Registered Dietitian in TX here to answer questions.



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I have lost 18kgs (40lbs) and looking to lose 9-15kg(20-30lb) more... I am quite liking the look of my body.. when I do lots of weights the scale doesn't move, but gives me the biggest inches lost.

    To lose weight AND inches, Should I lower the weights or increase the cardio intensity?

    Keep your weight lifting where it is, and don't be afraid to to even lift heavier. You will achieve the weight and inches lost with your diet. Right now, I would just give it a few more weeks and see if you don't drop some weight too. If you're at a plateau, try a slight (10% or so) calorie cut.

    If I lifted any heavier pretty sure my form would go out the window, I'm training strength at the moment, to failure ;)
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    Are there any foods I can eat to help my thyroid or increase metabolism?? I have a very hard time loosing weight because of this issue
  • jlreser
    jlreser Posts: 64 Member
    Oh thank goodness! I can't afford to go to a dietitian so I'm glad you're here.

    I started in March 2012 at 206 lbs and am now hovering at 178-180 for about the past 5 wks. I'm not eating over 1500 calories a day, but cannot seem to get out of this plateau....PLEASE HELP!!!

    What can I do to get going on the losing train again? I have about 40 more lbs to go but I'm stuck!

    Meant to tell you I'm 33 yrs old, 5'2", with a BMI of 32.9, not sure of body fat %.
  • mammiehorn
    mammiehorn Posts: 119 Member
    What is the best way to lose belly fat? My daughter has pcos and can't seem to lose lower ab fat no matter what diet she has tried. Do you think gluten free is probably her best bet or is there something more effective?
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    WTH... *bump*
  • jesswilks
    hi thanks for doing this. I have been trying to plan my meals ahead of time with no luck. Could you give me some tips on meal planning
  • sarimolina
    I downloaded the app a while ago but started using it yesterday.... I have been working out for almost two years now doing the P90x and Insanity... At first the weight started coming off quickly and then this last year I have put on some 15 lbs but I've been working out 6 dAys a week and try not to eat too much... My scale has been stuck for the pAst 6 months and won't budge no matter what I do!!!!! I need some help and motivation because I feel like giving up!!! If any of u has tried these workout u know how hard and intense they are... This is y I'm getting so tired because I feel like no matter how hard I push myself my scale won't move!! I have done extensive research on the Internet about how many calories I should eat and BMR and BMI and Harris Benedict equation but I'm not sure if they are correct or not.... Everyone says something different... Help!!!! By the way I'm 27 and 5'3" and weight 150-153 lbs... After doing all those equations it said that I had 110.9 lbs of lean muscle mass and about 41 lbs of fat... How do I lower my fat %? It's at 27% and says its acceptable but I want to loose at least 20 lbs of fat... Everything I'm doing is not working help!!! Do I need to eat more? Eat less?
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    Hi thanks for offering tips and advice! My question is about sugar in my diet. I get most of my sugar from fruits and dairy in my diet, should I limit these to lose the last 10 lbs and drop 2% BF? I usually eat a banana each day (I know they are high in sugar but I love them) and another serving of fruit and usually 2 servings of dairy. How much natural sugar is too much if I just want to lose the last ten?

    SW: 160 lbs
    CW: 148 lbs
    Height 5'3"
    Est BF: 26%

    There is nothing inherently wrong with sugar.

    Sugar and other discretionary calories can be kept around 10-20% of your total calories and still leave you enough room for more "nutrient dense choices"

    If you are already on a low calorie diet, and you can't reduce your protein or fat at all, carbohydrates- and therefore sugars, would be the first choice to eliminate. So cut out sugar if you want to, if you like it, leave some in. Overall to achieve a weight loss, you need to simply eat less calories.

    Great job on your weight loss so far!
  • abhishek2610
    abhishek2610 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there!

    Thank you for doing this!

    My name is Abhishek and I have a few questions...

