So...My mom died.



  • Izzwoz
    Izzwoz Posts: 348 Member
    Oh my God, I am so sorry about your mum. I got my motivation from my dad being very ill and from knowing that I am at risk too, if I do not change my weight and become more healthy. I have a very sedentary lifestyle, I work from home, so I don't even have to walk to the bus or train or to the office. I am also very lazy and have always hated most things to do with exercise - and still can't get myself to do any running or go to the gym.
    What does work for me is walking the dog (great fun to play with him), going horse riding (absolutely love my boy) and playing squash with my SO. So for me, it is finding fun active things to do but not to stress that I do not run into the gym every night. And I am slowly starting to get more active, the more you do, the more you want to do it, it is all about finding out what is enjoyable, because if you hate it, you have to force yourself to do it and that will take more will power than I have spare after keeping check on what I eat.
    So maybe start by thinking what type of exercise you'll enjoy in the long term, there is so much out there, whether it is swimming (good for poorly joints like mine) or even the Wii Fit exercises, whatever rocks your boat - as long as it is fun for you, it is easy to motivate yourself to do another bit.

    If I can be of any help or support, please feel free to add me! If I can do it, you can do it!!! :flowerforyou:
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    I would say good luck, but I think this is a task that requires dedication and hard work, not luck. I will tell you my wife is down around 30 pounds just by making healthier food choices in the last 7 months or so without much increase in activity, so eating healthier and less works - although exercising would sure helps. I'm down just about 60 lbs. in the same 7 months and feel much better, have more energy and want to work out now. Here's to making a plan and sticking to it;)
  • payupalice
    payupalice Posts: 126 Member
    Congratulations on taking that first important step! It won't be easy, but we'll be here to support you. (sending you a friend request)
  • Maggie821
    Maggie821 Posts: 55 Member
    Sending you hugs and kudos at the same time!!! I lost my Mom at a young age to cancer, shortly after losing my Dad to another form of cancer. I miss them every day, but like you, it made me aware of where I was in my own journey and that change was needed. It was when I started my journey to become fit, figuring that if the day came when I had to battle cancer, I would be stronger and hopefully beat it. So proud of you for turning this difficult life changing event into a positive one!!!! Best of luck on your journey!!! We are here for you!
  • noriri
    noriri Posts: 74 Member
    Very sorry for the loss of your mother, that's a tough one no doubt. So tragic! You have so much to live for, so much to look forward to. This site is great, and support you will get from folks all over. Best wishes on your endeavors, and I will surely watch and cheer you on.
  • YOU CAN DO IT !!!!
    There's no age limit nor requirement for a person to decide to become healthy.
    Set an example to your family and to every person you know. Be an inspiration :)
  • I am so sorry for your loss. But I am very proud of you for stepping up and doing something about it. Good luck my dear.
  • sonjarogers72
    sonjarogers72 Posts: 110 Member
    I am totally with you on this! I can cheer you along your journey because you can do it and YOU ARE WORTH IT! Add me if you wish....IT'S TIME TO DO THIS and look absolutely smashing at your baby girls wedding!
  • cookn_mama
    cookn_mama Posts: 228 Member
    My father died on Sept 29 one year ago. I finally decided I needed to do something for me. I feel your pain and loss. You can do this with help from MFP!! Sending request. Good luck!!
  • AmyBoogie
    AmyBoogie Posts: 91 Member
    I'm so sorry about your mom.

