

  • anjoneill
    anjoneill Posts: 98 Member
    There are such a large number of wonderful posts each day that I don't always have time to post anything by the time I have read them all.

    To those who have lost friends my sympathies are with you.

    To those of you who have been losing weight through September, keep up the good work in October. I have just 5lbs to lose but sm not in a major rush and have increased my calories ot 1700 per day plus exercise calories on days that I workout in line with the New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women. I have also started their prescribed exercise routine s my plan for October is to keep up with this plan and to monitor and assess any changes that occur.

    There are so many pressures on all of us in these economically troubled times. I am very dissolutioned with my job at the moment. The firm that I work for was a family firm but has become very commercial over the last 5 or so years. I no longer feel like a valued member of the firm. I feel like a number and that is the last thing anyone wants. There is also a lot of concern as the work is not coming in in the way it did in the past and this could lead to my position becoming redundant. On the one hand I would be devastated and I am not sure how me and DH would managed on a substantially reduced income but I am trying to think positively about the opportunities that would open themselves to me if that happened so that I could do something that if feel really passionate about.

    To be able to escape to somewhere beautiful like the beach must be wonderful. There is nothing like nature to make one realise what really matters, health, fitness and happiness.

    Hopefully when we all reflect on October we will be pleased with the progress we have made in all areas of our lives.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hey everyone it’s a Monday that’s for sure. Clinical was slow today then we came back to the college for simulation, which did not go well. I am not adept at using the simulators because in my courses, I am the “helper”, so I have never really learned how to run them. Then my partner wasn’t going to come in during my time because she was after me, but the course coordinator tracked her down and told her she was running the whole thing, so it was just a complete comedy of errors. Good thing the students are good sports. :bigsmile:

    Well my September goals went pretty well, some good others could have been better. I did great at staying under my calories on most days, I signed in every day, I exercised on my schedule, but I could have drank more water. I did buy a water bottle just for clinical so that has helped. I do have to say the toughest one has been finding joy and beauty somewhere every day. I struggle with that, but am trying.

    Jen: your weekend sounds great! I love that misty weather.

    Michele: I am with you….October! Where did that come from??? :noway:

    Barbie: glad your retreat was good! Thanks for starting the new thread

    Linda: Oh I am so sorry to hear of your friend Kathy. I’m sure you will miss her dearly. My thoughts and prayers are with you and her family. :heart: Those lessons do come mysteriously at the right time, don’t they?

    Carol: you are doing great, I’m sure you will manage all your new goals

    Star dancer: congrats on your loss!

    Jane: I’ll be keeping your friend in my thoughts as well.

    Carolyn: I buy Halloween candy I don’t’ like….chocolate. I am not a chocolate eater, so it can sit in my house for weeks. I will enjoy a small bite…like our Russian chocolate or the kind you get at valentines day, but it’s a bite and no more.

    Newbies: welcome and come back often!

    All the rest of you I missed writing personal messages to: I read your posts and hope you are doing well if you are having struggles and celebrating when you find success.

    Seems like lots of us are having our “now “moments. I had one Sunday at church. We had a visiting minister who now works for Child Savings Institute and came to speak about their needs. Part of her sermon was about when she was a mom, she always wanted a “Benjamin”. She had 2 other sons, but something was missing. So then she had her Benjamin and he was a holy terror. Literally destroyed things when he threw temper tantrums. She started reading him this book about a kid who wanted a dog, but mom said “dogs are too much trouble” to which the kid would reply “But they are worth it.” So when she would be totally angry and frustrated with him, she’d read him this book. At the end she added a bit about how her Benjamin was too much trouble, to which he would reply “But I am ‘worf’ it! And that always made her feel better. :smile:

    Lately I am having incredible compassion fatigue. I find myself so tired of my daughters and their needs I could just cry. That story really hit home and I promised myself I would tell myself that story each time I get mad at them from now on and end with “but they are worth it!”

    My October goals are the same.
    1. Log in each day
    2. Log food and stay under 1900 calories each day except 2 free days a month
    3. Drink 90 ounces of water a day
    4. Exercise 3 times a week (cardio)
    5. Find joy and beauty somewhere each day.

