Green Coffee Bean Extract... results?



  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    My cousin has invested in a company that produces green coffee extract pills. She gave me a bottle to try... not sure about the weight loss component, she said a different dosage would be required, but as an energy boost they reminded me of taking green tea pills. Apparently the green instead of roasted aids in quicker release or something, more pure I guess. Interesting anyways. I'd be interested in what you find here.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    I so agree. People are so negative here at MFP. Where did she get the Chia seeds?
    I don't agree at all that people here are negative. Many have just discovered that there's no magic pill or shortcut for weight loss. It takes hard work and dedication, there's simply no way around that. If it was just a matter of popping a pill or drinking a magic potion, we wouldn't have the obesity epidemic that we currently have - everybody would ride the magical unicorn to the rainbow and be slim and healthy. To me, the negative people are the ones who get nasty and defensive when told that Dr. Oz's latest "miracle" is yet another load of B.S. and insist on throwing their money down the drain in pursuit of a shortcut to weight loss. If you ("you" generically, not "you" specifically) really want to try these worthless things, why even bother asking when the answer is always going to be the same - they don't work, the only thing they're designed to make you lose is money. The diet industry is a multi-billion dollar machine which depends on people staying fat and trying snake oil after snake oil in search of that magic pill that will melt the fat off them before their very eyes without having to raise a finger. If any of these supplements truly did what they promised, the FDA would be all over them in a heartbeat and the "supplement" would become a "medicine". Sorry if that sounds negative, but it's the truth.
  • Wthompson1215
    Wthompson1215 Posts: 48 Member
    My aunt is doing the weight watchers weigh ins. After taking the coffee bean extract along with chia seed she was down 6Lbs in 8 days. It could just be water, but who knows. I say if you want to try it go for it. The health food store also sells them. If it works for you, then who's to judge. I just find it interesting how a site that is supposed to be so positive, has so many negative people!!!

    I so agree. People are so negative here at MFP. Where did she get the Chia seeds?
    The Health food store!!!
  • I drink one cup of coffee in the morning and it keeps me from being hungry for 3 hours. Same thing.
  • DivineRED1
    DivineRED1 Posts: 134 Member
    Okay, well the other reason I ask is because Starbucks has introduced a new line of low-cal beverages with the extract in it. I drink coffee every day anyway and I'm more curious about the results of unroasted vs roasted.

    I tried those Refreshers you put in the water. I dont know about weight loss aspect of it but I did feel like I had more energy, plus they were tasty. I put the whole packet into 1.5L as 16oz makes it too concentrated.
  • DivineRED1
    DivineRED1 Posts: 134 Member
    is this a joke? i'm honestly beginning to think that if someone relies on a pill to lose weight then they don't deserve to lose it. Work hard. Have your own self-control rather than taking a pill that supposedly "curbs your appetite." Plenty of people on this site and other sites lose weight by exercise and self-control. Honestly. I've gotten over multiple plateaus on my own by changing up what I do. Yeah, it takes a little process of elimination work but it happens. If you're just gonna be lazy and take a pill you might as well not even try. Your magic solution won't work and you'll give up.

    This isn't directed to the OP, just the thread in general.

    I think for some it might be a way to "jump start" the weight loss. Having immediate visible results is more motivating than 0.5lbs down. And for some, added energy is helpful when starting a new workout lifestyle.
  • DivineRED1
    DivineRED1 Posts: 134 Member
    Dr. Oz is such a jerk. Really his show is like an infomercial. Doesn't he have enough money already? He could be doing a great public service by talking about how to be healthy and what health means. But instead he would rather hawk some goods for profit.

    Agreed. He used to be more concerned with health when he was a guest on Oprah's show back in the day. Now that he has his own he's no good..

    Even with the first and second seasons it was more interesting and geared towards health and now it is all gimmicks. He's always promoting this stuff in First magazine too.
  • I was doing the Raspberry Ketone after Dr Oz recommended it and I was losing weight. Then I added in 7-Keto where it gave me a lot of energy and had me working out plus still losing weight and I lost 10lbs in 2-3 wks. I thought I stop that and started doing the HCG diet where I am lost/losing 15.5lbs with just the HCG alone. I decided to experiment and use the Green Coffee Bean Extract with the HCG diet and I thought I was going to lose 2-3 times more weight but I wasn't. It stalled my weight. I stopped taking the green coffee bean extract and continue with the HCG injections and I am still losing. I was 168lbs back in August 29, 2012 & am now 153.8 lbs today. I think once I reach my goal weight of 150 or 145lbs I will start with the Raspberry ketone, 7-Keto & Green Coffee bean extract again. I am almost there.:love:
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 303 Member
    Dr. Oz is such a jerk. Really his show is like an infomercial. Doesn't he have enough money already? He could be doing a great public service by talking about how to be healthy and what health means. But instead he would rather hawk some goods for profit.

