Losing Baby Weight



  • THuffers
    Good luck Michelle! I think I'm going to copy you... I have some cookies in the pantry that sound wonderful right now and I am very tempted to go get some. I think I'll do some cleaning instead and see if that takes my mind off of it. :-)

    Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Holy cow Jess; on top of all that crap I ate yesterday afternoon I finished it off w/ 2 pieces of pizza. Worst day I have had to date! I put your girl scout cookies to shame!!! Not sure what came over me but I felt horrible about it when I woke up this morning! I love that you sew! You must be good to be able to make your own diaper bag. I sew a little but am never consistent enough to really be good at it. I need to learn how to hem. All the really cute pants are always way too long on me and then I have to take them to the tailor and pay to have them done and worst of all wait. I hate waiting to wear new pants!! So, I went and bought some big jeans last week since it will be months before I can come close to my old size and they are of course too long and I have been walking on them and they are sure to get ruin soon. Time to get out the old sewing machine and give hemming a try. First I will practice on some ugly jeans I scored at Goodwill.

    Kristen - I was reading back to Friday and you sobbing over your body and I can really relate to where you are right now. I have shed many a tear in the last two months over my new shape and the extreme weakness I feel when attempting to work out like I used to. My strength is at about 25% if that of what it was pre-pregnancy. It is all I can do each time to just finish the simplest of exercises and my body is unrecognizable. BUT, we are strong and persistent woman and we CAN do this!!! A year from now we may even be in better shape that we were before and our bodies may be changed but that doesn't mean that they can't be new kind of great!

    Michelle and Huffers - I am a late night eater too and have found if I have to have a snack that something sour usually does the trick. Right now I am hooked on Grapefruit.

    Happy Valentines Girls!

  • cat1110
    Hi all,
    Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day! My husband and I went out to dinner last night, and I wasn't super healthy, but I didn't eat too bad. We went to our favorite Thai restaurant, and it's funny, I was very full halfway through my dinner. Usually I would devour everything and lick my plate, but I didn't eat about a third of it! I guess my portion control is paying off and my stomach can't hold nearly as much as it used to!

    Thanks for the recipe ideas!
    I made something new tonight, and I thought I would share it. It was SOOOO easy!
    This recipe makes 2 servings:
    2 boneless skinless chicken breasts
    12 oz jar salsa
    1 can black beans

    Put chicken, salsa, and black beans (drained) in a crockpot and cook on low for 2 to 2.5 hours.
    I also added some extra cumin, red pepper and garlic...I go crazy with seasoning.

    Top with sliced avocado cilantro, a little bit of shredded lowfat mexican cheese, and fat free plain Greek yogurt to sub for sour cream.

    By the way, I'm obsessed with plain greek yogurt, and I'm so excited that Danon and Yoplait have come out with one and it is so much more mainstream now! It is the perfect substitute for sour cream, and has almost twice the protein of regular yogurt.
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    hi ladies! i'm not quite ready to join you guys yet (i'm almost 39 weeks preggo) but hopefully i will be joining you sooN! :-)

    anyways, i understand the body issues. after i had my daughter i realized that the bodacious body i once had would never be again. well i ended up losing all the weight plus a few extra and actually liked my body! it wasn't the same body i once had but had some very redeeming qualities. i now had a more cinched waist due to my hips being bigger from child birth AND i had much bigger boobs! :-)

    so even though i've gained a few too many pounds this pregnancy, i have no doubt in my mind that we can all reach our goal weights. just do it one week at a time. :-) and tankini's rocK! my husband promised me a tummy tuck after i reach my goal weight so i may be lucky enough to be in a bikini! one can hope.

    happy valentine's day everyone!
  • lizaconde
    Hey Jess-

    Glad to hear your enjoying the puppu love. Our Sophia still does that it's not so cute now that she's over 50 lbs and all I do is trip over her. LOL!!

    I'm a Critical Care nurse, the job I'm interviewing for is with Gift of Life, it's a transplant organization in this area. They cover NJ, Delware and PA. Yes, they did reschedule next Monday the 22nd, I have to drive into Philadelphia for the interview. So we got 17.2 inches of snow and would have love to shovel but, the hubby insisted I stay in the house with the kids :tongue: Whatever to him!! I swear he thinks I never sholved snow before.

    Thanks for the encouraging words, hopefully in a few months I'll be able to take the suit to the tailors and have it taken in.

    I think our area is suppose to be getting more snow. So hope your able to get out there and burn more calories.

