Is 25 too old to be single?



  • banshishi
    banshishi Posts: 197
    You dont need to be married to have kids if you want kids.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    You should not get married:
    *because you are lonely.
    *because you feel incomplete
    * because everyone else around you has a partner
    *because you want to start a family
    *because you want to feel 'normal'
    *because you need help
    *because you want to be taken care of
    *because you want to be needed
    *because you don't know what you are doing and are hoping marriage will give you purpose, or save you. (not saying any/all thse apply to you, just in general....)

    Ideally, you should already feel like a complete person (albeit one whose life is made richer by your relationship). You should be comfortable with yourself. You should be able, and willing and okay with standing on your own. You should be emotionally strong enough to contribute to any relationship (which is true for both platonic, or romantic) as well as, yes, receive from same relationship (don't be only a taker or only a giver). You should be willing to share emotional intimacy, and build trust in your relationship (build with open eyes -- which means the relationship must be built by both sides). And if you don't know what that looks like, you should seek out examples of strong, healthy relationships and think about what a strong healthy relationship would look like for you. There is no time limit or finish line -- it's not a race you want to win based on speed.
  • LAWoman79
    LAWoman79 Posts: 348 Member
    I'll be 33 this month, and I have not married. All of my besties who did btw the ages of 19-24 are all divorced except one. She is still in the process of getting divorced. Wait for the right guy.
  • malicent
    malicent Posts: 127
    Thank you everyone! I clearly have a lot to learn, but a lot of time as well. >:D

    I remember feeling miserable after my breakups, and my friend told me this once:

    "I'd rather be miserable and not in a relationship than being miserable and in a relationship. At least when I'm alone, I only have to worry about myself instead of two people."

    I really liked that perspective, and it always made me feel better if I ever felt lonely or down. Now I'm stronger, but will definitely take a piece of all of your guys' wisdom. Thanks!! :D
  • malicent
    malicent Posts: 127
    Oops. I only assumed you were a female because I know women worry over marriage far more than men (at least in my experience)... MY BAD!

    LOL np!! Happens in public to me too I swear. I usually grunt or put on a deeper voice when I reply. Makes for an epic, awkward moment for them LMAO. But yeah don't worry you weren't the only one here who did that! XD
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    hell no. 25 is too young to be committed to any person.
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    HELL NO, YOU AREN'T TO OLD!! I am 46 years old, never been married. I have been seriously engaged twice. I do have an 18 year old daughter. I am happy with my life. Sometimes I wish I had someone special in my life. But, hasn't been in the cards yet. I have a very busy and fulfilling life.
    I just refuse to be in a relationship just to be in one.
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    oh Man .. I'm 46 years old and hope it's not too late for me! Been divorced for 14 years.. and not much luck with anyone since. So -- I raised my son by myself ... he's 18 now and I'm darn ready to meet someone! LOL I'm not giving up hope that it's too late for me.. I think I still look decent for my age :-) That profile pic of me here was taken last November with my son :happy:
  • country91
    country91 Posts: 77 Member
    you have lots of time. dont rush it. work on you :)
  • Rinkermann
    Rinkermann Posts: 108 Member
    does it matter? i mean, when you meet someone you meet them. im afraid that if you want to speed things up, all you can do is get out there and meet more people. or you could try a dating site, but i cant say i'd do that one myself.
  • TheMommyWifeLife
    TheMommyWifeLife Posts: 194 Member
    A lot of people I know are still single. What I found out and yes it is cliche, but until it happened to me i never believed it. stop looking to be in a relationship or to find that special someone, because they WILL find you!
  • sarahmichelexo
    sarahmichelexo Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 22 and just got out of a 4 year relationship. I have some college under my belt but I definitely am not up to the same level as most of my friends (graduates/graduating soon). I am constantly wondering if I'm too old to do lots of things because a lot of people I know are "ahead" of me.

