Losing Baby Weight



  • cat1110
    cat1110 Posts: 28
    I can officially join you guys! Jackson Devin was born at 252am this morning. I was induced at 430pm and at 2am finally dialated to 4cms. He was born so fast. I went 4 - 10 in less then 30minutes. :) I am already 11lbs lighter. At 229.4lbs only 13 hours later. I will update more tomorrow.

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! A quick delivery....you lucky girl!!!! :happy:
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    CONGRATS femm!!!!!! Ya!! I am so happy for you and cannot wait to see pics!
  • Nadyasmom
    Nadyasmom Posts: 281

    Can I join you all? I just had my second baby on January 7th. My older daughter is just 16 months old. I had FINALLY gotten back down to pre-pg weight when I found out I was pg with the second one. So now that I have my two little girls, I want to really get in shape so that I'm fit and have the energy to take care of them--and also so that they grow up seeing an example of a healthy LIFESTYLE.

    I'm going to do INSANITY by Beachbody, but waiting for it to arrive, so until then, I'm doing various exercises (although not very regularly--gotta get into the routine again).

    Anyways,...that's a little brief blurb about me. Looking forward to sharing this journey with you all!

  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Just popping on to do a quick hello! If I get to chatting I will lose my motivation to get to the grocery store this morning! Well, I'm not motivated to do it, but I am going to force myself! That is one chore I cannot STAND. I will scrub 1000 toilets before I would voluntarily go to the store.

    Congrats femme! And welcome Nadya! And FANTASTIC job Cat!!

    Catch you all a bit later!!
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    Hi everyone
    Well I will share a little of myself. I used to be very athletic, I was a singer/dancer and in the air force. I got pregnant and had my precious angel Penny but then the weight never came off, Its been a year and a half and I just went over 180 I have never been that heavy only during the pregnancy. I have tried working out every time, but I kind of fall of the wagon and then give up for a few weeks that can turn into a few months. I go to school full time and sometimes I make an excuse of being caught up with school work to not workout. I have tried nutrisystm and I lost ten pounds the first time but the second time I was very bored with it. I feel like I sometimes don't believe I can do it, and then sometimes I do. And then there are times I just feel like what the heck I look ok, I should just eat what I want and allow myself to enjoy life. but I its a lie because I love to run and I have not been doing it regularly.
    I want to be happy with myself, and also proud that I accomplished something.
    So I am back on day one.
    Hope everyone else does well.
    God Bless
  • cat1110
    cat1110 Posts: 28
    Welcome Brenda, caterpillardreams, and everyone else!
    Brenda, I look forward to hearing how you like Insanity. I've looked into it a little bit, and hear people talking about it on the Beach Body Message boards. Good luck! It looks hard core!
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    Goodmorning ladies! and happy monday!!

    Its so exciting to see so many new joiners :) I think that its awesome that mamas are on here so soon after delievering a baby and have SO much motivation to get the baby weight off! Great job girls :)

    So I had quite the weekend....well Sunday, I should say. Saturday night, I made my to do list for Sunday. I wake up--I even got to sleep in (I should have known something bad was going to happen, I never get to sleep in!) Anyways, after I got breakfast for myself and the boys I went on with my to do list. I decided to bake some chips for myself for the upcoming week. So I take out all of the baking sheets from the oven, preheat and put the first batch into the oven. i went to nurse my little guy---when i noticed black smoke coming from the OVEN. I was like oh no! what going on....so i opened the door---FIRE! i think i shut the door, thought to myslef, what do i do? and realized there was not a thing i could do! so i grabbed the boys, the phone and ran out the door. i called 911---and then knocked on all of the other doors in the apartment complex. it seemed like forever for them to arrive, when really it wasn't. they got upstairs---put the fire out---thank goodness it did not spread past the oven. that was the scaries moment of my life---talking about it still makes me shake. AND, what caused the fire? this is the worst part---a freaking rolling pin. I didn't take the damn thing out of the oven. I had just bought in the week priror---so didn't even think to take it out. the fireman said that he thought it was a toy--which it wasn't---logan doesnt play with the oven! something totally preventable, and totally stupid, but i am so lucky that it was not worse than what it was. AND, I AM SO GREATFUL FOR FIREFIGHTERS...i have never really put thier job into perspective but seriously, go them...they are on a whole new level for me.

    So that was my Sunday, too stressful to even think about working out, so i ended up taking SATURDAY AND SUNDAY off....that ust means that I have to kick it into gear this week :) Although I did LOOSE 1.4 pounds this past week! Woo hoo!! Hopefully next week will be better!!

