10 questions about your WEDDING...



  • Elise1324
    1, How long did you plan? two months

    2. How much did you spend? (sorry if that's personal) Was this more/less than you planned? 500

    3. How many people were invited/ how many showed up? 25 invited 30 showed

    4. What did you give out for favors (if you had them)? none

    5. What season was your wedding in? fall (sept 30)

    6. What time of day and day of the week was it? 7:00pm tuesday night

    7. 1 thing you would change about the way it turned out? i can't think of anything i would change

    8.Biggest splurge (financially)? Was it worth it? really didn't splurge at all, but maybe his tux

    9. What were your colors? Blue and yellow

    10. Did you do any DIY project to save money? If so, which? i made my own dress does that count?
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    1, How long did you plan? 5 Months

    2. How much did you spend?Us personally around $500. My dad paid for the receptions and decorations. My aunt bought my dress for me. Simple wedding Was this more/less than you planned? Way less. We were ready to pay for it all and then my awesome dad and aunt bounced right on in.

    3. How many people were invited/ how many showed up? Around 50 people were invited, because we originally planned to get married on a mountain that was important to us... But it was horrible weather that day and had to relocate to the family church
    All the most important ones showed up.

    4. What did you give out for favors (if you had them)? Bubbles, and mints in pretty papers.

    5. What season was your wedding in? July- Summer

    6. What time of day and day of the week was it? To early in the damn morning. We had a sunrise wedding and it was on a Saturday.

    7. 1 thing you would change about the way it turned out? That the weather wasn't so crappy and we actually got to get married where we wanted to.

    8.Biggest splurge (financially)? My husband's "boots" Was it worth it? Eh, he was happy

    9. What were your colors? Blue, orange, pink, green, yellow, purple. All the bright *kitten* colors you could think of.

    10. Did you do any DIY project to save money? If so, which? Yep, I made our flower arrangements myself. Saved like a couple hundred dollars.
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    bump. I'm currently planning, and this is all great stuff. Thanks for posting OP!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    1, How long did you plan?

    About two weeks. We knew we wanted to get married, but since his friends and family lived 200 miles away, we wanted to plan the "perfect" wedding that would include everyone... then we realized that it was about US, not our family and friends, and all we needed for the wedding to be perfect was to be married at the end of it. So we got hitched in the courthouse. Being atheists, a church wedding was out, plus the courthouse is one of the most beautiful buildings in the area.

    2. How much did you spend? (sorry if that's personal) Was this more/less than you planned?

    Whatever the license, rings and dress cost. Getting married by a judge is free. We got our rings at Sears and my dress was $50 from JCPenney.

    3. How many people were invited/ how many showed up?

    My parents, his parents and his best friend from back home.

    4. What did you give out for favors (if you had them)?


    5. What season was your wedding in?

    Fall -- early November

    6. What time of day and day of the week was it?

    Friday at 1pm (which is why we didn't have more friends/ family)

    7. 1 thing you would change about the way it turned out?

    More of my family there. We're closer now than we were then.

    8.Biggest splurge (financially)? Was it worth it?

    The rings, I guess.

    9. What were your colors?

    Didn't really have any.

    10. Did you do any DIY project to save money? If so, which?

    I made my bouquet with silk flowers from Wal-mart. :laugh:
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    1, How long did you plan? We had started planning a big traditional wedding about a year before our wedding date. Then we decided "screw it!" and had a smaller wedding that was planned within 2 months.

    2. How much did you spend? (sorry if that's personal) Was this more/less than you planned? About $400

    3. How many people were invited/ how many showed up? Just close family and friends, maybe 20 people all together

    4. What did you give out for favors (if you had them)? Nope, just booze

    5. What season was your wedding in? Summer

    6. What time of day and day of the week was it? It wasa saturday, I think like 11am

    7. 1 thing you would change about the way it turned out? It was perfect, better than any big wedding I could have attempted to plan.

    8.Biggest splurge (financially)? Was it worth it? My dress, a whopping $30. It was a hippie gauze halter

    9. What were your colors? No colors, I wore white and my husband wore a white shirt and khaki shorts

    10. Did you do any DIY project to save money? If so, which? I decorated my flip-flops to match my dress cost me $2 lol
  • evandehey
    evandehey Posts: 18 Member
    1, How long did you plan? - Six months of not very frantic planning (mostly done long-distance)

    2. How much did you spend? (sorry if that's personal) Was this more/less than you planned? $2K

    3. How many people were invited/ how many showed up? 40/38

    4. What did you give out for favors (if you had them)? We didn't have favors

    5. What season was your wedding in? Autumn - October

    6. What time of day and day of the week was it? Friday at 6 pm (ceremony) 7 pm cocktails and small plates

    7. 1 thing you would change about the way it turned out? Nothing. It was absolutely perfect, just our closest friends and family (although that did mean not inviting some people but we threw an informal party a couple of weeks later for everyone.)