  • lizaconde
    Sorry for all the post, there has been so my entries since the last time I checked in. Glad to see everyone is doing great and getting closer to their goals. I've been a mess this past week, I've been suffering from a headache for 7 days now. At first I thought maybe I wasn't consuming enought calories so I up'd my intake to 200 calories it hasn't made a difference. I've been taking all sorts of medications but nothing. Yestarday at work my eyes couldn't focus on my computer as I was trying to give am meds to my patient. Which scared me I spoke with one of the Neuro PAs and she thought it could be a tension HA since I've been excersing so much lately. Will call the Md tomorrow if it doesn't go away. I use to suffer from migraines, but hadn't had one in 6 years, since I gave birth to our first child.

    It's horrible only worked out 3 times this week, not my usual 5 which had my a little discouraged but am down 3 lbs. I've been all over thh place with my calorie intake. One day totally over the other too under. I need to get focused and get back on the ball. Having our Girls Nite Out and would like to be 20 lbs lighter since I've seen my girlfriends.
    Mina- Great job with the 10% mark!! Keep it up!

    Michelle- Welcome, glad to see you've joined our group! It's been inspiring for me. I hope it is for you too.

    Kristin- You are kicking but girlfriend. For Kaence diaper rash, I recommend vaseline with every diaper change, that's what we've uses for Izabella and JJ and they have never had a diaper rash. EVER! Our pediatrician recommends it. We love him! Hope she's feeling better and sleeping for you!

    Biggieshorty- There's nothing better than putting on the piece of clothing and it fitting again! I'm so happy for you. That's the best, better than the numbers on the scale. I can't wait to fit into the clothes in my closet. That is one of the big reasons I decide to start this life changing experience.

    Jdavis193- Welcome!

    Kim- There's this video 8 minute abs, one of the girls at work told me about. I asked cause her belly is flat as a wash board. "Hate her" LOL!! But I did it a few times and felt it for days.It's an old video but you can get it right off of youtube.com. Check it out.

    Michelle- Lehigh....... I use to party there when I was in H.S. I had some great times up on the hill. It sure is a small world. Hope Ms. Amelia is sleeping better for you. I'm blessed JJ has been sleeping through the night since he was about 13 weeks. AMEN.

    Melissa- Welcome....and this site will absolutely help, it's been encouraing for me so happy to see you have joined us.

    Jess- You should do #6, I believe in even numbers, You gotta have another baby, if not someone will always be left out. Really what's one more after 5 your a pro, go for it. Sorry you and the baby aren't feeling well. It's all the dang shoveling. Jess, that's too funny about the GS cookies, I wouldn't dare order any from my friends daughter, cause I knew I would totally eat the entire box of caramel delights and not share either. So I figured can't eat them if I dont have them..RIGHT? Well I broke down and call her the other day and order four boxes but I promise I'm gonna pace myself. I'll let you know how that works out. You sew that's awesome, I would love to have that talent, I'm happy I can put a button back on a shirt.

    cat1110- I had that same issue with the drinnking. I'm a martini kind of girl. I hadn't drank a few months before pregnancy you know preparing myself, and then was prego for 37 weeks, then breast fed for 6 1/2 months. So when I finally started to drink again, I wanted to make up for lost time. LOL! But each of my drinks are like 240 calories. Since I've started my dieting and working out what 8 weeks ago I probably have only had 3 drinks. But it's worth it seeing the pounds come off. We went out for Valentine's Day and I had 3 martinis on Friday they were like 860 calories, I was totally over my calorie allowance. But it is what it is, I won't be doing that again for awhile. It was my treat.

    Elle23- Welcome.

    Cris- it's ok to have a cheat day here and there. I did big time on Friday, went to Carrabbas and had the bread, 3 martinis and enjoyed dessert. I was way over my calorie allowance. Oh well.......LOL!!

    Thuffers- Welcome.

    Hello to everyone else. Slowly trying to add everyone to my friends list. There's some many people now love it! Good luck, hope everyone has a successful week!!

  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    had a bad valentines day i am proud of those that stay below calories i was over. i am trying to work off the calories so i can be under, but not sure f there is enough tme in the day!!! my husband made chicken marsala over pasta, it is my favorite!!! all i want to do s pick and then the truffles and homemade cookies that had sayings in them. well off to try to do some more exercise adn cleaning counts so i might be able to be okay!

  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good morning girlies!

    On day number six of all the kids off school and I am ready for tomorrow, LOL. They have downgraded the snow advisory here to only 1-3 inches, which shouldn't close the school for another day, but will probably result in a 2 hour delay. Is it spring yet?

    Mmmm Michelle, chicken marsala and pasta sounds good! I don't normally count my cleaning in my journal, but I am always thinking it in the back of my mind that it counts! I just figure it's a bonus because I don't think the calorie counters could be accurate for that. It just varies so much!