    I'm glad you're taking the bull by the horns and taking care of you. We're all here together and holler any time you need support. You can do this!
  • MoonGypsyQ67
    MoonGypsyQ67 Posts: 121 Member
    I am so very sorry to hear about your mom. I think you have taken the first step and I hope you continue on the journey to a healthier you. Add me if you wish. I will do what I can to keep you motivated. Don't you give up!!
  • Good luck on keeping strong and staying dedicated to your goals. You can do it!
  • Amazing intro. I wish you and your family the best.
  • AliciaStaton
    AliciaStaton Posts: 328 Member
    Hi sorry to read about your mum, its 6 years since my passed and its still hurts, but time is a great healer, so people tell me. All I can say is welcome abroad and you should be proud that you are taking the first steps to change your life. With support on here you will reach your goal no matter how big or small its a start. If you want to add me feel free, it not good luck on your journey
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I am 41 and a nurse. I now work 12 hour shift in day. I go to gym everyday after work. After a while you get use to it. Sux at first. In 6 months I've lost 61 lbs. I think your aiming too low. :) Don't lose focus. By your daughters wedding you could be a lot smaller if you stick with it. When you wanna cheat, think of how proud your daughter will be of you at her wedding. Think of how awesome you'll look at the wedding. Your 12 hour shift will be soo much easier when you've lost weight. No more tired knees, feet, and back!! Good luck!!
  • Sending you a big hug for your pain , respect for your choice and a friend request as my mom died aged 64 because of her lifestyle too.
    She had pancreatic cancer which is one of the ones where lifestyle is a big contributor, she was massively overweight , a heavy smoker and even when she was in the hospital dying she never saw that either of these things were an issue, we could never talk to her about it and she even continued smoking outside the hospital during treatment :-(

    My dad died at 71 from heart disease no doubt brought on my years of the wrong food, heavy drinking and smoking , you will see from my profile they are one of the reasons I'm here trying hard not to follow in their footsteps.

    So good luck on the journey and lets walk our own healthy paths to a long and happy life :flowerforyou:
  • thescottishone
    thescottishone Posts: 39 Member
    So sorry for the loss of your Mum. So inspired and full of admiration for you in taking these first, and hardest steps! MFP is a great site full of support and it is there at the touch of a button! All the best with it, it's not going to be easy but it will be rewarding and sooo satisfying at the same time! Lots of luck!
  • cjv73
    cjv73 Posts: 240 Member
    I think one of the biggest obstacles for me, personally, to overcome, is the lack of movement. I have a bum knee. I work 12 hr nights in a hospital. I do alot. And then, I sit alot and chart. And when I get home in the morning, I flop. I sleep all day, get up, make dinner, and do it all again for 3 days straight. Then, when I do finally get a couple days off, the last thing I want to do is go to the gym....or go for a walk...or get on my elliptical... Those are the things that I already KNOW that I must do. This is my biggest mental hurdle.

    Check out Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds system. It's a fantastic way to start off, and is gentle on the knees. You can try a one-mile sample at , or there are several longer/harder videos uploaded to YouTube.
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    I think one of the biggest obstacles for me, personally, to overcome, is the lack of movement. I have a bum knee. I work 12 hr nights in a hospital. I do alot. And then, I sit alot and chart. And when I get home in the morning, I flop. I sleep all day, get up, make dinner, and do it all again for 3 days straight. Then, when I do finally get a couple days off, the last thing I want to do is go to the gym....or go for a walk...or get on my elliptical... Those are the things that I already KNOW that I must do. This is my biggest mental hurdle. So, within the past month, I went to an orthopedic to get a cortisone shot in the knee. Told him that if I can get this pain under control, I would get up and move more. So here I am...with my second chance.

    I don't get another second chance. This one is it. I'm goin there. I 'm gona pull out every food demon in my deep, dark closet and address each and every one, no matter how difficult it may be. It's time for this girl to get her life back.

    I work 12 hour shifts at a jail. Lots of walking there as well, and when not walking, having to sit down and update the log books. I do 2 days on, 2 off, and every other weekend (3 days). There's no way I would workout on the days I work. And it's still hard to on the days I have off. But you have to. Anything on your days off is better than nothing.

    As for the OP, I'm sorry for your loss. It's never easy to lose a loved one, especially not to something that *COULD* have been preventable. Good luck on your journey. Surround yourself with positive people who are in tune with your overall goals and you will be a success.
  • It sounds like you have every motivation you need to reach your goals. Good luck to you.