running at 5am?



  • acmerunner
    acmerunner Posts: 10 Member
    i wake up with my husband @ 5 currently (going to change in the next two weeks w/ a new position) but i try to set out my clothes (or sleep in them!) so all i have to do is put my socks & shoes on and a jacket. next week i have to start leaving my house earlier (by one hour) and the following week i'll have to leave 2 hrs earlier than i do now so i think i'll be waking at 4:15/4:30. its my only 'quiet me time'
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    out of interest, for those who exercise anytime before 6am... what time do you sleep? I used to go to a bootcamp class 6am - 7am and I needed a nap by 3pm, I was always wrecked! with other commitments I really need to start exercising earlier again so just curious :)

    kids are in bed by 8 and we are in bed by 9, we both get up at 4:30 every morning, me to work out, the hubby to go to work. He prefers to work out after dinner I prefer to do it first thing.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I love running but where I live at, there is no sidewalk and half the time people drive on my street like they are drag racing, so I can't do it before sunrise, so I do mine in the evenings.
  • I live in AZ so during the summer that means waking up at 4:00 am to run. Yes it's still 100+ out at that hour but no sun. I feel safe if I'm on a short run. For the long runs I take pepper spray. My brother bought an extendable steel club for my long runs but the thing is really heavy. Plus I don't want to ever be close enough to an attacker to use a club. Anyway, I have heard that women have a false sense of security when they run early in the morning. More attacks happen during early morning hours versus late night running. My advice: carry your cell phone and pepper spray and do not listen to music. A police friend of mine also advised me to wear my hair in a bun instead of a pony-tail. Pony-tails are easier to grab.
  • I'm not usually a morning person but if I do go out early (or late) I wear a reflective vest.
  • Hello,
    If you can find a partner that would make it safe or if you have a dog, I'm a morning person so this time is not a big factor. Also you may consider going somewhere that has a lot of lights or lots of people. Good Luck. Safety is #1

    Eric Lott
    Certified Personal Trainer
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Would moving closer to your place of work be an option? 3 hrs a day commuting would drive me insane.......

    If not then welcome to the 5AM running club. Good advice in the previous posts......headlamp, cell phone, reflective clothing, ID and make sure someone knows where you're running and when to expect you back.
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    I ran 10 miles this AM and started at 4:30am... out the door for work by 7:30. My norm is to be on the road by 5:15-5:30am.

    I live in suburbia and there are plenty of other runners through the neighborhood - I won't run any paths/trails in the dark. While I want to get a reflective vest I do not have one yet. I do have an shoe ID that has phone numbers, I use my phone for my music/running app so that's on me and really it's a safe area. The only issues I have are racoons or other wildlife that ventures into the neighborhood (was nearly ran over by a deer earlier this year).

    I recently started training with my neighbor and that has helped with the security, safety in numbers.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I run at 5 a.m. sometimes and I live in a pretty sketch neighborhood. I figure all the gangsters are sleeping by then, they don't rise until after 11 a.m. So I think you're safe. But no really, as a woman just get some mace. I'd also recommend a head lamp because I'm guessing it's probably dark at 5 a.m. wherever you are. I <3 my head lamp!
  • OK... so I used to run frequently at 6-630 every morning for 30 minutes but now my new job requires me to wake up earlier and commute - and i have to leave the house at 615am.. any later and the traffic is really awful... for some reason (and i don't live in a bad area at all) i'm a little intimidated about waking up an hour or so earlier to go run...

    does anyone else go running OUTSIDE at 5am? advice? suggestions? i miss my running and running after work could happen but i usually have an even longer commute home 90 minutes or so and i have to grade work or something of the sort..(i'm a teacher)

    help. i'm slipping.

    I am too scared to run outside at 5 am. I do get up at 4:15 to go to the gym and work out before work but I don't run outside. It's still dark! I go for a run at lunch if I get a chance but NOPE, not outside. Too creepy!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I am usually out on the road around 515, and it is still dark out as well. And now with fall here its CHILLY!! I bring my dog, and also have a flashing light so cars can see me, which clips onto my hat/jacket/pants/whatever. I have "bumped" into skunks before, even living in the city, so if you can get a headlamp, that would be good also!
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Wear light-colored reflective clothing, for sure!

    If it's dark for the majority of your run, I'd invest in a headlamp.
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    I walk/jog early in the am ( 5:30 ish) and wear a reflective vest and have a flashy wrist band. The people driving at this time of day are not very observant. ai did this morning have to pause my walk to wait for the deer family to clear the road.
  • KristenCassandra
    KristenCassandra Posts: 140 Member
    I get up at 445 and am out running by 5 most mornings. It was hard to get used to but now that I'm used to waking up that early I love it! Honestly it wakes me up and I'm energized all day after. Go for it :)
  • Laurab2125
    Laurab2125 Posts: 11 Member
    I agree with everything here, but one thing to add ... I used to use a headlamp, but didn't care for it. Found these and love them to death:

    Some of the streets and paths around my house are NOT well lit, and these do a great job.

    Also - like someone else suggested - carry the cellphone making sure the GPS is turned on and that someone knows when I'm approximately going to be back. Being single, I drafted a friend -- I would text when leaving and getting home.
  • Crystaleyed
    Crystaleyed Posts: 229 Member
    I know what you mean by intimidating.
    I do live in a bit of an odd area, but the area I live in isn't as bad as it could be and it's actually pretty safe, but I felt so uncomfortable, I felt like someone was behind me all the time and it was one of the reasons I stopped.
    Do you have some time at Lunch to go for a run or maybe you could have a quick run before you start marking work ?
  • I get up at 4 M-F, running 3x/week and cycling the other 2. I've never had an issue. I do have "runner's mace" as a precaution.
    Also, there's a lot of skunks in my area, so I run the street. I'm on the opposite side of the road so that I can see who's driving toward me - if I hit a darker patch of road...I'll just run through someone's yard until the car passes. But at that hour there's not a lot of traffic. If I see 4 cars...that's a lot :)
  • statickey
    statickey Posts: 309 Member
    I totally did that this morning!!! It was pretty nice
  • LindsayE007
    LindsayE007 Posts: 212 Member
    I run at 5-5:30 4 days a week. It sucks, but I have gotten used to it. I love being done before the rest of my house is even up. That being said I always run with 1 other girl but usually 2 so there are 3 of us, safety in numbers. It is always dark when we are running so we stick to well lit areas and always run different routes. We have our cell phones. Honestly we are more worried about being attacked by a dog (almost happened the other day) than a person. I have a handheld mace but most of the time I am too lazy to carry it. I have the app Glympse on my phone so my husband can see where we are. I don't think that's creepy, I want him to be able to see where we are in case something happens. Good luck! It's such a quiet time of the day. We are heading out at 5:00 tomorrow for an 18 miler : O
  • shannonmci
    shannonmci Posts: 56 Member
    Up at 3:45 three to four mornings a week to run! Out the door by 4:00. BEST TIME EVER to run! But, I live in a very small town (1700 people) and the streets are very well lit. I'm a morning person anyway, so that doesn't hurt. I work 7:00-3:30, so it works perfect with my schedule. Most nights, the kiddos are in bed by 8:30 and I soon follow at 9:00.