    Hope everyone has a fabulous Monday!
  • Good Morning everyone,

    Jamie- I had my son on 09/02/08 I got a period about 8 weeks after I had him, but then I got a IUD and instead of my period being every 28 days like normal its now every 32 days.

    Catterpillar and all other newbies- Welcome to our board!!! I'm so excited to keep the conversation going. You guys are very motivated so soon after child birth. Good for you!!!

    Since I sit in front of a computer all day at work I don't use it at all on the weekends. Just wanted to let you guys know I'll never be able to post on a weekend. Anyway, since I only weigh myself once a month, I weighed in on Saturday and......I LOST 4.5 LBS this month!!!! YAY!!!! I'm so glad. I lost that 4 lbs I ranted about on here about 2 weeks ago plus 4.5 more. YAY!!!! I really needed that to motivate me. I hope I make my goal.

    Anyway have a great day ladies.
  • mdestiny25
    mdestiny25 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi girls! Day 2 of a really bad cold. It burns to close my eyes, yet all I want to do is sleep. Obviously no gym. You all would be so proud. I have decided to weigh in only on Mondays. So i started today and last week really showed. I gained 1.6 lbs :( Once I feel better, I will be hitting it hard in the gym.

    Going to rest with the 2 younger kids sleeping. Hope your all having a smooth Monday!
  • cat1110
    cat1110 Posts: 28
    Jamie - I'm laughing WITH you at your fire story. I think we lose a ton of brain cells when we have a baby. I have done some tremendously stupid things after having a baby....but the following tops the list.
    When I was on maternity leave, I got to a point where I wanted to get out of the house....I would go to Target, etc...with Carter. One day I decided to go to the outlet mall by our house. I went to the gas station to fill up with gas, which of course I've done a million times.... I started pumping gas, and clicked that little thing that makes the pump run even when you're not holding it. For some reason, I decided not to fill my whole tank....and just yanked the nozzle right from my car while it was still pumping gas!!!! I got gas ALL OVER ME! Lucky for a few things a) no one saw me b) I didn't catch myself and Carter on fire c) I was very close to home.

    This tops the dumbest thing I've done thus far....hopefully I don't do anything worse!
  • WOW! So many posts. Well Welcome to all the newbs again. It's great having so many people with the same goal.

    Jessica - I know what you mean about the food "is it good for me or not?" Someone told me to put avacado in my lunch salads. When I did that someone told me not to because they are too fatty. But then someone told me they are good fats.... Same with many things. I say if what you are doing is working then just stick with what u are doing. EVERYthing seems to be bad for us these days...

    Maranda - Hope you feel better soon.. my son has a bad cough so I am thinking I will be in the same boat as you soon.
    And your earlier post.... I did the same thing. I drank a bottle of wine and ate pizza!!! Egad!!! What was I thinking? The husband had a bunch of friends over Friday night to watch the hockey game so I decied to join in on the fun... bad idea. I felt like garbage the rest of the weekend. but last night I worked out a bit and I am back on my regular meal plan. I hope I didnt undo a whole week...

    biggieshorty - Grats on the weight loss!!! You must feel great. I can't wait till I start seeing results like that!

    Jamie - wow I am glad you and your family are ok. Scary... I am only of the most forgetfull and clumsy people I know. I do things like that all the time... but i have yet to start a fire (knock on wood) This morning I put my brush down on top of my hair straightener and didn't realize. I ended up melting the handle of the brush. Good thing I noticed because I sometimes forget to turn it off and it stays on all day while I am at work!

    So my son got his glasses last week. I can not believe how good he is with them. He won't even take them off or anything. Not once have I had to fight with him about them. He obviously needed them! He just looks so cute! Almost like the little boy from Jerry Mcguire. He is only 2.5 and he is trying so hard not to touch the lenses. It's so cute. I am so proud of him. And everyone around him comments to him on how good he looks to boost his confidance (although he has been telling me all weekend how cute he is. LOL). my friends and family who normally wear contacts have been wearing their glasses around him to make him feel like it isn't a big deal. It is really sweet. :)
    So don't forget to take your kids in to get their eyes checked. Y ou never know. And if you catch it early on you can maybe avoid learning problems.
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    Jackson Devin Kniesch
    7lbs, 7.6oz, 20inches :-)
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    OMG LOOK AT THAT BABY!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for screaming, but he's sooooo cute!!! I love the name Jackson. I saw that you updated your ticker for him, and I saw one day old. OMG, doesn't that take everyone back? How time flies!! He is just beautiful.

