Things A Chivalrous Man Shouldn't Let a Woman Do



  • Southern_Belle89
    Chivalry is not dead, at least I hope not. I continue to believe there are things a man should do for a woman. While I can think of many I'm only going to list my top 5 in no particular order:

    *Pump her gas/ keep car serviced
    *Walk on the outside on the street (keep her inside from street)
    *Open doors and always let her enter first (including opening/ closing car door)
    *Pick up tab for first date (can't stand a cheap ninja)
    *Fail to get off (no explanation needed. handle ya biz fellas)

    ^^Perfect description of my husband! :) I'll add: Push the shopping cart and carry the bulk of the groceries

    My hubby does all these things & much much more! I'm a lucky I can't say that I don't mind a man in uniform(my hubby)!;)
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    mow the lawn
    take out the trash
    anything to do with vehicle maintenance (I want to drive the damned thing don't care how it works that's his job)
  • scloyd
    scloyd Posts: 327 Member
    Never let her carry her own shopping bags.

    Never let her run down the hall to get a bucket of ice.
  • SwimTheButterfly
    SwimTheButterfly Posts: 265 Member
    Yay! You got it! You are such a good guy.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I can pump my own gas, change a tire, open a door, lift heavy weight, walk long distances...

    What I look for in a man is an equal partner. I don't want him to do things for me. I'd rather he was willing to teach me how to do things for myself, and to let me teach him how to do what he can't.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I'm gonna say it because I have to....a chivalrous man should not piss all over the toilet seat and expect anyone else to wipe it up for him! UGH!

    That's not chivalry. It's common courtesy. Same is a woman pisses all over the seat. Public restrooms included.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    The best thing you can do to impress a woman on a first date is to take of your pants and jacket.

    i see what you did there.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    He should never make her change her own bike tubes when she gets a flat on the road. :grumble:
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    equal or complementary, adjacent?
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    Times have changed and women are different now. Many women are independent and do not need a man for things. Many women do like a Chivalrous man and have a list of things a man must be and do but keep in mind, it goes both ways. Then there are many won't even date a guy who is Chivalrous cause they find them boring or needy. I also know many guys who are Chivalrous in the beginning just to get in her pants. In my opinion, it's just better to be yourself, spontaneous, fun, honest, communicate, respectful, romantic when the time calls, consistent, genuine, and thoughtful and hope it is returned.

    Wow! I'm very impressed! You nailed it.
  • Ruger2506
    Ruger2506 Posts: 309 Member
    -bait her hook
    -unhook her fish
    -gut a deer

    Actually I think they should. But mine doesn't like to. So I cowboy up.
  • AgentScullyPDX
    AgentScullyPDX Posts: 3 Member
    Chivalry is not dead, at least I hope not. I continue to believe there are things a man should do for a woman. While I can think of many I'm only going to list 5 random in no particular order:

    *Pump her gas/ keep car serviced
    *Walk on the outside on the street (keep her inside from street)
    *Open doors and always let her enter first (including opening/ closing car door)
    *Pick up tab for first date (can't stand a cheap ninja)
    *Fail to get off (no explanation needed. handle ya biz fellas or someone else will.)

    I COMPLETELY agree! Finally, someone who isn't ashamed to say in public that women are fragile, delicate creatures that need a firm, guiding hand from a man. I feel, though, that you didn't complete your list. Here are some other items that I see as obligations for men, to keep women protected, safe, and firmly under our compassionate guidance.

    * Drive them places. - These days, women are capable of doing all kinds of things. Voting, earning money, and even driving their own vehicles. But just because they CAN, doesn't mean that they want to! Most women are doing these things because they feel like they have to in today's society. But in reality, they are waiting for a strong, chivalrous man to come into their lives and relieve them of these burdens. Your lady wants to go to the store? To visit her friends? To see her OBGYN? Grab the keys, man! It not only shows her the respect she deserves, but it places you firmly in the driver seat - of your relationship!

    * Chew their food. - I can not TELL you how often this one gets missed. Women have weak jaws and, as a result, cannot fully tear into tougher foods. Left to their own devices, women will simply gum these foods, and will therefore not release the necessary nutrition that they bodies need to serve as vessels for our children. Guys, take a tip from me and always chew your ladies' main course 10-20 times per bite at LEAST. Beyond the nutritional benefits, this also reminds your lady of where her meals come from. That is to say, YOU!

    * Make difficult decisions. - Women hate to make decisions. That's not sexism, guys. That's science. Step up and do your duty as a man, to make difficult decisions for your lady friend. "What color dress should I wear?", "What type of car should I buy?", "Should I get a job outside the home?" - These are all typical female questions that you should be ready and able to provide short, simple answers to at a moments notice. Remember that not all burdens are physical! You must be prepared to carry her mental burdens as well, to keep her as relaxed and UN-stressed as possible. (Besides, just between us, if she had to make her own mind up, it would probably take her a year! ;) )

    Keep up the good work, guys. Remember that a feminist is just a woman who hasn't known your unique brand of chivalry yet.
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    Chivalry is not dead, at least I hope not. I continue to believe there are things a man should do for a woman. While I can think of many I'm only going to list 5 random in no particular order:

    *Pump her gas/ keep car serviced
    *Walk on the outside on the street (keep her inside from street)
    *Open doors and always let her enter first (including opening/ closing car door)
    *Pick up tab for first date (can't stand a cheap ninja)
    *Fail to get off (no explanation needed. handle ya biz fellas or someone else will.)

