Losing Baby Weight



  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    Kritsen - hope you are feeling better, not fun being stuck in bed.

    Everyone else, have a happy monday, it looks like my daughter might have soccer even after the rain we had this morning

  • mowens77
    mowens77 Posts: 36 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!!

    We had a great weekend! new hair cut on Friday! Disney on Ice on Saturday with my 5 year old was awesome her little face just lit up through the whole show I loved it bad food choices that day under on my calories cuz I only ate once but no water and bad food:grumble: Sunday was a day of relaxation and good food choices so today I'm good:happy:

    Hope you all have a great week!! will check in on Friday(weigh day)
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    Carrie - if you're making home made soups, or pastas, carrots are an easy one to "hide" in there- also chili hides lots of veggies very well. Made a spaghetti squash lasagna last night- found the recipe here - so I'll try and copy it on here for ya - was a big hit- my hubby had 2 big helpings, and said to thank the poster for the recipe. it's a keeper! :)
    Had a few requests for this recipe... so here it is... ENJOY!!!!

    1 Spaghetti Squash
    1 Jar Marinara
    1 On the Go 2% Cottage Cheese (4oz)
    Part skim Mozzarella (or 2% equivalent)
    Parmesan Cheese
    1 pkg Jenni-o Italian Seasoned Ground Turkey or Italian Turkey Sausage

    Cut the Squash length wise and scoop out seeds and strings (I use a ice cream scoop makes it much easier)
    Spray cookie sheet with Pam place cut side down and bake at 350 for about 40-45 mins
    Take out of the oven, flip them over to cool
    While cooling....
    Brown Ground Turkey Drain off fat
    Add Marinara
    Add Cottage Cheese
    Then scrape a fork across the Squash to make "spaghetti like strands" carefully they may still be hot.....
    Place in a large bowl
    Add the Sauce mixture and mix together
    in a 13x9 pan add half the mixture and sprinkle with mozzarella (how much depends on how cheesy or how calorie laden you want the dish... I use about a 1/2 cup on each layer)
    Sprinkle with Parmesan
    Add the other half of Squash mixture, Mozzarella and Parmesan
    Bake at 350 until Bubbly and cheese has melted.....

    Bon Appetit!!!!

    p.s there will be "water" in the bottom of the pan as I think it's from the squash’s natural moisture....just let it drain a bit befoe placing on your plate or in your bowl....
    Edited by rlsluvr on Fri 02/19/10 01:32 PM
  • StephanieJ82
    So it has been a week. I am eating 1200 calories a day and I did 2 cardio workouts and walked for an hour and a half. I have been drinking at LEAST 8 glasses of water and so far I haven't lost anything!!!
    I know it's only a week but I read people here saying that they lose 1-2 or more a week.
    What am I doing wrong?
    I couldnt find my awesome pilates video so I have downloaded a bunch of really cool looking workout videos yesterday so This week I am going to workout ALOT more. I hope I see some results by next monday...
    Is it usually hard getting started??
  • mdestiny25
    mdestiny25 Posts: 15 Member
    Would you guys mind if I join? I have a 6 month old little man (Avery) and I have 3 other children. I was always over weight after my first child and then I lost it all and got back to pre pregnancy weight after my third little one. I am struggling to lose this weight now and I have about 35 lbs. to go.

    I am 27 years old, 5'11" and I weigh 185 lbs. right now. I am an every day scale kind of person. I workout 5-6 days a week, and I love it. Sadly, its not coming off like I want it to. I am eating about 1420 cals a day and I usually do not eat back my calories from my workouts. Since starting this site a couple weeks ago, I am seeing some loss.

    It will be great to talk to others who are sharing the same progresses and problems. Hope you guys will have me!:smile:
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    mdestiny welcome, this is a great group of ladies trying to lose the old baby weight.