    8.Biggest splurge (financially)? Was it worth it? The cake. It was our only really "traditional" wedding thing and it was fabulous.

    9. What were your colors? Peacock feathers (royal blue, turquoise and chocolate brown.)

    10. Did you do any DIY project to save money? If so, which? Our reception was held on our friends' patio so we decorated ourselves with white candles, peacock feathers in the plants, fairy lights, etc.
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    1, How long did you plan?

    we were engaged for 22 months, I booked the church about 2 hours after he proposed ;)

    2. How much did you spend? (sorry if that's personal) Was this more/less than you planned?

    umm...I say about $24000, he says $27000 either way we had budgeted for about $25G and got right up there.

    3. How many people were invited/ how many showed up?

    160 invited, about 120 showed.

    4. What did you give out for favors (if you had them)?

    Leaf shaped bookmarks with a personalized message on the box that said "thank you for marking this page in our grand adventure"

    5. What season was your wedding in?

    Fall! Best season of all in Ottawa!

    6. What time of day and day of the week was it?

    3pm and Saturday

    7. 1 thing you would change about the way it turned out?

    Nothing, it was an utterly perfect day

    8.Biggest splurge (financially)? Was it worth it?

    Venue (Museum of Civilization) or Photographer, and yes, both totally worth it.

    9. What were your colors?

    The full fall pallet, my girls were in Hunter Green (gorgeous) I wore scarlet shoes (and boustiere though that was hidden), chair sashes were bronze, hunter green, olive green, gold, burgundy and copper, had multicoloured foil-wrapped chocolate leaves on the tables, used every fall colour out there in my pomanders and other decorations.

    10. Did you do any DIY project to save money? If so, which?

    ha ha SOOO many: centrepieces, pomanders for the aisles/head table, vases for the girls flowers on the head table, table numbers, seating chart, program fans, messages on favours, "brown bag" lunch bags with a map of the route from the church to the reception and tickets to the museum on them for in between ceremony and reception filled with snacks for the guests, ring pillows (bride and groom sock monkeys that were held by my infant nephews as my little brother carried them up the aisle), my cake topper, a photo wall with open frames so the guests could take their pictures in frames, trunk for props for the photo wall, bathroom baskets, flipflop basket, baskets of colouring books for the kiddos, wish tree, guest book, card box, etc.
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    1, How long did you plan? 4 months

    2. How much did you spend? (sorry if that's personal) Was this more/less than you planned? 10,000

    3. How many people were invited/ how many showed up? 100/75

    4. What did you give out for favors (if you had them)? bells, handmade fans, candy etc

    5. What season was your wedding in? summer

    6. What time of day and day of the week was it? Monday. (was married on 4th of july) weekend weddings are more expensive.

    7. 1 thing you would change about the way it turned out? I would have actually ate some of the freakin $800 dollar wedding cake

    8.Biggest splurge (financially)? Was it worth it? The wedding, yes.

    9. What were your colors? White, a pinkish color, and a light blue

    10. Did you do any DIY project to save money? If so, which? No
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    1, How long did you plan?
    About a year

    2. How much did you spend? (sorry if that's personal) Was this more/less than you planned?

    3. How many people were invited/ how many showed up?
    ---150 invited, 120 showed

    4. What did you give out for favors (if you had them)?
    ---little bags of personalized M&Ms

    5. What season was your wedding in?
    --Late spring - May

    6. What time of day and day of the week was it?
    --Friday 5pm

    7. 1 thing you would change about the way it turned out?

    8.Biggest splurge (financially)? Was it worth it?
    --Food. The food was fantastic. People to this day remark on how good the food was

    9. What were your colors?
    --light blue and silver

    10. Did you do any DIY project to save money? If so, which?
    --we did the favors. i created the invitations. we created wall hangings of "love quotes." I created a logo that branded any and all printed material. i played live music (avatar is from my reception).
  • ABrideToBE
    ABrideToBE Posts: 94 Member
    1, How long did you plan? 10 months

    2. How much did you spend? (sorry if that's personal) Was this more/less than you planned? No more than $1500.00

    3. How many people were invited/ how many showed up? 50+

    4. What did you give out for favors (if you had them)? Chocolate candies

    5. What season was your wedding in? Fall (11/11/11)

    6. What time of day and day of the week was it? Sunday, 11AM (of course)

    7. 1 thing you would change about the way it turned out? I would change the photographer. and musician.

