Cheap date.



  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Go pumpkin picking and carve jack-o-lanterns!

    Great idea :)! A decent, but not too expensive bottle of wine, and you are in business!

    Wine?! Tis the season for hard apple cider. You have to stick to the theme of the date. :smile:

    Yummy ... cider ....

    See! It works!
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    For those ripping me a new one, please try reading the whole thread. It's all of 3 pages long at this point. I had a lapse in judgement.....forgot the age ranges we have here for a sec. I've just seen so many people start threads for fun/drama and thought he was looking for Saturday night fun. And for a late 30 something.....this subject could cause that ;)
  • charelg
    charelg Posts: 599 Member
    Congrats on getting the digits. Maybe go walking somewhere, or look for local festivals and fairs, the mall...
  • Cristofori44
    For those ripping me a new one, please try reading the whole thread. It's all of 3 pages long at this point. I had a lapse in judgement.....forgot the age ranges we have here for a sec. I've just seen so many people start threads for fun/drama and thought he was looking for Saturday night fun. And for a late 30 something.....this subject could cause that ;)

    So it's okay to expect the guy to treat you to something expensive on the first date if you're in your 30s? We're not in the 1950s and women are working--some of them make more than men.

    I'm 40 and I always go on a simple date first to see if the girl even offers to pay. No way I am going to drop a wad of cash on the first date for a girl who hasn't shown romantic interest. And the ones who don't even offer to pay their share, or even chip-in for something small (like getting drinks if I get dinner)...they are the ultimate users and worthy of a plate of puttanesca--*kitten*'s pasta.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    For those ripping me a new one, please try reading the whole thread. It's all of 3 pages long at this point. I had a lapse in judgement.....forgot the age ranges we have here for a sec. I've just seen so many people start threads for fun/drama and thought he was looking for Saturday night fun. And for a late 30 something.....this subject could cause that ;)

    So it's okay to expect the guy to treat you to something expensive on the first date if you're in your 30s? We're not in the 1950s and women are working--some of them make more than men.

    I'm 40 and I always go on a simple date first to see if the girl even offers to pay. No way I am going to drop a wad of cash on the first date for a girl who hasn't shown romantic interest. And the ones who don't even offer to pay their share, or even chip-in for something small (like getting drinks if I get dinner)...they are the ultimate users and worthy of a plate of puttanesca--*kitten*'s pasta.

    *yawn* Small vocabularies bore me.
  • Cristofori44
    For those ripping me a new one, please try reading the whole thread. It's all of 3 pages long at this point. I had a lapse in judgement.....forgot the age ranges we have here for a sec. I've just seen so many people start threads for fun/drama and thought he was looking for Saturday night fun. And for a late 30 something.....this subject could cause that ;)

    So it's okay to expect the guy to treat you to something expensive on the first date if you're in your 30s? We're not in the 1950s and women are working--some of them make more than men.

    I'm 40 and I always go on a simple date first to see if the girl even offers to pay. No way I am going to drop a wad of cash on the first date for a girl who hasn't shown romantic interest. And the ones who don't even offer to pay their share, or even chip-in for something small (like getting drinks if I get dinner)...they are the ultimate users and worthy of a plate of puttanesca--*kitten*'s pasta.

    *yawn* Small vocabularies bore me.

    People who try to dismiss an argument with *yawn* bore me. Using a guy is using a guy at any age. Chew on that.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    If you're wondering why you're 40 and still dating, I can give you some ideas.
  • JenKillough
    JenKillough Posts: 474 Member
    I'm 40 and I always go on a simple date first to see if the girl even offers to pay. No way I am going to drop a wad of cash on the first date for a girl who hasn't shown romantic interest. And the ones who don't even offer to pay their share, or even chip-in for something small (like getting drinks if I get dinner)...they are the ultimate users and worthy of a plate of puttanesca--*kitten*'s pasta.

    If a guy asks me out, I'm assuming he plans to pay for it. And I thank him for a nice evening... the end.

    So are you saying here that you take girls out on first dates who have not shown you any romantic interest?? How'd you manage that?
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm 40 and I always go on a simple date first to see if the girl even offers to pay. No way I am going to drop a wad of cash on the first date for a girl who hasn't shown romantic interest. And the ones who don't even offer to pay their share, or even chip-in for something small (like getting drinks if I get dinner)...they are the ultimate users and worthy of a plate of puttanesca--*kitten*'s pasta.

    If a guy asks me out, I'm assuming he plans to pay for it. And I thank him for a nice evening... the end.

    So are you saying here that you take girls out on first dates who have not shown you any romantic interest?? How'd you manage that?

    You're a *kitten*. I know this because I use big words. Like *kitten*.
  • Cristofori44
    I'm 40 and I always go on a simple date first to see if the girl even offers to pay. No way I am going to drop a wad of cash on the first date for a girl who hasn't shown romantic interest. And the ones who don't even offer to pay their share, or even chip-in for something small (like getting drinks if I get dinner)...they are the ultimate users and worthy of a plate of puttanesca--*kitten*'s pasta.

    If a guy asks me out, I'm assuming he plans to pay for it. And I thank him for a nice evening... the end.

    So are you saying here that you take girls out on first dates who have not shown you any romantic interest?? How'd you manage that?

