Gym embarrasment?



  • Seaduck79
    Seaduck79 Posts: 35 Member
    Every mile you're doing, every calorie you're burning, is something the majority of other people, even relatively fit or thin ones, aren't doing. You're doing laps around the former football player eating chicken wings on the couch. You're climbing past the former cheerleader who can't dump the pregnancy weight from her 3 kids.

    It's mind over matter. Those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    I was 303 at the beginning of the year and dragged my butt to the gym multiple times a week with my best friend who weighed a good 160 pounds less than me! But everyday I'm so grateful that I did because I'm now 74 pounds lighter and I know a lot of that has to do with the time I spent at the gym rather than just doing the elliptical at home and eating right. I can tell you from experience that you will not be the largest person there and that no one is going to pay you any attention because they're all going to be in the zone doing their own workouts. And if for whatever reason they do and actually say something to you about it (that isn't positive of course), then screw them because you're there to make yourself better.
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Don't let fear of the unknown keep you away. There is a guy at my gym who walks with a cane due to his weight. He is there most days. He walks slowly on a treadmill for 30 minutes while holding on to the sides. I think it's awesome he is doing something to improve his life.
  • dicoveringwhoIam
    dicoveringwhoIam Posts: 480 Member
    I just got tired of being sick n tired.
    Here's my story: I was diagnosed with MS almost 9 yrs ago. I became scared and pretty much gave up on living life. I spent 9 years letting life pass me by and just getting through each day. I sat there watching my children grow up be my eyes with me just being a spectator. I finally hit my low in January of this year. I was tired of just being a spectator in my own life and my kids lives. I happen to hear two of my co-workers talking about a trainer in the office and I got up the courage to ask who, what, and where. Two weeks later I found myself walking into Durniat Strength to train with Andrew. That was the First day of me taking a step to actually start living & being a participant in my life! Andrew has been awesome & super supportive! I have walked 4 5K's since May each time improving my time and endurance. I have done so many things this year that I would have normally passed up on, like going to the zoo 1/2 dozen times, biking, walking with my kids, and taking them to places that involve physical activity, and just recently fishing! I am so excited! I feel more alive now than I have in years. I have lost almost 40lbs. I have no doubt by the end of this year I will feel even better. Nothing will ever keep me from living my life again! I have a whole new life now since I have started participating in my life! I am changing old and bad habits and creating new and healthier habits. I know now I becoming a good example for my kids. I am now a fighter. Quit is no longer in my vocabulary, I have become a fighter and I will push through the Warrior Dash and I will finish! I have been training for this day for 6 months!

    Guess What! I finished the Warrior Dash and all the Obstacles!
    I'm excited what this next year holds for me! I also realize I will only be as successful as I push myself! DOnt let other people define you or rule you. Dont let your fears drive your life! I felt more comfortable going to a gym and having a trainer, at least then I knew I had at least one person cheering me on and supporting me. We all start at day 1. Dont let what you think other people are thinking about you rob you of your goals and your day 1!
  • areufnkiddingme
    areufnkiddingme Posts: 99 Member
    **Hope I'm posting this in the right area**

    I've been considering getting a gym membership but have been reluctant on it for quite some time. I have my own elliptical at home and fitness games I do the kinect and workout videos, and I walk and roller skate but I still want to do more, that's why I wanted to get a gym membership. However, being bigger(283) I feel like I'd be one huge target there that doesn't fit in. I know everyone's suppose to be there for the same reason, working out, and getting or staying healthy, but still. I'm very self conscious and was just wondering if there was anyone else who use to or does felt the same way that went ahead and did it anyway and how it went.


    I promise you, half the people there feel exactly the same way you do.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    There was a gym at my last job and I used to be afraid that I'd look out of place being there with my in-shape co-workers. Someone told me something that really helped me get over the fear and it's stuck with me for years... he told me that no one would laugh at me for going -- they'd think more of me for going because it showed that I was trying.

    I think you will find that other people at the gym probably won't even give you a second thought and, if they do, they will be glad that you (like them) are trying.
    ^^^ THIS! Holy cow, whenever and where ever I see a "bigger" person working hard, all I have are positive thoughts! At my gym, out walking or riding a bike... You know where I have the not-so-positive reactions? Seeing a bigger person park in the handicapped space when clearly a little walk would do them good; (YES - I know that I don't know their story, don't bash me -- I'm just being honest).
  • Mceastes
    Mceastes Posts: 303 Member
    Let me just say, I personally think it is so awesome to see people at the gym, working their *kitten* off, getting it done...heavy or slim.

    When I think of the people at the gym who I laugh at, the ones I shake my head's the trim/buff meatheads/jocks who talk 90% of the time, do a few reps, scream a bit, flex and puff up in the mirror, use the word "bro" a lot, high five all of the other meathead/jock dudes, and wear hoodies or beanies. In all the times I've been at the gym and I see someone who's obese, trying to get in shape they've always got their head in the game, getting it done and it's just awesome. I always want to go up and say, keep up the good work because it can't be easy, I know they're self conscious thinking everyone is looking at them. But, if you're heavy, and working it at the gym, trying to better yourself...when you feel like we're all looking at you, it's just because we're giving you props. Keep it up!

    ^^^100% agree!! I used to work at a gym and I always thought the bigger girls were awesome! We were proud of them and tried to encourage them to stick with it. You may inspire someone else there who needs to know she's not the only bigger girl at the gym, you never know. I vote go for it!!!
  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    That was me but what I decided was that whether they laughed or not I wasnt going for anyone else but me. I had to do it for myself and if they were laughing when I started no one is laughing now!
  • areufnkiddingme
    areufnkiddingme Posts: 99 Member
    I'll be honest with you; there are people at my gym that make me think "Whoa, you really need to be here, huh?"

