Anyone with a significant other who is sabotaging them??



  • Hmmcglothl
    Hmmcglothl Posts: 51 Member
    Unless he's holding you down and shoving food into your face, you are the master of your own piehole.
    The best answer in this thread

    I agree and I have been resisting his temptation. I think the biggest problem is that when you change your own thinking on health/eating and the person you live with doesn't, you really need to re-*kitten* what you both want out of life. It's hard to watch someone slowly kill themselves with food and he most definitely is.
  • sreimer07
    sreimer07 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm right there with you!! My SO would rather eat the nasty bad stuff then healthy stuff. Needless to stay i now only buy groceries for myself. He can buy the junk he wants but i'm not cooking it :)
  • ashleyrose90
    ashleyrose90 Posts: 71 Member
    My boyfriend is on that fine line... he loves to eat bad stuff but he supports me. Though he has gotten into this habit of wanting to surprise me with treats. One day it was a Subway cookie the next day it was a Twix peanut butter bar. Though I do give him credit he does go for the lowest calorie intake of the evils. Eventually I'll get him on board. I do the cooking so he needs to eat what I make :P If only I could have a similar metabolisn... and it doesn't help he keeps telling me I'm gorgeous the way I am... Drives me cray. MEN i tell ya :P
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    Unless he's holding you down and shoving food into your face, you are the master of your own piehole.

    This is pretty true. Plus, love the Master of the Piehole. Hehe!
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    You can only be responsable for yourself. Maybe he'll be inspired by your progress. If you do the cooking, just cook what you want. If he does the cooking, tell him thanks but you'll make your own because you feel you have to make some changes in your life.

    True, but I can imagine it's much harder when your significant other isn't on the same page.

    Since I am so close to my goal (5 lbs) and my BF met me after I had already gotten into shape, he thinks I'm nuts. He's always telling me that I could eat whatever I want, I look fine the way I am...etc. So as much as I love how he appreciates me the way I am, he doesn't get the work it ttook to get here, or what it takes to maintain it (not to mention he's totally JACKED & could eat enough to feed a small country without gaining weight) lol
  • semeyer
    semeyer Posts: 282 Member
    I think I'm the sabotager haha..... :embarassed:

    My boyfriend eats healthy, works out, always encourages eating lean meats and helps me to watch my carbs, sugar, calorie intake. etc....

    Well, I LOVE to bake. I'll bake cookies, cakes, pies, cupcakes, you name it. And who ends up eating it? The bf. I doubt he would even want it if I wasn't always making it. He's a good sport though, he doesn't tell me not to bake because I knows I love it. And he really helps me by eating the majority of it because then I don't!

    Yep....I'm totally the sabotager. Sorry hun! :flowerforyou:
  • SwimKitty
    SwimKitty Posts: 122 Member
    bump to read later, as I can definitely relate
  • misfitswayoflife
    misfitswayoflife Posts: 134 Member
    It's true we make our own decisons of the "pie hole" but it's really difficult living with two skinny minnies. My boyfriend and his brother eat such fatty foods... And both sabatoge me. My boyfriend always thinks I'm trying to "get hot so I can leave him for someone better" and whines that "my gym time takes away from his time" and "my food is expensive and pointless" then makes batches of fries or orders pizza and taunts me with it. It's REALLY hard
    WHats worse is I have a binge eating disorder and when i'M sad he offers to buy me ice cream or pizza to make me feel better. It's REALLY hard
  • Hmmcglothl
    Hmmcglothl Posts: 51 Member
    I feel your pain. My boyfriend is at least 100 pounds overweight, eats anything out of a plastic wrapper or came from a cow. He also thinks potatos are a veggie. Ive gained at least 30 pounds since we have been together (1.5 years) and I need to lose 80 to be a healthy weight. He thinks that becasue he still fits in the same jeans (he carries his weight as all belly, like most men) he is fine. UGH frustrating. I try to cook healthier but his palate is not forgiving. I made broccoli one night and he asked where the cheese sauce was. lol So if anyone has an idea of what I can do to keep myself on track and make him happy at the same bf carries his in the belly to like most men. I cook healthy meals and he will either add terrible sauces or butter like nobody's business just like your bf. I just don't think unless they really want to change it's going to happen. Good thing is he has made my willpower to resist bad foods pretty damn strong.
  • ladybarometer
    ladybarometer Posts: 205 Member
    My Boyfriend is awful!! He tries to be along side me in weight loss for about two days and then goes back to normal. He's either eating terrible, or not eating at all, and it's frustrating. I've been slowly eliminating the bad stuff, but it's tough - he still gets extra mayo on his fried sandwiches and LOVES french fries. I've stopped trying to pack him healthy lunches for work, because he doesn't care, so why waste the healthy stuff that I need to be healthy? He doesn't care about being healthy.... he says he does, but not enough to do anything about it yet.
  • SAHoeppner
    SAHoeppner Posts: 2 Member
    I love my DH to pieces but I'm in the same situation as you'all. I never really ate much fast food until my DH and I started dating and now I am having trouble kicking the habit. He just loves fast food, steak, and pretty much anything processed within an inch of its life. It's been a real struggle to stay focused and on track. Once I started eating healthier it started rubbing off on him and now he's talking about kicking his soda habit. Good luck staying motivated!
  • tracyjoys
    tracyjoys Posts: 69 Member
    I used to be married to one, then I divorced him (not for this reason, lol but it didn't help)
    I will never date another guy that isn't into fitness, or doesn't support mine.

