All you morning gym-goers...



  • taytaylynn3
    Maybe think of it this way.

    When I work out in the morning, i watch what i eat much closer because i don't want to ruin the hard work i did earlier in the day!!!
  • bahlquist
    @ mutiny love the hat but its gettin harder afta every game!
  • Sledgehammer66
    Sledgehammer66 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! There are realy some good tipps here. I also go to the gym in the morning. I get up at 5:30 am to be in the gym early enough to workout and to make it to work. At first it is always soooo hard. But you'll definatly get used to it.
    Most important tough:
    Remember yourself, you are doing this for yourself. There ist nothing wrong with that. You can be proud of yourself, that you got up so early and you worked out. Just imagine this nice feeling, which you will have during the day. (Of course you could get some nice effects from afterburning too ;) )

    Some months ago, when i switched to my morning workout i found this motivation video on youtube: This will motivate you, because it fits 100 % to that "i don't wanna ..." feeling ;)
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    yeah, you've just kind of got to get up and get on with it before your brain gets the chance to realise what you're doing. once you're up and going it's fine. so set the alarm, get up, get dressed and go. be prepared- have all your stuff laid out to wear so you don't have to think.
    i usually wake up before the alarm now.
  • Jaxster92708
    Jaxster92708 Posts: 130 Member
    Of course it gets easier, but it is going take a conscious effort for you to change your sleep pattern, but then it will become the norm.
    Obviously if you then stay up late and sleep in on the weekends, it will be hard again on the Monday morning.

    ^This! I was working out at home because it seemed easier and I didn't have to wake up AS early, but noticed I lost a lot of strength. So, started back to the gym to have more access to challenging weights, getting up at around 4-4:30 AM. My husband gets up that early, too, so it makes it easier.

    But, I noticed that if I sleep in on Sat/Sun it is SOOO much harder come Monday. While I don't get up at 4 AM on the weekend, I am reprogramming my sleep patterns to get up earlier.

    Another bonus: The gym is not as crowded at that time and those who ARE there are usually the no-nonsense types in my opinion (get in, get it done, get out).

    Good luck!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Sleep earlier or get a friend to go with you - it is harder to blow off your friend than it is to blow off the gym...
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Totally with you on this - have a real issue with getting up early but I'd recommend an app called "I can't wake up".

    It's annoying as fook, but it works in getting you awake enough to get up!! (it makes you do a task: maths/scan a bar code/remember a sequence etc and the alarm doesn't stop till you complete it!!).

    Hubby is not a fan, but I owe my morning jogs to it! :bigsmile:
  • tubaman58
    Once you have done it a few times you will find it is a great start to the day
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    First, just getting up outta bed helps me-once you start moving you will wake up....


    MONSTER ENERGY DRINK..........thats the way to go:)
  • macromouth
    If u have more than one alarm on your cell phone, set all the 3 of them for a minute apart. Then set your alarm clock to go off super loud on the 4th minute.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Thanks guys! I can do it!
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    If you want to be a morning gym person, here are the steps you take:

    1. Pack your snacks for after a work out at night.
    2. Pack your gym back at night.
    3. Set the DVR for any tv shows that come on after 9 pm (just in case you decide to go to sleep early).
    4. Plan your daily outfits for the week on Sunday (including any ironing or extra washing--I'm bad at this)
    5. Tell yourself that this is the best plan for your life (and repeat this over and over and over again)

    My evenings are spent with the kids (when they have time) and my husband. I have tried to have exercise time in the evenings but it will interfere with the family, so I stopped. I like the quiet time in the house from 4-6 am so I make myself follow these steps with determination.
  • vienna26
    vienna26 Posts: 115 Member
    im not a morning person either it kills me just getting up at 7am lol, i have done it in the past and it did get easier as it just became routine same as now when i work out in the evenings, after a day of being at uni all day id not be in the mood to workout but i just set a time 6pm everyday which is the time i workout it was hard at first but i made myself do it and again it just became a part of my routine now. Id definatley sleep with your workout clothes on and as soon as that alarm goes up get straight up i found once im up im alright its just the transistion from being woken up and getting my butt out of bed i find the hardest!! So placeyour alarm clock across the room so you have to get up reguardless to turn it off!! And while your still half asleep keep reminding yourself how good your gonna feel after youve done your workout and made the effort to get up earlier!! Good luck hun
  • julimonster
    julimonster Posts: 243 Member
    So don't go to the gym. Roll out of bed, into some sweats and take a 20-30 minute walk while you wake up and formulate a plan for the day. When you get home you'll feel exhilarated. Do so for a week, then, whe the week is over, you'll find that a walk isn't quite enough and maybe you'll find yourself wanting to gravitate toward the gym once you've made early rising more of a habit. Good luck!
  • Nettabee
    Nettabee Posts: 296 Member
    I've REALLY been trying to get in the habit of doing this at least twice a week when I have to work full days so this thread is definitely a bump for ideas to help....
    Put your alarm clock on the other side of the room, and put your workout clothes on top of it?
    Try hiding your alarm,and put it on the most annoying ring ever. When it goes off,then you'll have no choice but to get up and try to find it. By that point since you're already up,that may make it easier to get dressed and head to the gym

    This is awesome! :laugh:
    I will definitely be trying this tomorrow morning!
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    To b completely honest some of us will never enjoy the morning thing. For 8 years I did 5:30am swim practices/workouts. I did it, but didn't like it. Now as an adult I've tried putting my alarm across the room....I just turn it off and go back to bed! I also find i have LESS energy throughout the day because getting up early makes me yawn like crazy.

    In summary: I have zero tips for you, sorry lol
  • niwrehs
    niwrehs Posts: 11 Member
    Gotta do the math for your body.Count the numbers of hours you need to wake up without an alarm and feel well rested. This will vary. But it can be average. Check out a study done by cornell University on sleep. Three o'clock is probably the best time to work out but not always possible. Try splitting your workouts into half part in the morning and part in the late afternoon.
  • bahlquist
    One other thing you could get up log onto mfp for a minute or two that can help motivate you.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I don't go that early I aim for 930-10................I do have to say though and early bed time makes it easier.
  • lnazaret
    lnazaret Posts: 10 Member
    I usually set my alarm clock far far away so I am forced to get out of bed and turn it off. Once I'm up, I stay up. I also prepare all my workout clothes, so all I have to do it slip in them, wash up, eat a banana and I'm out. It gets easier after a few days. Also, I don't wake up every morning. Maybe 2-3 times a week I'll wake up early to go to the gym, and the rest of the time I'll go right after work or workout during my lunch (the perks of working out in a physical therapy office, access to a gym).