    I guess you must be romantically involved with every guy before you've even met for a first date. How do you manage that?
  • JenKillough
    JenKillough Posts: 474 Member
    I'm just wondering, Christofori44, why on earth a man would ask a girl out if she'd not shown any interest other than platonic... perhaps you are finding out you're dating *kitten* because these are women you are bribing with a nice meal... perhaps you are looking for "puttanesca" and finding just that.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm 40 and I always go on a simple date first to see if the girl even offers to pay. No way I am going to drop a wad of cash on the first date for a girl who hasn't shown romantic interest. And the ones who don't even offer to pay their share, or even chip-in for something small (like getting drinks if I get dinner)...they are the ultimate users and worthy of a plate of puttanesca--*kitten*'s pasta.

    If a guy asks me out, I'm assuming he plans to pay for it. And I thank him for a nice evening... the end.

    So are you saying here that you take girls out on first dates who have not shown you any romantic interest?? How'd you manage that?

    I guess you must be romantically involved with every guy before you've even met for a first date. How do you manage that?

    I think what you're referring to is chemistry? Look at her. I doubt she enters into many dates without that.
  • charelg
    charelg Posts: 599 Member
    I do think whomever initiates the date should pay. And I believe in old school where a man pays for the date...unless the woman does the inviting.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I do think whomever initiates the date should pay. And I believe in old school where a man pays for the date...unless the woman does the inviting.

    Exactly. Chivalry should not be (and isn't to some!) dead. OP is proving that.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm just wondering, Christofori44, why on earth a man would ask a girl out if she'd not shown any interest other than platonic... perhaps you are finding out you're dating *kitten* because these are women you are bribing with a nice meal... perhaps you are looking for "puttanesca" and finding just that.

    Don't forget bribing into a nice meal that she better pay for the drinks for! :laugh:
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Ok I apologize. But if you're THAT broke, what do you think you can bring to this table at this point? Why not wait until you're more on your feet to date?
    . How rude is this haha why would you even say that to someone it's just pure cheek... Not every girl s materialistic Hun it ony tends to be gold diggers that are like that! My boyfriend didn't have money when I gt with him 4 years ago I went to his house (in his mums) orders a pizza an drinks and watched films it was lovely he then got a job after a few weeks but its not all about money if she is then you know she's not right for you x
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    Ok I apologize. But if you're THAT broke, what do you think you can bring to this table at this point? Why not wait until you're more on your feet to date?

    If every person in the world waited til they were financially 'on their feet' to date, there would be many more singles... relationships should be about two people learning about each other, not how much money they have!
    BINGO! That was a rude comment (first quote) and I hope that is wasn't YOUR number this gentleman got. It's not about the money, money,

    Good for you for going out on a limb and putting yourself out there for possible rejection. I stand and applaud you! If you want to get to know this girl, do NOT take her to a movie. I mean, think about it - how can you talk to her at a movie? Bowling, while it is a fun time, is often loud and full of obnoxious young kids. If you can handle them it may be a good first date. If not, steer clear. Remember that you have to rent shoes and pay for EACH person PER game too. That can end up costing a lot in the end.

    My boyfriend and I started dating right after he got divorced and I left a LTR. Neither of us had much of anything but we did have a date every evening for 2 weeks without having to spend a bunch of money. We both love tea so we used our re-usable insulated coffe cups, made tea and took walks holding hands. We went hiking. We walked through our local Saturday Market where the entertainment is free and plentiful. One of his favorite authors offered a reading and book signing at a local bookstore and he invited me along. We played croquet, horseshoes and frisbee golf at our local parks. We met at cool places in the Great Northwest and brought our cameras to capture the awesome wonders of nature...the list goes on and on. Best part of it? It was all FREE and we got to spend quality time getting to know each other. After dating my boyfriend for those 2 weeks I knew he was the one for me and have been deeply in love with him ever since. Another freebie! :flowerforyou:

    Stop and think about what you already do to entertain yourself that doesn't cost you any money and I'll bet you can think of half a dozen great ideas. PM me if you need more ideas and let us know how the date went.
  • Cristofori44
    I'm just wondering, Christofori44, why on earth a man would ask a girl out if she'd not shown any interest other than platonic... perhaps you are finding out you're dating *kitten* because these are women you are bribing with a nice meal... perhaps you are looking for "puttanesca" and finding just that.

    Not at all. I keep it simple and I always pay. I do take it as a high mark of the woman's character, however, if she offers to pay her half, or she wants to chip in for something small.

    It is a negative mark on the women's character, if however she's expecting the guy--whatever his age--to splurge on her from the start. That shows she's into the monetary or consumer experience the man pays for---food, entertainment, whatever--rather than the guy himself.

    Women complain all the time about guys using them for sex. Some women use or value guys only for material things--as at least one poster here has shown.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    The OP's philosophy????? WTF are you talking about?
  • charelg
    charelg Posts: 599 Member
    I'm just wondering, Christofori44, why on earth a man would ask a girl out if she'd not shown any interest other than platonic... perhaps you are finding out you're dating *kitten* because these are women you are bribing with a nice meal... perhaps you are looking for "puttanesca" and finding just that.

    Not at all. I keep it simple and I always pay. I do take it as a high mark of the woman's character, however, if she offers to pay her half, or she wants to chip in for something small.

    It is a negative mark on the women's character, if however she's expecting the guy--whatever his age--to splurge on her from the start. That shows she's into the monetary or consumer experience the man pays for---food, entertainment, whatever--rather than the guy himself.

    Women complain all the time about guys using them for sex. Some women use guys for material things. It cuts both ways.

    It's a negative mark on a guys character to Not pay on a date, ESP the first one. I'm all for a girl offering to pay for dates here and there as it progresses. But for the first few dates, the Man should pay.