    I COMPLETELY agree! Finally, someone who isn't ashamed to say in public that women are fragile, delicate creatures that need a firm, guiding hand from a man. I feel, though, that you didn't complete your list. Here are some other items that I see as obligations for men, to keep women protected, safe, and firmly under our compassionate guidance.

    * Drive them places. - These days, women are capable of doing all kinds of things. Voting, earning money, and even driving their own vehicles. But just because they CAN, doesn't mean that they want to! Most women are doing these things because they feel like they have to in today's society. But in reality, they are waiting for a strong, chivalrous man to come into their lives and relieve them of these burdens. Your lady wants to go to the store? To visit her friends? To see her OBGYN? Grab the keys, man! It not only shows her the respect she deserves, but it places you firmly in the driver seat - of your relationship!

    * Chew their food. - I can not TELL you how often this one gets missed. Women have weak jaws and, as a result, cannot fully tear into tougher foods. Left to their own devices, women will simply gum these foods, and will therefore not release the necessary nutrition that they bodies need to serve as vessels for our children. Guys, take a tip from me and always chew your ladies' main course 10-20 times per bite at LEAST. Beyond the nutritional benefits, this also reminds your lady of where her meals come from. That is to say, YOU!

    * Make difficult decisions. - Women hate to make decisions. That's not sexism, guys. That's science. Step up and do your duty as a man, to make difficult decisions for your lady friend. "What color dress should I wear?", "What type of car should I buy?", "Should I get a job outside the home?" - These are all typical female questions that you should be ready and able to provide short, simple answers to at a moments notice. Remember that not all burdens are physical! You must be prepared to carry her mental burdens as well, to keep her as relaxed and UN-stressed as possible. (Besides, just between us, if she had to make her own mind up, it would probably take her a year! ;) )

    Keep up the good work, guys. Remember that a feminist is just a woman who hasn't known your unique brand of chivalry yet.


  • calichica35
    calichica35 Posts: 229 Member
    *Pump her gas/ keep car serviced
    I can pump my own gas, thanks. I do ask for help when I need to have my car serviced though, as I'm woefully ignorant on the workings of a vehicle. If I knew how to do it myself, I would though.

    *Walk on the outside on the street (keep her inside from street)
    Fun fact: in ye old days, you used to make the woman walk on the outside, because people would be dumping chamber pots out the window. These days I don't see any real relevance to which side you walk on, so it's kind of silly.

    *Open doors and always let her enter first (including opening/ closing car door)
    I appreciate people opening doors for me, but I'll also open a door for them. It's not chivalry- it's common courtesy.

    *Pick up tab for first date (can't stand a cheap ninja)
    Generally I think whoever did the asking out should pay. So if the lady asked, she should pay. I mean, I would hate being asked out and then expecting to pick up the tab. That's just lame. It's been a long time since I've been on a first date, but I always let the guy pick it up because a) he asked and b) some guys get super defensive about it. Easier to not argue I guess.

    *Fail to get off (no explanation needed. handle ya biz fellas or someone else will.)
    Whatever you and your partner do, both should be happy and satisfied by the end of it. Good rule of thumb.

    I agree that as an independent woman I am perfectly capable of doing all of these things by myself and navigating my way through the world just fine on my own . However, I personally like being treated like a lady and enjoy it when a man acts chivalrous. I have never had much time for men who don't do most of this stuff to be honest!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Well. Guess I'm f*cked in this department since I don't date men.:ohwell:
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Chivalry is not dead, at least I hope not. I continue to believe there are things a man should do for a woman. While I can think of many I'm only going to list 5 random in no particular order:

    *Pump her gas/ keep car serviced
    *Walk on the outside on the street (keep her inside from street)
    *Open doors and always let her enter first (including opening/ closing car door)
    *Pick up tab for first date (can't stand a cheap ninja)
    *Fail to get off (no explanation needed. handle ya biz fellas or someone else will.)

    I'm cool with all but the fix the car stuff. I love working on my car, and I know a lot more about it than hubs does. I'm also really really good at negotiating with used car salesmen.
  • TexasRattlesnake
    TexasRattlesnake Posts: 375 Member
    Well. Guess I'm f*cked in this department since I don't date men.:ohwell:

    You and me both. Psh.
  • justinamay0535
    justinamay0535 Posts: 132 Member
    Whoever said "don't let her sleep in the wet spot" that is hilarious!! lol
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    It's so refreshing to see such strong, independent women in this thread who don't 'need' men to do things for them.

    I can't believe there are still women in this world that enjoy having a man show how much they care by expressing a primal need to protect the person they love.

    Kudos to you for being above that sickening behavior!

    For me there is a big difference between doing something for the person you love and these rather random rules from a time far behind us.

    Once, years ago a friend of mine and me were 'operating' a pineapple for the first time and had a good laugh while doing so. Basically teenagers having the giggles. My bf was there as well, and since then he has in his head the idea that I love cleaning pineapples. So, not only does he leave them to me for cleaning when we have some in the house. But he goes another mile, or 20 sometimes. Picking me up from work, so I could be at his parents house in time to help clean the pineapple there, rather than being just in time for dinner.
    Now I really have no special desire to clean pineapples, but the fact that he thinks I do, and goes out of his way to let me clean some is just great. And means a 1000 times more than keeping a door open.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Clean up the kids's vomit.