    Then I remind myself to stop comparing myself to other people. Whats right for you is all that matters!! Don't worry about when you get married, just let it come to you when it's time :)
  • You should not get married:
    *because you are lonely.
    *because you feel incomplete
    * because everyone else around you has a partner
    *because you want to start a family
    *because you want to feel 'normal'
    *because you need help
    *because you want to be taken care of
    *because you want to be needed
    *because you don't know what you are doing and are hoping marriage will give you purpose, or save you. (not saying any/all thse apply to you, just in general....)

    Ideally, you should already feel like a complete person (albeit one whose life is made richer by your relationship). You should be comfortable with yourself. You should be able, and willing and okay with standing on your own. You should be emotionally strong enough to contribute to any relationship (which is true for both platonic, or romantic) as well as, yes, receive from same relationship (don't be only a taker or only a giver). You should be willing to share emotional intimacy, and build trust in your relationship (build with open eyes -- which means the relationship must be built by both sides). And if you don't know what that looks like, you should seek out examples of strong, healthy relationships and think about what a strong healthy relationship would look like for you. There is no time limit or finish line -- it's not a race you want to win based on speed.

    ^^^^THIS. It's fantastic advice.
  • needernt
    needernt Posts: 675 Member
    I am 28 single and never married before.
    I think the is different based on male or female. for a female may better to marry at his age because when a lady rich to 30s there will be less chance to find a favorable man and choices decrease alot.
    There are mant differences between men and women marriage age. You know women get old and loose their freshness sooner than men. and men are looking for ying freshh faces al the time.
  • graveflower316
    graveflower316 Posts: 169 Member
    Oops. I only assumed you were a female because I know women worry over marriage far more than men (at least in my experience)... MY BAD!

    LOL np!! Happens in public to me too I swear. I usually grunt or put on a deeper voice when I reply. Makes for an epic, awkward moment for them LMAO. But yeah don't worry you weren't the only one here who did that! XD

    Your picture is a bit ambiguous, what with the lighting and the angle, but I hear ya. Twice when I was at bars I was asked if I was really a man. They claimed with my height and drinking levels, that I must have been a dude. No.. I'm just a tall semi-alcoholic, damnit! XD
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I don't think 25 is too old at all. I was 25 when I met my husband. My birthday is in Oct (tomorrow actually) and we met in the March, so I was 25.5. I'd had several boyfriends before, but none that I thought i'd be with forever. We got married when I was 30, nearly 31, and now I'm 34 (for one more day lol) and we have 2 children.

    I have plenty of friends my age who aren't married. And also friends who are together and have children but are not married. I don't know about in the US, but in the UK people aren't judgemental about it.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    25 is a great age to be single!!! I met my husband when I was 26 and married him at 27, but I would have been perfectly fine staying single for as long as it took to find the right person. No rush. :flowerforyou:
  • ningggsm
    ningggsm Posts: 202
    Definitely not old at all. I'm 22 now, and am enjoying life as it is. A lot of my closest friends are now married and may have had a child or two, but that does not make me feel any less of a responsible adult than they are. I've been in an out of relationships in the past, that obviously havn't gone well; but we learn from our mistakes and become stronger individuals. When I know I'm ready to get into a relationship again, I'll take that chance. Until that right person comes a long, I am a happy, single woman determined to better myself and take on a healthy lifestyle.

    Getting married and having a family is not a race. There is no time limit or deadline that we must reach to be successful in life. Do things at your own pace, and soon enough- everything will evetually fall into place. :)
  • ferrytrip
    ferrytrip Posts: 497 Member
    The simple answer is "NO", you're doing fine. Be yourself, have fun, make friends, find yourself before becoming part of someone else.
  • katieb63
    katieb63 Posts: 26 Member
    Definitely not, I did not meet my husband until I was 30 and do understand that most of my friends were married or having children by then so I did feel the odd one out. I felt the pressure for a while until I just decided to enjoy life and let whatever would happen happen. I am so glad I did, now 20 years on we are still happy and I am married to my best friend and all those who rushed into marrying young because they thought they should be are now divorced!!

    Enjoy life and do what makes you happy.