Is diet pop really that bad??



  • kgrinnewald2012
    I drink it, and I'm still losing. People say it cause cancer, but do not realize the amount you would have to drink like ALOT.
  • terpsfan78
    People will say diet pop is bad because of the chemicals but ya know - smoking is bad, people still do it, drugs are bad, people still do it.

    Unless it's giving you some serious side affects then just keep drinking it.

    What incredibly bad reasoning. Both of your examples kill people on a regular basis.
  • moussyk
    yes it increases appetite you are better off with a little bit a suguar than the chemicals if you are a diabetic it can throw your suguar off

  • SabrinaAbney
    If it's not one thing killing us it will be another were all dying a little bit everyday so enjoy life and if that means having a diet coke have one.
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    In my view, the issue is trifling.
  • LaReindeer
    You already know what to do. Are you asking because your not sure or are you hoping someone will make the right post so you can feel justified?
    ..... "just sayin" .
  • meggyannpt
    meggyannpt Posts: 73 Member
    I grew up in a family that drinks a TON of diet pepsi, so I did too. Since I went off to college, I've periodically switched off soda and stuck to mostly water. I notice whenever I try to drink soda after it's been a while, it makes me feel sick. No major skin reaction, but most of the time I just get an upset stomach. If I drink it more frequently, I don't notice it as much.

    Something to consider: imagine how much money you save by drinking water than buying a soda every day! (Not to mention being better hydrated!)

    Really, it is like anything else, moderation is key!
  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    The chemicals in artificial sweetener (just like caffeine, for that matter) affect everyone differently. I drink one diet soda a day, and it has never affected me. Other people can't handle aspartame or sucralose, and they should stay away from it. Know your body, and know what to avoid.

    And the only reason for those "Hazardous Materials" signs on the Coke trucks is in case of an accident, they don't want thousands of gallons of Coke going into the stormwater system; that tells them that it needs to be contained and cleaned up. You wouldn't want thousands of gallons of ANYTHING (except for water) going into the stormwater system.

    Actually the finished product does not need a hazmat placard. Only the co2 tanks. My husband has delivered many finished coke products and carries a hazmat License and never needed to put a hazmat placard on deliveriesof coke or other soda products.
  • cthready
    cthready Posts: 12 Member
    [/quote] And the only reason for those "Hazardous Materials" signs on the Coke trucks is in case of an accident, they don't want thousands of gallons of Coke going into the stormwater system; that tells them that it needs to be contained and cleaned up. You wouldn't want thousands of gallons of ANYTHING (except for water) going into the stormwater system.

    Why don't they put the signs on trucks transporting milk if that is the true reason?
  • Sarge516
    Sarge516 Posts: 256 Member
    It's OK in moderation IMO. Drinking diet soda hasn't impeded my success.

    I drink mostly water, but have about one diet soda a day. Different folks, different strokes.
  • bodyzen
    bodyzen Posts: 122 Member
    Healthy food in moderation = moderate health. Depends what your goals are.
  • madmickie
    madmickie Posts: 221 Member
    Being overweight can kill ya - i'd take the chance on diet coke!
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    The carbonation was not good for me. Once I switched from diet soda to Crystal Light the constant swelling I had in my feet and ankles went away. My doctor said it was the carbonation causing the swelling.
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    Depends on who you ask. And on you.

    Some people find that any sweet, even fake sweets, makes it harder for them to control their overall eating habits. Some people do not and enjoy diet soda regularly.

    in terms of artificial sweeteners, the old cancer studies were done by injecting rats with some insane amount, like 300% of their body weight in artificial sweetener. In a very short time frame. It would take a LOT of diet soda to get to that level. ITs probably fine.

    *cue someone else coming in to tell you how diet soda is the debil*

    LOVE THIS! She's so right, everyone is different. Me? I can't really partake in artificial sweeteners. It's my own fault, I used to drink... eeek I'm scared to even admit this ... probably a 12 pack a day of diet coke. I ended up with migraines and all sorts of nasty symptoms. Now I just refuse to drink fake anything. I don't really crave soda anymore but it took a couple years to get over it. Yes, years.

    A good way to enjoy a fizzy drink is to create a healthier version with selzer water. Use fruit juices, berries, citrus juice, agave nectar, honey, whatever you gotta do to create your own healthier alternative. This can help get you "over" sodas.
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    I used to drink diet sodas while working a night shift. I had bad headaches every night which I attributed to working crazy hours without enough sleep. I heard a radio fitness show discuss headaches caused by diet soda and stopped drinking the diet stuff. The headaches went away that same day. I recently tried adding splenda to my diet. After only taking a little bit over a few days I started getting very dizzy and light headed. I got so sick at work I had to have my wife and son come and get me. After getting it all out of my system and drinking a lot of water I felt fine and will never knowing eat those toxic fake sugars again.
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    my advice would be to ditch them all completely.... i did just over 3 weeks ago (except as mixers if im having alcohol might as well have some pop with it :D) ... my mum had a can of coke the other day... i have never smelt anything so revolting and i used to love the stuff.. 3 weeks isnt long... and i dont miss it... *shrugs*
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    I used to drink diet sodas while working a night shift. I had bad headaches every night which I attributed to working crazy hours without enough sleep. I heard a radio fitness show discuss headaches caused by diet soda and stopped drinking the diet stuff. The headaches went away that same day. I recently tried adding splenda to my diet. After only taking a little bit over a few days I started getting very dizzy and light headed. I got so sick at work I had to have my wife and son come and get me. After getting it all out of my system and drinking a lot of water I felt fine and will never knowing eat those toxic fake sugars again.

    yep. me too. SAME DAY
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    Aspartame is really bad for your nervous system. It is quite a toxic substance. You can buy one of those soda machines that you can make your own. Just add real juice to it, and if you need sweetener, use some stevia. You can actually make some nutritious alternatives.
  • jmunrath
    jmunrath Posts: 2 Member
    And the only reason for those "Hazardous Materials" signs on the Coke trucks is in case of an accident, they don't want thousands of gallons of Coke going into the stormwater system; that tells them that it needs to be contained and cleaned up. You wouldn't want thousands of gallons of ANYTHING (except for water) going into the stormwater system.

    Why don't they put the signs on trucks transporting milk if that is the true reason?

    They do.

    "An example of a seemingly safe substance which may become hazardous is milk. If large quantities are spilled in water, it will kill most insects but not mosquitoes which can transmit yellow fever, West Nile virus, etc., thus creating a biological hazard."
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Yes! it's bad for you,Hello artificial sweetners and stuff like that!
    P.S. Artificial sweetners confuse our bodies and can mess up our weightloss goals.

    but,im one if i'm going to drink a coke,it isnt going to be a diet coke. it's going to be a real coke!
    Pssh! i want real sugar!