    The spagetti squash lasagna, i have made before for friends and they loved it. i love spagetti squash to begin with an made like spagetti pie even better.

    finished taxes and now i really need to get to bed, my goal is before midnight and i only have 15 minutes, so good night everyone.
  • mowens77
    mowens77 Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome mdestiny

    sick sick sick don't see much for workouts in my near future:sick:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    2/23/10 (week 14)
    Start weight: 191 pounds
    Current weight: 178.0
    Pounds lost: 13
    Goal for week 14: Lose 2 pounds
    Final goal weight: 145 pounds

    Belly size(this is just below the belly button...thickest spot around my tummy, and I will only measure once a month).
    1/5/10: 43 inches
    2/4/10: 42 inches

    Personal Challenge for week 14: Shed that pound I gained plus some!!! Get in exercise AT LEAST 3 times this week!!!!

    I'll try and do personals later...
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good morning girlies!

    Welcome to the group Mdestiny! We have a little girl named Avery. I love that name for boys or girls!

    Stick with it Kristin, that pound will come right back off!

    Mowens- hope you're feeling better quickly!

    MmMmmm I love spaghetti squash! I don't buy much of it this time of the year though- it's just so expensive! In the summertime, we can get large SS at the farmer's markets around here for about $1.00 so we eat them quite a bit. I can't wait fir summer time so we can stop breaking the bank on produce at the grocery store!

    Baby fat- don't start to panic yet. Sometimes it just takes a body a while to adjust to the new routine. Stick with it, the scale will start moving before you know it!

    Carrie- I know what you mean about a lifestyle change. That's absolutely the most important thing- to recognize that this is a life long thing- and to make real changes that you can stick with! The way that I eat now is not really very different at all than how I normally eat- so it's not that hard for me to stick with. My problem always comes with pregnancy. I stuff my face with junk non stop. It's like I have this weird mindset that I have to just keep eating. Thus I always pack on tons of weight. I do normally lose weight fairly quickly post pregnancy. Then once I have it off, it's not too hard for me to maintain. I do have some ups and downs in a 10 pound range. But I normally always get right back on track. It's a great step that you recognize what you can and can't stick with! I just do what works best for me. It may not be the right choice for someone else.

    I'm so excited! I finally got my Bodybugg yesterday. Boy is this thing cool! And on the bright side, I am burning more calories in a day than I had expected! Let me just say how awesome it was to fold all of the laundry and put it away and see that I had burned 150 cals doing it!! At the end of the day I had burned over 2800 calories, and had not even done one of my workouts! (though I did do Wii fit for a little while). I have had the worst migraine for two days. It's better today, but I wasn't up for working out yesterday. Sunday I was not even up for being upright, I was so sick from it. So, we'll see how this affects my numbers this week. I also ate out twice. Once I had a shrimp stir fry and the other a salad, so hopefully the damage was minimal.

    Hope everybody is doing well today!
  • rfcollins33
    hi all!! Cris, hang in there. It feels like I have such a long way to go sometimes too. I understand. lol, glad you are feeling more positive btw

    yes Mina, that cake was too cute and it looked as if Mason enjoyed it as well. and congrats on the loose pants. i love puting on loose pants haha

    Michelle- you have done great. how inspiring!!

    carrie, what exactly is zumba. i have NO rhythm, so i was curious if i'd get laughs if i went lol. hope you feel better too. That's cute how your hubby thought you were smaller. I'm sure he sees you as much more desirable and beautiful than you do yourself. That's so funny, but true. We are our own worst critics.

    Welcome Destiny!!

    Kristin, I'm glad you are feeling better. Tis the season for all the crud!!

    and Cat, i understand about the wine. dont worry. i like to have some maybe once a week. you can actually put it in MFP too. the red is so much less than i thought it'd be.

    Thanks for all the tips, Jess, think i'm gonna invest in a kitchen scale!!

    Liz, thanks for encouragement. i also use wii fit. it is very accurate. i like the aerobics and balance stuff too. my husband and i compete on it a lot. its so funny to watch him do hula hoop!! lol

    Well, i weigh in on friday. Hope I have good results. I've been feeling so much better about myself though. Those mirrors at gym can be your worst enemy. I tried convincing myself for so long that it was the "lighting," but then I had to be honest with myself.. It was me. lol. But, I'm looking better and better in them. So, it feels great. I still have a long way to go, so gotta keep it up. You ladies have a wonderful rest of the week!!
  • StephanieJ82

    I was totally wrong. I was using a faulty scale. I lost 2-3 lbs in just 6 days. So I am happy now. Phew! lol.
    Now I feel good. I am proud of myself. Thanks to you girls and the success u r having. Makes me thing "I CAN DO IT!"

    mowens - hope u feel better soon. I hate beeing sick... well except for the fact that I don't eat as much. Thats bad though, I know. lol
  • mdestiny25
    mdestiny25 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcomes guys! It is always soooo nice to be amongst a group of women that I can really relate with. I look forward to learning more about you all!

    mowens- I hope you feel better soon! I know it is hrad to find motivation when your sick!

