Dog lovers...what breed of dog(s) do you have?



  • sammiejo29
    sammiejo29 Posts: 6 Member
    yorkie <3

    OMG i love yorkies!! I have a yorkie fox terrier mix!
  • Labrador Named Milly she's like a big kid spoiled rotten she is...

  • ktmmom189
    ktmmom189 Posts: 132 Member
    Belgium Malinois named Slick. Trust me she is slick getting what she wants haha
  • brokenhonu
    brokenhonu Posts: 21 Member
    I have two labs, a chocolate named Bosco and a black named Paws.
  • jennifersn75
    jennifersn75 Posts: 5 Member
    95 pound goofball of a chocolate lab named Leroy. He's good for hours and hours of exercise every day. When I get home after work and from working out he is not so patiently waiting for his 5km walk...LOL!!
  • randy0987
    randy0987 Posts: 30 Member
    hello i have a chow she is the bomb
  • ambskiii
    ambskiii Posts: 6 Member
    I have a yellow lab, she's a sweetheart. Her name is Bailey, she's gonna be 2. I also have a Cockapoo named Bella who is 3. :) Couldn't ask for anything better.
  • annielaurie88
    annielaurie88 Posts: 86 Member
    I have a Pug named Otis Lee and a teacup chihuahuah named Princess Sophia:)

    i love them SO much!

    they love to go outside on adventures.... my teacup can run SO fast its crazy for how tiny she is! My pug likes short walks since they overheat easily.
  • I have a boxer/pitbull male (3 1/2yrs) Rock, and a Chihuahua female (9 months) Emma. It is a crazy walk if i take both. Emma isnt used to them yet and is hyper as all get Rock is pretty calm and loves the walks. he gets so excited when he sees me grab the leash
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    Pit bull and dachshund....from rescues....water babies, they LOVE the pool!!!

    I also have 2 miniature dachshunds and a boxer/pit mix who was a rescue. I love them like they are my children!
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member

    I want a boxer so bad.

    I have a Boxer named Tyson. He is almost 3. 95lbs of love & fun (picture of him in my profile I'm still not smaer enough to post them in threads). We adopted him at the age of one from a family who was never home. We had a Boxer named Cocoa for 8 years until we had to put her down due to Cancer. (Cancer sucks by the way).
  • I have a Border Terrier named Chip. He looks like Benji. He is 3 1/2 years old. We got him a few months after I had my youngest Son. We love our dog so much, it kills us when he is hurt or sick the same way we feel about our kids.
    Most of the time he is very playful, running and playing, splashing in any kind of water/mud puddle he can get himself into. We are very frequent visitors to the dog park..
  • I have 3 Great Danes. Hurricane, Molly (my foster failure), and my current foster Colt. I was taking them and adding the exercise but lately I haven't been logging it.
  • moniraq
    moniraq Posts: 63 Member
    Two Rat Terriers...Samantha and Cornelius. They're both about 10 years old and they are my babies!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I have a boxer mix. I walk about 90 minutes most days with her and I don't even count that in my exercise on MFP.
  • amez1974
    amez1974 Posts: 213 Member
    We have two dogs-one is a black lab/Shepherd Mix and the other is a Boxer/Rottweiler mix. We have six acres in the country, so they get plenty of exercise on their own. The only time we walk them is when we are camping. They act like it's the coolest thing to be on a leash lol.
  • I have a beautiful Plott Hound named Peyton, she's my profile pic. :) We think she's around 3.5 years old, but aren't sure. We adopted her from a rescue facility who took her from her previous owners because they abused her very badly. Happy to say that she is healthy and happy now though :) I can't imagine not having her around. She helps me exercise by going on long runs too!

    And i also have the most awesome beagle named Fred. He's 10 and still acts like a puppy. I love him so much! He was the first dog we had that was mine all mine! I begged my parents for two whole years before they let me buy him when I was 12.
  • racheljonel
    racheljonel Posts: 400 Member
    jack russell terrier! She is 10 and she is still as crazy and active as she was when she was a puppy. Best dog ever!
  • I have a 1.5 year old Vizsla, Oakley. He is great at finding birds and running all day long!
  • speedracer2007
    speedracer2007 Posts: 53 Member
    LABS ROCK !!!!

    I've had two one black lab/great dane mix & a full bred chocolate ( who just left us 4 months ago). Both were fun, loyal, protective & so intellegent it was scary. I think I grieve more when my dog died than when some people I know have passed. They are great friends.....just wish they'd live much much longer.

    Hope to get a yellow soon.....Please PM me if you have a great Young yellow full bred that needs rescued.