    OMG - I completely hear you! Please know first that i dearly love him and am concerned he's killing himself from the inside out...I've got a great guy in my life, but I've considered moving on if he can't accept/embrace a healthier lifestyle. Our common interests and goals are becoming fewer & farther between now that I'm making a concerted effort for total lifestlye changes (for the better!)

    I don't want to have 2 sets of food on the table. I want to MOVE AROUND with more active behaviors. So tired of BF constantly being tired, having excessive gas from the "food" he eats, completely takes no personal responsibility for the crap he ingests, etc. And always finding excuses to NOT eat better or exercise. So glad you posted this up, I felt like I was the only one!

    Hoping he comes around soon - he's been watching me get more slender/healthier for over a year now!

    Best of luck to you with getting the understanding & support you need. I'll be rooting for ya!
  • anwilson_83
    yep mine is the same way. he makes me feel like he wants me to be fat. telling me im getting too skinny (im not). buying me doughnuts (which is one of my addictions). and lots of times wants to eat stuff that just isnt the healthiest. it makes it so hard.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I don't have the best eating habits, but my husband eats like CRAP. The good thing, is when we eat together, he will eat whatever I put in front of him, so that helps. Last night I used my juicer to make apple-spinach-kale-grape juice, asked if he wanted a glass, and he said "No thanks, I'm not really in the mood" But I thought 'whateverrrrrr' and made three glasses (one for our toddler) I told him to drink it anyways so he gets in some vitamins, and he did. So it helps to be able to do that!
  • mrflash222
    mrflash222 Posts: 27 Member
    I think this is one of the saddest threads I've ever read. If your significant other doesn't respect what you do and does anything other then help and support you in your whatever your endeavors are then it's probably in your best interest to change your situation.
  • Fit_Vixen
    Yes. I'm the only one keeping a food diary and busting my *kitten* working out. No one else eats veggies. If it was up to me,, I'd be happy with just eating vegetables. My daughter is naturally thin so she can eat whatever and not gain an ounce. My son is very active but we set limits for him. My hubs, doesn't eat very much, nor the way that he should. For example he won't eat all day, except for dinner. His job, he says, doesn't give in a chance to eat. He does have lunch break but doesn't take it. So when I'm at home they're all eating stuff that I can't eat because I stay under or close to my daily cal allowance. It's hard, but I'm doing it. I wish I had a workout buddy, it would be so much easier & that much more fun :(
  • Elise1324
    I find it hard to be mad at my husband for how he eats because the place he works. At work he can't eat anything because it's 100+ degrees in the building and no fans. there's no were to cool down so he doesn't eat until he gets home( after working 10 hrs in the heat). So when he gets home he's starving and eats a lot a one time... usual he doesn't eat again during the day. I tried telling him a few days ago that his body might be in starvation mode because he goes so long with out eating and may eat 1300 cal a day (as a side note he builds city buses for New Jersey and yes the New Jersey buses are made in Alabama), but he really can't change that without getting a different job. If we could find a way for him to eat better i thing he would lose weight really fast since even with all this he's building muscle onto his 5'8 frame. He just can't seem to lose anything though.
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    just break up.
  • tracyjoys
    tracyjoys Posts: 69 Member
    I think this is one of the saddest threads I've ever read. If your significant other doesn't respect what you do and does anything other then help and support you in your whatever your endeavors are then it's probably in your best interest to change your situation.

    True that, Mrflash!