    8.Biggest splurge (financially)? Was it worth it? Hmm.... decorations. Yes, it was special coz I made them all.

    9. What were your colors? Silver, Purple

    10. Did you do any DIY project to save money? If so, which? Yes, all DIY including my dress. :)
  • superpapa16
    superpapa16 Posts: 244 Member
    We eloped, so my answers will be somewhat different...

    1, How long did you plan? Less than a month.

    2. How much did you spend? (sorry if that's personal) Was this more/less than you planned? Including engagement ring and both wedding bands, less than 4K.

    3. How many people were invited/ how many showed up? 2 invited, 2 showed up (bride and groom). If you count the justice of the peace, the inn keeper and his wife (who served as witnesses/ photographer/ videographer/ bartender) we had 5 at the ceremony.

    4. What did you give out for favors (if you had them)? Not applicable.

    5. What season was your wedding in? Late fall. Mid November, going to have to start thinking of something...

    6. What time of day and day of the week was it? Evening on a Wednesday.

    7. 1 thing you would change about the way it turned out? Nothing.

    8.Biggest splurge (financially)? Was it worth it? Engagement rings and wedding bands. Yes. Love them, although we can't wear them anymore, all of them need to be sized down and we don't have the $ to do it right now.

    9. What were your colors? Not applicable.

    10. Did you do any DIY project to save money? If so, which? The whole thing.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    1, How long did you plan? 12 hours???

    2. How much did you spend? (sorry if that's personal) Was this more/less than you planned? under $1000-license, rings & fee to guy that married us

    3. How many people were invited/ how many showed up? big fat ZERO :)

    4. What did you give out for favors (if you had them)? n/a

    5. What season was your wedding in? late summer-September

    6. What time of day and day of the week was it? Saturday around 5 PM

    7. 1 thing you would change about the way it turned out? n/a

    8.Biggest splurge (financially)? Was it worth it? n/a

    9. What were your colors? n/a

    10. Did you do any DIY project to save money? If so, which? n/a
  • MySunshine76
    Personally, I think big weddings are over rated. Why spend that much money?
    1. 2months
    2.About $800
    3.About 20 and all showed
    4. nothing
    5. winter (in January)
    6. 2:00 on a saturday
    7.I would not have the reception at the church, and I would not let my mother get the photographer, I would get a good one!
    8. probably the tuxes yes, it was worth it, but we also didn't get very expensive ones, just basic
    9. blue and white
    10. This one is probably going to shock most ladies, but I borrowed my dress. I couldn't see spending a wad of money on a dress I was going to wear ONE time, and then stuff in a closet. I borrowed a dress from a couple that had been married for many years, because I am superstitious when it comes to things like that. We have been married for 15 years now. I have never regretted not buying a dress.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    As a pro wedding photographer, I am going to tell you something about weddings. What ever anyone tells you, it's going to cost you more than you think. Way more. I don't know why the media, and even other brides lie the way they do about what they spend. But, here's my advice. Before you plan a budget, call a few places, call a venue or two, call a flower person, call a few photographers, DJs, and other service providers and get their price lists and think about what you want to do. Then, prioritize what is more important to you, the dress, the up lighting, the cake, or the photos. Then, once you have your priorities, start looking around at people you would want to hire and book them early. Most of the people you have to book around a year out. The good folks get booked early. Planners can be worth every penny. I strongly recommend staying away from day-of planners and go with full service. They will take everything out of your hands, and a good one knows their stuff and will make everything smooth. They also know what things should cost and will help you with your budget and will help you prioritize, because they have experience and they know in the end, what is really important. You might think the dress is really important, but I am telling you, it's not at all.
  • mercymarque
    1, How long did you plan? 1 yr 1/2

    2. How much did you spend? (sorry if that's personal) Was this more/less than you planned? 30,000

    3. How many people were invited/ how many showed up? we invited 200 ppl. We had more show up at wedding at church and 180 at reception

    4. What did you give out for favors (if you had them)? chocolate cigars for the men and dove bubbles

    5. What season was your wedding in? summer

    6. What time of day and day of the week was it? 3:30 Saturday

    7. 1 thing you would change about the way it turned out? would of had my vows on paper instead of going off the head

    8.Biggest splurge (financially)? Was it worth it? yes... I'm married 8 yrs and still in love

    9. What were your colors? silver

    10. Did you do any DIY project to save money? If so, which? I did most of my stuff online and DIY. This did save tons
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    1, How long did you plan? - About a year.