    Hope you all find joy in the beautiful Monday. Take care, Meg :drinker:
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Checking in to save my spot. Thank you SO much Barbie for setting this up and keeping us going. It is much appreciated. your October graphic is great :smile: Now I am off to log some volunteer hours! (no ladies, it is not community service!):laugh:
  • Youngfleur
    Youngfleur Posts: 9 Member
    :flowerforyou: Well another month has past...I am glad to say I lost a few more pounds last month. I hope to keep it falling off..before I know it my jeans will fit again...
    My goal this month is to loose at least 1 lb a week.
    Use my stationery bike daily
    Drink lots of water and some more.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good early evening ladies:flowerforyou:

    I'm hoping this will be the last post of the day!!!

    I did pretty good with my Sept. goals...
    Drink 10 glasses of water....all except for 2 days, and those 2 days I got in 8.
    Have fish twice a week....check.
    Try at least 2 new recipes...check, carrot soup and a new sea bass recipe.
    Walking everyday...check.
    Check in here everyday....check.
    Pre log food diary each morning....check.
    Be grateful for every ounce that comes off....check.
    Have fun with granddaughters and friends.....check

    My goals for October....
    Drink 10 glasses of water a day
    Try 2 new recipes this month
    Have fish/seafood twice a week
    Continue to pre log my food diary each morning
    Check in here at least once a day
    Be grateful for every ounce that comes off
    Find something to laugh about everyday
    Continue with walking
    Borrowed from Barbie....be more agreeable.

    To those I've missed this time, I have read all the posts, and I encourage you on this journey we're all on! One day at a time, one choice at a time, we can all do this and succeed!!!!
    :drinker: Here's to a fabulous, healthy, happy, productive October!!!

  • Sistanorfolk
    October goals
    (1) log in every day
    (2) complete the youtube "Butt Bible" series of exercises
    (3) loss 10 lbs
    (4) drink 8 glasses of water daily
    (5) love myself more than I did in September:love:
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    Happy October, Y’all!

    Barbie, thank you for the thread and the LOVELY graphic! :flowerforyou:

    Linda, I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend. My thoughts and prayers are with you in your sorrow, and for her family as well. :heart:

    DeeDee, thanks for reminding me to drink that water! :drinker:

    Michele, you made me giggle about floating in the pool… :wink:

    YardTigress, I am going to TRY to cut back on wheat products, and see if that helps, and replace them with MORE veggies & fruit. :smile:

    Jb, I like the idea of adding raspberries to your applesauce! :tongue:

    Drkatiebug, I hope you reach your goals this month. :smile:

    Janehadji, I hope you break that plateau! :smile:
    Robin, I hope you make your goals this month. Love the pics of your dogs! :love:

    Kathyszoo, I’m going to “borrow” your goal about the de-cluttering… :wink:

    Wessecg, I really like your Twizzler idea! :tongue:

    Kate, I applaud you for walking home from work~ WOW! :bigsmile:

    Cathyb60, I hope your arthritis gets to feeling better! :heart:

    Meg, I LOVED your Benjamin story! :heart:

    i hope you ALL have a wonderful October! It's such a BEAUTIFUL month! :flowerforyou:

    janie :heart:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Today is my 3rd day off tomorrow back to work. i spent the day pulling the house together for the work week making sure none of the chores got missed this week. Also took some time to do a few more freezer meals. Today trying a new recipe sirloin steak soup. Found it in a magazine for Diabetic Living. It is smelling so good.

    @Amanda-- Glad to hear that your cousin has return home.

    @Barbie--Thank you for starting the new thread for us! :smile:

    @Lin- Sorry to hear about your friend. please be careful driving.

    @ Dee you are doing great with your goals

    @Meg-- Thank you sharing your moment with us. I so needed to hear that today. As I have said I have a 19 yr old with autism + other things. She is taking classes at the local junior college so happy but she can only handle so much interaction so normally this week when I come in after 10 hour days -- that when she will decides to melt down cursing me out after she gets it out towards bed. she will say sorry but it got to such a place was beginning to think of reshab places. Your share touch me so that what i need to keep telling myself yes this is hard but there is good she is going to classes and even after the verbal attack she is recognizing this isn't ok. that is a victory.--- She is so worth it. Hang in there Meg! :flowerforyou:

    @star dancer way cool on your loss

    @Jane sorry about your friend.

    i am sorry if I am missing anyone I know I will be back before the nights over.

