Coffee Quit Day Comes! 3,2,1,..



  • TwentyTen
    The following is the approximate caffeine content of various beverages. 1. Milligrams of Caffeine 2. Item average per serving 3.Range Per ounce*
    Coffee (5 oz. cup) 80 40 - 170 16.00
    Cola (12 oz. can) 45 30 - 60 3.75
    Black Tea (one tea bag) 40 25 - 110 5.00
    Oolong Tea (one tea bag) 30 12 - 55 3.75
    Green Tea (one tea bag) 20 8 - 30 2.50
    White Tea (one tea bag) 15 6 - 25 2.00
    Decaf Tea (one tea bag) 2 1 - 4 0.50
    Herbal Tea (one tea bag) 0 0 0.00
    *Assumes 8 ounces of water per tea bag

    Hi steph and Twentyten. After I found this little chart, I can see that starting the day with a 16-24oz coffee and finishing with 1 or 2 cups of black tea, that I was maybe one or two cups away from flying.

    My plan is to slowly start drinking less coffee and eventually going to black tea, then green tea. etc.

    Thanks for bringing attention to this.....Happy Monday. :drinker: (water)

    I don't see espresso on that list. I can only imagine! My morning coffee used to have a couple shots of that in it as well.
    Oh yeah, talk about airborn!

    So the coffee pot is definitely calling my name, and the smell of a co-workers cup is drivin me crazy.

    Forget one day at a time, this is closer to one hour at a time..

    Good luck with the weaning Panic!
  • TwentyTen
    Ok ,todays the real challenge. had very little sleep last night, and ten hour work day facing me....Normally this is when i would
    fold , I mean there's no real harm in just a quarter cup now is there..just .. a couple swallows..?? yes yes... no no...
    Alright i can do this, just don't expect me not to whine about it, :sad:
  • PanicAtTheBuffet
    Ok ,todays the real challenge. had very little sleep last night, and ten hour work day facing me....Normally this is when i would
    fold , I mean there's no real harm in just a quarter cup now is there..just .. a couple swallows..?? yes yes... no no...
    Alright i can do this, just don't expect me not to whine about it, :sad:

    Yikes! *bites on knuckle* you can do this Twentyten! Don't give in! Fill that WATER glass and start chugging.

    Good Luck. (as I go back to my 1/4 less coffee this morning)
  • dax58
    dax58 Posts: 22 Member
    Good luck on it all today. Hope you manage to resist !
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I gave up caffeine Jan 9, 2009. I cut it back slowly so I did not get the headaches associated with the withdrawal. After one year of being caffeine free, I felt I needed a coffee because I had a rough night and did not sleep well. It tasted awful. I had a sip and could not believe how bad it was so I had two more sips and then threw it out. I can't see me going back to drinking it now.

    Water, herbal teas and the very occasional glass of red wine for me!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    The following is the approximate caffeine content of various beverages. 1. Milligrams of Caffeine 2. Item average per serving 3.Range Per ounce*
    Coffee (5 oz. cup) 80 40 - 170 16.00
    Cola (12 oz. can) 45 30 - 60 3.75
    Black Tea (one tea bag) 40 25 - 110 5.00
    Oolong Tea (one tea bag) 30 12 - 55 3.75
    Green Tea (one tea bag) 20 8 - 30 2.50
    White Tea (one tea bag) 15 6 - 25 2.00
    Decaf Tea (one tea bag) 2 1 - 4 0.50
    Herbal Tea (one tea bag) 0 0 0.00
    *Assumes 8 ounces of water per tea bag

    Hi steph and Twentyten. After I found this little chart, I can see that starting the day with a 16-24oz coffee and finishing with 1 or 2 cups of black tea, that I was maybe one or two cups away from flying.

    My plan is to slowly start drinking less coffee and eventually going to black tea, then green tea. etc.

    Thanks for bringing attention to this.....Happy Monday. :drinker: (water)

    I don't see espresso on that list. I can only imagine! My morning coffee used to have a couple shots of that in it as well.
    Oh yeah, talk about airborn!

    So the coffee pot is definitely calling my name, and the smell of a co-workers cup is drivin me crazy.

    Forget one day at a time, this is closer to one hour at a time..

    Good luck with the weaning Panic!

  • TwentyTen


    Oh my my. It's legalized speed it is!!

    Appreciate the encouragement everyone. Really need it today.

    It is taking every ounce of restraint I have not to reach for that warm sweet speedball, lol. I am already wondering how long I should go before I go ahead and have one... maybe in two weeks?? , hmm a month..?? I know just a week doesn't work. It's CraZy!! I should be looking at it as NEVER, right??

    Man, I feel like a junkie, I really do.

    Vicky, I do hope I get to that day where the stuff is repulsive to me!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member


    Oh my my. It's legalized speed it is!!

    Appreciate the encouragement everyone. Really need it today.

