Losing Baby Weight



  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Jamie- you will get all caught up- LOL. I had a watch/hrm that I had gotten from Walmart. I paid about $40 but it was junk. I ended up returning it. Not saying yours would be- just that mine was! You can always try it and return it if you don't like it.

    I tried the first day of 30 day shred today. I thought it was a good workout. I like how hard they push!

    I weigh in on Fridays. Big day is tomorrow :)

    Mina- my library does have a video section (have rented there because it's free) but no workout videos. Unless they are just mixed in and I've never seen any of them. But I am pretty thorough when I look, so I think they just don't have them. Our library is pretty small. I could check other towns though. So thank you- that's a great idea!

    I had a huuuuuge positive today! I saw these great Danskin workout clothes at walmart for pretty cheap today. You guys remember my disappointment a few weeks ago at Old Navy that I was still a size 18? So, they didn't have them in the size 16-18, but did in the 12-14. I couldn't pass them up, they were cheap. I decided to buy them and make it a goal to be in them. Well, I tried them on and they FIT!!!! Not just me being able to squeeze my fat butt into them, but ACTUALLY fit! I wore them for my workout, and when all the kids came home from school, they complimented me on them! That felt so great!! I wish I had done before pictures now so I could compare. But I didn't want a camera near me.

    Alright, this little chick on my lap is stinky! P...U!!!! LOL
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    Jessica--thanks so much for the advice. Maybe I will just try one out to see how it works. I would just love to know how much I am actually burning, you know!! When I first bought the dvd i was like, ok, i don't think i will get a great workout but I will try it out, and boy was i amazed!! i did about 2 weeks of level one, and i am on level 2 now and it is a HUGE difference. its amazing, but i really do enjoy it!! i find myself saying to the tv, seriously jillian?! haha :)

    Mina! you have lost 35 pounds? thats amazing :) any tips?

    i feel like i am having an off week--and i am not going to like what the scale says at the end of the week! do you ladies ever have those?
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    Jamie ~ I can tell you, it's been a long road! some of the weight I've lost, then gained back, and re-lost (but the total I have on here is the total from January last year to present - not recounting). One thing I CAN tell you, is that tracking everything helps, it also brings a lot into perspective, on what I was eating. I'm not the best eater in the first place (look how much I have to lose) and I honestly haven't incorporated any exercise - party because I am not always physically able, and partly because I'm still recovering (I just got out of the hospital last month - I had gall stones, and then had 2 surgical things- one in which they ended up removing my gall bladder). So, now that I'm able to move, I'm going to try and get the Wii thing going - we got it for Christmas, and I went into the hospital before getting it all set up in January. I also work full time, and have a lot of activities with church, so there are just some days I'm not as good about my eating, and trying to exercise.

    I was also in a little work competition (that I organized). We did a Biggest Loser challenge, and everyone had a weekly % report, and we revealed everything at the finale of the show - we all had to put in $5 per week, so the big winner won $200, and then 2nd place got $40, and 3rd place got a Wii game (I got 3rd). Our Biggest loser challenge was really supportive, we always had a tip of the week (usually given by the person who had the highest percentage that week) and we had a walking group too - just around the High School track.
    it's also hard when you have A LOT to lose (like I do) to keep things going (it's easy to give up or get discouraged after a bad day)- SO, I might lose more weight than some other people, but I have a lot left to go..
  • mdestiny25
    mdestiny25 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Biggieshorty- We live in Dumfries/Woodbridge. We were expecting snow, but nothing happened. I have a love hate relationship with the snow...lol. Thats neat about Jayson. He got it because his dads name is Jay and he is therefor, Jay's son. Kinda cute! I found my new workout from a Fitness RX magazine from a few months ago (AVID Oxygen and Fitness RX reader here...) and its basically upper body and cardio on Monday and Wednesday, lower body on Tuesday and Thursday, straight cardio on Friday and then I am going to do a yoga class or body pump class on Saturdays.

    Stephanie- A wedding is GREAT motivation! being the bride or being in it! I have never done pilates, but I would agree that yoga is probably comparable in the exersise database.

