body odor



  • KrisThomas1964
    There was a woman on this programme last year who was suffering a similar issue she had Bacterial Vaginitis (bv) treatable by Flagyl (antibiotic tablets) which is very common.

    Hope this is of some help

    Also look up
    If you think you have TMAU (fish Odor syndrome ( trimethylaminuria)) this is a guide with some information:
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    I would recommend going to a doctor. They will be able to run tests and see if there is anything they can do for you. A friend of mine suffered badly with BO and was given Botox injections into her armpits and the smell stopped. She needs to get them regularly but they help drastically. Before she started these she was given various different medications to see if they helped.

    I would strongly recommend seeing a doctor, they may give you the answer you have been looking at.
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    Seeing a new doctor is definitely your best option. There are many down there infections that aren't STDs which smell unpleasant and can be treated. Many illnesses cause strange body odor.

    Wash thoroughly, and exfoliate (you probably already do). Layer perfume - find a scent you like, then buy body wash, lotion, and perfume in that scent. Use a combo deodorant/antiperspirant liberally, anywhere you sweat too much. Wash your clothes with fabric softener and always wear clean ones. I live in a hot climate, and if I sweat too much I sometimes change midday.

    Also, if this has been lifelong and you live at home, it could be environmental. Just a thought.
  • emmaskye15
    emmaskye15 Posts: 60 Member
    go find a doctor, usually severe body odour is an hormonal problem, if it smells fishy there is a disease that makes you smell of fish (all over not just genitalia) called trimethylaminuria, this can be helped with eliminating certain things from diet, but you need to see a specialist for that. Also, be careful what you wash with, sometimes, when you over wash and over perfume, you kick the bacteria out of wack and that can make you smell worse than if you dont wash, try using unscented antiperspirants and ph balanced products. If it is bothering you a lot, go see a dr and make it clear that you have an issue and its effecting your self asteem.

    Exactly what I was thinking! Stay strong and mention this to your doctor! It night be something that you can control with diet and changing a few other things up in your life! :) Keep smiling!
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    go find a doctor, usually severe body odour is an hormonal problem, if it smells fishy there is a disease that makes you smell of fish (all over not just genitalia) called trimethylaminuria, this can be helped with eliminating certain things from diet, but you need to see a specialist for that. Also, be careful what you wash with, sometimes, when you over wash and over perfume, you kick the bacteria out of wack and that can make you smell worse than if you dont wash, try using unscented antiperspirants and ph balanced products. If it is bothering you a lot, go see a dr and make it clear that you have an issue and its effecting your self asteem.

    This. I think a doctor is your best bet. If the one you currently are seeing isn't helping you go to another doctor. There are too many possibilities.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    Have you tried Lavilin?

    Deoderants and antiperspirants don't work for me, I still break through and end up sweating but Lavilin has been working great. it doesn't contain aluminum or any of that crap and it's not an antiperspirant but it takes away the smell (which can be caused by numerous things, including bacteria)

    And even though it's not an antiperspirant, for some reason, I don't sweat nearly as much now. it seems like it changed my body chemistry. I was never much of a sweater except for my armpits, but now thats not a problem.

    never heard of it. could you tell me more about it and where to get it?

    you can find it at various health food stores online (swanson, etc.) but I picked it up on amazon. it's like $12-15 and it's a cream that's in a small tub and it comes with a spatula. you use a pea sized amount and you you use it every few days because it doesn't wear off or rub off and its water proof.

    Some people can go as much as a week or 2 in between uses, i typically reapply it every 4 of 5 days.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    For underarm odor, try this:
    Wash and shave, then when you get out of the shower check if there is still a smell.
    If there is, get some lotion in your hand and a touch of baking soda (like, 1/8 teaspoon), mix together in your hand, and (gently) put it under your arms...wipe it off, and check to see if you still smell anything. Repeat if necessary. Finally, use the soda/lotion combo as your deodorant. I've used that for years and have no b.o. there using that. More success than with deodorants.

    For body odor elsewhere,
    Use the same lotion/soda combo lightly around the groin after showering.
    Get your undies and workout clothing all through the wash using a touch of bleach.
    Also consider starting out with fresh new undies.
    Are you very heavy? That would certainly contribute to sweating/smell, I would think.

