When is a relationship beyond fixing



  • snipalicous
    Talk to him about the problems instead of asking an internet forum. You'll probably learn a lot more and get flamed a lot less.

    I think I worry about his answer ...........

    Even if he does not answer the way you want, atleast you will know. I would agree that you should talk tohim about what is going on because too many ppl can give the wrong advice for what is best for you. I also agree with going on a few dates and make some time for just the two of you, that is very important and vital in every relationship. If he doesnt want to...then you have your answer
  • dalana84
    dalana84 Posts: 75 Member
    I have taken a lot in from the responses this thread has attracted. They all make sense, but only some feel right for me. I'm not going to leave him out of a decision about what to do with the relationship because for quite a few reasons, we need to make it together. I'm not able to say that I think once we talk things out, everything will be okay, but I can say that I know we will be honest with each other and regardless of the outcome I know that I can count on him to always be the great dad that he is.

    Thank you again to everyone who gave their input, I read them all and I learned a lot. I will be walking away with some great advice.
  • Parthiv0304
    Well if u r not an angel anymore for him someone else might be! If you know for sure he can do that to you then stick it out and things will start getting better
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    It's rareybeyond fixing unless one party doesn't want to work at it. However, it may not be worth fixing if the bad considerably outweighs the good.

    I've been with my husband for 22 years and based on your post you've argued more in the past 2 weeks than we have in the past 2 decades. You have to decide if it's worth saving and if it is both of you need to work at it. And make no mistake about it - it will be hard.

    This is excellent advice. I tried for a long time to fox a relationship, but the guy just wasn't having it. No amount of work on my part was going to make up for what he lacked. It is also worth considering if you even want to fix it- weigh your pros and cons.

    The best advice I can give is you two need to sit down and talk it through. Decide which direction you want to head in and if you want to do that together. Weigh your options.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I do still have love for him, a lot of it and I miss the days when I confided in him and went to him for comfort.

    So why did you stop? Confide in him about this, and ask for some comfort. You might be surprised to find that a simple lack of communication has allowed some minor issues to fester to the point where you aren't talking TO each other any more, but AT each other. Just start talking, and if you still love each other the real issues will bubble up pretty quickly, and you can address them.

    Make it clear that you are in a crisis about your relationship and what you feel is lacking. Be honest about your own contributions to the problems and sincere about your feelings.

    If he steps up to the plate and agrees to work at it, there's still something there that the two of you can work with. If not, well, you've at least cut right to the chase and given it an honest go, and if you decide to leave it'll be clear to both of you why it happened.

    This is great advice. My last relationship failed because my partner refused to talk to me about what we were struggling with. He thought talked about it would make our relationship weaker, and he was scared of it causing damage. Turned out not talking just did that.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    I think it may be more gray than others are making it out to be. Have you thought about why you argue? My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years and there will be days and occasionally part of a week where we snip at each other too, but it's usually for a good reason (one of us is beyond stressed at work, extenuating circumstances, or I'm PMSing and he can do nothing right). If you're being a brat, is he getting the impression he can do nothing right? That will kill a man's self esteem in a heartbeat. If you want it to work out, work at it - if you're indifferent, maybe it's time to move on (though the faces may change, the problems you're experiencing may stay the same!). Think long and hard about it.
  • dalana84
    dalana84 Posts: 75 Member
    Accept the fact that you're wrong and he's right. . problem solved.

    I noticed they don't have a "punch in the face" smiley anywhere .....

    :laugh: jk!
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    My wife and I have had issues but its being worked on. In my opinion it is over when the other person quits trying or your tired of trying. Either way its good to end it before your needs wander elsewhere.
    Some ppl would say if my significant othere did blank blank or trated me like blank blank . I would leave her/him, but in reality we all make mistakes but if someone is not willing to own up to them, face them and deal with the consequences and try to work on a solution then it is truly time to call it quits.
  • lesliethescrivener
    We live in this culture where the longevity of a relationship is celebrated; where sometimes that becomes more important than the satisfaction in a relationship. People are always quick to say, "You've been together SO long, don't give up!" Meh. If you're unhappy, go be happy. There doesn't have to be some rock solid reason to break up with anyone (i.e cheating, fighting so many days a week, etc.). You can fall in love with someone who is a wonderful person - but maybe they aren't right for you for a lifetime.