    Steph, awww, I bet your son looks adorable. I am so glad he's being careful with them. You just never know how they'll react! Our 7 year old refuses to wear hers. Ugh.

    Jamie- I know exactly how you feel! One time when I had my oven on self clean, something that was in the bottom caught fire and I totally panicked!! Fortunately the fire did end up going out on it's own. Funny thing is, just a few months ago, I preheated my oven while a pack of meat was in there to thaw! Melted the plastic and styrofoam, but fortunately did not catch fire- I smelled it and got it out before that happened. The things we do!!

    Maranda, hope you're feeling better! Sorry about the 1.6 pounds, but you never know, that may be water weight too. It'll come right off I am sure!

    Carrie, that is WONDERFUL news on your weight loss!! Great job!!

    So, I have found a new love. Emerald dark cocoa almonds. I saw them on a thread somewhere, and decided to buy them. OMG...so good. I want to eat the whole container!!

    I have decided to up my calories by 150 per day this week to see how it affects me. The timing for that is good since I am totally ravenous this week in preparation for TOM. The downside is that's going to affect me at weigh in this week.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    just had to say hi. Had a rough morning, but think I ended the day ok. Mason wouldn't eat this morning when I was trying to feed him, so my husband traded me - "I'll feed Mason if you scrape the windows" so, off I went in my PJs and my coat, and tried to scrape those windows.... then got to work, and found out my desk was being "migrated," and they had already started the migration (I hate that!) and it just went from there. Tonight, hubby has a concert he's going to - Megadeath- I'm not a metal band person, so I'll be relaxing at home, and tomorrow I have the day off, so I probably will try and catch up on some housework, there's an office that's calling my name at home- it's been the catch-all in the house, so it desperately needs to be cleaned. I have all this scrapbook stuff too that needs to be organized in there. ah well.... it'll probably take me a few weeks to get it the way I want it, and I keep procrastinating..... ;)

    BTW, we're almost at 500 posts, so the subject will get locked soon- so watch for that - the last post will have a link you click to find us. FYI.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    3/2/10 (week 15)
    Start weight: 191 pounds
    Current weight: 178.5
    Pounds lost: 12.5
    Goal for week 15: Lose 2 pounds
    Final goal weight: 145 pounds

    Belly size(this is just below the belly button...thickest spot around my tummy, and I will only measure once a month).
    1/5/10: 43 inches
    2/4/10: 42 inches

    Personal Challenge for week 15: Get in exercise AT LEAST 3 times this week!!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    So...I've been SO absent ladies! Haven't been logging my food, haven't been exercising...had NO motivation! And I don't know why?! I've now gained 1.5 pounds and feel MISERABLE! Usually I'm so good at motivating myself AND others, and now I don't even have the littlest to scrape up for myself! WHAT IS GOING ON??!!! VERY frustrating! But...I'm going to get back on the wagon today! Going to log EVERYTHING! Going to get in some exercise! Going to be positive! I CAN do this!!!

    On a positive note...Kadence is doing WONDERFULLY! She has completely recovered for what seemed like her endless cold and is now sleeping through the night again! She is getting so fun too, playing with her toys and interacting better with people! I can't believe she is going to be six months old this Friday! She absolutely LOVES that jumparoo we got her off Craigs list and will look at it in the room and start smiling and making cooing noises at it until we put her in it! HILARIOUS! AND...last night I had her on her tummy and she was SERIOUSLY trying to crawl! She didn't get it figured out, but she was picking her upper body off the floor and the would but it back down and kick up her legs...it was so funny to watch...and she worked at it for a good 10 minutes before giving up and screaming! My little wiggle worm is getting SO big!!

    **Jess...is your little one crawling yet? How about sitting up on her own?**

    There are SO many new faces on here now...I can't even keep up! But I would like to say WELCOME! And I hope to get to know each and every one of you better! SInce we do have so many new people now, can I ask everyone to add a short bit about themselves...I will start a list! We did it at the VERY beginning of this challenge...it would be helpful! I'll start it now and show you...
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Okay...I'm starting a quick list since there are SO many new people. Can we all just add a few sentences about ourselves. Just copy it all and paste and then add your info. I tried to add everyones screen name so you can just add your info next to it. Please feel free to add yourselves if I don't have you there.