    Liza, sorry to hear about your headache! That is miserable. Do you ever get shots for your headaches? I can't think of the med name right at the moment. Knocks you out, but works! I was having a brief period with bad migraines right before Christmas time. I was walking through the mall, and thought I had some rain water on my glasses. Cleaned my glasses off, and the spot was still there. It kept getting bigger and bigger FAST. In the amount of time it took me to walk to my car I could hardly see at all. And then BAM, just like that, horrible migraine. I think I figured out what was triggering them though. A particular flavor of coffee creamer that I had been drinking. The common thread seemed to be that I was drinking that creamer on all of the days I had them, and then not at all on the days I didn't. I got rid of the creamer, and haven't had another migraine since. Have you been eating anything different? Maybe switched to artificial sweeteners? My husband used to get cluster migraines as well, and that was one of his triggers. So he cannot eat anything with AS as an ingredient. How are you feeling today?

    Wow, a critical care nurse! That would be such a hard line of work I think! Thank goodness for people like you who do it! Best of luck on the interview on the 22nd! I hope you knock it out of the park!

    Femme- you are brave for thinking of a tummy tuck! I would love to have one, but I would never be able to do it! I am just way too scared!

    I will look for 8 minute abs, though I think I really need 8 hour abs! Not just because my stomach is out of shape, but so weak too!

    I am excited to hear that there are other sewers here too! Is that the right word? LOL it says SEWERs. I have all of the components of the bag made, I just need to do the final assembly. That is unless I redo the flap. I just am not happy with the appearance! The rest I am very happy with though. I am not a terrific seamstress. I have a great eye for how to put things together. I figure all of that type of thing out easily, and a good eye for ideas. Or is that good brain? LOL. My actual construction definitely needs some improvement. I think I do alright, but you wouldn't mistake my work for that of a professional!

    I am definitely a huge crafty person. I went to art school and have my Bachelor's in graphic design. I love to paint (acrylics and watercolors) and draw. I did tattooing for a while (thus the dumb name here-which is just an extension of that) and I do glassblowing - have a studio in my basement. Mostly I make jewelry with that. I do scrapbooking, though I am so far behind in that it's ridiculous. And more recently I have gotten into the fiber arts. I've been doing a lot of knitting and am learning crocheting. My mom is an amazingly talented knitter, and has been teaching me. She's getting into spinning and dyeing of yarns, which is pretty cool too. My problem seems to be that I have so many interests and so little time. The biggest problem I have though, is everything is always put away. So if I want to work on something, I have to get it all out, set it up before I can work. Then the big pain of putting it all away again. That just zaps my motivation and then I don't work on things! I literally bought the fabric to do this diaper bag 5 months ago!

    Liza, lol on the #6. I always say once you have three, you don't even notice more of them. It's not like it could be louder or they could be any messier!

    Alright, this one handed typing stinks! I am going to go forage for breakfast!
  • THuffers
    So I didn't do as well as I had wanted to do yesterday. I had planned a delicious pork roast dinner at home with my husband (and one month old) and was excited to find out that with my planned meals I was about 300 calories under my goal. Unfortunately, it was all shattered right after dinner. I found out my husband forgot Valentine's Day (:grumble:) and he decided to take me out for ice cream to make up for it. Heh... lesson learned... don't get a banana split and eat it by yourself... 800 calories down the drain. My excuse was that it had fresh bananas and strawberries in it. I know that's a poor excuse though. I'll have to do better this week! :-)
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Good Morning Girls!!!

    So I have decided to set a mini goal for myself this week to get back on track. The goal is as follows:

    drink 10 glasses of water a day
    do Iron Yoga 3 times
    go to gym for 60 minutes 4 times

    I hope I stick to it!! I have just been so tired and lazy and really need a fresh start.

    Sounds like Valentines Day did a number on all of us! Glad that one is over! The good news is there are no more food holidays for a very long time! Wheew!!!

    Liza - I hope you get to the bottom of these headaches so you can feel better! Try not to be down on yourself about your inconsistency; it is hard to stay on track when you feel so horribly lousy! I think you are doing great and it shows in that 3 lb loss!!

    Jess - Had no idea we had such an artist in our midst! I wish I had an oz of your artisism (is that a word?! lol) OR I wish you were my neighbor so I could learn from you! Haha! And to have 5 kids and still make time is even more amazing!

    Kristen - how are you today hon?

    Michelle & Huffers - Hi!!

    We have really been enjoying the Olympics; any of you watching them? I watch too much TV these days with baby Amelia on my lap! I need to get back to reading books and find something crafty I am good it so I do not feel like such a potato!


  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi gals!

    Quick check in...

    Had a weekend full of horrible food choices and no exercise...BOO! Oh well...onto a new day!

    Hope you are all having a good one!
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I also had a crummy food weekend - and my husband bought me chocolates for Valentine's, oh well, what are you gonna do? At least I only ate 4 of them (so far) I think it was the McDonald's hamburger for dinner last night and some chocolate cupcakes from the grocery store. :( we did get to see a movie on Friday - our 1st movie since before I had Mason. We saw the Wolfman.
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Mina - how was The Wolfman? We had planned to see that too but it didn't happen.

    Kristen - Love the cute new picture of Kadence!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks Cris! We took some Valentines pictures at home! I have one other posted to my profile if you want to look! She's such a little munchkin these days!!!
  • StephanieJ82
    Is it too late to join this group of moms? I just joined this site a couple days ago. I have a plan and I need to stick to it. I don't know if you would still consider my weight baby weight...My son is 2 1/2. LOL. I lost all my weight after I had him but then 4 months later when I stopped nursing the pounds keep coming. I was about 135 pre baby and I am now 160. At one point I was almost 170.
    I am pretty unmotivated and I like fast food cause it's easy and FAST. I used to consider my self an allright looking girl... but since everything has gone south I feel like it is effecting my marriage and making me depressed. I wont even take my son swimming because I refuse to wear a bathing suit. I almost said no to being in my best friends wedding because I don't want to be in the pictures looking how I do. The wedding is in June an I would like to have lost 10 - 15 lbs by then. I want to be fun again. I think I just need the right support!
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    Welcome BabyFatCat - you're in the right place!

    Cris (I think?!) Wolfman was pretty good- I didn't go into it with "High Expectations," since horror is my husband's favorite genre, not mine, but I can do monster movies better than ghost movies.. There were some good "jump in your seat" parts, but you can totally tell when they're coming, so the anticipation gets ya - I hate that?! lol and of course there's always a little of the "cheese" factor in a horror movie - so some of it special effects-wise wasn't the greatest, but it was definitely entertaining. I think they left a few things that if I ever rent the DVD would be better explained by some deleted scenes or something, but overall, we enjoyed it, was a fun escape.
    Has anyone seen When in Rome, or Dear John? trying to decide what to see tomorrow, and I think the consensus is When in Rome..
  • biggieshorty
    Hi all,

    Wow, so many posts to catch up on. I'm glad everyone had a good V-day. I got DH and I tickets to go somewhere Saturday night since he's usually off on Sundays. Well because of the snow he had to work all day Sunday from 6am-4pm. UGH!!! Which means we couldn't go out Saturday night. We did watch a romantic comedy though, so I'm not bitter. A

    Kistinbee-I know exactly what you mean about your stomach hanging. I had a c-section and it seem like it takes forever to get your stomach back. DH acts like he doesn't mind but I know he does. I hate my "spare tire". It has gone down by doing this exercise. I hope it works for you. I've gotten frustrated and yelled at hubby about it. The ringback tone he gave me is some song saying I'm sexy and some more stuff. One day I was extremely frustrated, and yelled at him and told him to take it off because I'm not sexy anymore and he knows it.


    Babyfatcat- DS is 1 1/2 (is this baby weight? LOL) and I have a wedding in late May. We're kinda in the same boat except I weight a lot more than you. Are you exercising?
  • lizaconde
    I can't figure out the whole ticker thing..... I think i'm using the wrong code.
  • StephanieJ82
    Yes I think our weight is still baby weight. Untill it's gone I will continue to call it baby fat. Even if my son is 10 LOL
    I havent been exercising at all. I was waiting for Gym by my house to open up. Supposed to open 2 months ago and now they tell me another month. So I have decided not to just sit around and wait. Today is the first day. I am having a chicken caesar salad and then doing some Billy Blanks Amped. It's good cardio. I also just got Jillian Michaels 3 workouts. I have heard a lot of good about these. So I will do these, I am hoping, 3 days a week.

    And Yes I know the feeling about the tummy. I am finding it hard to be nakid around my hubby. before my son, It didn't matter how much I weighed, I didnt have a tummy. I hold most of my weight in my butt and thighs. But my gosh... now its my tummy, arms and the thing I hate the most... my back. I feel so discusting. I just can not wait to feel like ME again!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    2/16/10 (week 13)
    Start weight: 191 pounds
    Current weight: 177.0
    Pounds lost: 14
    Goal for week 12: Lose 2 pounds
    Final goal weight: 145 pounds

    Belly size(this is just below the belly button...thickest spot around my tummy, and I will only measure once a month).
    1/5/10: 43 inches
    2/4/10: 42 inches

    Personal Challenge for week 13: Okay...every week I say to do my Ab workout at least three times and it NEVER happens! I need to figure something out, because I NEED to be strengthening those ab muscles that are buried in there somewhere!!!!! ARGH!!! Gonna do some thinking here in a bit and come up with some personal goals that I can stick to! Maybe daily goals...idk...but when I figure it out I'll let y'all know!