    Mina- thanks for the link. That is the one I have been using, but I was hoping there was one with MFP. I like the sparkpeople one pretty good. Its just annoying having to retype all the info into MFP. No biggie though. Nothing wrong with granny panties, I just don't like them under my yoga pants (what I wear to the gym) because when I do leg workouts (squatting and such), they go straight into my butt...lol.

    Cris- I didn't see my scale budge much at all after having my children. Unfortunately, i was one of those people that even with good eating, if I was breastfeeding, I held onto my weight. They say it helps to lose weight, but that was totally NOT the case with me. I hope the changes your making works for you! I envy you with the couch to 5k. I can't run anymore due to stress fractures from the Navy and track in highschool and now I have knee problems, but it is such an outlet for me. I hope you find that joy too! Its funny about the underwear, I know I probably should NOT be wearing the thongs, but I have worn them for so long. I am incomfy in regular jeans and pants if I have regular underwear on...lol.

    Michelle- I LOVE the P90X ab workout. It is a killer but it is absolutely amazing! At first, I couldn't do half of it. I feel it mostly in my legs but thats because my abs are too weak to bare (sp?) all the work. Good luck and let us know what you think of it when you try it! Oh- and something I did was this. My first goal was to get to 25 with proper form with the first exersise and work on getting 10 with the rest. Once I could get the first mastered with 25 good form, I started on the next. And definately take breaks between exersises. I was still struggling with them after about 4 weeks of doing it, but I was seeing GREAT improvement. HTH!

    Jessica- Are you popping him when he bites? We would pop Spunkys nose and then send him to his crate. It took a few days but he eventually learned. Thats how we potty trained him as well. Might look into the boy shorts but I worry that they will travel up my butt just as much as granny panties...lol. About the bodybugg, I don't think I am going to get it. I tend to get really depressed and caught up in all this. I think right now, that would just add to my stress. Thanks for the info though! Hey, do you know where the Poconos are? Bushkill Falls? My ex husbands family owns Bushkill Falls and all that land. My son that passed away in 2004, his ashes are spread through those falls. Its a beautiful place! My ex went to Lake Lehman high. Are you close to there? And WAY TO GO with the new clothes! I bet that felt awesome! I just got some new shirts from Walmart that are Danskin. One is all black with white vents under the arms and one is black, grey, and white slanted stripes. I love them! Are yours similar?

    Jamie- I wear a heart rate monitor that tracks calories burned. I think its pretty accurate but only with cardio/aerobic workouts. I lift throughout the week so I don't have the ability to count those calories, but I dont eat back the calories burned anyways. I recommend the watch! I am hoping to switch to weighing in just one day a week and Mondays are great days to do it! I work out 6 days a week. Usually its about 1.5 hours. I am in the same boat as you with all the questions, but its SO nice to have such an awesome place to go right!? And, we all have off weeks. I am in one myself. You just pick up and move on.

    Cat- 30 day measurements? Are you doing P90X? I just quit after my 4th week due to knee failure. I think its due to Plyo, but regardless, its really painful so I had to back out. I was soo sad. I intend to try again when I am at a lighter weight. Good luck even if its not what your doing. Let us know how it goes with the measurements!

    Random- but dang my dogs stink tonight!

    So I got to the gym today and decided that since yesterday was a bust with my UTI, I would really bring it today and work crazy hard. So as I am walking out of the locker room, I dropped my heart rate monitor watch portion. It shattered! So we took it back but now I am thinking that I might not get another one. I am getting SO wrapped up in it, that I am stressing myself yet again. I may just watch what I eat and not worry about eating back exersise calories but not put them in either. I don't know yet for sure. But I continued on with my work out but had a doc apt due to the UTI, and the workout was cut short. Then to top it all off, we went to eat and (shamefully) I binged. Bad... Ahhhh...such is life. Tomorrow is a new day right?

    I did get a compliment today. A lady at my daughters preschool told me that my stomach was looking really flat today. Really put some pep in my step for a little while. Loved it!

    What is everyones plans this weekend? We are going through everyones closets and drawers and getting rid or passing down clothes that dont fit. I am itching to start spring cleaning...but anyways- I have written a novel! Hope you all have a great night!!

