How many calories are you guys eating in a day?



  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    2900 calories. Trying to gain. To maintain I'd be eating 2600~
  • kiwinik
    kiwinik Posts: 25 Member
    bump - thanks heaps!
  • NewAngel35
    NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
    What are your opinions on how many calories you should be eating? A lot of people say not to eat under 1200. What are your opinions and experiences?

    Oh, and feel free to add me for motivation and whatnot! :)

    I used to eat very low. My net cals were always 600-800..bad. Didn't loose this last time .So now I am doing a metabolism rest.I'm up to BMR which is 1400..I' heading for TDEE.Like someone said I will never recommend low cals again. I intend to do what the first person said TDEE -15%.
    1200 kcals is not even most peoples BMR unless you small.I personally believe that it is starving us when me eat this low. I've had a major shift in the last 3 weeks about this. Bearing in mind all I ever did was super low cals plus **** loads of exercise. IT STOPPED WORKING !!!! Couldn't believe it.Had to try something else.
  • well I'm like dying at 1200 calories...
    I set the thing for losing 1 1/2 lbs a week. I find these calories kind of light and it leaves me hungry midday and at night. I'm never really "FULL", only temporarily satisfied. I guess that's how it ought to be though.

    You need to volumize your eating. Find the foods that you like that are super healthy and low in calories and eat lots of them. Huge
    Salad, peppers with low calorie cream cheese, celery with any kind of filling, low calorie cream cheese, cheese whiz, egg salad, bowls of homemade soup. vegetables with dips(low calorie) Just eat when hungry...using low calorie whole live foods.

    It will only work for you if you find healthly foods that you love.
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    well I'm like dying at 1200 calories...
    I set the thing for losing 1 1/2 lbs a week. I find these calories kind of light and it leaves me hungry midday and at night. I'm never really "FULL", only temporarily satisfied. I guess that's how it ought to be though.

    How much do you have to lose? 1 1/2 per week is high. Try 1 lb instead, then you can eat more. If you are starving while you lose the weight, you won't be able to start eating normally when you are done. Either recalculate with MFP or try adding 100 calories per day until you aren't starving.

    like 19lbs. I started at 149, going for somewhere in the 130s
    You need to set your weekly weight loss to no more than 1 lb per week, really it should be 0.7 lbs week. When you get down to about 10 lbs to lose, then the weekly goal should be 0.5 lb per week.
  • NewAngel35
    NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
    well I'm like dying at 1200 calories...
    I set the thing for losing 1 1/2 lbs a week. I find these calories kind of light and it leaves me hungry midday and at night. I'm never really "FULL", only temporarily satisfied. I guess that's how it ought to be though.

    How much do you have to lose? 1 1/2 per week is high. Try 1 lb instead, then you can eat more. If you are starving while you lose the weight, you won't be able to start eating normally when you are done. Either recalculate with MFP or try adding 100 calories per day until you aren't starving.

    like 19lbs. I started at 149, going for somewhere in the 130s
    You need to set your weekly weight loss to no more than 1 lb per week, really it should be 0.7 lbs week. When you get down to about 10 lbs to lose, then the weekly goal should be 0.5 lb per week.

    I AGREE !!!^^^^^^^^
  • I have just found out that I eat less than 1200 a day, I thought I was eating waay more than this.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Some days I eat > 1200 before breakfast.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'm at 1333. This is my BMR for my goal weight. I might end up upping it again for a little while. I have quite a ways to go til my GW.
  • MissBernie73
    MissBernie73 Posts: 115 Member
    I eat 1200, i'm only 5'2 and have a desk job. I dont eat a lot of carbs so fill up on vegies and salad with still some room for treats. I do eat back some of my exercise calories but try not to eat all of them.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    At moment? between 500 and 1000c a day. Oh and that is total.. not net... Net can be 200-400c a day...

    Back to normal in two weeks again,

    Hate all you want guys but studies show no decrease in strength or LBM in short term PSMF.

    Going to go back to 1500-1800 after the two weeks over.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Bump for later. Want to read & understand what Dan is saying. My maintenance goal is about 1800 but have been under by about 300 a day. I am feeling ok but losing rather than maintaining.
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    I eat anywhere from 1450-2000 depending on exercise. If I don't exercise I'm about 1450-1600. If I do, it goes over.

    I lost about 30lbs not doing anything with diet (essentially drinking and eating crap constantly) and just exercising. And now throwing in somewhat watching my caloric intake, I've already lost another 10 lbs. And this is eating whatever I want, just so long as its within my calories. I usually eat healthy, but it could be healthy whatever.
  • lewist90
    lewist90 Posts: 126 Member
    im on 3200 a day..........(sorry for you guys dieting)

    saying that tho im still 7% bodyfat even with such high calories

    id say never go over 500kcals below TDEE if you are dieting down.......just my opinion
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    im on 3200 a day..........(sorry for you guys dieting)

    saying that tho im still 7% bodyfat even with such high calories

    id say never go over 500kcals below TDEE if you are dieting down.......just my opinion

    I'm guessing that includes your exercise calories ;) Its amazing how easy it is to burn 1000 calories working out once you get used to it.
  • lewist90
    lewist90 Posts: 126 Member
    im on 3200 a day..........(sorry for you guys dieting)

    saying that tho im still 7% bodyfat even with such high calories

    id say never go over 500kcals below TDEE if you are dieting down.......just my opinion

    I'm guessing that includes your exercise calories ;) Its amazing how easy it is to burn 1000 calories working out once you get used to it.

    no thats base calories food intake only lol im a big eater and currently bulking
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    im on 3200 a day..........(sorry for you guys dieting)

    saying that tho im still 7% bodyfat even with such high calories

    id say never go over 500kcals below TDEE if you are dieting down.......just my opinion

    I'm guessing that includes your exercise calories ;) Its amazing how easy it is to burn 1000 calories working out once you get used to it.
    no thats base calories food intake only lol im a big eater and currently bulking

    Holy flying monkeys - that is a lot... Well, I'm a long distance runner / triathlete: Bulking isn't something I know about...
  • jinjin8
    jinjin8 Posts: 220 Member
    Between 1600 to 2100 calories, usually average around 1850.
  • dawson55510
    dawson55510 Posts: 197 Member
    About 5000 kcal but bulking for show from now to Christmas