    It is taking every ounce of restraint I have not to reach for that warm sweet speedball, lol. I am already wondering how long I should go before I go ahead and have one... maybe in two weeks?? , hmm a month..?? I know just a week doesn't work. It's CraZy!! I should be looking at it as NEVER, right??

    Man, I feel like a junkie, I really do.

    Vicky, I do hope I get to that day where the stuff is repulsive to me!

    Note: Drip coffee has more caffeine that one shot of espresso.
    I gave up caffeine alomst a year ago and it's done wonders for my skin. I do occasionally have a cup of decaf but I only use 1% milk in mine (always did-never creamer or sugar) mine was pretty low in cals to begin with.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Good luck with your journey. I have a boss who quit so I've seen it done. :smile:
  • TwentyTen
    Well, I have come so close to folding. Ya know , just a taste couldn't hurt I figure. I sit here all bleary-eyed, fuzzy-brained, and I swear every inch of my body wants it, and bad.

    Now I know , it's been said that the stuff has it's benefits but not the way I drink it. So I been browsing the web looking for all the reasons I should get off the junk, and thought I would share a couple things.

    And although he is controversial Dr. Nicholas Perricone blames it for causing inflammation. "Coffee has organic acids that raise your blood sugar, raise insulin. Insulin puts a lock on body fat. When you switch over to green tea, you get your caffeine, you're all set, but you will drop your insulin levels and body fat will fall very rapidly. So 10 pounds in six weeks, I will guarantee it."

    Now if that's true, and you combine it with all the refined sugar I put in mine, this is definitely the right thing to do!

    Good to hear from those who have, THANK you!
  • TwentyTen
    This will be my 4th day. It isn't really getting easier yet. I want one, I reeally do. :frown:
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    This will be my 4th day. It isn't really getting easier yet. I want one, I reeally do. :frown:

    It will get better. I gave up coffee for Lent last year and the withdrawl was horrible. The headaches, shakes, feeling so tired, it all sucked. But it does get better and easier. :wink:
  • TwentyTen
    This will be my 4th day. It isn't really getting easier yet. I want one, I reeally do. :frown:

    It will get better. I gave up coffee for Lent last year and the withdrawl was horrible. The headaches, shakes, feeling so tired, it all sucked. But it does get better and easier. :wink:

    Thanks for the reassurance!
    The struggle is even harder than I imagined. Just hoping it doesn't get worse before it gets better.
    Looking soo forward to breaking out of this fog!
  • PanicAtTheBuffet
    Wow, sorry it's so rough twentyten. Maybe one more day is all it will take.

    I looked into Teeccino. It was highly rated by a lot of people. Have you tried it?
  • TwentyTen
    Hey Panic. Yes it has been recommended to me. Thinking of maybe gettng some.. I am afraid I might be tempted to add sugar to it, but it is sounding better every minute. Maybe I will just order some online and check it out. Of course, by the time it gets here I may not be in such need. Still sounds kind of good. Sounds like a nice change of pace from the green tea.
  • PanicAtTheBuffet
    Morning TwentyTen, Any easier today?

    I'm down to 10oz(yes, I measured) coffee, no tea, or diet sodas. No real side effects, other than my ears ringing(weird). But, I wasn't on the coffee/sugar/espresso ride you where on.

    Hope you're well.
  • TwentyTen
    Morning TwentyTen, Any easier today?

    I'm down to 10oz(yes, I measured) coffee, no tea, or diet sodas. No real side effects, other than my ears ringing(weird). But, I wasn't on the coffee/sugar/espresso ride you where on.

    Hope you're well.

    Thanks for checking on me Panic.
    10oz, now thats moderation!
    As far as ringing ears.. mine have been ringing bad for a couple years now. Tinnitus. It's loud too, the first 6 months of it I thought I would lose my mind! Still keeps me awake sometimes. I have noticed that it does seem a bit worse this week, perhaps due to the detoxing.. who knows,.. everything has been worse, lol.
    Yeah yesterday was hard. So far today doesn't seem so bad though, of course it is early here and I am facing a 10 hour shift..., but I am hopeful the worst is over.
    It'll be interesting to see how I feel over time without those repetitive jolts. Also if it has an effect on the weght loss.

    Still sipping the green tea, I think it has helped curb the headaches.
  • TwentyTen
    Today was easier! At least easier than yesterday, the fog isn't as thick today. ..and my apppetite woke up, wow .
    Next week should be smooth sailing. Yay!
  • PanicAtTheBuffet
    Ugh, I just saw I wrote "where" instead of "were," in my last post. :ohwell:

    I'm glad today was a lot easier. I bought the Teeccino herbal coffee, I'll let you know how it is.
  • TwentyTen
    Ugh, I just saw I wrote "where" instead of "were," in my last post. :ohwell:

    I'm glad today was a lot easier. I bought the Teeccino herbal coffee, I'll let you know how it is.

    Awesome! Can't wait to "here" how you like it, or not. :laugh: