Mean Girls @ the Gym



  • Branok
    Branok Posts: 47 Member
    Don't pay any attention to them! At the end of the day, you are there for you and only you.
    Maybe, if anything, you should just pity them. What a shame, to know that all they can focus on is someone else. Maybe they need to get their act together and focus on why they're there. If it's for gossip and to make fun of people, go to the mall or something. The gym isn't the place to be judging people.
    If anything, at least rest assured that no matter what, you are getting stronger and building more endurance every day, so the time will come when you'll be able to out-work them all...see who'll be laughing then! Keep up your work girl! Don't let anyone discourage you or make you uncomfortable.
  • sbyrdharre
    sbyrdharre Posts: 1 Member
    Agree with this.
    The more you smile, the happier you are, the more you attract happy people, and the more your irritate those that seek to feel superior over you. There was a woman that I once worked with how saw fault in everything I did. And every morning, I would genuinely smile and say, Good morning! And Good night!

    And after a while, she started genuinely talking to me. And I realized that it was all about competition.

    Stay positive!
    Stay assured.
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    Next time one of them does anything, look them straight in the face and look simultaneously:
    A) puzzled
    B) like you're trying to hold back from laughing & scoffing at them (fake it if you have to).

    People--especially girls who never got out of high school--only act retarded like that because they're trying to make their friends think they're such bad a$$es. If done well, the puzzled look paired with a restrained laugh really screams out "I'm on to you--You're completely ridiculous and I can't understand anything you say--who's the dork now?"

    I'm a firm believer in not ignoring people like this. Very firm believer. People who act like this are children and ignoring is an adult response which in my experience, if they're major witches to begin with (which it sounds as if they are), usually makes things much worse.
  • kennacoconut
    kennacoconut Posts: 62 Member
    They'll eat their words when you complete the program like a boss :)
  • andrea198721
    andrea198721 Posts: 173 Member
    Keep working on yourself and doing what you're doing! Keep up the good work!
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    Sometimes you just gotta cut a betch. True story.
  • Jkmumma
    Jkmumma Posts: 254
    Bring healthy treats for your bootcamp for Halloween.... Put extra calories in theirs.
  • Stay positive, use it as motivation. Nothing would shut them up if you keep working hard and some day come in looking way better than them. Always use positive motivation even with negativity. Losing weight is mostly mental, conquered that and you will win.

    Totally! Show those *****es whose boss. Kick *kitten*!
  • Bring healthy treats for your bootcamp for Halloween.... Put extra calories in theirs.

    I like that idea too ;)
  • AliciaStaton
    AliciaStaton Posts: 328 Member
    Hi like the rest of the comments, dont let these horrible girls stop YOU from reaching their goals. Its not a nice situation but you are there to get fit, no its not nice but obviously they are small petty b*****s
  • reasnableblonde
    reasnableblonde Posts: 212 Member
    In a situation like this, I'd probably channel my inner "naive dingbat" and look at them with wide, innocent eyes and say, "you girls always have the MOST fun in this class, laughing and stuff. How do you do it?" Sort of puts them on the spot to explain themselves and lets them know you're aware but not intimidated.

    Sometimes playing stupid is the smartest thing to do, especially when handling catty women. Good luck!!