    And then I beam a huge smile about it, because they ARE there, they are working much harder than I'll ever have to, and that's pretty inspirational to me. When I'm trying to finish that last mile or lift that last rep, THOSE are the people I look at and think to myself "Look how hard they have to push, look at how much they are doing right now, and imagine their internal struggle about it. Here you are whining because you don't want to go just this last little bit? Get real, get it done."

    Go out there. Inspire somebody :) Show others like you that its okay to be there, its okay to sweat and jiggle and groan in public because you're proving to others that you are strong, you are fierce, and you will be the person you want to be in SPITE of your struggle.
  • sh4690
    sh4690 Posts: 169 Member
    Just do it!!
    When I went to the gym I did feel self concious, but there was people there bigger than me and I just thought
    "Good on her!!"

    and you never know, those skinny broads you see at the gym some of them may have been as big as you at one point or even just over weight (totally possible) and are just working hard to maintain their weight, so they will understand the hard work you have to put in and how much effort it is..

    Everyone gets embarrassed and self concious at the gym regardless of their size/ weight. It's all about going in, showing confidence, shoving your earphones in and getting down with it. I personally enjoy having competitions with the random stranger beside me, "I will go longer than you!" "I will do more reps than you!" etc etc... made it enjoyable when I went on my own.. If I was there with my friend, we both set a goal and both had to stick to it :)

    Good luck!!
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Those thin girls? The majority of them are stressing too about what they look like.
    Go and have fun!

    True! Actually I feel self conscious every single time I try something new at the gym. Even if it's just walking to get a dumbbell in a different area, or an exercise I haven't done before. Eventhough i am now certain that no one notices or cares what i do! :D After a few times it goes away. Good luck!!!

    Oh ETA there was one overweight guy I did notice! Because at the end of my first spin class I was completely exhausted and so happy it was over. And he stayed on his bike and someone told me " he always does two classes" Two in a row!!! Holy cow! I smiled and told him he was my idol!
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member

    It took me awhile to work up my courage to get over to free weights and trying squatting and things like that. I'd watch from the treadmill (all the super-fit hot people) and imagine myself squatting down and being unable to get back up or tipping over backwards or something lol. Then I would imagine how everyone in the gym would point and laugh and take pics or videos which they would upload to youtube and then the video goes viral and everyone I've ever known in my life watches it and in this fantasy everyone-I've-ever-known-in-my-life is ALSO super-fit and hot and oh how they laugh and laugh at that loser (me) trying to squat :sad: Finally just went over there and did it and no one paid me the slightest bit of attention. :bigsmile:

    Love this!
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    I did feel that same embarrassment. I started off by going with a friend--then as I got used to the facility, & realized that hardly no one was really paying attention to me...I was able to start going alone!

    :) It's scary at first, & you think people are pointing fingers & laughing behind your back--but really, most are admiring that you've actually gotten the courage & dedication to go there! I remember being on the elliptical once & this girl MUCH smaller than me was saying how she wished she could do the speed I was going!

    A surprise, but it made me feel great. You can do it.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i felt just like you when i st joined the gym(about a yr and 1/2 ago)dont go now! but i was nearly 400lb :noway: honey and yes i was the biggest there :noway:
    But EVERYONE was really nice there i'm not just on about the staff who are paid to be! :wink: i am on about the people male/females and you acually meet loads of new friends too!
    DO IT you will enjoy it!
  • dlynnfitness
    dlynnfitness Posts: 3 Member
    Most gyms offer a free one week membership. Exercise there for a week. If you like it join, if not keep looking. There are so many styles of gyms that there will be one that you like.
  • michellevine1
    michellevine1 Posts: 185 Member
    There was a gym at my last job and I used to be afraid that I'd look out of place being there with my in-shape co-workers. Someone told me something that really helped me get over the fear and it's stuck with me for years... he told me that no one would laugh at me for going -- they'd think more of me for going because it showed that I was trying.

    I think you will find that other people at the gym probably won't even give you a second thought and, if they do, they will be glad that you (like them) are trying.

    Couldnt agree more. :)
  • michellevine1
    michellevine1 Posts: 185 Member
    Most gyms offer a free one week membership. Exercise there for a week. If you like it join, if not keep looking. There are so many styles of gyms that there will be one that you like.

    GREAT idea!!
  • trospert
    trospert Posts: 22 Member
    Don't be embarrased!
    1. If someone IS judging you, THEY aren't working out to THEIR fullest potential & are wasting their own time. If they have the time to sit around and judge others, they should be working harder.
    2. If you are there, then it's for you and for noone else, just remember that. You are there to get the best workout you can & if anyone else happens to notice you, then they probably won't look twice because it's a positive thing for you to be there.
    3. If you think you need a gym membership that's fine, but make sure that you do it for the right reasons & don't waste your money. They can be so pricey & if you are only looking for ways to change it up, consider doing a couple personal training sessions maybe. They may seem more expensive, but if you never use your membership & you don't know how to use the equipment properly it could be more expensive in the end.
    4. Just getting out there & trying is enough, and if you want to be there then do it! Don't let your own perceived judgement stop you. I think you'll be surprised...if YOU are focused on your own workout, you won't even notice anyone else around you.

    Good luck!! :)