    2. How much did you spend? (sorry if that's personal) Was this more/less than you planned? $10,000 or so.

    3. How many people were invited/ how many showed up? - 50 invites. 30-40 shows. About what we expected.

    4. What did you give out for favors (if you had them)? - Foam can coozies with our names and wedding date on them. Our reception was indoor/outdoor catered BBQ, so it was more casual than some.

    5. What season was your wedding in? - Autumn. We celebrated 10 years last Saturday.

    6. What time of day and day of the week was it? - Saturday 1pm

    7. 1 thing you would change about the way it turned out? - Not a thing that I had control over.

    8.Biggest splurge (financially)? Was it worth it? - Rental of dishware, linens, etc. Yes. Very elegant result. We also covered the wedding party's dresses and tux rentals. I think it's ridiculous to give someone the "honor" of standing with you and expecting them to pay for it.

    9. What were your colors? - Fall shades.

    10. Did you do any DIY project to save money? If so, which? - Kind of. A friend of ours had a flower stand and gave us all the flowers we needed. We hauled them up from Florida (wedding was in Minnesota) in the back seat of our car and hired a professional in MN to do the arrangements.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I got married about a year ago.

    1, How long did you plan? About a year.

    2. How much did you spend? (sorry if that's personal) Was this more/less than you planned? Total on everything was about $11,000. It was about what we thought.

    3. How many people were invited/ how many showed up? about 50. Everyone we expected would show up did.

    4. What did you give out for favors (if you had them)? Sand dollars with a charm on them

    5. What season was your wedding in? It was technically fall, since it was Labor Day weekend.

    6. What time of day and day of the week was it? 4:30pm on a Saturday

    7. 1 thing you would change about the way it turned out? Would have planned it so that my hair didn't take so long and run into my photo time.

    8.Biggest splurge (financially)? Was it worth it? The restaurant it was held at, and yes.

    9. What were your colors? We didn't have a wedding party, so no real colors...the napkins on the table were seafoam green, and the colors on the cake and flowers were tropical.

    10. Did you do any DIY project to save money? If so, which? Centerpieces, they were fishbowls filled halfway with beach sand, with a candle in the middle and shells around. The bowls were borrowed, the sand free from the beach, and the candles and shells from the dollar store.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    1, How long did you plan? 1 year

    2. How much did you spend? (sorry if that's personal) Was this more/less than you planned? $43,000, I had no budget, he paid for it.

    3. How many people were invited/ how many showed up? 300/250

    4. What did you give out for favors (if you had them)? Full bottles of red wine and champagne to take home (at the time he worked for a winery), bamboo fans (it was a tropical themed reception with a waterfall), candles, beta fish (we ordered 300 fish for the pond, so people took them in little baggies)

    5. What season was your wedding in? End of summer, beginning of fall. It was still 85 degrees.

    6. What time of day and day of the week was it? Wedding was at 1pm, on a Saturday

    7. 1 thing you would change about the way it turned out? I wouldn't have gotten married, we were better as friends.

    8. Biggest splurge (financially)? Was it worth it? The area where the cocktail hour was held. No because it wasn't MY wedding, it was his.

    9. What were your colors? Red and Champagne (hence the favors)

    10. Did you do any DIY project to save money? If so, which? Nope, I really didn't have a say in the wedding. I kind of just showed up for the tastings and the dress fitting, everything else was taken care of by a wedding planner and my ex.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    My wedding was in Vegas….it was small, intimate and a BLAST! LOL

    1, 1.5 years (although it would have been 1 year but we had to post-pone due to a death in the immediate family)

    2. Spent around $8000… (that includes my trip and the money I spent while in Vegas)

    3. Invited 30, about 13 people were able to attend in person (although lots watched the wedding live online!)

    4. I gave out Lottery Tickets!

    5. Summer

    6. Thursday night at 8:30pm – Ceremony. 9:00pm – Reception.

    7. Nothing.

    8. Open Bar – and yes (although everyone was so hungover from the night before there wasn’t as much drinking as I had hoped! Haha)

    9. Red / Black / White

    10. Invitations / Thank You Cards
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Sorry one more thing, prices vary WIDELY by region. So, when someone in Ohio says they spent $10,000 on their wedding, that's like a $60,000 wedding in Newport Beach, CA. Just keep that in mind. Price is really tricky and not a good indicator on a site like this, where every one is from a different area of the country or world.