    I do read all of the posts and so happy to be on this journey together.


  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    @MEG - are you trying to make us do math?:laugh: Okay . . you're gonna drink 11 1/4 cups of water a day:drinker:
  • cinnamon471
    cinnamon471 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone, i am new to the group. thanks for having it. This is my second month and it is slowly comming off. i go up and down.
    i really want to lose some weight, This is the first time i have stuck to something for so long. So that is a plus. I just started turbo jam.
    So my goals for this month is
    drink my water
    log in
    and hopefully lose a lb a wk.
    Oh my goal is to lose at liest 25 by my birthday in march. i will be 50
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good evening ladies. September flew by! I love October weather- it is great for long walks and kayaking. Hope to get lots of both in this month.

    Work has been incredibly busy with lots of technology challenges. Things are finally settling into a routine. I will be observed this week by my administrator. Don't know why this still makes me nervous after all these years, but will be glad when it is over. Lots of new changes this year- it is exciting to see the positive effects the changes are having.

    I did okay with some of my goals last month, but not so well with others. I didn't lose much, but only have a few more pounds to get to goal.

    Thank you all for the stories and supportive posts. It really helps me stay motivated.

    Goals for October: Get to the gym 3 times a week for weights
    Walk at least 5 days a week
    Keep logging food and exercise
    Start my own "Happiness Project" (just started reading the book)
    Enjoy my job more
    Spend more time with family
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,200 Member
    So excited----I received a packet in the mail late this afternoon with such wonderful news!! My former employer IS going to retain retiree medical coverage for another year!!!!! Yeah. The cost will be a lot higher (as will the copays and OOP) but at least it will be available. I was soooo worried they would drop it and I didn't think I could find any coverage anywhere. I have another year to try to tame this BMI. And I will keep working as hard as I can.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


    P.S. Woot!!!!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Deborah - I meant to say that I was wondering if the paska was from Eastern Europe, sorry about that. My family is Polish, my grandmother used to make a babka that was fantastic! I make it at Christmas time, but then again, I'm the only one who eats it. It's so good with butter or cream cheese on it.

    anntyson - welcome! All you needed to do was to post and now you're a member. Stop in regularly.

    Lin - how terrible about your friend. My deepest sympathies

    Nancy - you certainly achieved your goal of being a healthy role model for your students!

    andreajp - we welcome people just jumping in, so you're very welcome

    Laura - years ago my kids took me out to eat for Mother's Day. They decided that I wanted to go to Chuck E. cheese, so that's where we went!!!! I still smile about that!

    Robin - get better fast!

    Tomorrow I'll do a bosu ball workout DVD. Then at night we have Mexican Train dominoes. I made a salad to take with me. Basically, it's quinoa and cucumbers. The original recipe calls for you to add crab, but I don't think it really needs it. Besides, I had quinoa that I wanted to use up

    littlelady - what do you mean when you say "rope resistance exercises"? Do you mean you'll use a stretchy band? What kind of Wii step exercises are you planning?

    We cleaned out the garage the other day and found a few jump ropes. I may take one with me when we go to see Jessica. she's on a kickball team and I know she'd love for us to come see her play. It's just right now it's a bit hard because we need to be home for the pool guys. But when we do go up there, we stay in a hotel. Taking a jump rope with me might be a good alternative to the treadmill they have. Their elliptical is really weird so I usually don't use it.

    Kate - awesome loss!

    DeeDee - I like your rationalization! Another thing, when you're floating in the pool, you aren't eating! "Prevention" magazine just ran an article about exercises you can do in the water with a handle band. Basically, the same as on land only in the water. So I took a band that I had that I really don't care if it gets rouined and will probably use that. Actually, with the resistance of the water, it might actually be harder to use. I already have dumbells and a floatation belt.

