Anyone with Depression/Anxiety



  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    Paxil has saved my life. I have never gained weight on meds. I have gained a TON withOUT them. I have spent 20 years finding what works from me to diet, exercise, meds, no meds, vegetarianism, New Age, Angels, church, wicca, blah blah blah.

    I eat well, get a lot of rest, drink a lot of water, get some exercise, have a ton of hobbies and take 40mg a day of Paxil I was once on 80 but have gone completely off, then found my perfect dose at 40mg. I come from a long line of abuse and PTSD and I have wonderful doctors that have helped me hit my sweet spot. Depression runs in my family.

    Keep on keeping on. It's a lot of work. Never ever give up. You, too, will find your sweet spot. There is no reason you have to gain weight on pharmaceuticals. None.

  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
    these posts have been very helpful, thank you
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    YES!!! and I have tried numerous meds and none work for me so I stay off the meds and workout and meditate.. Now I am going through a broken heart which feels like death and making me more sad but I think I will live well, hopefully
  • I have them both, have ups and downs. I know once I actually start working out it helps me. Find a workout that helps you get all that out of you. Once my confidence has built, I feel better about myself.

    I've been a person that's only happy when I have food around, A LOT of food. I eat when I am not hungry just because it makes me happy. It's my addiction and it's going to be a tough journey trying to change that. It can be done and it will be done!

    Just know you can do anything you set your mind to. We all have bad days, I tend to have more bad than good most of the time... It's the hand I was dealt in this life, it's who I am, but not who I am going to be.
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    Finding the right medication is a good start. The right medication doesn't make you "not care". I'm bipolar II and have some anxiety issues. It's made a world of difference to get the right medications for me. I've tried close to a dozen medications before I found the right ones. And now I don't have my depressed days or my angry days or my absof*ckinglutely psychotic days. It's nice, but usually there is a lot of trial and error involved.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I tried St Johns Wort but it made me very sensitive to the sun. I plan to try it again, because it did help.

    Honestly, I take it one day at a time. Not getting out of bed in the morning is not an option for me because I have my two little boys to take care of all day. The side effects of most medications are ghastly and I have no insurance, so I try mediating, journaling, and exercising as much as possible. Good luck...depression is awful.
  • My psychiatrist asked me questions that have to do with depression like "do you want to die and stuff like that". The truth is that I feel sad but I don't cut or want to die,in fact I want to be fitter and healthier so I can look/feel good and live longer (the irony).

    But I'm already on anti-depressants for OCD. She's going to change the pills i'm taking now (Luvox) to something else. She actually wants to talk with me about the medication.
    I still have the intrusive thoughts but it's not like before and I'm insecure and shy but maybe it's not only my fault,I sometimes feel like I'm being rejected from a group and that causes me to be insecure.
  • rachelblank427
    rachelblank427 Posts: 180 Member
    I have struggled with with major clinical depression in my teenage years and overcome that. For the past year i have struugled with anxiety. I have recently started seeing a therapist about the anxiety. Im dont want medication. I will not accept that. I dont want to walk around like a zombie, and thats how i would be if i was on some. Lately iv been working on the.stop thought process and have been working on the breathing techniques. Exercise really helps me feel better. But there are days like this one where the anxiety has got me down in the dumps and i dont really want to watch what i eat and exercise and think why do i have to do this? Why cant i be they naturally skinny ones etc.

    But i know if i get my lazy butt up and move and work it out i will feel better. Thats usually what it takes to get me feeling like normal
  • lilreddress
    lilreddress Posts: 9 Member
    Wow! I am glad I found this board! I have suffered from depression my whole life, and at the age of 24, I was actually diagnosed with anxiety disorder. Now at the age of 31, I suffer from PTSD as well. I've just started a workout regime (again), because like most of you have said, I know that exercise increases those endorphins which automatically lifts your spirts and gives you more energy. I can always use more motivation though. I am a working single mom of 3 kids, and I had to turn my lunch hour into "workout hour", at least half of it anyway. I do sit ups, push ups, and various arm/leg exercises (with bands or weights) in my office. Then we have a big grassy area behind our building that I run in, and I also run up and down the outside stairs. It's easy for me to do because everyone else in the office leaves for lunch, so I don't have to worry about running into (literally) people ha ha. But I have my bouts. I just re-started exercising this week, and I really hope I keep it up. I don't normally have time to come onto the message boards, but if you feel like you need or can provide great motivation and encouragement to another "fitness pal", feel free to message me and maybe we can become "pen pals" so to speak =D Thanks and good luck to everyone! Keep your eye on your goal!
  • 9jenn9
    9jenn9 Posts: 309 Member
    Although I've not experienced deep, clinical depression, I've dipped in and out of mild depression. Anxiety is my constant companion. I think of healthy eating and regular exercise as my mental health prescription. A day with good hard exercise is almost always a better day than one without. I feel more centered, calmer and less likely to binge to cope with emotions. In turn, eating well makes the workouts go better. A happy cycle, rather than a vicious cycle (of binging and losing motivation to exercise). Good luck!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Don't give up entirely on antidepressants - it took me many different trials (in fact, combinations) to find the ones that worked for me without turning me into a zombie. This is a biochemical disorder and for a lot of individuals the only way to redress that dopamine and seratonin imbalance is medicinally.