    Kristin- How tall are you? We have pretty similar stats? Great job ob your progress so far! Do you have any other children?

    Jessica- How many children do you have? And what is a Bodybugg? I have heard all about them but that they are pretty expensive. I use a heart rate monitor. How does it compare to that? Don't get down about your food, hopefully your metablosim is strong enough, it won't notice a difference!

    Rachael- I too hate the mirrors in the gym. And it seems the ones in the locker room are somewhat different than the ones surrounding me when Im on a machine or in the free weight area. I noticed that on the days I do something with my hair and put on a little make up, I feel a LOT better in the gym. The body is the same, but at least my smile is a tad bit brighter.

    Babyfat- CONGRATS on the great loss this week!

    So, today I was at the gym, and I was just tired. And yesterday, I was the same way. I worked really hard last week, so I wonder if its just all hitting me this week. I wonder if my metabolism is revving up and I might need to eat more. I don't usually eat my calories back so I don't know if I should start. I am losing weight with where I am at calorie wise, so I am at a loss. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

    Do most of you just weigh yourself just once a week? I really need to get out of the habit of weighing every day. Even a loss of like .2 will bring me down and its because I am so fixated with the number. I can't go with how my clothes feel because I live in yoga pants and gym tops so they should be tight regardless. I take measurements, but only monthly.

    And one more thing, what kind of underwear do you guys wear to the gym? Im not sure if my underwear are getting too big or if its the sweat just stretching them out throughout my workout, but I need to find a better alternative. I wear a thong, so maybe I need like seamless ones? I might check out the bra store at the mall.

    Have a beautiful day guys!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Rachael- I just know I am going to keep misspelling your name if I am not careful. Rachael and Michael always both get me! LOL. Looks like you and I weigh in on the same day. I do think sometimes light put weird shadows in places that really aren't how you look in natural light! If you do get a kitchen scale- definitely get a digital one. I even use that as a substitution for measuring spoons. Like, I know exactly how much my coffee creamer weighs, so I don't even have to measure it out. Just plop my coffee cup on the scale and bam! One less dish to wash. I too weigh in on my Wii fit. I find it to be very accurate as far as weight, though not to calorie burn! My real burn was DOUBLE what the wii fit says I am burning!

    YAAAAAAY Babyfat!!! (why do I still not know your name? Did you say or am I just overly forgetful? LOL) That makes it all seem worthwhile, doesn't it? You CAN do this!!

    Maranda- I have 5 kids. They are aged from 6 months to 11 years old. 2 boys and 3 girls. Plus 4 cats and a puppy. I am always tripping over someone, LOL. Bodybugg bodybugg!! I am so super excited to have it. They are the armbands that you see the contestants on the Biggest Loser wearing. They have sensors on the back that measure your body temperature, heart rate, movement, and supposedly 6 other factors all incorporated to give you the most accurate calorie burn on the market (or so they say, LOL). You wear it all the time except when you sleep, and then upload it to your computer. It gives you a minute by minute breakdown of your calorie burn for the entire day. It shows you on a graph, with cals/minute, so you can really SEE where your burn was. I'm really impressed with it so far! It's very comfortable to me too, which is crucial. I am the type that doesn't even like to wear jeans because I can feel the seams on me. I really am amazed to see what I am burning just around the house doing house work. I never would have believed it!

    I only weigh once a week, because like you, I will obsess over the number. Even if it's going down! It's just mentally healthier for me to look once a week. And as I have said on here before, when I know my weekly weigh in is coming up, I will push myself harder for the few days before to get that number down. I don't have that motivation if I weigh daily. Seeing that big(ger) chunk is more motivating too.