    First off, I am 31 years old, 5' 11", and last weigh in 2011 Nov 231 pounds. I have been using myfitnesspal since September only and have 8 inch & visibly lost weight .

    I am diagnosed as diabetic in 24 July with fasting sugar as 226 & PP sugar as 376.after which I was shifted to diabetic diet & walk .recent test are below 110 fasting & PP below 140.

    1)I don't know my body fat percentage?

    2) How to incorporate more protein in my diet and less carbohydrates as I am a vegetarian.

    I also am wondering what an adequate amount of exercise is for me as I am a full time professional and have a very busy home life, I want to be able to make time to workout enough, but am not sure what IS enough...

    And lastly, would It be possible to control/reverse diabetics.

    Thank you so much,

  • caseydimples
    caseydimples Posts: 173 Member
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    Are there any foods I can eat to help my thyroid or increase metabolism?? I have a very hard time loosing weight because of this issue

    Are you taking medication to control your thyroid imbalance? That's the only way to do it, there are no foods that correct thyroid imbalance.

    If you have a slow metabolism, you can increase it by being more active and exercising.
  • khara2012
    khara2012 Posts: 1,051 Member
    Hi, Tony! I'm 4'10, 43 years old, 133 pounds and very confused. I want to lose about 15 more pounds, but it has taken me about 7 months to lose my first 15. My doctor told me that for my height I should be eating about 1000 calories a day. I can't do it! My BMR is 1214, so I'm currently trying to stay under 1200 calories a day, but when I do eat under 1200 calories the MFP always reminds me that I'm not eating enough calories and could be at risk for starvation bode.

    Generally I'm still hungry, so when I exercise (about 3 - 5 times a week, walking/jogging, etc.,) I usually eat back my calories. I just read on your thread that I shouldn't do that. I do not have a gym membership and that is not an option, but I do have some dumbbells and some workout videos that I use sometimes. What can I do to speed up my fat loss?...or do I just need to keep doing what I'm doing?
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    Oh thank goodness! I can't afford to go to a dietitian so I'm glad you're here.

    I started in March 2012 at 206 lbs and am now hovering at 178-180 for about the past 5 wks. I'm not eating over 1500 calories a day, but cannot seem to get out of this plateau....PLEASE HELP!!!

    What can I do to get going on the losing train again? I have about 40 more lbs to go but I'm stuck!

    Meant to tell you I'm 33 yrs old, 5'2", with a BMI of 32.9, not sure of body fat %.

    You need to decrease your calories f you've been plateauing. Make sure you are logging the correct portion sizes. I would recommend exercising if you're not already doing so.
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    What is the best way to lose belly fat? My daughter has pcos and can't seem to lose lower ab fat no matter what diet she has tried. Do you think gluten free is probably her best bet or is there something more effective?

    Well, first it's a lot harder for someone with PCOS to control hunger, so long term compliance with lower calorie diets can be very difficult to maintain. Gluten free (unless she is diagnosed celiac/gluten intolerant) is not the answer. I would need to know more details about her current regimen to give any detailed answer to your fat loss question. If she eats and exercises in the right amounts, she will lose fat.
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    hi thanks for doing this. I have been trying to plan my meals ahead of time with no luck. Could you give me some tips on meal planning

    Yes, I think meal planning is one of the best things you can do when getting started.

    1. Start smaller. Maybe you could just plan your breakfasts and start nailing those down before you add in lunch and dinner. Build up to your bigger goal.

    2. Have a flexible plan. I always like to have a plan A and a plan B. Plan B is usually something super convenient but still does the job.

