What time do YOU work out?



  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    After work between 6-8 PM
  • tressatnt
    in the evening. I work PT so on the days I work, I go to the gym before even going home and do my weights and cross training. on the other days that I'm home with the baby, I go running as soon as my husband gets home. It usually works out perfect except for the times (like last night) when hubby didn't get home until 7:30 and it was dark out and we had to give the baby a bath and do bedtime. In those cases, I don't get my run in and I want to die. I'm going to have a problem pretty soon when it gets dark out before he gets home. I might have to try morning runs, which I am not looking forward to!
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    whatever time I can really... usually after I wake up and have breakfast but sometimes later in the day.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I schedule my workout for 7pm. Like tonight, if something comes up, I do it after the kids go to bed at 8:30.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    I am not a morning person, so if I run, it's around 10pm. I'm usually pretty wound up from from finishing work at 9pm, so it helps me unwind at the end of the day.

    If I'm not working that day, it's usually a rock climbing afternoon.
  • dy617
    dy617 Posts: 76 Member
    I go after work. I stop home first and take the dogs for a walk. Then, I get dressed and head to the gym. I usually get there around 6:30PM and leave an hour later. I don't miss the time. My evenings used to be spent sitting at home and watching tv.

    I enjoy my rest. I refuse to wake up at 4:30 in the morning just to workout. However, that could change if my cicumstancs change. Right now, I am single with no children.

    This is my story (minus the pooch), or was for quite awhile. I mostly work out at home, but I still do it in the evenings. So not a morning person.
  • Tracepa98
    In the evening. I dont get off work til 5:30 so Im home by 6 usually so depending on when i eat dinner before or after the gym, i can get there as late as 9 or as early as 7ish. My gym is open til 10pm and I love that!

    Im a natural born night owl. :laugh:
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    since the weather is so nice lately i have just been walking home from work. it is a bit over 3 miles. before that i went straight after work. i go to a city park gym rather than a standard gym. they never seem to be busy no matter what time of day. if there even are other people there everyone is there to work out and doesn't even make eye contact with each other.
  • sonjarogers72
    sonjarogers72 Posts: 110 Member
    Between 5pm and 7pm
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    If I don't do it in the morning, it's likely to not get done.

    I go to either a 5:45 or 9:15 spin class depending on my schedule.
    When I swim, I go to the pool around 11 because it's outdoors and I enjoy a little sunshine.

    The days that I have to go to the evening spin class, it nags at me all day.
    I love getting it done in the morning, not having to worry about it all day, and giving myself a boost of energy for my day.
  • waylandcool
    waylandcool Posts: 175 Member
    Early morning for me. I'm usually up at 5:30AM to get to the gym by 6:30AM. We have a fitness center in our office's basement that's really nice so I'm usually there first thing in the morning. They also have a hour long boot camp class three days a week so do that plus cardio and weights.

    Weekends is usually a little later by I try to get going by 7AM.
  • DianneBoo
    DianneBoo Posts: 226 Member
    No set time...but I do prefer to take my long walk of the day after 9pm...and usually walk 90 minutes or so. Otherwise, all other exercise is done whenever I do it.
  • superchunk17
    superchunk17 Posts: 36 Member
    I run at 0615 every morning. Best advice I could give is to wake up at the same time every morning during the week even if you do not have to workout that day (I sleep in on the weekends). I found my body just got used to it. Getting to bed a little earlier never hurts too!
  • LadyLuckAJ
    LadyLuckAJ Posts: 57 Member
    I work out in the early mornings about 4 a.m. (which requires me to wake up at 3:30 or 3:40am because i LOVE the snooze button). this has always worked best for me since starting my life change. I get my work out in before getting ready and leaving for work and then IF i am in a energy pack mood, i can work out a little in the evening.
  • Zyphun
    Zyphun Posts: 102 Member
    In the mornings, first thing at home. I used to do it when ever. In fact, I find it easier to do in the afternoon. However, doing it in the mornings makes the rest of the day easier. I do cardio then strength right after to get that boost. It's tough, but I really do love the challenge.
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 723 Member
    My preference is mid-morning around 10am. I hate working out after work because I work 12 + hours & I am usually too exhausted. I will have to revise this because I am starting the Tracy Anderson's Metamorphosis 90 day program & I want to follow it to the "T." It will mean working out after work sometimes.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Mornings....running at 5 am or circuit training at 5:30 am
  • kochou
    kochou Posts: 19 Member
    5am I like to get it out of the way to help me start my day. Boxing, strength training routine and an early morning jog before sun comes up.
  • mvatrail
    I always work out after work , from 6 pm to whenever I can fit in the time . Not a morning exercise person, never will be one either.
  • LiveLaffLoseLove
    I would love to say I get up bright and early and work out... and I do... once a week, if I am lucky... I fit it in whenever and where ever I can. I have noticed when I do it in the morning, I feel better and have more energy all day long though! Today, I will be working out after 7pm though.. booo...