I want your "are you pregnant?" stories



  • rmchapman4
    rmchapman4 Posts: 152 Member
    When I was at the grocery store with my newborn, who was approximately two weeks old, a lady in line asked me why I got pregnant so fast with my second. Ummm, yeah. Ok.

    This doesn't count. We've all had that residual fluid and bloating when our uterus has not yet returned to it's normal size.
  • SocWkrBee
    One of the homeless guys that hangs around my hood wears a dress and stuffs a ball or balloon in there. I asked him if he was prego the other day. He got a huge smile on his face. It was either the question or the $5 bill I gave him.

    That is high-larious!
  • traceepics
    To all Mom's out there. It's ok to be in Maternity clothes for 2 years but the sooner you get off the weight the better. I can help. Message me :) Christina Applegate star of "Up all Night "talks about her experience being a first time Mommy and her weight. http://celebritybabies.people.com/2012/09/25/the-talk-up-all-night-christina-applegate-maternity-jeans/#more-169822
  • graceylou222
    graceylou222 Posts: 198 Member
    I was told "congrats" by a a patient, and when i asked what he was congratulating me for, he said "because you're pregnant"...
    I wasn't and never have been pregnant.

    I then got a personal trainer that week.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Im veru small framed, so bloat easily if i eat/drink a lot. ive been asked when im due after a large meal, and more than once after a few big bottles of water. my answer? "im not due until the baby starts crowning." my fiance bloats too, we joke about whos further along :)
  • ifoundyouwaldo
    ifoundyouwaldo Posts: 5 Member
    My stomach is the only place I carry fat!! A lady I work with the other day asked me when my baby was due. I have lost 30 pounds and can't believe I still get that question. Said it was because my shirt was so unflattering. Almost nothing offends me, but that question always does. Had to go to the bathroom and cry. Ruined my week' but served as slight motivation to try harder I suppose. Just 22 lbs to go! Good luck every one!
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    About a dozen years ago I was hanging out in the lunch room at work with a new employee. A temp came and sat with us. She turned to the new employee and asked, "Are you pregnant?" The new employee responded with a smile, "No. Just chubby." That new employee and I have been best friends for years now. She still has her belly and her outstanding outlook on life. Oh, and the temp didn't last long ...
  • cmpollard01
    I had a customer ask when i worked at a local bank inside a local, family owned grocery store. She looked at me and said "When are you due?" I gave her the you-must-be-freaking-kidding-me-with-this look, and just said "Excuse me?" She proceeded to ask again...when I told her I wasn't pregnant, just fat, she said "Are you sure? I think you're pregnant and just don't want to admit it." :noway: Really? SERIOUSLY?! Yeah, i was single at the time and DEFINITELY not getting any. I don't think I'm going to be the one chosen for the 2nd Immaculate Conception :wink:

    On the flip side, she made my awesome branch manager really mad, and he told her to leave immediately before he needed a shoe horn to help her get her foot out of her mouth :drinker:
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    my answer? "im not due until the baby starts crowning."

  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I am an apple shape, so the first place I gain is in the belly. Also the last place I lose. Several years ago while picking up my kids from day care, I had a little snotty kid look at me and say "Are you having a Baaaabyyyy?" I said, no, I'm not" He then said, "then why is your stomach so FAT?" I replied with, "Why haven't your parents taught you any manners?"

    Once I gained more weight and it started to show in my extremities as well, people quit asking if I was pregnant.

    You'd think by now, people would know better than to ask a woman if she is pregnant, unless she is obviously wearing maternity clothes and about to deliver.
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    When I was 9 months pregnant with my oldest child I was in the mall walking and a lady came up, put her hand on my abdomen and asked "When are you due". Since touching me without permission is one of my pet peeves I replied sarcastically "I'm not pregnant, I'm just fat". :bigsmile:

    You should have seen the horrified look on her face; and boy did she snatch her hand back like I'd just bit her.

    That was the only time that ever happened. I think I project an aura of F@#K off, so most people leave me alone.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I once asked someone when they were due, she responded with "my baby is 3 months old" oops. In my defense, she rubbed her tummy while talking about moving closer to her parents "for the baby" *shrug* it was not because she looked pregnant, buuuuut I still felt like a jerk. It's funny now though.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    This hasn't happened to me personally, but at work (I work in a coffee drive thru) the other day my manager asked a customer if she was pregnant! :noway:

    Well of course she wasn't and replied "No, I'm just fat". My manager apologized a million times. The lady laughed it off, but I can't imagine how she must have really felt.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    When I was 9 months pregnant with my oldest child I was in the mall walking and a lady came up, put her hand on my abdomen and asked "When are you due". Since touching me without permission is one of my pet peeves I replied sarcastically "I'm not pregnant, I'm just fat". :bigsmile:

    You should have seen the horrified look on her face; and boy did she snatch her hand back like I'd just bit her.

    That was the only time that ever happened. I think I project an aura of F@#K off, so most people leave me alone.

    ^ so going to do this to people who touch my belly if I ever get pregnant!!
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    I used to work the front desk of Lifetime Fitness and I had gained pudge on my stomach first. I used to slouch a lot beacuse I'm uncomfortable with how tall I am. So this woman, who saw me every day and knew I was 16, asked me when I was due. I was horrified!
    SO I laughed and tried to blow it off and I said "No no no I'm much too young to have a kid" and she said "Plenty of girls your age have kids, its ok."
    At this point I'm near tears and my coworker is trying to get me away and so I said "No. I'm just heavy" and the audacity of this woman, she says to me,
    "uh huh. if you say so" and gives me this look and walks away.
  • emilyci
    emilyci Posts: 17 Member
    i carry ALL of my weight in my stomach (worst curse ever), so i have been asked several times over the years. once i asked a lady where the shorts were located in a store and she told me the maternity section was in the back. that was the first time and i was mortified, i could feel my face burning red.

    another memorable moment: when i was serving a table, they asked me how far along i was. i quickly snapped that i was not pregnant. no worries on that one, they left me a $20 tip!

    I know it hurts when people ask, but i love how much more embarrassed they get than me.
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    When I was 16 I was hanging with alot of friends, they were all making sandwiches and I was a vegetarian so I was looking for something different...In the end I made a dill pickle and peanut butter sandwich..I went downstairs with all of them and they all started asking if I was pregnant which I clearly said I wasnt..but three weeks later found out I really was.

    You probably were when they asked, just didn't know yet.
  • MrsNina1972
    MrsNina1972 Posts: 105 Member
    My husband and I were at the grocery store and we were in the check out line and this was at my heaviest weight (5'3, 194lbs) and on top of that it didn't help that I had a conveyor belt full of oreo's, cheeto's, pizza's, and ice cream, but the cashier asked that dreaded question, "so, when are you due", I responded "due for what" My husband said "Oh sh@!" and told the lady "ma'am let me answer that question for you before my wife explodes on you, no she is not pregnant"! It was so humiliating!!
  • lindseyb317
    lindseyb317 Posts: 56 Member
    My aunt had to take me to the hospital last august when i was 19 because I had severe stomach pains and nausea. the whole way there i felt like i was having contractions... she said she knew i was pregnant because i was getting fatter than i already was. turns out it was appendicitis. she hasnt said much to me since.