  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    Mina--you are doing great. No matter how much you have to loose, or how long it takes you, you are doing it!! that is great :) 35 pounds is a lot to be proud of, and at least its 35 pounds LOST and not GAINED! :) I was thinking about earlier today, that weight loss has SO much to do with diet---and if you have a good diet, you can do well!

    Maranda--I am so happy that you like your watch. Where did you get yours at? I do mostly cardio anyways. The only weights/strength that I am doing right now is in my workout video--the 30 day shred. 6 days a week at an hour and a half?!? YOU MOTIVATE ME! jeesh, I guess I better get going! hahah!!

    And as for my off week, it all makes sense to me now. This might be too much info for some, but I think that it is because I am starting mother natures gift for the first time in almost 18 months! lucky me. I could be wrong, and it really isn't coming...I'll see tomorrow I suppose. My hubby is also gone until next week, so I could just be sad that he's not here. So many reasons, but that is life and I need to learn to deal with it all and take it one day at a time! I start the day off new and refreshed, but the calories just add up way too fast!! Tomorrow is a new day and I am going to do better than I did today :)

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful night!!

    It's Friday tomorrow!! Woo hooo!!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good morning girls!

    Maranda- I am trying what you said this morning. So far I did try it twice, and he definitely did not seem to like it- but he stopped biting. I wasn't sure how that would work with him, since he seems to get more aggressive if things come at his face. I will keep doing it and see if it makes a difference. The Poconos are not that far from here, but I have never been there. OMG, I am so sorry to hear about your little boy. I cannot imagine ever going through that :(. Hugs to you. I have never heard of Lake Lehman High, so I guess we're not close! Those are the same ones like I got, but I got the black and white, and the matching capri workout pants.

    Jamie- omg, no tom for 18 months! Sounds heavenly :)

    My kids are off school today due to the stupid weather. It is only 7:53 and they are already driving me crazy.

    Well, weigh in was today. Not a stellar week, only down .7 pounds. But that's still better than nothing! On the bright side, I feel like I am retaining water, so maybe that has something to do with it. If that's the case next week should be better!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    OMG...SO many posts! Wish I wasn't so busy yet again today!

    But...want to say HELLO!!! Happy Friday!!!!!

    Hope to get to personals at some point, but meetings all afternoon and lots to do this morning, so we'll see!
  • mdestiny25
    mdestiny25 Posts: 15 Member
    So I went and got a new watch today. My other one busted. I think I told you guys that. Anyways, its a New Balance heart rate monitor from Costco. i was so excited to use it, got to the gym and relaized that the day care closed at 5....ugh. So I will be going tomorrow and Sunday now. I don't usually like Sunday workouts but hubby will be home so I can go without a time restraint. Might even tan!

    Anyways- so the new HRM, its going crazy. I hope it levels out while Im doing actual cardio, but right now sitting here, it has me in the 200s! I wonder if it has something to do with the compueter? In the car, it was doing the same thing.

    And another question about weigh ins. I can weigh myself 3 times in a row, and get 3 different numbers. Anyone else ever experience this? And what do you do?

    Bad eating day today. Not even going to put it in. I have had a horrible 3 days. I am ready to start over. Why is it so hard?
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! Have big plans for the weekend?

    So I don't know what is up with me, but I guess it was a false alarm!! After I had my first son, I got my period almost right away....but with my second, I still have yet to have one!! When did the rest of you ladies get your first after having your babies? I keep feeling like its coming, but it doesn't. I've spotted here and there---and even this week I have broke out so much, and just wanted to EAT everyything....even Sunday, I was SO bloated!

    Maranda--I will be in the same boat as you this weekend. Since I crammed in the extra calories this week, I think its in my best interest to work out this weekend...Plus, with my hubby gone, there's nothing else to do!! :) I think that your guess about your HRM going off by the computer/car would be my guess too--almost like a cell phone...how it kinda makes waves or whatever. With the weigh ins, I think it has a lot to do with breathing. I know that may sound silly, but the only time I do get different numbers is when I take a deep breath---after just breathing normal....ooorrrr, maybe its your scale? Most of the time, mine does say the same thing. Its ok that you had a bad eating day today---it happens :)

    Jessica!! .7 pounds is something to be proud of! It's better than gaining :) I always look at it that way. Maybe next week, you will loose more!! Where do you live? My kids were crying from 3-4 this afternoon, I finally had to put the little one down for a third nap just a few minutes ago! Hopefully he will sleep for me tonight....

