What are your October goals?



  • ebonypixie
    ebonypixie Posts: 61 Member
    Oooh! I love a challenge for October. My goals are:

    Eat cleaner and limit dark chocolate/sweet treats to 4 squares a day AFTER dinner, if I must.
    Make Yoga/Pilates a habit, try to do any length class every night and drink a herbal tea to aid sleep.
    Read 'The Secret' again and make positive affirmations every day.
    Eat a clove of garlic and teaspoon of manuka 3 times a day to combat winter baddies.
    Set up my cake decorating website and try to get more bookings for October, November and December.
    Make sure I get a minimum 12000 steps a day on Fitbit :)
    Make room for quality down time with my boyfriend. (Sexytime lol)

    GO! :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    - To love myself
    - Be an awesome PT
    - Keep focusing on positives not negatives
    - Lose 4kgs
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Run 50 miles or more.

    Bench press at least 90 pounds, deadlift my body weight.

    Enjoy Halloween! :drinker:
  • Okay here it goes, I will work my way up to working out twice a day four times a week by Oct. 31, Cut down on my sugar intake and keep it below my weekly goal, and seriously try to lose between 5-8 lbs this month.
  • Need to loose 5 kgs in October. Have joined a 'Biggest Loser Wins'Contest. My instructor has challenged me to loose 10 kgs in two months. Have managed to loose 4 kgs in September. End October have to loose another 5 kgs... please help...
  • sd75
    sd75 Posts: 49
    Great idea - Goals for the month :-)

    Mine will be:-
    - drop 5+lbs
    - start & finish 30DS
    - ditch the 3pm chocolate break (swapping for grapes/fruit instead)

    .... That'll do for starters .... Good Luck for October goals MFP-ers :happy:
  • My goal for October is ....

    * At least 3 weight lifting sessions at the gym per week
    * Increase my weekly walking to 50kms ( 31miles)
    * Drop 5kgs (11lbs)
    * Eat CLEAN!!!!!
  • polishmehappy ...Learning to Dance to Thriller oh wow good for you .....I Love your Goal...
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I don't make goals at all, but this month I'd love to run more than I have this month. 183km this month. I'd love to beat it by 100km if I can. I would love to run 15km each day rather than 10.
  • My goals ...mmmm .... well I have to start losing at least 1 kg a week and KEEP it off.
    I have to sort out my huge stash of clothes, I have sooooo many clothes and shoes its ridiculous
  • Abs!!!!
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    1. Stick to my running training of 3 times a week.
    2. Break this bloody plateau and actually lose some weight for the first time in months. I'll be happy with 2 lbs.
  • 100 running miles for the moth of October :)
  • I am new to MyFitnessPal ...
    Be more consistant with my HIIT workouts.
    Get my 1 mile time down
    lose 5lbs.
    Be more self confident! :glasses:
  • 1. Start a new weight lifting program - 2x a week.
    2. Continue eating mostly Paleo/Low Carb.
    3. Get to double digits lost - so far I've lost 6.4kgs.
    4. Intermittent Fasting 1-2x a week.
    5. Unrelated to MFP - Study hard so I could end the semester with a good grade!
  • kriskibbe
    kriskibbe Posts: 17 Member
    I want to log 50 miles of jog/walks.
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    October goals:

    1. Log every day
    2. Walk 50 miles
    3. Cycle 75 miles
    4. Swim once a week
    5. Lose 5lb
  • Body goals

    - complete the 30 day challenge I'm in
    - lose some fat off my stomach
    - lose inches off my thighs (no idea what a good goal for that is, but for them to be thinner than they are now)
    - tone up my arms
    - lose a pound a week

    Food/nutrition goals

    - try to eat all my calories, but healthily
    - work on upping my protein
    - up my calcium and iron, maybe through supplements
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Stay on track -- for good ... So I can RE-LOSE the 8-10lbs I have put back on by being really stupid! :grumble:
    Luckily the exercise hasn't been a problem at all, it's eating too much crap food again.

    I am also doing the 30 Day Shred dvd. I completed day 9 this morning. Woohoo!
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,589 Member
    Want to get off cholesterol medication!