperSB
    RipperSB Posts: 315 Member
    Love the southern accent on a belle! Makes me knees go weak!
  • PilotX
    PilotX Posts: 233 Member
    So, out of nowhere I get told that I sound uneducated and stupid just by the tone of my voice and incredibly thick southern accent. This rude comment was interrupted by a guy who said he thought accents were incredibly sweet and sexy. Then this turned into a debate of about 30 men all with very different opinions. So I have to hear it from my MFP people since you all seem to be brutally honest.... Yes or no to a girl with a southern accent. And you have to tell me why. I am beyond curious!

    southern accent is sexy as hell
  • sfbinca
    sfbinca Posts: 8 Member
    I don't think I've met an accent I haven't liked!
  • chrisc16
    It doesn't matter so much how you say it but what you say that stands out.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Thick like "Gone with the Wind"?
    Thick like "Steele Magnolias"
    Thick like "Honey BooBoo"?

    Hell yes on the first 2, "need more info" if the 3rd.

    My favorite is either the Georgia accent, or the West Virginia accent. Like a female air traffic controller(I'll explain if asked)/
  • juli_jones
    juli_jones Posts: 101 Member
    Bless your heart, darlin'.....and to all y'all sassy southern ladies, be proud of that southen drawl :-)
  • DevSea
    It really just depends on where you're from and if you try to push it. I think it sounds really pretty if you're not trying.