    Kistinbee...My name is Kristin. I am 26 and had my first daughter, Kadence, September 5th, 2009 via C-section. I work full time, and outside of work try to balance spending time with Kadence, keep up the house, and get in some exercise! I have a husband, Michael, who works construction and so is laid off in the winter...he's home with our little one right now. When he starts back up this Spring, Kadence will be going to an in-home daycare provider. We also have two dogs and two cats, which keep our house VERY busy! I still have about 15 pounds to lose to reach my pre-pregnancy weight, and about 30 pounds to lose to reach my goal weight!




















  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good morning everyone! I will do my post and then come back for chatting.

    Tattoodfreek...My name is Jessica. I am 33 and my youngest was born August 24, 2009. I (currently, LOL) have 5 children. 2 boys, ages 11 and 10, and 3 girls, ages 9, 7, and 6 months. I am once again a stay home mom. My husband works in the rentals department of a local hardware store. We also have 4 long haired cats and a 3.5 month old puppy. My vacuum cleaner is very busy. I have 25 pounds of pregnancy weight left to lose, and another 20 pounds that I gained over the course of the year at what was a new job.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Oops, LOL. In my defense I started typing before you posted the list!

    Kistinbee...My name is Kristin. I am 26 and had my first daughter, Kadence, September 5th, 2009 via C-section. I work full time, and outside of work try to balance spending time with Kadence, keep up the house, and get in some exercise! I have a husband, Michael, who works construction and so is laid off in the winter...he's home with our little one right now. When he starts back up this Spring, Kadence will be going to an in-home daycare provider. We also have two dogs and two cats, which keep our house VERY busy! I still have about 15 pounds to lose to reach my pre-pregnancy weight, and about 30 pounds to lose to reach my goal weight!


    tattoodfreek... My name is Jessica. I am 33 and my youngest was born August 24, 2009. I (currently, LOL) have 5 children. 2 boys, ages 11 and 10, and 3 girls, ages 9, 7, and 6 months. I am once again a stay home mom. My husband works in the rentals department of a local hardware store. We also have 4 long haired cats and a 3.5 month old puppy. My vacuum cleaner is very busy. I have 25 pounds of pregnancy weight left to lose, and another 20 pounds that I gained over the course of the year at what was a new job.


















  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Kristin, I am so happy to see you back here and getting remotivated! Don't feel bad! This is a long journey and we all have our down times! You can do this!!

    I am so glad Kadence is feeling better! LOL on the jumper. I had forgotten all about those! I am going to have to get one for fat baby. She's not crawling yet. I fear that getting this puppy is slowing down her progress. She can't be on the floor with him around. So, unless he's crated (which I only do at night or if we're away), she can't get down to practice. She is soooo heavy, it's going to take her longer. She can push her chest up, but does not coincide it with leg movement. If she sees something ahead of her on the floor that she wants, she kicks her legs furiously but of course doesn't move anywhere. She does manage to turn herself around over the course of time to face a different direction. I have a video that I made of her where she does a very slow full circle. LOL. Funny thing is she really doesn't even roll over much.

    She had a big moment yesterday. I have one of those fisher price things in her crib, that plays music and the monkeys and animals go back and forth (I cannot remember the name of it for the life of me but it is worth it's weight in gold!). Well, there's a button on the bottom you push to make it go. Josie's never pushed it herself. So yesterday, I took her hand and pushed the button with it. Her little face lit up and I swear I saw a mental lightbulb turn on. As I was tucking her into bed yesterday later in the day, she reached over and pushed the button herself, and made it start playing. OMG, the joy on her face. She started laughing out loud, and kept looking from it to me grinning and laughing, like she was saying,"Look at me mommy, I did it!!" It was so awesome. I live for those moments.

    Josie can sit up on her own, but not steadily. After a minute or so she will kind of slump forward onto her own legs. Last week I got her a high chair in a restaurant for the first time, but I had to wedge her blanket in around her to make sure she was steady. Sitting will come for her before crawling. My son Vance was really heavy like her, and didn't crawl till 9 months. Didn't walk till 14 months. Conversely my daughter Kira, who was also a big baby, but not a FAAAT baby, was crawling BY 5 months, and walking BY 10 months. So we'll see. Either way I'm not stressing or rushing it. It's easier when they CAN'T move! LOL

    Curiously Kristin, how are you with your infant seat? Josie needs to move into the next kind, as she's hit her weight limit for the infant seat. But I hate to move her into the bigger one, because she's not sitting well unsupported yet, so it's not like you can set them down for a second or pop them into a shopping cart. It complicates everything! But toting that unbalanced carseat around with her in it weighs probably 45 or more pounds, and is really putting a strain on my back.
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