Here again...will fail again...



    KYBETH Posts: 52
    Hey... not the way to start. Say you are here and you are going to do this. I know you don't think you will but as people befriend you, there is support..Read a blog everyday about how someone has done this. READ self motivation articles. Buy some of those fitness magazines and read the articles. One thing I read today was make a board for yourself. Me.. I just had to go buy new jeans.. Seems last years model was getting ready to fall off. Learn to like yourself. Let us help you do this.. be accountabe to someone else.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    Wow, now that's an inspiring picture and makes me feel really guilty!
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Stop perpetuating that negative self talk. Yes you will fail again if you keep telling yourself you will. You just have to work a bit harder than everybody else to get what you want. You will not fail if you choose not to.
  • SummerBaby93
    You've got a really negative mindset. Keep thinking like that, and you're 100% right. You will fail, and probably epically. A positive attitude will make life a lot easier for you.

    Get some friends involved in your weight loss
    Find an activity you love or enjoy or tolerate at the very least
    Make small, reachable goals rather than HUGE long-term ones
    Don't cut things out, moderate them. (And don't give me this "I can't moderate" malarky. EVERYONE can, unless you have some sort of diagnosed condition from your GP. It's just laziness otherwise.)
    Remember how you felt when you first failed. Gutted, right? Low, sluggish, a quitter... imagine how you COULD feel once you reached your goals? Put yourself in your potential self's shoes and embrace it. Keep that feeling, and let it keep you going.
    And most importantly, DO IT FOR YOURSELF. At the end of the day, everybody only really prioritises how they look themselves or their own health or their own lives, and you should do the same.

    Any little helps. :)
  • jean1058
    jean1058 Posts: 86 Member
    What is PCOS? :embarassed:
  • MikeDaMotivator
    I am trying this again but I have no motivation. I will fail yet again...

    I'm not depressed, I just know me. I was always fit and lean until I got married and had a few medical setbacks, diagnosed with PCOS and all that comes with that.

    I was shocked when I gained 80 lbs in one year and then 30 the next. I have not gained any more weight and I was able to lose 25 but I still see my self thin even though I do in pics see myself as two ton tilly!!!

    I'ts not my fault for gaining the weight but it defiantly is my fault for not loosing it.

    I have very small bones and well, I fractured my bones in my feet yet again from the weight. You think I would learn but nope!

    I wish I had someone to give me my food and help me exercise but I don't and I don't want to be on a TV weight-loss show...

    I'm not a junk food person, I don't like ice-cream and cakes or any sweats, I never have, not even when I was little, I even have to put water in Crystal light because it taste to sweat for me...not even half and half... more water that CL. I love veggies and chicken and all kinds of fish so eating right is not hard for me. My downfall is pasta and exercise....Pasta I will have once a week but always an organic kind like Fiber Gourmet and Miracle Noodles. As far as exercise, I have an extremely high heart rate when resting 105 to 110 and I am scared to push myself for fear of having a stroke or heart attack.

    Any who, I am back and we will see what happens....:tongue:

    With a negative attitude like that you most ceratainly will fail. I wish you a better attitude and best of luck with your attempt.
  • farmwife3815
    farmwife3815 Posts: 326 Member
    I am trying this again but I have no motivation. I will fail yet again...

    Guaranteed to if you've given up before the game even starts.

    Attitude is everything, if you expect failure that's what you'll get; approach this with a positive attitude, an expectation of good results and the resolve to make it happen and it will.

    This. Your mindset is crucial. I started my journey at 450 pounds. I could barley walk from my bedroom to the bathroom. I got tired going grocery shopping. I got sick and tired of being sick and tired. I changed my mind. I've lost 50 pounds. I know I can do this. I AM doing this. You can too. Start researching. Find a water aerobics class. Just move a little more each time. Change YOUR mind. It can be done. I'm living proof.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    What is PCOS? :embarassed:

    polycystic ovarian syndrom
  • JasonsSoulMate
    JasonsSoulMate Posts: 115 Member
    Thank you every one...Attitude is key and mine stinks!!! I think it is because I have a headache and my feet hurt..

    My short term goal is March, lose ever how much I can lose and go with it.