    3. Be realistic. Only pick foods you know you will make and eat.

    4. Prep ahead. Get your chicken prepped and marinated, slice your veggies, etc. or whatever you need to do for the next day. Pack a lunch!
  • conure2
    conure2 Posts: 126 Member
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    I downloaded the app a while ago but started using it yesterday.... I have been working out for almost two years now doing the P90x and Insanity... At first the weight started coming off quickly and then this last year I have put on some 15 lbs but I've been working out 6 dAys a week and try not to eat too much... My scale has been stuck for the pAst 6 months and won't budge no matter what I do!!!!! I need some help and motivation because I feel like giving up!!! If any of u has tried these workout u know how hard and intense they are... This is y I'm getting so tired because I feel like no matter how hard I push myself my scale won't move!! I have done extensive research on the Internet about how many calories I should eat and BMR and BMI and Harris Benedict equation but I'm not sure if they are correct or not.... Everyone says something different... Help!!!! By the way I'm 27 and 5'3" and weight 150-153 lbs... After doing all those equations it said that I had 110.9 lbs of lean muscle mass and about 41 lbs of fat... How do I lower my fat %? It's at 27% and says its acceptable but I want to loose at least 20 lbs of fat... Everything I'm doing is not working help!!! Do I need to eat more? Eat less?

    Keep using the app. The weight isn't going to fly off, but MFP is really the best thing you can be doing to understand your habits and what you need to do when you plateau.
    1. Keep logging
    2. Be honest with yourself
    3. You will get better at this over time

    Just stay consistent with logging and give it some time. You'll lose bodyfat. If you don't lose any weight after about 3-4 weeks, cut your calories about 10-20% and go from there.
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    Hi there!

    Thank you for doing this!

    My name is Abhishek and I have a few questions...

    First off, I am 31 years old, 5' 11", and last weigh in 2011 Nov 231 pounds. I have been using myfitnesspal since September only and have 8 inch & visibly lost weight .

    I am diagnosed as diabetic in 24 July with fasting sugar as 226 & PP sugar as 376.after which I was shifted to diabetic diet & walk .recent test are below 110 fasting & PP below 140.

    1)I don't know my body fat percentage?

    2) How to incorporate more protein in my diet and less carbohydrates as I am a vegetarian.

    I also am wondering what an adequate amount of exercise is for me as I am a full time professional and have a very busy home life, I want to be able to make time to workout enough, but am not sure what IS enough...

    And lastly, would It be possible to control/reverse diabetics.

    Thank you so much,


    Congrats on bringing your blood sugar into normal levels! It appears you are well on your way to beating diabetes!

    High sources of protein for vegetarians can include eggs, dairy, beans, soy, and protein supplements like powders and bars.

    If you're not exercising any right now, start with something small but significant like a brisk walk for 30 minutes 3x per week. Build up from there once you get consistent.

    I think in your case, it would definitely be worth an investment to get a personal trainer. At least short term. You could get your body fat measured and get some help in developing a good exercise program for yourself.

    Finally, consider just being more active. Get a pedometer or download a pedometer app and start tracking your steps.
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    Are there any foods I can eat to help my thyroid or increase metabolism?? I have a very hard time loosing weight because of this issue

    Are you taking medication to control your thyroid imbalance? That's the only way to do it, there are no foods that correct thyroid imbalance.

    If you have a slow metabolism, you can increase it by being more active and exercising.

    yes I am but I hate taking meds.. ohwell..
  • snowfox1
    snowfox1 Posts: 128 Member
    Hi there, fist of all thanks so much for doing this it is very generous of you. i would really appreciate it if you could take the time to help me out with my question.

    Im 27 years old, female, 163cm and 54kgs i have spent the last few years trying different diets and and got down to 50kg which is my goal weight but gained it all back of course, i have worked out at the gym off and on for the past year but only recently started doing weights because im much more focused on being healthy and looking toned rather than just slim, im really looking to lose a dress size not so bothered about the kilos :) I want to get rid of the muffin top/jiggly arms! but ive been eating at between 1200-1400cals per day for past 3 weeks and lost nothin actually put on like a kilo, is this my metabolism fixing its self after so long eating low cal, or poswsible muscle growth from starting weights? just a bit unsure. any advice you have would be so helpfull. thanks so much in advance. oh just to add my workouts consist of at least an hour of cardio and weights 5 days a week (for the past 3 weeks)