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Beautiful Blues 2/15/10



  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    j_g4ever - I'm concerned about you... in the ER, Doctor's not sure, gained 10 lbs.... could be thyroid?? I don't know, but maybe worth some more doctor visits. Take care of yourself and listen to your body.

    almomay - Great job getting your school work done. Always feels great to finish a project and submit it. And a 30 day shred workout is still a great workout. High five for fitting in some exercise!

    msh0530 - I'm not surprised they told you not to swim after giving blood. Keep eating wholesome healthy foods and your body will be back to normal in no time!

    I did level 3 of the 30 day shred this morning... and I am planning on a step aerobics class this evening. Keep movin' Blues!
  • Wow! 52 lbs lost?! That's awesome! Please don't cry -- the body is a funny thing. It holds weight, it discards weight... Here's to hoping you start to find some positive momentum soon! Soon you'll kick off that 10 lbs, and even more.

    As for me, I'm finally feeling really great about some forseable weight loss! Next Monday -- you just watch for it :tongue: That weight is coming down! Yesterday I had a really solid run. 45 minutes of some serious intervals: 3 min run, 3 min sprint, 3 min run, 3 min hill (5%), repeat. I don't usually feel 'worked out' from cardio, but this was a great feeling. Those interval peaks were tough! Today i woke up at 5:30 am to do a bit of circuit training. I'm definitely proud and feeling great!

    I've made a little deal with myself: No hydrogenated oils, no processed sugar, only 1 coffee/day, and veggies w every meal. The reward is that I get to lose weight LOL.

    Hope you're all well and feeling great! I'm enjoying the rest of the morning indoors where I can watch the snow fall; big, light, fluffy flakes and a healthy wind.. Beautiful!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I am hoping to get in a decent workout today, this cold has really got me! I really hate not having a voice too--I think that is worse than the coughing. I had gained a pound at my weighin last night so I really am needing to get on the bandwagon!

    j_g take care of yourself. Maybe we can help. If it is thyroid you would feel cold, tired, unable to think clearly and gain weight, when it is low. Is it something to do with your seizure medication? I am more concerned with how you are feeling than the weight gain. That is frustrating of course especially since you have been working so hard. Take care of yourself--don't beat yourself up you have been doing so much! Somethings we just don't have control over--its seems you need to find a way to get your body into balance.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Thank you everyone for your concerns. I went in today and got a doctors note to get my thyroid checked with all the blood that they took from me yesterday. So I will call the clinic later today as we all know they are never very good at getting back to us. I have thyroid problems anyways so that was my first thought. With my seizures I just got a call from that doctor and I made an appointment with her on Friday to maybe switch some meds around there. I had a theropist appointment today and she made me feel so much better for sure. She helps so much. She is wondering if some of it doesn't have to do with my depression. So with the help of my doctors, friends and you guys whom are all AWESOME. I will get through this and get back on track soon. I don't know if exercise is on my list of things to do tonight or not maybe just a 1/2hr to start out again. I'm starting back really hard with counting calories. I'm giving up a bad habit that I have had for over a month with peanut butter and chocolate chips. I have always made sure they are within my calorie limits before eating it however, I'm going to give them up and just have it as a here or there thing.

    Thank you again everyone I don't know what I would do without you guys.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Just thought I would throw one thing out there.
    I'm personally not on medication, but doesn't the amount of medication co-relate with how heavy someone is?

    If you lose 50 lbs, isn't it possible you don't need as much medication, or not as strong etc?
    Something to remind the doctor.
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
    hi all

    jg- Definitely take care of yourself. Your health is more important than any weight loss program. Hope you feel better.

    debnu- Hope you feel better. Stay hydrated and get in lots of vitamin c and wholesome nutrition.

    Taradise- Awesome job on your workouts. Keep it up, you are doing great.

    Kat- Wow, your workout sounds very exciting. Where did you do that? Outside?

    msh- That's cool that you get to donate blood. I've never tried because of my past with anemia. I also have thin veins.

    tthumper- What kind of workout are you doing now? You had mentioned p90x so I wanted to know if you were doing something specific.

    My plan for today is to do Insanity Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs for a total of about 55 minutes. I plan to workout while my toddler naps. Now I'm off to do some readings for school.