    I think you need to set yourself weekly targets for exercise and weight loss rather than a 'short term goal in March'. PCOS is not a weight sentence, it is very possible to lose large amounts of weight with this. Key factor is upping protein over carbs. Good luck, if you need a friend add me.
  • 2f2bl
    2f2bl Posts: 12
    OK if that is not motivation...I can do it... I can not believe that every ones words really do help me change my attitude, I was about to hobble in the kitchen and get a snack and I realized....if you don't eat enough can that keep you from losing?
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    I'm normally a super supportive person and will give crazy pep talks when people need it, but I'm also a tough love and blunt mofo as well and I'm just coming right out and saying it, if you go looking for something you don't want to find, you're going to find it eventually and in the end, only have yourself to blame.

    YOU are a result of YOUR thoughts, or YOUR expectations, and "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right."

    So cut the crap. You're here. Somewhere deep down inside, you came here because You DO have faith that it will happen, that you WILL get there, because the REAL truth is, if you truly didn't believe at all, you wouldn't have taken ANY action to begin with. So strike that IRON, instead of the anchor's worth that you're letting drag you down by refusing to simply cut ties with it.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I'm a member of a PCOS group here, it was just formed a few days ago. (There are probably others, but it's easy to join groups when they are formed because they pop up as Most Recent Groups or similar.) Anyway, you should join us! It will be a good place to get support from women who also have an extra-hard time shedding the pounds and cannot just focus on calories in, calories out like most people on MFP can.
  • jennibee70
    jennibee70 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Firstly, I do know what you mean. I've lost several stone, several times, and always put it back on. So I did have a moment where I thought "why am I doing this, I'll only be back here in 3 years". But then I realised the reason I put the weight back on was I got complacent. So this time, I'm planning just not to stop, even when I reach my goal weight, I'll stay on here and log my calories to maintain my new fabulous weight!

    Secondly, like others have suggested, I'm all about the mini-goals. Once you meet your first mini-goal, you'll know that you CAN do it! Good luck!
  • Whalebeing
    Hi, I joined a couple of days ago. I must say that I feel you are setting yourself up to fail by telling yourself you will before you really start. Everyone has the ability to lose weight if they really want to and as you have decided to start again I see that as a huge POSITIVE,
    Be the courageous person who's inside and really go for it, I'll be happy to be your friend if you like.
    I've been on every diet there is, but in the last 10 years I have gone from 122 kilos to 88 kilos and I'm still going for it.
    You CAN do it. And there is soooooo much support on here, so much inspiration. Go for it.......I am. X
  • jay1610
    jay1610 Posts: 15 Member
    There are two kinds of people on MFP...Those who reach their goals and lose the weight...and those who don't.:brokenheart:

    o god .. I just had a light bulb moment. :bigsmile:
  • TrinaJ11
    TrinaJ11 Posts: 159 Member
    That attitude is exactly why you WILL fail again. You have no faith in yourself! Every day look in the mirror and say something you love about yourself and one thing you don't like. After it out. 9/10 when you look in the mirror after working out you will be so proud of yourself for pushing through 30-40 minutes of exercise you'd have forgotten what you don't like. Do it every day! I started and am still doing my journey with no friends to talk to and support me. I just don't feel comfortable discussing it with them. In the beginning that's why I struggled but then I realized...I'm doing this for ME! Who cares of no one supports me and I don't have 3957025 people patting me on my back. It's all a mind game and you have to change your mind and get rid of those demons in your conscience that's telling you can't do it...BECAUSE YOU CAN!

    MFP is full of supportive people. WE are here for you. Every step you take.....guess who's there? Your fitness pals. Don't give up :)
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    The mini goals thing is definitely a good way to try to keep yourself motivated. Try some of the daily exercise challenges, or the monthly weight loss challenges (5lb in October/15lb by Christmas etc).
  • thoseblueeyes
    thoseblueeyes Posts: 812 Member
    Having PCOS your health is at risk. I also have PCOS and kind of freaked out what I learned about health risk factors. I knew I did not want to die from those issues. You owe it to yourself to do this for you. If you fail one day so what ! Brush yourself off and pick yourself up and try again. As long as your breathing and keep on starting over you didn't fail. Its when you die thats its to late and then you fail.

    Don't give up keep pushig through daily. You will make it.
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    "As far as exercise, I have an extremely high heart rate when resting 105 to 110 and I am scared to push myself for fear of having a stroke or heart attack".

    You don't have to do to an extreme workout to lose weight. Start with walking, I recommend Leslie Sanson. Check out her site at Most people think that you have to get your heart rate up high to burn a lot of calories and this is just not true, all you have to do is move. Start slow and work your way up. Once you start to get fit you will see your resting heart rate go down and you can slowly increase your workout level. You have to get your mind right first though. You can do this if you don't start out like a banshee and take it slow!
    Good luck to you.