    If you're not happy, go be happy! You don't need anymore justification than that.

    ^ this.
  • dbriggs9
    dbriggs9 Posts: 31 Member
    We live in this culture where the longevity of a relationship is celebrated; where sometimes that becomes more important than the satisfaction in a relationship. People are always quick to say, "You've been together SO long, don't give up!" Meh. If you're unhappy, go be happy. There doesn't have to be some rock solid reason to break up with anyone (i.e cheating, fighting so many days a week, etc.). You can fall in love with someone who is a wonderful person - but maybe they aren't right for you for a lifetime.

    If you're not happy, go be happy! You don't need anymore justification than that.

    I agree. People come in and out of your life at different times for different reasons. There's no reason to hang on to something just because it is. Let go and move forward. it hurts, and it's easier said than done. But, the point is to be happy. I hate arguing. Ugh! I never argue in my relationships and people tell me that's why they dont last. I have to keep calling BS on that. They dont last for different reasons. Mainly, I'm really difficult to live with.
  • crimznrose
    crimznrose Posts: 282 Member
    I've been married 11 years - we've had cyclic arguing for the last two years but it's never been what I'd call a happy marriage - but there is happiness and despite our MANY differences we do love each other. We've been separated, we fight, I've taken the kids and left, but even when we think we can't stand to fix it we can't stand to be without the other.

    I'm personally reading a relationship counseling workbook right now and the most important thing is that you have to make sure you're ok before you can work on the relationship. Sometimes, we have some very skewed perceptions of what a healthy relationship is and if you WANT to make it work, try one of those books or counseling. If you' don't want to put real work into it, then you don't want to go on.

    Just like weight loss, relationships are work...a lot of work and you only get the reward if you put in the time and effort.
  • dbriggs9
    dbriggs9 Posts: 31 Member
    Life is short. Be happy.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I find fights with my husband are always both ways. It's how we act and react to the current situation.

    Do I enjoy my husband laying dirty clothes on the floor? No.

    I can either A) Complain about it and remind him for what seems to be the 2,555th time (We've been together 7 years!) and than I come across as the nagging, complaining wife. Or I can B) Suck it up, and pick up his clothes to put in the hamper, with a smile on my face, realizing I can pick my battles wisely.

    If I go with option A, it is likely to escalate and lead to more. He will then point out something I do all the time that drives him crazy. We will go back and forth bantering, and end the fight getting no where. If I go with option A, he will realize I did it and did not say anything, and be impressed.

    It's all about how you approach the situation. You say you argue about finances. My assumption is you are not arguing about "Honey, We have WAY to much money in the back account, I simply don't know what to do with it!" The love of money is the root of all evil. How do you approach the conversations? Does he think you spend to much? Do you feel all your purchases are justified? If so, you will automatically have your defenses up. Try a different approach (if this is the case) and tell him "You know what, I see now that I did go over board. I wasn't thinking, I'm really sorry about that"

    Just try different approaches.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    You're still young and you're hot. Move along. Life's too short to argue all the time.
  • sonniedee
    This! Excellent advise, and the absolute most mature, and non-threatening approach to take. How ever it turns out, both parties should come out of it knowing that the best possible effort was made.
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    Somebody sent me this today:
    "Actually, I just woke up one day and decided I didn't want to feel like that anymore, or ever again. So I changed. Just like that."

    I think it boils down to 2 questions - are you happy now? And, if nothing changes, do you see yourself happy a year from now.
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    I'm just learning how to make the right decisions for ME not everyone else.

    Per you profile you have 2 kids, so you are not just making decisions for YOU.

    True but I need to be in a healthy and positive state of mind for them, and so does he. I don't want them to grow up in a house full of anger and stress.

    That's right. That was a big consideration for me. When my ex and I broke, it was for the best for everyone, including our son. A stressful environment with constant arguing was not healthy for him. My ex and I have been able to become friends again, be good parents, and move on with our lives.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Go see Dr Phil.
  • annahuebscher
    If you're asking if your relationship is beyond fixing, it's beyond fixing.

  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Unless there are kids involved, just end it. It's not worth it. It shouldnt be that hard. You want to be with him, he wants to be with you. The end. When that part stops, it's over. It's sad that people make something so simple and beautiful so complicated and ugly.