    To a wonderful day all!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    jg- Take care of yourself. you're health is the most important thing. Weight is only a part of us being healthy.
    That said here's your kick in the butt at the same time....if you've gained 10 pounds can you honestly say you've followed your plan or have you strayed...one thing I can say is when I've gained a bit over the last year or so it's always related to not eating like I should. I've had 2 pound fluctuations morning after a long run or weight workout which I can always account to fluid but those pesky pounds from like over Christmas, etc...are all me not doing what I need to do. It's our choice to control ourselves when we feel good and when we feel bad....it's hard but to get where we want to be, we have no choice or we wouldn't be here - would we? I know you can do it - chalk it up as a lesson learned and get back at it. If you can't exercise, be even smarter on your food choices. Be sure your getting all the nutrition you need!

    You can do it!!!!!!

    Debnu-feel better
    Almomay hope your reading was relaxing!
    Mary-feels great to see that your health is improving doesn't it
    Dawn--see above! We can do this!
    kat-that's some dedication let us know how it goes!

    Hi San, Tara, Peter!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Just thought I would throw one thing out there.
    I'm personally not on medication, but doesn't the amount of medication co-relate with how heavy someone is?

    If you lose 50 lbs, isn't it possible you don't need as much medication, or not as strong etc?
    Something to remind the doctor.

    That's a very good point?!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    tthumper- What kind of workout are you doing now? You had mentioned p90x so I wanted to know if you were doing something specific.

    Hey Almomay,
    I'm doing EA Active for the Wii since Beg of February. There's a 30 day challenge which i'm doing at the hardest setting,(approx 30 mins) and I'm doing an extra 30 mins custom workout everyday - The custom workout I've got myself 17 exercises (2 mins or so each) from Basketball shooting/passing to volleyball serving/setting/bumping, to inline skating jumping, to baseball catch/throw, baseball swinging and some pitching, Boxing (targets and a heavy bag), some tennis forehand swings backhand swings, dancing, and for my cardio I have a medium run at the beginning and then 3 exercises at the end all running (jogging on the spot).
    I'm up to 12 laps on the EA active which turns around to be about 9 mins of jogging on the spot with 10 secs of walking inbetween. Really get's my heart beating. I'm hoping that with this jogging on the spot, when nicer weather comes back and I go back outside, it'll help me jog farther.
    It's ALOT OF FUN. I get my video game addiction and competitiveness in there while exercising.

    I was doing P90x around the time I got into my car accident - August - Then when I was going to physio after a 4-6 weeks or so I started P90x. Then I got a sore back and was quite sore and , I wasn't sure if it was still from the accident, so I stayed away from P90x for a bit. I have realized since then that my hamstring was so dam tight (strained it or something), and the tight hamstrings were causing pain in my back.
    Then came the holidays and did nothing. After the holidays I wanted to do something before getting back into P90x, ie the EA active.
    I got both workouts on the hardest settings, and do a good burn.
    In 2 weeks or so when the EA 30 day challenge is done, I will return and try to finish off my last 60 days for P90x just in time to go to florida for my wedding in May.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Just thought I would throw one thing out there.
    I'm personally not on medication, but doesn't the amount of medication co-relate with how heavy someone is?

    If you lose 50 lbs, isn't it possible you don't need as much medication, or not as strong etc?
    Something to remind the doctor.

    That's a very good point?!

    Thank you Chrissy for your kick in the butt. I'm going to walk on the treadmill tonight just to get started. I also have a new plan that I made with my theropist that will make sure I don't sleep past a certain time anymore and the way i have it planned I will workout as much as possible right away in the morning. I got my results back from my thyroid test and everything is normal there. I'm already on meds for it so that means my meds are keeping on right on track. as far as the meds thing I'm actually going in on Friday to my doctor and I'm going to talk to her about this. I am on several meds however most of them are for my conversion disorder. If you are wondering what that is basically my body doesn't deal with stress and anxiety most bodies deal with it. Instead I go into what are pseudo seizures. I have been under some stress and some anxiety lately so we have to figure out the med thing. I made sure to make my appointment when my husband is off of work because I have been so shaky I don't and shouldn't be driving.