    Well, its dinner time for me--I'm making a pizza pita :) yum yum! Hope you all had a wonderful Friday!!
  • firegirlred
    firegirlred Posts: 674 Member
    Can I join? I've got two pounds left from this pregnancy, then seven more from my first pregnancy. After that I want to lose eight more and maintain (so a total of seventeen to go).
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    yay! i'll be joining you gals soon! i'm getting induced tomorrow morning! :-) so you'll be hearing from me in a week or two!
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    good luck on the induction!!! hope all goes well and congrats!!! that is very excited. a week or 2, you are going coming on quick, but i understand and welcome!! i wish i would have started more seriously much quicker than when they were 15 months old!!! hopefully we will get some better weather here in atlanta, it has been brutally cold for us and windy. the kids need to get out and so does mommy!!!

    have a great weekend everyone,
  • Badtz
    Badtz Posts: 14
    OMG I am soo glad I found this thread! Can I join? I had my mbaby 9 weeks ago, and am DYING to get this weight off me!!!! I've been looking for other moms who know what it's like to have such a radicaly different body post-pregnancy, and how frustrating that is.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good Saturday morning all

    I must say, I am so glad that we have so many new members! Lots of conversation to keep things interesting! Welcome Badtz and firegirl! (and femmerides!!) Oh it is so exciting to be on the verge of having the baby, isn't it? The anticipation is so wonderful and awful at the same time! LOL. Best of luck to you with the induction!!! Is this your first?

    Jamie- thank you for your positive words of encouragement! I live in PA near Harrisburg, Lancaster, and Hershey. I hope I am not being too personal, but why aren't you getting it? Is everything ok? I always got mine within a month. If that's too personal, please don't feel like you have to answer.

    I forgot what else I read so I will have to go back then.

    So, I am reading this Dr Oz book - You on a Diet. There is a ton of great info in it, though I hate the way it's written. A whole lot of silly analogies and what not. I am all for silly, but it gets old when it's like 100 different versions of the same joke.

    Do you guys ever think that the more you learn the more impossible it makes things to follow the "rules" of being healthy? It's like so much info contradicts each other. As soon as you think you are doing something right, someone comes along and tells you it's not ok. I got into the habit of buying low sodium lunch meats, eating tuna fish, cooking salmon and making salmon salad, and making a big salad for lunch with a reduced fat dressing. These are my staples for my lunches. Well as I am reading, now I hear that you should avoid lunch meat altogether because of the nitrates, canned tuna is bad, there's too much mercury in seafood so you should only eat it once a week, and low fat dressings are bad because of the additives in them, your body can't recognize, so it doesn't metabolize them like it should. Oh, and half the people out there say artificial sweeteners are bad-and my low fat yogurts are crucial to my calcium. Like, what the heck are you supposed to eat then? I mean, I cook every night for dinner. I have no problems cooking, but I don't want to have to do it every day for lunch too. And who wants a boring old chicken breast and steamed veggies every day for lunch anyway? I don't really care much for oil and vinegar on my salads. *sigh* I swear you can't win!
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    Oh its Saturday!

    Jessica--it's totally confusing. What you think is healthy, and what should be healthy, has its side effects....but I guess today, what doesn't? I think that every "expert" is going to have a different opinion. I try not to read into too many articles on food and its effects. I keep my basic nutrition in mind when I pick my meals. I may be old school by just looking at the back of container for the calorie count, but its getting the weight off for now. Maybe its even stupid to not even consider the "consequences" But seriously, what do they want us to eat?! And, life is too short to worry about EVERYTHING. And your question is not personal at all. I can really talk about anything! I am still nursing, so I figured thats why I haven't gotten it yet....but, I've spotted a few times, thinking, this has got to be it. My baby is almost 8 months old, so I would figure by now I would have gotten it, especially since he's only nursing a few times a day now! I have bought pregnancy tests, because I just wanted to make sure--even though I have been on birth control (just recently stopped a couple weeks ago) I guess I shouldn't worry about too much until I am completely done nursing. It just doesn't seem natrual!! Kids and the things they do to our bodies :)

    Hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend! Its raining here in Cali, and I am enjoying every second of it!! :)
  • mdestiny25
    mdestiny25 Posts: 15 Member
    Just a quick hello. I am in a rut this week. Lots of bad eating and such. Went and burned 800 calries at the gym in cardio alone yesterday but blew it on beer and pizza for dinner. Back in the gym today. Monday is a new week. I have lots of homework today. Anyways- I hope your all doing good today!
  • Chuffmn
    Chuffmn Posts: 267 Member
    Hi Girls!

    I am having a busy weekend but just wanted to pop in and say hi!

    Jess - when Sunny bites faces and pant legs, etc. smack her nose and firmly tell her no. Then give her a toy to play with and praise her for having the toy in her mouth. Whenever you play with her have a toy in hand; no gloves required :wink:

    Weighed in yesterday and again the scale the did not move. I hate this! I have never had such a hard time and am beyond discouraged. Hopefully this couch to 5k helps.

    Hope you are all well!

  • Hello Ladies,
    I have not been on here in a long time. I think that I need to make this a mini goal for myself. When I was last on here I had lost 16.5 pounds and now I am down 22.5 pounds in total. I have recently discovered this new class at the gym (World Health). It is called force and it is 60 minutes of weight lifting with a barbell, dumbbells and a lot of squats and lunges. It is so hard but I know that I will see results if I keep going.
    Do you ladies weigh in a certain day? Is there a day that you check in on here or should it be daily?

  • Hi All,
    Hope you are having a good weekend! Did my measurements and pics today for my 30 day progress. I think somebody asked, and yes I am doing P90X. Below are my stats. I'll try and post some pics to my profile later, because the pics don't lie!!! I can definitely see the results in my waist and the dreaded "back fat!" :laugh: Also definite difference in the hips! Seeing results helps me keep going, no matter how hard it is.

    Also, putting some goals out there for this week:
    No alcohol this week....booooooo:angry:
    10 glasses of water a day
    Lose 2 pounds.
    I'm going to have to kick up the intensity and really watch the diet to lose the 2 pounds, but I'm trying to push myself!!!!!

    Maranda - If you fall off the wagon, all you can do is get back on! Mmmmmm.....beer and pizza.....you have to give in every now and again!
    Jess - I totally feel you about the food stuff. It's all going to kill us....:laugh: Sometimes I read too much about it and it makes me feel crazy!!! I am trying to "eat clean" but at the end of the day I'm human....so I just try and pick my individual goals. My big one is trying to cut out the fake sugars. I've quit diet soda, which was big for me. I've also replaced my Splenda in coffee with Agave nectar. Does that mean I don't have splenda or a sugar free pudding or Crystal Light every now and again? Nope! For all I know, I could get hit by a bus tomorrow, so whether I die of nitrates or something else....there's only so much you can worry about it! It's kind of like those baby books out there that tell you "what not to do." Totally unrealistic....pick your battles and forget the rest....

    Day 1
    Weight: 152
    Shoulders: 36.5
    Bust: 33.5
    Waist: 34.5
    Hips: 39.5
    Biceps: 12
    L Thigh: 25
    R Thigh: 24.75

    Day 30
    Weight: 146 - 6 pounds lost!
    Shoulders: 36.25
    Bust: 33
    Waist: 31 I LOST 3.5 INCHES!!!!!!
    Hips: 38 Lost 1.5 inches!
    Biceps: 12
    L Thigh: 24.25 (almost an inch!)
    R Thigh: 23.75 Lost 1 inch!
    It's so hard to measure the thighs b/c I never know if I am measuring in exactly the same place.
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    I can officially join you guys! Jackson Devin was born at 252am this morning. I was induced at 430pm and at 2am finally dialated to 4cms. He was born so fast. I went 4 - 10 in less then 30minutes. :) I am already 11lbs lighter. At 229.4lbs only 13 hours later. I will update more tomorrow.
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