Do you exercise during your period?



  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    My cramps are so bad for the first 2-3 days that I have collapsed in stores crying in pain and sat on the bathroom floor clutching my stomach practically wishing I'd die. I can't take narcotics and I haven't found anything that works otherwise so no I don't work out during my period. The last 3 days of my period aren't as painful but I'm so exhausted from barely sleeping and being in constant excruciating pain for 3 days that I don't have any energy to work out and normally have to spend that time catching up on all the work I missed while sick with my period. My Doc just put me on a new pill that's basically supposed to stop your period from coming more then a couple times a year so hopefully that helps cos I go through complete hell every month
  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 676 Member
    I push through even though I don't want to. Try magnesium supplement, it might help with the cramps.
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    Try a lighter, longer workout if your usual bothers you. The hormones in your body will actually support a very long walk or run if you can do it. But don't stop just because your bleeding!
  • kvalmera
    kvalmera Posts: 129 Member
    Only during the lighter days. I don't on the heavier days only because it seems to come on stronger and well, gets messy (tmi, i know).
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Go by how you feel. It's hard for other women to give advice on this since we all experience different severities of it. I have days where I just want to lie in bed all day or I'm almost in tears from the pain and I definitely sit out those days. Most of the time I just work through it. I have left the gym in the middle once though because I was having a crappy workout due to it and wasn't getting anywhere. My mom used to have to stay home because she couldn't get out of bed while others seem to not experience much pain.

    Just give it a try and do some light exercise. Sometimes it helps with the pain but if your feeling really bad, don't let others make you feel like you should feel guilty about taking some time off.
  • Kasya007
    Kasya007 Posts: 165 Member
    If I still had one, I'd exercise through it. I haven't seen mine in 264 days, oddly enough that was 2 months after I'd started MFP... :embarassed:
  • RitaSantoss
    RitaSantoss Posts: 986 Member
    I rarely have cramps or any kind of pain during my period. So yes, I still work out.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I do
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I do. Usually there are two days that are the worst for cramping and feeling generally tired and uncomfortable and on those two days, I may or may not; if I do, sometimes I just cut the workout in time or intensity.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    As long as I am not bleeding my brains out LOL:smile:
  • wicca01
    I do most of my yoga while I'm on my period and sometimes it helps the cramps go away. There are some poses in yoga that can actualy make the cramps worse, anything that compresses your belly and inversions are not recomened. Check into it, there is tons of info on the web. Maybe a light walk might help
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Depends. This month mother nature hasn't been to hard on me so I was able to. Last month I couldn't even stand up straight and my tummy went all haywire I was in so much pain so obviously no workout for me. But that was only for about 2 days. As soon as I feel better I get back on that horse.
  • becs_91
    becs_91 Posts: 180 Member
    Yep. As long as I have 2 or 3 ibuprofen in my system I still work out. It was ROUGH when I was off the pill for a few months (I forgot how much my periods suck without it!) but I'm just about to start it back up. Can't wait for mother nature to be a little easier on me again!
  • griffx12
    griffx12 Posts: 110 Member
  • HeatherSLosinIt
    HeatherSLosinIt Posts: 79 Member
    I do but HATE it. Women unite- it sucks! this TMI but I stumbled upon the Tampax Ultra and it is a lifesaver. Larger than the super plus. Sorry if TMI, ladies...

    These saved me, too. Always need MORE the first couple days, and these are Heaven sent! If it's tmi... well, sensitive people shouldn't wander into questions about periods, right...?
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    First two days I don't workout. Too much blood and cramps. I do walk tho.
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    take some midol and push through it,thats what i
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    Always. But everyone is different and experiences different symptoms :-)
  • gypsybree
    gypsybree Posts: 218
    If the ibuprofen helps then yeah I do
  • wildapril
    wildapril Posts: 97 Member
    Definitely do. Makes me feel better by improving my mood and energy.

    I also ride horses on the beach and only wear white. ;)

    OMG! For me, that's the only time I go out and play tennis in my new white shorts with my girl friends!