    I have noticed, with my children, that certain fabrics which they sleep in just dont seem to mix with their chemistry, I don't like how it smells in the morning, and don't wash up fresh enough for me.....polyester i think. Perhaps your fabrics are not right for you....try all cotton? Or cotton/spandex or something?

    Probably as your body gets healthier/cleaner you will have less of a problem.
    Consider ways of cleansing your systems, as with fiber supplements or perhaps herbs if you are comfortable using those. I would suggest, as those are gentle and effective and many people use them/like them.

    Sorry you are having a problem, and I am sure you will be able to get this normalized!
  • MStanford336
    MStanford336 Posts: 68 Member
    I can smell you from here.

    That comment was really mean and childish.
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    first of all the first reply with I can smell you from here was very rude and inconsidert. Second it could possibly be a feminine smell try a different douche or PH or some soaps from vagisel. and also go to your doctor, you maybe oversecreting something in your skin i think you may need to see a endocrinologist and talk to them you may have a hormone inbalance. Try that see if it works and good luck.
  • sunshinegirl5719
    As for down there, take probiotics. Acidophillus is a good one, I use Floragen twice a day and it's a life safer. Give it a try! Your body odor is probably caused by an imbalance in your ph that could be cured with probiotics as well... Just wondering, do you happen to get cystic acne as well?

    no, I don't have cystic acne. had to google it but I do have occasional acne or zits that just pop up and acne scars but nothing severe. I have a probiotic accufiora. would that work? I only taken it a few times since I bought it.
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    dang girl....wipe yo azzz!

    Really immature thats the reason why she made this post annoymnous so idiots like u can stop putting dumb stuff up here. Its a serious issue and she was being honest.
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    I think going to another doctor should be in your future. I hope that you find some answers soon!! My thoughs are with you!
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    I can smell you from here.

    That comment was really mean and childish.

  • cheekyhalf
    cheekyhalf Posts: 18 Member
    Might be some useful stuff here to show a dr -
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    I can smell you from here.

    Seriously how old are you. That was very childish
  • ScumbagSteve
    ScumbagSteve Posts: 103 Member
    I can smell you from here.

    That comment was really mean and childish.


  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    okay, odor from the private area is most likely bacterial vaginitis. Easily treatable if you go to your doctor.

    As for a scent coming from the rest of you... Are you over weight? Is this only from your armpits? Many overweight people actually have yeast growing in the folds of their skin, such as around the belly, legs, anywhere they have a skin fold. Even after a shower, they can have an odor. Topical cream such as miconazole (used also in athlete's foot treatments and yeast diaper rashes) will help you get rid of yeast. Also, drying out the creases in your skin during the day, so they don't stay moist. Usually there will be some accompanying white film, redness, or can be a pink or red rash, but there doesn't have to be.

    Could also be bacteria growing in the folds, which would need an antibacterial cream. Treating the wrong one could make the other worse! So its best to ask your doctor to find out.

    Have you gone to the doctor for this problem? There are other conditions that cause weird odors. Fruity smell of ketosis on a diabetic's breath, for example. Hormone changes also cause odors. I know my sweat smells worse if I am anxious than if I'm just hot.

    Okay, this might sound really weird, but I put rubbing alcohol on my body sometimes. haha. If you do think its a possiblity of yeast or bacteria, it would kill both. DO NOT put rubbing alcohol "down there" though! ouch! Definitely talk to your doctor. Don't feel embarrassed. Your doctor has heard and seen it all. A smell is probably one of the tamest things he/she will see that day :)
  • missytrishy
    missytrishy Posts: 203 Member
    I find that sometimes I am "smellier" than other days, i switch up my deoderant every time I run out and try something new. As for vaginal odor I wear a really thin liner most days and it really helps
  • pet1127
    pet1127 Posts: 572 Member
    Eliminate salt and spices and cut out acide baring foods and see another Dr. will take a month to clear out the salt and spices from your body.:smile:
  • biscuitwelsh
    biscuitwelsh Posts: 86 Member
    There's a condition called bromhidrosis that can cause this-- apparently some doctors has success treating it with botox. You might want to research good dermatologist in your area.

    BTW-- ignore the cruel comments, they have tiny ****s and live in their parents basements