    Agreed. He used to be more concerned with health when he was a guest on Oprah's show back in the day. Now that he has his own he's no good..

    Even with the first and second seasons it was more interesting and geared towards health and now it is all gimmicks. He's always promoting this stuff in First magazine too.

    Dr. Oz DOES NOT promote any product. If you watch his show you would know this.
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 303 Member
    I was doing the Raspberry Ketone after Dr Oz recommended it and I was losing weight. Then I added in 7-Keto where it gave me a lot of energy and had me working out plus still losing weight and I lost 10lbs in 2-3 wks. I thought I stop that and started doing the HCG diet where I am lost/losing 15.5lbs with just the HCG alone. I decided to experiment and use the Green Coffee Bean Extract with the HCG diet and I thought I was going to lose 2-3 times more weight but I wasn't. It stalled my weight. I stopped taking the green coffee bean extract and continue with the HCG injections and I am still losing. I was 168lbs back in August 29, 2012 & am now 153.8 lbs today. I think once I reach my goal weight of 150 or 145lbs I will start with the Raspberry ketone, 7-Keto & Green Coffee bean extract again. I am almost there.:love:

    The HCG didn't work for me. I haven't tried the raspberry ketone or green coffee bean. It's hard to find the right ones. There is so many fake ones.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I drink the Starbucks drinks with green coffee bean extract all the time. It's just like coffee as far as effect. Perhaps not even as strong. I've taken to Red Bull the last few weeks.
  • alleykat69
    alleykat69 Posts: 303 Member
    My aunt is doing the weight watchers weigh ins. After taking the coffee bean extract along with chia seed she was down 6Lbs in 8 days. It could just be water, but who knows. I say if you want to try it go for it. The health food store also sells them. If it works for you, then who's to judge. I just find it interesting how a site that is supposed to be so positive, has so many negative people!!!

    I so agree. People are so negative here at MFP. Where did she get the Chia seeds?
    The Health food store!!!

    Thanks!! The two health food stores here don't care.
  • Mscastillo85
    Mscastillo85 Posts: 66 Member
    I just started taking Pure Health Green Coffee Bean Pills. I introduced the idea to 3 of my co-workers to see if they wanted to help me put them to the test. In exactly 7 days I've lost 3lbs. One of my co-workers lost 3 also, another lost 2 and the 3rd lost none. (The co-worker who lost none admitted to only taking them once because she kept forgetting :ohwell: ) This is exactly why I wanted to try this little experiment. I (and the others) feel that they curb our appetite, give us added energy with NO jitters and I personally have been experiencing ideal healthy bowl movements. Our next weigh in is this Thursday, Oct. 4. (Which will be week 2) Hope this helps. :smile:
  • I was curious about them too....I have been taking the raspberry ketone for the past month and have found my stomach shrinking! Good luck!
  • Mscastillo85
    Mscastillo85 Posts: 66 Member
    BTW, check your local Wal Marts for the brand Pure Health Green Coffee beans. Where I live they were kind of hard to find at Wal Marts because they've been flying off the shelves. They have them for the best price though $9.98 for 30 pills. NO FILLERS, EXTENDERS OR ADDITIVES. Every other health place I looked had some but they had binders which are a big NO NO & the prices were ridiculous! Also, they had the brand Pure Health but again very expensive so Wal Mart is your best bet unless you order online.
  • I've been using them along with raspberry ketones and I can only assume that those pills along with my change in eating habits and exercising, has helped me lose the 15 lbs..... doesn't hurt to try them when they're only $6-$7 at Walmart
  • Mscastillo85
    Mscastillo85 Posts: 66 Member
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Dr. Oz DOES NOT promote any product. If you watch his show you would know this.

    Then what other motive would he have to promote supplements that have absolutely no studies to back them up? One great example of this is raspberry ketones. If he had read the studies, he would have seen that they do nothing to promote weightloss. So, then, why is he promoting them? Got to be the dollaz from the companies behind the supplements. He may not specifically name them brands, but when you have a product that does nothing, you're going to profit from any mention of it.

    It's like if I made a product called blueberry aldehyde. Sounds healthy (fruit!) and scientific. Sure, no studies prove that it works, but there's the masses that will try anything because of their "no harm in trying" mantra. All I need is Dr. Oz so that people hear about this crap, and BAM! I'm making millions off my fake supplements.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    From what I've heard about any supplement that helps in weight is just an aid..never touted as a magic pill that you take and that's it. still have to diet and exercise.. I think most people know that.

    Unfortunately, that is what most people think. The truth is that supplements aren't going to help, and it's all about diet and exercise.
  • Haven't tried them yet myself, but did some digging and there is a review here that has some solid info on what it is and does. Whether it is true or not remains to be seen: Though I have also seen a bunch of people saying they also combined them with raspberry ketones and continued exercising.