What is the MEANEST email you ever sent....



  • SavageRabidBeast
    SavageRabidBeast Posts: 481 Member
    Ooh, I sent an email to a girl one time and told her the reason no one wants to be her friend is because she tells her mom everything and no one trusts her.

    She told her mom, and her mom called my mother. And my mom told her off.

    Haha, this one sounds kinda like mine. I once told a friend of mine something personal back in the day and told him not to tell ANYONE, not even his mom. Within a couple weeks later I got a voicemail from his mom. Like are you serious dude! Needless to say he got a nasty long email telling him basically that we that was unacceptable, he's a big mouth piece of *kitten* that can't keep his mouth shut. That's when I dropped his *kitten* from being a friend and haven't talked to him in almost 6 years now!
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I thought this topic would be funnier...
    I did my part!
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member

    Yes, but Section 12, B, ii, of the internet freedom act states that anyone who leaves their email open on a public computer has authorized any person to send emails on their behalf

    Well I guess you only have one joke, since this is identical to your post in the thread asking for advice on interview questions. That aside, what you did was incredibly stupid and potentially seriously damaging to that persons' professional relationship. And admitting to it as a amusing anecdote about yourself and your friends is equally appalling. Gay jokes are just SOOOO funny, aren't they? :noway:

    Seriously? I doubt a bunch of 18 year old girls sending an email from someones account damaged their professional relationship. A simple "I didn't send that email, I left my account open at the hotel" would fix that problem. So lighten up. Yes, it's funny, and I wish I could have seen the end result.
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    My girlfriends and I were staying in a hotel with a computer in the lobby, a guy forgot to log out of his work email. We responded to a work related email, coming out of the closet and confessing our love to their (i think) boss. hehe

    I'm sorry, but how is ruining a total stranger's career funny?

    Or maybe I helped them find love in each other? One will never know!

    I would be careful about posting such things on a public forum, because what you did is a violation of federal wiretap law and a felony.

    Yes, but Section 12, B, ii, of the internet freedom act states that anyone who leaves their email open on a public computer has authorized any person to send emails on their behalf

    Legal or not, it's morally repugnant. What you didn't think of (and what I bet you don't want to think of) is that you probably got that poor guy fired, ruined his reputation, and possibly got him sued for sexual harassment.

    What you should have done? Click "log out". That's what any decent person would have done.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I don't send nastygrams via email. I prefer to say things to the person's face, as much as that sucks to do.

    The irony..
  • monipie
    monipie Posts: 280 Member
    i made a facebook account for my husband because he didn't want to do it himself and his family wanted to share pictures and see our kids etc. he has a huge family and they post a lot of religious (chicken soup for the soul) kinds of things, that i don't mind but it can be too much.
    anyway, one of his ex girlfriends messaged him (me) and i responded telling her that i was actually his wife and i would appreciate it if she did not message him. well, she did not respond. instead, she emailed him directly- which he showed me. she put that she doesn't understand why they couldn't keep in touch and why i should feel "threatened" by her when she lives hundreds of miles away.
    so again, i emailed her. from my email saying-. that she is a pathetic, lonely person and i am not "threatened" in the slightest, since i have already seen pictures of her on facebook. i put that she is so pathetic- my husband did not even want to respond to her. she is so pathetic that he was embarrassed that i had seen pictures of her.
    i don't like it when b*tches try to mess with my man. the mean will come out!
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Oh my god... I had went on what was one of the WORST dates I had ever been on. This guy desperately needed to know how bad he really was, so I sent a NASTY email to him afterwards. It was glorious. I believe one of the lines I said in it was "If you can't afford to buy a girl a sandwich, you should really NOT be dating."
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    My girlfriends and I were staying in a hotel with a computer in the lobby, a guy forgot to log out of his work email. We responded to a work related email, coming out of the closet and confessing our love to their (i think) boss. hehe

    I loled at this one. Priceless, good job!
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    I once sent an email to a reporter and told her that her appearance was displeasing and that she was a horrible role model and that she should be ashamed of herself.

    Oh wait...that wasn't me. Never mind!
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    To an ex. You won't want to read it. IT would make your eyes bleed and your brain hurt.
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    My girlfriends and I were staying in a hotel with a computer in the lobby, a guy forgot to log out of his work email. We responded to a work related email, coming out of the closet and confessing our love to their (i think) boss. hehe

    I'm sorry, but how is ruining a total stranger's career funny?

    the topic is mean emails....not funny
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    In response to being told I have no self-esteem for parading around a stage being judged in a bikini and am a bad mother and role model for competing, I said this person was insecure. Apparently that did not sit well with said person..... Really, why does my exes current know or care that much about me and what I do anyway?
  • EmilyJaneRigali
    what is the point of this thread?
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    what is the point of this thread?

    I was bored and curious, I was hoping to be entertained. Sometimes people post rather pointless posts on Chit Chat and Fun and Games.
    You should try it sometime.
  • GibblesandBits8064
    GibblesandBits8064 Posts: 26 Member
    This is going to sound really awful and I only sent this via email because when I found out I was at home and she was at her house across town and I was not going to drive all the way there just to say this to her face. I found out my sister was sleeping around on her husband for the like the fourth time. It didn't bother me that much the first three times because I was like it's her life she can do whatever. But, I found out she was sleeping with this guy at his house right in front of my neice and nephew. I was so pissed. And I also found out his house is really nasty. So not only was she subjecting her 1 and 4 year old to this nasty house, but they were watching TV in the same room she was having sex with this guy. So I emailed her and told her to give her kids up for adoption and I would adopt them so that she could still see them, but so that she couldn't do things like that to them anymore. This whole thing made me particularly angry because I adopted my then boyfriend's (now husband) three month old son because his ex-wife didn't want to take care of him. She wanted to go screw around and drink and party. And mind you she was older than me. So I was mad that my own sister would act the same way. I said a lot of nasty things and I still feel bad about it today, but I also stand by it because she was acting stupid. She broke it off with that guy later that week. I think that's the meanest email I've ever sent. I did also write a nasty email to my husband's ex-wife when she tried to tell me I wasn't going to pose as her son's mother even though I took care of him and adopted him and was there for him when she wasn't and I have been for the past four years. But, that's a whole other story!
  • Melolicious
    Melolicious Posts: 71 Member
    A co-worker replied all instead of just replying and sent her not very flattering assesment of the original senders presentation to our group and she was really pissy about it - it was personal, not professional issues... she didn't realize until the next day that she sent it to nearly 100 other people, including all of our managers and our VP. She didn't last long after that!
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    what is the point of this thread?

    to tell the meanest email youve ever sent
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I don't think I've ever sent a mean email. I thought about it with my aunt on my dad's side that I don't want a relationship with at the moment when she friend requested me on facebook numerous times and got my address from her son to send me bday and xmas cards. But I decided to not do that. The worst email I ever got was when a guy I was dating in high school dumped me... through said email. lol

    I got dumped via text message a few years ago by a guy I wasn't even having a relationship with. We'd had a couple dates...everything seemed ok. A few days after the second date (which was me giving him a free ticket to a concert that I had won tickets to AND picking him up because his car was dead, etc)...I get the "I don't really like you" text. I actually thought it was funny because we had only been out twice and I wasn't entirely sure I liked him either...
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I probably shouldn't confess to stuff like that.
  • missytrishy
    missytrishy Posts: 203 Member
This discussion has been closed.