    Thank you again everyone for you support it really means the world to me.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Wow I missed the new post. I drove 12 hours and 800 miles to visit my family for a while since I have an unexspected vacation
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I definitely agree about medication adjustments when losing. I haven't had any yet, but my dr. has discussed it with me the last two checkups, and told me last week that hopefully sometime this year I will be able to come off of one of the two meds that I take for diabetes. The thought of that excites me. I have been on them for over 10 years. I guess that it gives me incentive to keep going!
    Here's to smart choices!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I definitely agree about medication adjustments when losing. I haven't had any yet, but my dr. has discussed it with me the last two checkups, and told me last week that hopefully sometime this year I will be able to come off of one of the two meds that I take for diabetes. The thought of that excites me. I have been on them for over 10 years. I guess that it gives me incentive to keep going!
    Here's to smart choices!
    Mary, that's absolutely fantastic. What a wonderful feeling that must be.
    It's not your final goal, but definately one of the added pluses that happen on your journey of a healthy lifestyle. Congrads you've done well.

    Myself, tonight another 680 calorie burn today, and my HRM gave me mail, weekly report of 5600 calories burned last week.
    Finish of the week and go into the weekend strong blue team.. We can do it.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I definitely agree about medication adjustments when losing. I haven't had any yet, but my dr. has discussed it with me the last two checkups, and told me last week that hopefully sometime this year I will be able to come off of one of the two meds that I take for diabetes. The thought of that excites me. I have been on them for over 10 years. I guess that it gives me incentive to keep going!
    Here's to smart choices!

    that is wonderful I'm so happy for you.
  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    Good Morning Blues! I had a bad day yesterday - but I've already moved on. I exercised to the 30 day shred this morning, I have a spinning class tonight. I have my meals planned out for the entire day. Today WILL be a better day!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    OMG kenpo just kicked my butt. I couldn't finish thye dvd so I will work something else in tonight
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Mary-that's great progress!

    Taradise - I am right there with you....all my stress from the past month caught up and I ate yesterday....still not as bad of a binge as in the "old" days but SO not good. Back to it today and I'll be running it off tonight! Work finally feels like it's at a reasonable pace....it's been brutally busy.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    didn't get to walking yesterday however stayed within calories. lastnight I made sure that I got my treadmill all ready for me today. I'm going to go back to bed for a little bit then take a little run and go up and down stairs and then i have some errands to do. So busy day for me.
  • Oh my gosh...!

    I am so so so so happy with my focus so far. Joining Beautiful Blues is just what i needed to start celebrating a healthy lifestyle again.

    Does anyone else here find that their health goals get overshadowed or scoffed at by those around them?

    "But Kat - you work out ALL the time!" "If you think you're heavy, that sucks because you're my "healthy" friend" etc. It's all sort of extremist, because a) i dont work out ALL the time -- and it's because i have fitness goals that I do as much as i can! b) my body takes carbs, alcohol, lack of sleep in a very different way than a lot of my friends and so i have to be careful to nurture a healthy lifestyle.

    Anyway, it's def been nice to read your posts and check in periodically for support! Thanks guys!

    As for this week, i'm doing really well. I'm on point with my nutrition, and even did a mid-point weigh-in yesterday and have lost more than a 1 lb! Very encouraging. My body is clearly ready to dump some of this fat! yayayayayay! So, the weekend is ahead of us! Let's kick this Monday's butt!!!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Oh my gosh...!

    I am so so so so happy with my focus so far. Joining Beautiful Blues is just what i needed to start celebrating a healthy lifestyle again.

    Does anyone else here find that their health goals get overshadowed or scoffed at by those around them?

    "But Kat - you work out ALL the time!" "If you think you're heavy, that sucks because you're my "healthy" friend" etc. It's all sort of extremist, because a) i dont work out ALL the time -- and it's because i have fitness goals that I do as much as i can! b) my body takes carbs, alcohol, lack of sleep in a very different way than a lot of my friends and so i have to be careful to nurture a healthy lifestyle.

    Anyway, it's def been nice to read your posts and check in periodically for support! Thanks guys!

    As for this week, i'm doing really well. I'm on point with my nutrition, and even did a mid-point weigh-in yesterday and have lost more than a 1 lb! Very encouraging. My body is clearly ready to dump some of this fat! yayayayayay! So, the weekend is ahead of us! Let's kick this Monday's butt!!!

    Oh yeah - I can relate. Doesn't happen so much anymore but I remember people telling me I obsessed about food and they of course are the same people who have too much to do to exercise....a lot of it is denial on their part. You keep working hard and if you are obsessing about working out - you go girl I am proud of you!!!
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