    When you're in your darkest spots and you just don't care, about the best you can do is try to remind yourself that unhealthy eating or lack of exercise will just send you deeper and that's not where yuou want to go. It also helps to have a significant other watch out for warning signals and give you some tough love if you get there.

    Therapeutically, mindfulness therapy has been the best line of attack for me. I tried other things (ACT, Biofeedback etc.) but mindfulness is always accessible and seems to work quicker in my experience. Try reading Thich Naht Hahn's book on mindful eating - "Savor".

    Good luck. May you have more ups than downs.
  • virichi08
    virichi08 Posts: 465 Member
    Remind yourself why you started working out.. then get up and start with walking slowly, then increase to walking at a faster pace. I find that when I have those days I have to either sit around and talk motivation to myself, or just get up and start walking. After about 10 minutes of moving and getting my blood flowing I feel more energetic (and ready to move on to a more aggressive workout) and I am in a better mood for at least that hour after I have worked out.
  • lilreddress
    lilreddress Posts: 9 Member
    Also, anyone else with PTSD that suffers from recurring nightmares? If so, any suggestions on how to stop them? They are seriously about to be the death of me. I don't want to live afraid, either. I find myself extremely paranoid everywhere I go due to past incidences. Any suggestions/advice truly welcome! Please message me! :)
  • I have suffered from depression all my life and Anxiety in more recent years. How do you deal with taking care of yourself when you have moments that you just cant give a damn. I was on antidepressants but they made me apathetic and tired so I gained more weight by just laying around all day. Im off now so I am losing weight but then I will have a bad couple of days were I just dont care. What are your ways to cope with depression??

    Identify the cause and then let it go.
  • nikkicarter13
    nikkicarter13 Posts: 231 Member
    Identify the cause and then let it go.

    How exactly do you let it go? Just forget about it...many people have said this to me, but I just don't understand
  • rachgleeson
    rachgleeson Posts: 83 Member
    i have suffered with depression and panic attacks since my first child was born 9 years ago. Just recently had my meds changed from ciprager to mirap, as the doctor diagnosed me with panic disorder, only stopped taking the ciprager monday, so i am getting withdrawl symptoms at the moment which isnt nice but i know in a week they will be gone!!

    I seriously find lately that exercise does help, as everyone as told me in the past!! I am now believing it!! Sometimes its hard to get up and get going as i am so tired on the new tablets but i found the best time to get the exercise in is first thing in a morning when kids have gone school!!
  • rachelblank427
    rachelblank427 Posts: 180 Member
    Identify the cause and then let it go.

    How exactly do you let it go? Just forget about it...many people have said this to me, but I just don't understand

    Thats what i wanna know? How do u let it go? Its easier said then done. Not everyone has the ability to let it go.
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    I force myself to stay active. I make plans with friends and family. I take classes. I bake for people. I see a counselor. And I stay active - I try to get in a workout on lunch and another hour when I get home from work. Forcing myself to do these things is the only thing that keeps me going some days, when I'd rather forget the world and hibernate in my house. My husband is also a great source of solace, and listens when I need to vent. My suggestion is to make plans, whatever you would normally enjoy. Keep busy and keep working out to pump out those endorphins. It's not the perfect answer, it doesn't cure my depression, but I haven't found a medication that agrees with me yet, so until I do, this is my answer. (((HUGS)))
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Identify the cause and then let it go.

    How exactly do you let go of a biological neurotransmitter imbalance? I'm intrigued.
  • I'm bi polar, i have depression, adhd, and anxiety. I'm like an emotional roller coaster and it kills me. I know I shouldn't say this, but theres times where I just wish i was braindead. When I was on medication I gained soo much weight.. I was SO unhappy with myself. I hated myself. I would cry alllllll the time about anything.
    I'v been off my medication since about febuary (Still take Vyvanse though) and I got a job in March, got my license & a car, starting taking ged classes, and staying active. If you keep yourself busy, I think it'll help ALOT with coping with depression. I get lonely at night and all these bad thoughts start to kick in but i just listen to music, play video games, watch a funny movie, go for a walk, or go to the gym.. Gotta do something to get my mind off of ****.

    Since March, I'v lost 40lbs and mentally, I'v changed so much in those 7months. But I'm still both happy & sad.You just have to remember that things aren't going to always be this way. Things will get better. Try to stay positive and do things that will better your life. Look in the mirror in the morning and say to yourself "Today is going to be a good day".

    I read myself these quotes every morning that I found off the internet and they help me get through the day and they help with my anxiety too. Maybe you could try doing something like that? :)

    "We're all in the same game, just different levels. Dealing with the same hell, just different devils."
    "Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most." - Buddha
    "Don't look back, you're not going that way."
    "Focus on what you want and how to get it. Not on what others have, they're irrelevant."
    "Do what the **** make you happy, cause in the end, who's there? You."