what are your trigger foods and how to avoid binging on them



  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    Green olives.
    I can't even cut them up to use as a garnish for anything because I'm popping them in my mouth so fast that soon there's none left to use!
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Too many, Ice cream, cookies, nuts I cannot have just one ounce, pretty much any candy bar. I do not buy any type of candy or nuts as far as ice cream goes well I by it once in a while kids like it and I let them eat most of it and when there is only a serving or two left in the last box then Ill have some.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Mine are things like white bread, pie crust, rice, potatoes and pasta. No chips (or crisps) in any form. I can't do just one serving. Once in my body, they send the call out out for more!

    I just don't eat them. In the last 9 months the only bread I had was sandwich my 84 year old mother made me when I was visiting her last month. It was whole wheat bread and I immediatly drank another bottle after lunch to avoid craving another.
  • laurwillbelovely
    arnotts assorted creams! damn them.
  • kmh0617
    kmh0617 Posts: 51 Member
    At my Whole Foods they make granola there on site - Cherry Almond, Buleberry and Flax with nuts. Chewy, sweet, a little salty and full of whole almonds If that flax granola is in my house, I just can't help eating it. I eat it by the handful, my head in the pantry, directly out of the package. Classy. Now I only buy tiny packages with 2 servings each. Otherwise I get out of control.

    Fresh ground peanut butter (I sometimes get s spoonful right from the container)

    Any cheese snack (Cheez-Its, Pirate's Booty- really any processed cheese cracker or salty treat)
  • cartoonfruit
    muesli, cereal, yoghurt, toast, peanut butter...

    but I only binge if i've been restricting myself too much, stressed, or sad

    so i don't restrict myself, and distract myself from personal problems by reading and writing etc instead
  • Izzwoz
    Izzwoz Posts: 348 Member
    Red Sky bacon and cheese crisps - my supermarket used to do a 2 for 1 deal in it, what a bad idea! Can't have them in the house anymore :-(
  • aallegri
    Bread has always been a trigger food for me. I'm low carbing it, so not having it at all is the only way to go. And I can't ever stop at just one (or a few) tortilla strips. So they just aren't in the house. LOL.

    The other trigger for me is chocolate. I've been using raw cacao nibs in Coconut Manna, and that seems to satisfy the cravings (and is a low carb alternative).
  • nadiacc85

    My sister opened up a pack last night and she shoved a handful towards me and I stayed strong! Just kept thinking 'I don't have the calories!!'

    Great job! I know that must have been hard!!!
  • nadiacc85
    arnotts assorted creams! damn them.

    There is something wrong with those biscuits...even if you don't want them, you eat one and before you know it the whole pack is gone! My husband loves them but never seems to get any more than 2 when the pack is opened...now he only buys the crappy cheap ones so no one else will eat them!!!
  • maz2469
    maz2469 Posts: 67 Member
    i'm loving fish pates at the mo - tuna / mackrel... on brown toast with butter of course!

    Otherwise french bread, cheese, pizza, sweets, wine, cookies, chips (french fried) are all too easy to consume! I love food a lot but I'm finding my self satisfied more easily now. we brought a couple of big sweet bags back from eurodisney 3 weeks ago which are awfully morish - i'm thinking if we eat them now, they'll no longer be in the house, but at 30 kcals a pop it's quite easy to over indulge, although the fact they've lasted this long is an achievement in itself (for us!)!

    Frozen grapes have been a fantastic solution to my sweet tooth cravings by night :)
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    Potato chips/crisps. if I take the bag into the living room, it's all over, I'll finish the whole bag. The only way I can eat them is to count out a serving, put it in a bowl and stash away the remainder. Even then it's touch and go.
  • ChantalFiset
    ChantalFiset Posts: 32 Member
    For me it was chips, once I open a bag, no matter how big it is, I just can't stop. So I've decided to stop for good and it's been 3 years I haven't touched one.

    I have stopped drinking soda at the same time, and the only exception used to be when I had trouble with digestion, I used to drink a few sips of ginger ale, Since I have started using MFP, I haven't needed it cause I eat a lot better now.

    Since I have started using MFP, I haven't had fries... the last trigger food for me... 7 weeks today! But if I ever get a big craving, I will have 4-5 fries, just to say I have satisfied my craving.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    My trigger is anything with refined sugar it - the solution to anything like this is very simple - don't eat any of it at all (not just a little bit)
  • Mveler
    Mveler Posts: 274 Member
    Chips! Chocolate.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    you know those foods that once you start eating you just can't stop ? :) I'm a self proclaimed peanut butter addict. it's soo hard to stop once I open a jar up, it's so yummy. what are yours?

    Scarily high in calories, too. One jar has 1800 calories! But I do like the taste. Something nice about spooning peanut butter into my mouth.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    Chips and salsa- my wife and I ate lunch at Chili's a couple weeks ago and when we ordered they said it would be cheaper if we got the special which came with an appetizer so we got the chips and salsa thinking we would just have a few chips each. The food was so slow we ended up demolishing the entire order of chips and the waitress tried to give us more. Better to just completely avoid them because eating 'a few' is not an option.
  • RawVeganFlirt
    RawVeganFlirt Posts: 189 Member
    anything high fat really, nuts / nut butter / vegan ice cream / fried food / dark chocolate. you name it...
  • sweetbeckymarie
    I don't buy them, sadly. I just cleared out my food supply of anything I eat without control. Cottage cheese, frozen yogurt/ice cream, nuts, cereal, jars of peanut butter, big bags of pretzels, etc. I threw them away and have decided to buy individual portions. I also think I may buy cereal and pre bag it into proper portions..it's far to easy to munch right out of the box! At target and whole foods they carry individual packets of justin's peanut butter which is amazing and walmart carries ind. of pb and co peanut butter. It costs more to buy individual packets of things but if I have no self control then I know it's what I need to do.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Anything sugary.... which includes fruit. I'm a total s-l-u-t for sugar. I indulge here and there but it's just another thing for me to track and watch.