Why do you workout?

I workout because I want to look and feel better. I do it for me and only for me. I do not do it to get more girls, to make a ex jealous, or to look more like someone else. I am here to better myself and be the best me I can possibly be! I do not have a fitness idol, I just want to look in the mirror and like who I am. To live a long healthy life. So why do you workout? Is it for you and your family or is it for superficial reasons? I know I can't stand seeing posts with people comparing themselves to other people.


  • Well said i workout for the same reason
  • dawn2313
    dawn2313 Posts: 125 Member
    well said Jim! same reason, I got sick of being unhappy with how I looked, so I did something about it :)
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    well said Jim! same reason, I got sick of being unhappy with how I looked, so I did something about it :)

    and your doing a amazing job may i just add =)
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    I want to look smoking hot! Shallow and I don't care!
  • I work out because I like to feel strong and in control of my own body. I don't want to feel groggy and weak everyday, working out helps me to feel better about who I am and helps me not to care what other people think of me :)
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    I workout because I have so much more energy when I do, I love how it makes me feel. Also so I can eat more and it gives me a break from the house and the noise. As a stay at home mom I need some time to myself and this is when I get it lol.
  • Gimpdogg
    Gimpdogg Posts: 163 Member
    I want to look smoking hot! Shallow and I don't care!

    I love honesty....i'm a mixture of both to like how I look and let's be honest who doesn't like attention. Lol
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    I work out to look and, most importantly, FEEL better! It helps me have more energy, feel more confident, and sleep better. :) It's also just fun to having something to do and look forward to after work!
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    I workout because I have so much more energy when I do, I love how it makes me feel. Also so I can eat more and it gives me a break from the house and the noise. As a stay at home mom I need some time to myself and this is when I get it lol.

    I could never do home workouts because I need the time outside or in the gym. No kids here but I cant be inside all day.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    I want to look smoking hot! Shallow and I don't care!

    I love honesty....i'm a mixture of both to like how I look and let's be honest who doesn't like attention. Lol

  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    Well said Jim! The same reasons as you! I was so unhappy with myself that it made me unhappy with everything else!

    I still have a ways to go, but I'm glad I made the decision to get healthy..those 74 lbs will never come back! I'm not worried about what others think of me just as long as I'm happy. =D
  • Crisitunity
    Crisitunity Posts: 98 Member
    My health is bad and doctors don't have any answers for me. I work out because I need to know I am doing everything that I possibly can to be healthy.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I just like being a badass. It's not showing off, it's just knowing that I can do things and I'm strong. Yesterday at the end if my hike was a long, probably at least a mile, very steep incline. Everyone was on the side resting and some people were really struggling, and I was almost jogging up the whole thing. I love knowing that I'm strong and I can push hard. That's all. I really don't even care what I look like. That's not why I do it. I do it to be fit and strong.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    1. it's a great stress reliever. (feels good) :happy:
    2. it keeps my cholesterol and blood pressure in check - I have bad genes, so even though I am on the low end of healthy for female body fat and have a healthy BMI (I'm 5'7" and 130 pounds), my numbers go bad when I don't exercise. :sad:
  • Sherylmarlee
    Sherylmarlee Posts: 224 Member
    to prove to myself that I can be a better me than I was yesterday, a stronger me. Working out has become more about navigating the mental challenges as well as the physical ones. I no longer have a comfort zone....anything and everything is possible with the right mindset! Kick your own *kitten* every darn day and learn to love it! You will thank yourself, time and time again!!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    In this order:
    2)To improve athletic performance (i.e. kick people's *kitten*)
    3)To feel good
    4)To Look good
  • dawn2313
    dawn2313 Posts: 125 Member
    well said Jim! same reason, I got sick of being unhappy with how I looked, so I did something about it :)

    and your doing a amazing job may i just add =)

    :) thanks darling! I guess you and all your hard work is rubbin off on me! haha
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    well said Jim! same reason, I got sick of being unhappy with how I looked, so I did something about it :)

    and your doing a amazing job may i just add =)

    :) thanks darling! I guess you and all your hard work is rubbin off on me! haha

    im so not drinking a sf redbull right now ;-) just sayin lol
  • dawn2313
    dawn2313 Posts: 125 Member
    well said Jim! same reason, I got sick of being unhappy with how I looked, so I did something about it :)

    and your doing a amazing job may i just add =)

    :) thanks darling! I guess you and all your hard work is rubbin off on me! haha

    im so not drinking a sf redbull right now ;-) just sayin lol

    JIM we're soulmates, i'm drinking one too! new addiction
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Personally I just want to be strong. I have this inner-athlete that no matter how old I get doesn't seem to go away so it helps fill the void of being physical with something. Plus I want to look great nekid. :)