    Glenda - LOL re: volunteer/service hours. Thanks for the smile

    Kim - welcome

    Lin - fantastic news about your medical coverage. It so helps

    Played mahjongg tonight, maj'd twice. Well, off to dreamy land.

  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    I just found you and WOW I can't believe Oct 1st and already on page 3.

    I haven't made it through all posts.

    I've got a drs. appointment in the morning to get a cortisone shot in my hip. I'm hoping that will kick in and fix my hip problem so that I can enjoy my trip to Israel.

    It's late and I wanted to mark my spot now that I found you.

    Thanks Barbie for getting us up and running for October.

    We have mission's conference each night this week so I'll try to pop in tomorrow and post more.

    Don't forget to :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    End of the day and as usual there is just so much happening here with all the women that my mind can't keep up with it all. I do want to thank Barbie for that cute start to the thread. October is my favorite month for several reasons. It's the beginning of autumn and a break from the heat in Texas. We can get back outdoors for awhile and enjoy the changing of the season. This year I am particularly happy to see October as I am finally getting over my bout with the flu of nearly 2 weeks.

    Linda, sorry to read of your loss with your friend Kathy. I have lost a couple of friends too.

    September goals were minimal but achieved. I had a particularly good loss last week which I am sure the flu contributed to. Now I am hoping not to slip backwards too much this week as my appetite returns :)

    For October I have committed to 78,000 steps for the month. That goal is nothing compared to what I see others doing but it is significant for me and I will work hard to achieve it. I'm also participating in the Christmas challenge to which I hope to lose 15 lbs or more by December 15th. With all the holidays that will be no easy feat.

    Sending up a prayer for all those in need as I am sure the good Lord can call everyone of you by name. May you all rest peacefully and wake to a glorious new day.

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Evening Ladies,

    Having a fun evening. I talk my DH into helping me paint the interior of our house. Mainly Living room, bathroom, kichen/dinning area/hallway.. So pull out the paint samples. DH hates to paint so for him to agree to help me is really big on his part.

    So now trying to figure out the color scheme.

    @Lin that is good news about your medical coverage.

    @Kim and @andreajp--welcome

    @Michele--wow jump rope that sounds really good its been years since i have done that good workout but right now me i will stick with walking. But its great how you are looking for ways to spice up your workouts.

    @Robin--feel better soon!

    Well I am getting tired now on my way to bed.

    October goals:

    1. Log in my foods at the beginning of each day. Follow it
    2 Walk Bella 40 minutes
    3. Keep drinking my water
    4 check in with my threads
    5. try 2 new recipes
    6. Find something each day to be grateful for.
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    What goals and resolutions have you chosen for October?

    Stay positive
    Give thanks daily (if not hourly)
    Exercise daily
    Be consistent in logging my food intake
    Pray daily
    Say something nice to and/or about someone who is not very affable
  • milagros00
    milagros00 Posts: 80 Member
    This is my first time on a thread. I am 52 and hope to finally free myself from 25 pounds of baggage. Well here goes!

    1. Exercise 5x a week for at least 60 minutes.
    2. Keep food diary.
  • 2B1FitMom
    Hello Ladies...I'm a Newbie. I started MFP back in May and lost 13lbs in three months! I was very good with my calorie counting and working out then in August came a vacation and then a new puppy and here it is October 1st. Need to get back on track!!

    I want to be more involved and have accountability within the MFP community. Here are my October goals:

    Log My Food Daily
    Water Aerobics 3xweek
    Walk 3xweek
    Yoga 1xweek
    Keep Up With The Housework :-)

    Here goes!! Happy Fall to All!!

    ~ Diane ~
  • Dar1356
    Dar1356 Posts: 15
    Happy October Ladies! My BFF, Kat,who got me started on MFP, celebrated our birthday (early), which will be on Oct 3, together down at her home in La Quinta, even thought it was 109 degrees, we still had a BLAST! It's so special that we have the same birthdays and that our children are each a month apart from each other. My daughter's bday is in April, her daughter's is in May. Her son's is in Jan, my son's is in Feb. And we found each other at a Mommy and Me class and our girls are now 21:)

    Anyway, hope that you all have a FANTASTIC week, I know I will:) Dar