What is your "ideal" weight?



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Don't have one, I have an ideal body in mind though.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I'm 5'6 and my ideal weight is a United Kingdom size 8 or 145lbs. :)

    I'm the same height as you are. At 147lbs I was a size 10/12, years ago. It's interesting how we're all different!

    Me too - well, I'm 5'5.5", and at 145lb I was size 12. At 120lb, I'm size 10. At 110lb, I was size 8. Definitely shows how different everyone is, and how our bodies all have different ideal weights.
  • I was looking at everyones ideal weights, and I was wondering: I am shorter than alot of you, being 4'11 and i weigh 120lbs. how can I know my ideal weight? I,ve been anorexic thin at 78 lbs, super fit at 87 lbs. For ten years I maintained a 95lbs weight. Now it is only in the last 5 years that I started to gain weight. Especially the last two years. Honestly, around 40lbs in the lst two years. So age is a factor right? So technically I should have gained weight but 20lbs! I also look bigger, more big boned than when I was 95. Everything is bigger not necessarily fatter. Only my belly is bigger and my face is rounder. Do I have a distorted view of my looks? It is hard not to when your wrists, hands and feet are still as small as back when I was a kid yet every other part is significantly bigger. Is it unrealistic to think that I could be fit, healthy and active sporting a slimmer build. Is a slimmer build evenpossible? I opt for 100lbs because I weighed that two years ago. I can't possibly be able to go down to 87lbs and super fit agin. My body doesn't even look the same. Or can I? I must sound crazy....I am simply confused. I am trying to get a sense of what is the healthiest way for me to see myself as.People ar beautiful regardless of their weight but I want to be comfortable in my body again. And I do not know how to get there.:embarassed: :ohwell: :embarassed:
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I'm 5'6 and my ideal weight is a United Kingdom size 8 or 145lbs. :)

    I'm the same height as you are. At 147lbs I was a size 10/12, years ago. It's interesting how we're all different!

    Me too - well, I'm 5'5.5", and at 145lb I was size 12. At 120lb, I'm size 10. At 110lb, I was size 8. Definitely shows how different everyone is, and how our bodies all have different ideal weights.

    Defs depends on muscle mass, etc as well.
    I'm 79kg and a size 12 but when I was younger I was 70kg and a size 16. (AUS sizes)
  • Diana35bha
    Diana35bha Posts: 292 Member
    I'm 5'5" too and was a good weight around 154 lbs, but for the past 4-5 years my body seems to think around 200 is okay cos it won't lose the lbs.....LOL
  • sweetteadream
    sweetteadream Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'2 and I'm wanting to get between 110-115, heres hoping!
  • JazzyMarie
    JazzyMarie Posts: 37 Member
    Im 5ft 5 and my ideal weight is 135-140lbs! havent been there in nearly 3 years!
    in my prime now and want to make the most of it
    i have about 15lbs to go
  • daughterofthesea
    daughterofthesea Posts: 82 Member
    I'm 5' 6'' and want to be 8 stone 1.
  • mcpjan
    mcpjan Posts: 76 Member
    I'm 5'1 and I think my ideal weight would be between 110 - 120. My doctor say he wants me at 135 but per the BMI index that would still make me over weight. The BMI calculator says I should be between 100 - 132 to be in a healthy weight. But it is just a number and as long as I feel good and have energy any weight less than what I am is good.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I actually went to a Doctor who specializes in performing arts (musicians, dancers, etc) to determine my ideal weight range. (I am an accountant by day and a church musician at night and on weekends) I am 5'8" , long , thin boned (but highly dense bones, I found out) and 53 years old. The ultimate weight range for me is 129 -139 pounds. I weigh 132 right now.

    I highly recommend seeking out a trusted medical specialist to help you meet your goals - whether it be a registered dietician, PT or Doctor who specializes in keeping people fit to help you set or reset your goals. It works for me!
  • ShoeGal78
    ShoeGal78 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 5'6 and currently weigh 9st 3lbs (129lbs). Would like to get down to 9st or see an 8 on the scale so would like to hit 125lbs eventually! My bother in law is a PT and measured my body fat percentage at around 16% so try not to worry about the scales too much but it's a force of habit!!
  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
    I used the "ideal weight calculator" at - http://www.healthcentral.com/diet-exercise/ideal-body-weight-3146-143.html And, I was told that my ideal weight range is 148 - 162.8 lbs. (67.3 - 74 kg.). (I'm 5'7 and 184lbs on a medium frame) So, that would make me overweight by 21.2 lbs. (10 kg.). Funnily enough my goal weight is about 150-155lbs...(I'd even be happy at 160) :D I weighed about 140 before my husband and I started our family (we have 3 children) and I was very boney at 140...I don't want to be that small again...I like my curves. :) (my husband does too! :D ) haha ;)
  • 03428
    03428 Posts: 48 Member
    5ft5 and a half, and 120lbs, although I'd be happy at 126lbs I think!
  • I read somewhere once that on average you can count on 100 lbs for your first 5 feet and then 5lbs for every inch after that. So being 5'8" I should be around 140lbs. I am 145 right now and look good but I LOVE how I look at 140. So that is my goal :) Also I have inches goals as I think they are more important than weight. Depending on your body composition you could be small and weigh more than when you were you were bigger because of muscle weighs more than fat but takes up less space! love that.
  • I'm 5'1.5" (156cm) & my ideal weight is between 100-105 although I don't see myself getting there because I have a lot of muscle haha. If I like how I look at 110 that's fine too, as long as I'm under 115 and never reach 118-119 again. (I'm more for going by measurements than the scale anyway ^_^)
    edit: currently 114.8 ^_^
  • Jaxta65
    Jaxta65 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm 5'5" as well, I want to be between 140 - 160 because that sounds healthy to me. Per the BMI chart it says I should be '120 - 140'', but I don' think that's right.

    I'm 5'8" and 160 and I'm on here.... You may want to aim lower...

    Did I say something wrong? I don't know what ^ means. Sorry if I did, no offence intended :-(
  • WhyLime113
    WhyLime113 Posts: 104 Member
    5'2", and since I think BMI is bull, I'll actually be going 150! Hell, I'll be ecstatic if I reach 160.
  • WhyLime113
    WhyLime113 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm 5'5" as well, I want to be between 140 - 160 because that sounds healthy to me. Per the BMI chart it says I should be '120 - 140'', but I don' think that's right.

    I'm 5'8" and 160 and I'm on here.... You may want to aim lower...

    Did I say something wrong? I don't know what ^ means. Sorry if I did, no offence intended :-(
    ^ just means they agree with the post right above in the quote.

    That said, I disagree and think they're going for a great weight goal. Just because you're taller and want 160, doesn't mean because they're shorter they should go lower. What weight a person feels awesome at varies for everyone :)
  • I am 5'5 and my ideal weight would be 115. I haven't weighed that much since three years ago and I just want to feel myself again
  • Supermom145
    Supermom145 Posts: 6 Member
    I am 5'6" and my current ideal weight is 145.