
  • Count me in. I am currently 228 and would love to be 199. I plan on losing 3lbs a week. Holding myself to a higher standard. Yes its hard as hell but no excuses for me.
  • I will join!

    SW: 215.6

    GW:186 (December 31st!)

    About 2LBS per week, my goal is to complete a work out everyday in October, and work out 5 days a week in November and December. Ultimately I'd like to be burning around 400 calories a day whehter that means I get up early before my 12hr shifts or stay up late! I'll post before and after pictures as well as weight. I'll update my weight in MFP every Tuesday for all to see. WISH YOU ALL LUCK !:) WE GOT THIS!!
  • missspangle
    missspangle Posts: 3 Member
    OK I think this will help with my motivation. I need it after putting on 16lbs in a year and a half!

    I've got 13 weeks so plan to lose 2lbs a week

    Current weight. 188lbs

    Target weight 136lbs

    Weight by 31 Dec 162lbs

    I cook most days but will control portion sizes.
    No wine during the week
    Stick to 1200 cals each day
    Work out (dance, run, weights) 5 x a week.

    Good luck everyone!
  • its late but im in! :laugh:

    C.W 252 :sad:

    want to lose 20lbs by new years! :happy:

    G.W 120

    low carb diet, lemon water, green tea and lots of soups!

    I also cant eat gluten or lactose so eatting is normally boring for me

    eatting smaller portions and regular meals ( normally i skip breakfast)

    eatting 1200 kcals a day aiming to burn off more then 500 a day using cross trainer, kettle bells, exercise bike and running.


  • Mmmmmegan
    Mmmmmegan Posts: 50 Member
    Checking in!

    SW: 290
    9/19: 275.4
    9/24: 273.8
    10/1: 271.8

    GW by 12/31: 250
    GW: 180

    Loss of 3.6 pounds since beginning the challenge!
    We can do this! :D

    -edited to correct date.
  • elizak87
    elizak87 Posts: 249 Member
    Checking in:

    SW: 72.2kg
    24/9: 70.8Kg
    1/10: 70.2kg
    GW: 65kg

    This week was a small loss but I was fortunate to lose that much. I ate terribly this week and only exercised twice. Off to a better start this week.
  • carlayyy2308
    carlayyy2308 Posts: 24 Member
    thanks :)
  • carlayyy2308
    carlayyy2308 Posts: 24 Member
    Hooray Carlayyy!

    Thanks :) xx
  • Jaybew99
    Jaybew99 Posts: 22 Member
    Checking in:

    8/1/12 SW - 287.4
    9/12/12 - 271.6
    10/3/12 - 265.2
    12/31/12 GW - 250

  • So everyone knows I started a group, search 15 weeks until new years and it should come up!
  • cedarghost
    cedarghost Posts: 621 Member

    That's @1.5 pounds per week, buy we will see. I am new to this and just raised my calories a few days ago because I wasn't eating enough.
    Anyway, I will be doing high intensity strength training 3 days a week and HIIT once a week. I am doing the 15 minute workouts from Men's Fitness.
  • carlayyy2308
    carlayyy2308 Posts: 24 Member
    Third weigh in today.

    I lost 2 more pounds!

    starting weight - 182 pounds
    weight on 20/9/12 174 pounds
    weight on 27/9/12 - 172 pounds

    CW - 170 pounds :)
  • ASGG7818
    ASGG7818 Posts: 19 Member
    Im in too! ... Challenge accepted :)

    SW- 238
    GW by 12/31- 165

    Im glad to see so many people going for this, makes me want it even more. Add me if you want, I need all the friends and support I can get during my journey to a "better" me. :)
  • I am in!

    SW: 215
    CW: 187
    Goal by New Years...165!

    I am currently eating 1200 calories a day while doing Jillian Michael's Body Revolution.
  • ErnieVandy
    ErnieVandy Posts: 31 Member
    I'm in also.. though I just joined this week so I would like to lose 1/2 to 1 lb a week. My starting weight is 152 lbs and hope to be 140 by NYE.

  • tratracee123
    tratracee123 Posts: 17 Member
    Checking in
    SW 90kgs or 198 pounds
    CW 87.3kgs or 192 pounds
    GW 75kgs or 165 pounds.

    Had a good week :)
  • luvsbks
    luvsbks Posts: 51
    Checking in:

    Starting Weight: 258
    Weight Now: 245

  • Checking in

    SW - 135
    CW - 133
    Goal - 125

    I increased my cardio, burning between 550-650 calories 5-6x a week. Doing the total gym for strength exercises. Finally got on a roll this week and stopped snacking on bad food, now snacking on healthy food. Let see what next weeks weigh in brings.
  • carlayyy2308
    carlayyy2308 Posts: 24 Member

    starting weight - 182 pounds
    weight on 20/9/12 174 pounds
    weight on 27/9/12 - 172 pounds
    weight on 4/10/12 - 170 pounds

    CW - 169 pounds

    Only a 1 pound weightloss this week, however i did have a chinese takeaway (chicken in black bean sauce), some sweet popcorn at the cinema and went out for my sisters b'day and had a burger and b'day cake! Weightloss still in place - whoop x
  • tratracee123
    tratracee123 Posts: 17 Member
    Another 2 pounds down

    SW 90kgs or 198 pounds
    CW 86.4 or 190 pounds
    GW 75kgs or 165 pounds.