    If I tried to wear a thong, it would be lost forever. LOL. No matter how skinny, I've always got junk in my trunk.
  • StephanieJ82
    Jessica - Thanks! No, I didn't ever say my name, It's Steph though. I still don't know anyone's names yet. Ill get there but I am horrible at that. Plus I have terrible spelling. So I hope no one minds. lol.

    Maranda - welcome. Nice to see another Newbie. So I think I am only going to weigh myself once a week. For me it is better because like you, I would drive myself crazy. Plus I found that by day 6 I pushed myself really hard too see some results (which I thought were bad but I was using a bad scale)
    Right now I am only working out at home, until my gym opens up any week now (aparantly) So the question about the underwear is a good one. I would like to know that as well. I always wear a thong but I would think working out it wouldn't bode well. lol
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning....can't talk too long...BUSY day ahead!

    Maranda...I am 5'6. And no other children...Kadence is the first! We are hoping for one or two more in the next few years. But one is enough for now! :wink:

    Everyone else...GOOD MORNING!!!

    I cheated and check my weight again this morning and am back at 177...so I think I was just retaining some water. We got a Jumperoo last night that I found on Craigs list and my daughter LOVES it!!! She just bounces and laughs and smiles and plays with the spinny thing on it! It's great! The best 40 bucks I've ever spent!

    Well...gotta run, but I'll check back later!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good morning girlies!

    Steph, I will do my best to remember, which should be hard since you put it in your siggy, LOL.

    I found a new LOVE this morning. Kashi go lean crisp cereal with blueberries and raspberries. OMG, so good. 9 grams of protein, 8 grams of fiber! Yum! I like the go lean crunch, which is usually my go-to cereal if I want cereal.

    So my hubby leaves town today until Sunday. I will be here with all the kids. Not a problem, but it is supposed to SNOW again. Ugh, heaven help me. LOL. They are going to end up being off school, and like caged animals. And of course with snow comes the mess of mountains of laundry from wet clothes and 4 kids dragging snow through the house.

    Does anybody know about puppies? This pup has really taken to biting. I'm trying all of the things that books say to no avail. He is literally starting to jump to bite! I want to nip this in the bud before he gets any bigger. Anyone have suggestions? He is very well behaved when the kids aren't here. But as soon as they're home, he's attacking and biting everyone, including me!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Morning Kristin, we cross posted!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning Jess!
  • cat1110
    Good morning all! Another cold and yucky morning in ATL....this is the worst winter I've ever experienced here and I am so OVER IT! Yeah, yeah, I know you gals up north have no pitty for me...but my Florida blood doesn't like the cold one bit!!!

    Maranda - Welcome! I used to be a thong girl - didn't wear anything but thongs! Hated panty lines!!! Well, obviously getting pregnant got me back into the regular undies real quick! And post pregnancy.....I just got used to the regular underwear and liked wearing them so much better. That being said, I did find some seamless underwear that I absolutely love. They are comfortable and don't show a line. They are by Maidenform - called the "Smooth" line and the bikini is the best!!! I know they sell them at Macy's and Kohls.

    Jess - thanks for the info on the Bodybug! Sounds super interesting. By the way, as much as I like the Olympics, I'm having Biggest Loser withdrawals! Anyone else?

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • biggieshorty
    Good Morning all,

    I only weigh in once a month. I did once a week for the first 3 weeks I was dieting and I just couldn't stand it (probably becuase I started the same week as Aunt Flo) but I hated the number so I'm doing once a month now. I did just take my measurements and will post them later.

    Cat- I am soooo missing Biggest Loser. Its one of my motivational tools and I love to see what exercises they're doing and try to do them at the gym myself. Sorry to say it but I can't wait until the Olympics is over.

    Rachael- Zumba is fast paced choreographed workout to current latin, hip hop, and salsa music. I love to dance and wanted to be a choreographer (still do) when I was little, so for me this class is great. I take it at the Y and there are men and women in my class of all ages, shapes and sizes.

    Jessica-Wow that's a lot of protein in that cereal. I usually eat Shredded wheat but I get hungry shortly after. Maybe eating a cereal with that much protein will fill me up.

    Have great day Ladies :smile: !!!